import _ from "lodash"; import { isUsernameValid } from "../utils/validation"; import { updateAuthEmail } from "../utils/auth"; import { checkAndUpdatePb } from "../utils/pb"; import db from "../init/db"; import MonkeyError from "../utils/error"; import { ObjectId } from "mongodb"; class UsersDAO { static async addUser(name, email, uid) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (user) throw new MonkeyError(400, "User document already exists", "addUser"); return await db .collection("users") .insertOne({ name, email, uid, addedAt: }); } static async deleteUser(uid) { return await db.collection("users").deleteOne({ uid }); } static async updateName(uid, name) { if (!this.isNameAvailable(name)) throw new MonkeyError(409, "Username already taken", name); let user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if ( - user.lastNameChange < 2592000000 && isUsernameValid( ) { throw new MonkeyError(409, "You can change your name once every 30 days"); } return await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { name, lastNameChange: } }); } static async clearPb(uid) { return await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { personalBests: {}, lbPersonalBests: {} } }); } static async isNameAvailable(name) { const nameDocs = await db .collection("users") .find({ name }) .collation({ locale: "en", strength: 1 }) .limit(1) .toArray(); if (nameDocs.length !== 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } static async updateQuoteRatings(uid, quoteRatings) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "updateQuoteRatings"); await db.collection("users").updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { quoteRatings } }); return true; } static async updateEmail(uid, email) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "update email"); await updateAuthEmail(uid, email); await db.collection("users").updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { email } }); return true; } static async getUser(uid) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "get user"); return user; } static async isDiscordIdAvailable(discordId) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ discordId }); return _.isNil(user); } static async addTag(uid, name) { let _id = new ObjectId(); await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $push: { tags: { _id, name } } }); return { _id, name, }; } static async getTags(uid) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); // if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "get tags"); return user?.tags ?? []; } static async editTag(uid, _id, name) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "edit tag"); if ( user.tags === undefined || user.tags.filter((t) => t._id == _id).length === 0 ) throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found"); return await db.collection("users").updateOne( { uid: uid, "tags._id": new ObjectId(_id), }, { $set: { "tags.$.name": name } } ); } static async removeTag(uid, _id) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "remove tag"); if ( user.tags === undefined || user.tags.filter((t) => t._id == _id).length === 0 ) throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found"); return await db.collection("users").updateOne( { uid: uid, "tags._id": new ObjectId(_id), }, { $pull: { tags: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) } } } ); } static async removeTagPb(uid, _id) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "remove tag pb"); if ( user.tags === undefined || user.tags.filter((t) => t._id == _id).length === 0 ) throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found"); return await db.collection("users").updateOne( { uid: uid, "tags._id": new ObjectId(_id), }, { $set: { "tags.$.personalBests": {} } } ); } static async updateLbMemory(uid, mode, mode2, language, rank) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "update lb memory"); if (user.lbMemory === undefined) user.lbMemory = {}; if (user.lbMemory[mode] === undefined) user.lbMemory[mode] = {}; if (user.lbMemory[mode][mode2] === undefined) user.lbMemory[mode][mode2] = {}; user.lbMemory[mode][mode2][language] = rank; return await db.collection("users").updateOne( { uid }, { $set: { lbMemory: user.lbMemory }, } ); } static async checkIfPb(uid, user, result) { const { mode, mode2, acc, consistency, difficulty, lazyMode, language, punctuation, rawWpm, wpm, funbox, } = result; if (funbox !== "none" && funbox !== "plus_one" && funbox !== "plus_two") { return false; } if (mode === "quote") { return false; } let lbpb = user.lbPersonalBests; if (!lbpb) lbpb = {}; let pb = checkAndUpdatePb( user.personalBests, lbpb, mode, mode2, acc, consistency, difficulty, lazyMode, language, punctuation, rawWpm, wpm ); if (pb.isPb) { await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { personalBests: pb.obj } }); if (pb.lbObj) { await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { lbPersonalBests: pb.lbObj } }); } return true; } else { return false; } } static async checkIfTagPb(uid, user, result) { if (user.tags === undefined || user.tags.length === 0) { return []; } const { mode, mode2, acc, consistency, difficulty, lazyMode, language, punctuation, rawWpm, wpm, tags, funbox, } = result; if (funbox !== "none" && funbox !== "plus_one" && funbox !== "plus_two") { return []; } if (mode === "quote") { return []; } let tagsToCheck = []; user.tags.forEach((tag) => { tags.forEach((resultTag) => { if (resultTag == tag._id) { tagsToCheck.push(tag); } }); }); let ret = []; tagsToCheck.forEach(async (tag) => { let tagpb = checkAndUpdatePb( tag.personalBests, undefined, mode, mode2, acc, consistency, difficulty, lazyMode, language, punctuation, rawWpm, wpm ); if (tagpb.isPb) { ret.push(tag._id); await db .collection("users") .updateOne( { uid, "tags._id": new ObjectId(tag._id) }, { $set: { "tags.$.personalBests": tagpb.obj } } ); } }); return ret; } static async resetPb(uid) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "reset pb"); return await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { personalBests: {} } }); } static async updateTypingStats(uid, restartCount, timeTyping) { return await db.collection("users").updateOne( { uid }, { $inc: { startedTests: restartCount + 1, completedTests: 1, timeTyping, }, } ); } static async linkDiscord(uid, discordId) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "link discord"); return await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { discordId } }); } static async unlinkDiscord(uid) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "unlink discord"); return await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { discordId: null } }); } static async incrementBananas(uid, wpm) { const user = await db.collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", "increment bananas"); let best60; try { best60 = Math.max(...user.personalBests.time[60].map((best) => best.wpm)); } catch (e) { best60 = undefined; } if (best60 === undefined || wpm >= best60 - best60 * 0.25) { //increment when no record found or wpm is within 25% of the record return await db .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $inc: { bananas: 1 } }); } else { return null; } } static async setApeKeys(uid, apeKeys) { await db.collection("users").updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { apeKeys } }); } } export default UsersDAO;