function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } function addChildCommands( unifiedCommands, commandItem, parentCommandDisplay = "" ) { let commandItemDisplay = commandItem.display.replace(/\s?\.\.\.$/g, ""); if (parentCommandDisplay) commandItemDisplay = parentCommandDisplay + " > " + commandItemDisplay; if (commandItem.subgroup) { try { commandItem.exec(); currentCommandsIndex = currentCommands.length - 1; currentCommands[currentCommandsIndex].list.forEach((cmd) => addChildCommands(unifiedCommands, cmd, commandItemDisplay) ); currentCommands.pop(); } catch (e) {} } else { let tempCommandItem = { ...commandItem }; if (parentCommandDisplay) tempCommandItem.display = commandItemDisplay; unifiedCommands.push(tempCommandItem); } } function generateSingleListOfCommands() { allCommands = []; oldShowCommandLine = showCommandLine; showCommandLine = () => {}; commands.list.forEach((c) => addChildCommands(allCommands, c)); showCommandLine = oldShowCommandLine; return { title: "All Commands", list: allCommands, }; } function isSingleListCommandLineActive() { return $("#commandLine").hasClass("allCommands"); } function useSingleListCommandLine(show = true) { let allCommands = generateSingleListOfCommands(); if (config.singleListCommandLine == "manual") currentCommands.push(allCommands); else if (config.singleListCommandLine == "on") currentCommands = [allCommands]; if (config.singleListCommandLine != "off") $("#commandLine").addClass("allCommands"); if (show) showCommandLine(); } function restoreOldCommandLine(show = true) { if (isSingleListCommandLineActive()) { $("#commandLine").removeClass("allCommands"); currentCommands = currentCommands.filter((l) => l.title != "All Commands"); if (currentCommands.length < 1) currentCommands = [commands]; } if (show) showCommandLine(); } let commands = { title: "", list: [ { id: "togglePunctuation", display: "Toggle punctuation", exec: () => { togglePunctuation(); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeMode", display: "Change mode...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsMode); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeTimeConfig", display: "Change time config...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsTimeConfig); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeWordCount", display: "Change word count...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsWordCount); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeQuoteLength", display: "Change quote length...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsQuoteLengthConfig); showCommandLine(); }, }, { visible: false, id: "changeTags", display: "Change tags...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { updateCommandsTagsList(); currentCommands.push(commandsTags); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeConfidenceMode", display: "Change confidence mode...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsConfidenceMode); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeStopOnError", display: "Change stop on error...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsStopOnError); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeSoundOnClick", display: "Change sound on click...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsSoundOnClick); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "toggleNumbers", display: "Toggle numbers", exec: () => { toggleNumbers(); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "toggleSmoothCaret", display: "Toggle smooth caret", exec: () => { toggleSmoothCaret(); }, }, { id: "toggleQuickTab", display: "Toggle quick tab mode", exec: () => { toggleQuickTabMode(); }, }, { id: "toggleShowLiveWpm", display: "Toggle live wpm display", exec: () => { toggleShowLiveWpm(); saveConfigToCookie(); }, }, { id: "toggleTimerBar", display: "Toggle timer display", exec: () => { toggleShowTimerProgress(); saveConfigToCookie(); }, }, { id: "toggleKeyTips", display: "Toggle keybind tips", exec: () => { toggleKeyTips(); }, }, { id: "toggleFreedom", display: "Toggle freedom mode", exec: () => { toggleFreedomMode(); }, }, { id: "toggleBlindMode", display: "Toggle blind mode", exec: () => { toggleBlindMode(); }, }, { id: "toggleIndicateTypos", display: "Toggle indicate typos", exec: () => { toggleIndicateTypos(); }, }, // { // id: "toggleReadAheadMode", // display: "Toggle read ahead mode", // exec: () => { // toggleReadAheadMode(); // }, // }, { id: "toggleQuickEnd", display: "Toggle quick end", exec: () => { toggleQuickEnd(); }, }, { id: "singleListCommandLine", display: "Single list command line...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsSingleListCommandLine); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changePaceCaret", display: "Change min wpm mode...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsMinWpm); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "togglePlaySoundOnError", display: "Toggle play sound on error", exec: () => { togglePlaySoundOnError(); }, }, { id: "toggleFlipTestColors", display: "Toggle flip test colors", exec: () => { toggleFlipTestColors(); }, }, { id: "toggleSmoothLineScroll", display: "Toggle smooth line scroll", exec: () => { toggleSmoothLineScroll(); }, }, { id: "toggleAlwaysShowDecimalPlaces", display: "Toggle always show decimal places", exec: () => { toggleAlwaysShowDecimalPlaces(); }, }, { id: "toggleAlwaysShowCPM", display: "Toggle always show CPM", exec: () => { toggleAlwaysShowCPM(); }, }, { id: "toggleSwapEscAndTab", display: "Toggle swap esc and tab", exec: () => { toggleSwapEscAndTab(); }, }, { id: "toggleShowAllLines", display: "Toggle show all lines", exec: () => { toggleShowAllLines(); }, }, { id: "toggleColorfulMode", display: "Toggle colorful mode", exec: () => { toggleColorfulMode(); }, }, { id: "toggleShowOutOfFocusWarning", display: "Toggle out of focus warning", exec: () => { toggleShowOutOfFocusWarning(); }, }, { id: "togglePresetCustomTheme", display: "Toggle preset/custom theme", exec: () => { togglePresetCustomTheme(); }, }, { id: "changeDifficulty", display: "Change difficulty...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsDifficulty); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeCaretStyle", display: "Change caret style...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsCaretStyle); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changePaceCaret", display: "Change pace caret mode...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsPaceCaret); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changePaceCaretStyle", display: "Change pace caret style...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsPaceCaretStyle); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeTimerStyle", display: "Change timer/progress style...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsTimerStyle); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeTimerColor", display: "Change timer/progress color...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsTimerColor); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeTimerOpacity", display: "Change timer/progress opacity...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsTimerOpacity); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeHighlightMode", display: "Change highlight mode...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsHighlightMode); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeTheme", display: "Change theme...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsThemes); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeRandomTheme", display: "Change random theme...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsRandomTheme); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeLanguage", display: "Change language...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsLanguages); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeFunbox", display: "Change funbox...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsFunbox); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "toggleCapsLockBackspace", display: "Toggle caps lock backspace", exec: () => { toggleCapsLockBackspace(); }, }, { id: "changeLayout", display: "Change layout...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsLayouts); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "toggleKeymap", display: "Change keymap mode...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsKeymapMode); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeKeymapStyle", display: "Change keymap style...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsKeymapStyle); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeKeymapLayout", display: "Change keymap layout...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsKeymapLayouts); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeFontSize", display: "Change font size...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsFontSize); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changeFontFamily", display: "Change font family...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsFonts); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "changePageWidth", display: "Change page width...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands.push(commandsPageWidth); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "randomiseTheme", display: "Next random theme", exec: () => randomiseTheme(), }, { id: "viewTypingPage", display: "View Typing Page", exec: () => $("#top #menu .icon-button.view-start").click(), }, { id: "viewLeaderboards", display: "View Leaderboards Page", exec: () => $("#top #menu .icon-button.view-leaderboards").click(), }, { id: "viewAbout", display: "View About Page", exec: () => $("#top #menu .icon-button.view-about").click(), }, { id: "viewSettings", display: "View Settings Page", exec: () => $("#top #menu .icon-button.view-settings").click(), }, { id: "viewAccount", display: "View Account Page", exec: () => $("#top #menu .icon-button.view-account").hasClass("hidden") ? $("#top #menu .icon-button.view-login").click() : $("#top #menu .icon-button.view-account").click(), }, { id: "toggleFullscreen", display: "Toggle Fullscreen", exec: () => { toggleFullscreen(); }, }, { id: "bailOut", display: "Bail out...", subgroup: true, visible: false, exec: () => { currentCommands.push({ title: "Are you sure...", list: [ { id: "bailOutNo", display: "Nevermind", exec: () => { hideCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "bailOutForSure", display: "Yes, I am sure", exec: () => { if ( (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount >= 5000) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length >= 5000) || (config.mode === "words" && config.words >= 5000) || config.words === 0 || (config.mode === "time" && (config.time >= 3600 || config.time === 0)) ) { bailout = true; showResult(); } else { showNotification( "You can only bailout out of test longer than 3600 seconds / 5000 words.", 5000 ); } }, }, ], }); showCommandLine(); }, }, { id: "joinDiscord", display: "Join the Discord server", exec: () => {""); }, }, ], }; let commandsPageWidth = { title: "Change page width...", list: [ { id: "setPageWidth100", display: "100", exec: () => { setPageWidth("100"); }, }, { id: "setPageWidth125", display: "125", exec: () => { setPageWidth("125"); }, }, { id: "setPageWidth150", display: "150", exec: () => { setPageWidth("150"); }, }, { id: "setPageWidth200", display: "200", exec: () => { setPageWidth("200"); }, }, { id: "setPageWidthMax", display: "max", exec: () => { setPageWidth("max"); }, }, ], }; let commandsKeymapMode = { title: "Change keymap mode...", list: [ { id: "setKeymapModeOff", display: "off", exec: () => { changeKeymapMode("off"); }, }, { id: "setKeymapModeNext", display: "next", exec: () => { changeKeymapMode("next"); }, }, { id: "setKeymapModeReact", display: "react", exec: () => { changeKeymapMode("react"); }, }, ], }; let commandsSoundOnClick = { title: "Change sound on click...", list: [ { id: "setSoundOnClickOff", display: "off", exec: () => { setPlaySoundOnClick("off"); }, }, { id: "setSoundOnClick1", display: "1", exec: () => { setPlaySoundOnClick("1"); playClickSound(); }, }, { id: "setSoundOnClick2", display: "2", exec: () => { setPlaySoundOnClick("2"); playClickSound(); }, }, { id: "setSoundOnClick3", display: "3", exec: () => { setPlaySoundOnClick("3"); playClickSound(); }, }, { id: "setSoundOnClick4", display: "4", exec: () => { setPlaySoundOnClick("4"); playClickSound(); }, }, ], }; let commandsRandomTheme = { title: "Change random theme...", list: [ { id: "setRandomOff", display: "off", exec: () => { setRandomTheme("off"); }, }, { id: "setRandomOn", display: "on", exec: () => { setRandomTheme("on"); }, }, { id: "setRandomFav", display: "fav", exec: () => { setRandomTheme("fav"); }, }, ], }; let commandsDifficulty = { title: "Change difficulty...", list: [ { id: "setDifficultyNormal", display: "Normal", exec: () => { setDifficulty("normal"); }, }, { id: "setDifficultyExpert", display: "Expert", exec: () => { setDifficulty("expert"); }, }, { id: "setDifficultyMaster", display: "Master", exec: () => { setDifficulty("master"); }, }, ], }; let commandsCaretStyle = { title: "Change caret style...", list: [ { id: "setCaretStyleOff", display: "off", exec: () => { setCaretStyle("off"); }, }, { id: "setCaretStyleDefault", display: "line", exec: () => { setCaretStyle("default"); }, }, { id: "setCaretStyleBlock", display: "block", exec: () => { setCaretStyle("block"); }, }, { id: "setCaretStyleOutline", display: "outline-block", exec: () => { setCaretStyle("outline"); }, }, { id: "setCaretStyleUnderline", display: "underline", exec: () => { setCaretStyle("underline"); }, }, ], }; let commandsPaceCaretStyle = { title: "Change pace caret style...", list: [ { id: "setPaceCaretStyleOff", display: "off", exec: () => { setPaceCaretStyle("off"); }, }, { id: "setPaceCaretStyleDefault", display: "line", exec: () => { setPaceCaretStyle("default"); }, }, { id: "setPaceCaretStyleBlock", display: "block", exec: () => { setPaceCaretStyle("block"); }, }, { id: "setPaceCaretStyleOutline", display: "outline-block", exec: () => { setPaceCaretStyle("outline"); }, }, { id: "setPaceCaretStyleUnderline", display: "underline", exec: () => { setPaceCaretStyle("underline"); }, }, ], }; let commandsPaceCaret = { title: "Change pace caret mode...", list: [ { id: "setPaceCaretOff", display: "off", exec: () => { setPaceCaret("off"); }, }, { id: "setPaceCaretPb", display: "pb", exec: () => { setPaceCaret("pb"); }, }, { id: "setPaceCaretCustom", display: "custom...", input: true, exec: (input) => { setPaceCaretCustomSpeed(input); setPaceCaret("custom"); }, }, // { // id: "setPaceCaretCustomSpeed", // display: "Set custom speed...", // input: true, // exec: (input) => { // console.log(input); // }, // }, ], }; let commandsMinWpm = { title: "Change min wpm mode...", list: [ { id: "setMinWpmOff", display: "off", exec: () => { setMinWpm("off"); }, }, { id: "setMinWpmCustom", display: "custom...", input: true, exec: (input) => { setMinWpmCustomSpeed(input); setMinWpm("custom"); }, }, // { // id: "setPaceCaretCustomSpeed", // display: "Set custom speed...", // input: true, // exec: (input) => { // console.log(input); // }, // }, ], }; let commandsKeymapStyle = { title: "Change keymap style...", list: [ { id: "setKeymapStyleStaggered", display: "staggered", exec: () => { changeKeymapStyle("staggered"); }, }, { id: "setKeymapStyleMatrix", display: "matrix", exec: () => { changeKeymapStyle("matrix"); }, }, { id: "setKeymapStyleSplit", display: "split", exec: () => { changeKeymapStyle("split"); }, }, { id: "setKeymapStyleSplitMatrix", display: "split matrix", exec: () => { changeKeymapStyle("split_matrix"); }, }, ], }; let commandsHighlightMode = { title: "Change highlight mode...", list: [ { id: "setHighlightModeLetter", display: "letter", exec: () => { setHighlightMode("letter"); }, }, { id: "setHighlightModeWord", display: "word", exec: () => { setHighlightMode("word"); }, }, ], }; let commandsAlwaysShowCPM = { title: "Toggle always show cpm...", list: [ { id: "setAlwaysShowCPMTrue", display: true, exec: () => { setAlwaysShowCPM(true); }, }, { id: "setAlwaysShowCPMFalse", display: false, exec: () => { setHighlightMode(false); }, }, ], }; let commandsTimerStyle = { title: "Change timer/progress style...", list: [ { id: "setTimerStyleBar", display: "bar", exec: () => { setTimerStyle("bar"); }, }, { id: "setTimerStyleText", display: "text", exec: () => { setTimerStyle("text"); }, }, { id: "setTimerStyleMini", display: "mini", exec: () => { setTimerStyle("mini"); }, }, ], }; let commandsTimerColor = { title: "Change timer/progress color...", list: [ { id: "setTimerColorBlack", display: "black", exec: () => { setTimerColor("bar"); }, }, { id: "setTimerColorSub", display: "sub", exec: () => { setTimerColor("sub"); }, }, { id: "setTimerColorText", display: "text", exec: () => { setTimerColor("text"); }, }, { id: "setTimerColorMain", display: "main", exec: () => { setTimerColor("main"); }, }, ], }; let commandsSingleListCommandLine = { title: "Single list command line...", list: [ { id: "singleListCommandLineManual", display: "manual", exec: () => { setSingleListCommandLine("manual"); }, }, { id: "singleListCommandLineOn", display: "on", exec: () => { setSingleListCommandLine("on"); }, }, ], }; let commandsTimerOpacity = { title: "Change timer opacity...", list: [ { id: "setTimerOpacity.25", display: ".25", exec: () => { setTimerOpacity(0.25); }, }, { id: "setTimerOpacity.5", display: ".5", exec: () => { setTimerOpacity(0.5); }, }, { id: "setTimerOpacity.75", display: ".75", exec: () => { setTimerOpacity(0.75); }, }, { id: "setTimerOpacity1", display: "1", exec: () => { setTimerOpacity(1); }, }, ], }; let commandsWordCount = { title: "Change word count...", list: [ { id: "changeWordCount10", display: "10", exec: () => { changeWordCount("10"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeWordCount25", display: "25", exec: () => { changeWordCount("25"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeWordCount50", display: "50", exec: () => { changeWordCount("50"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeWordCount100", display: "100", exec: () => { changeWordCount("100"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeWordCount200", display: "200", exec: () => { changeWordCount("200"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeWordCountCustom", display: "custom...", input: true, exec: (input) => { changeWordCount(input); restartTest(); }, }, ], }; let commandsQuoteLengthConfig = { title: "Change quote length...", list: [ { id: "changeQuoteLengthAll", display: "all", exec: () => { changeQuoteLength(-1); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeQuoteLengthShort", display: "short", exec: () => { changeQuoteLength(0); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeQuoteLengthMedium", display: "medium", exec: () => { changeQuoteLength(1); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeQuoteLengthLong", display: "long", exec: () => { changeQuoteLength(2); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeQuoteLengthThicc", display: "thicc", exec: () => { changeQuoteLength(3); restartTest(); }, }, ], }; let commandsMode = { title: "Change mode...", list: [ { id: "changeModeTime", display: "time", exec: () => { changeMode("time"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeModeWords", display: "words", exec: () => { changeMode("words"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeModeQuote", display: "quote", exec: () => { changeMode("quote"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeModeCustom", display: "custom", exec: () => { changeMode("custom"); restartTest(); }, }, ], }; let commandsTimeConfig = { title: "Change time config...", list: [ { id: "changeTimeConfig15", display: "15", exec: () => { changeTimeConfig("15"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeTimeConfig30", display: "30", exec: () => { changeTimeConfig("30"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeTimeConfig60", display: "60", exec: () => { changeTimeConfig("60"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeTimeConfig120", display: "120", exec: () => { changeTimeConfig("120"); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeTimeConfigCustom", display: "custom...", input: true, exec: (input) => { changeTimeConfig(input); restartTest(); }, }, ], }; let commandsConfidenceMode = { title: "Change confidence mode...", list: [ { id: "changeConfidenceModeOff", display: "off", exec: () => { setConfidenceMode("off"); }, }, { id: "changeConfidenceModeOn", display: "on", exec: () => { setConfidenceMode("on"); }, }, { id: "changeConfidenceModeMax", display: "max", exec: () => { setConfidenceMode("max"); }, }, ], }; let commandsStopOnError = { title: "Change stop on error...", list: [ { id: "changeStopOnErrorOff", display: "off", exec: () => { setStopOnError("off"); }, }, { id: "changeStopOnErrorLetter", display: "letter", exec: () => { setStopOnError("letter"); }, }, { id: "changeStopOnErrorWord", display: "word", exec: () => { setStopOnError("word"); }, }, ], }; let commandsFontSize = { title: "Change font size...", list: [ { id: "changeFontSize1", display: "1x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(1); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeFontSize125", display: "1.25x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(125); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeFontSize15", display: "1.5x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(15); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeFontSize2", display: "2x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(2); restartTest(); }, }, { id: "changeFontSize3", display: "3x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(3); restartTest(); }, }, ], }; let commandsTags = { title: "Change tags...", list: [], }; function updateCommandsTagsList() { if (dbSnapshot.tags.length > 0) { commandsTags.list = []; commandsTags.list.push({ id: "clearTags", display: "Clear tags", exec: () => { dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { = false; }); updateTestModesNotice(); saveActiveTagsToCookie(); }, }); dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { let dis =; if ( === true) { dis = '' + dis; } else { dis = '' + dis; } commandsTags.list.push({ id: "toggleTag" +, display: dis, sticky: true, exec: () => { toggleTag(; updateTestModesNotice(); let txt =; if ( === true) { txt = '' + txt; } else { txt = '' + txt; } if (isSingleListCommandLineActive()) { $( `#commandLine .suggestions .entry[command='toggleTag${}']` ).html("Change tags > " + txt); } else { $( `#commandLine .suggestions .entry[command='toggleTag${}']` ).html(txt); } }, }); }); commands.list[4].visible = true; } } getThemesList().then((themes) => { themes.forEach((theme) => { commandsThemes.list.push({ id: "changeTheme" + capitalizeFirstLetter(, display:, " "), hover: () => { previewTheme(; }, exec: () => { setTheme(; }, }); }); }); let commandsFonts = { title: "Change font...", list: [], }; getFontsList().then((fonts) => { fonts.forEach((font) => { commandsFonts.list.push({ id: "changeFont" + /g, "_"), display: font.display !== undefined ? font.display :, hover: () => { previewFontFamily(; }, exec: () => { setFontFamily( /g, "_")); }, }); }); }); let commandsFunbox = { title: "Change funbox...", list: [ { id: "changeFunboxNone", display: "none", exec: () => { if (activateFunbox("none", null)) { restartTest(); } }, }, ], }; getFunboxList().then((funboxes) => { funboxes.forEach((funbox) => { commandsFunbox.list.push({ id: "changeFunbox" +, display:, " "), exec: () => { if (activateFunbox(, funbox.type)) { restartTest(); } }, }); }); }); let commandsThemes = { title: "Change theme...", list: [], }; let commandsLanguages = { title: "Change language...", list: [ { id: "couldnotload", display: "Could not load the languages list :(", }, ], }; // if (getLanguageList().length > 0) { commandsLanguages.list = []; getLanguageList().then((languages) => { languages.forEach((language) => { // if (language === "english_10k") return; commandsLanguages.list.push({ id: "changeLanguage" + capitalizeFirstLetter(language), display: language.replace(/_/g, " "), exec: () => { changeLanguage(language); restartTest(); saveConfigToCookie(); }, }); }); // if (language === "english_expanded") { // commandsLanguages.list.push({ // id: "changeLanguageEnglish10k", // display: "english 10k", // exec: () => { // changeLanguage("english_10k"); // restartTest(); // saveConfigToCookie(); // }, // }); // } }); // } let commandsLayouts = { title: "Change layout...", list: [ { id: "couldnotload", display: "Could not load the layouts list :(", }, ], }; if (Object.keys(layouts).length > 0) { commandsLayouts.list = []; Object.keys(layouts).forEach((layout) => { commandsLayouts.list.push({ id: "changeLayout" + capitalizeFirstLetter(layout), display: layout.replace(/_/g, " "), exec: () => { changeSavedLayout(layout); restartTest(); saveConfigToCookie(); }, }); }); } let commandsKeymapLayouts = { title: "Change keymap layout...", list: [ { id: "couldnotload", display: "Could not load the layouts list :(", }, ], }; if (Object.keys(layouts).length > 0) { commandsKeymapLayouts.list = []; Object.keys(layouts).forEach((layout) => { if (layout.toString() != "default") { commandsKeymapLayouts.list.push({ id: "changeLayout" + capitalizeFirstLetter(layout), display: layout.replace("_", " "), exec: () => { changeKeymapLayout(layout); restartTest(); saveConfigToCookie(); }, }); } }); } $("#commandLine input").keyup((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40 || e.keyCode == 13 || e.code == "Tab") return; updateSuggestedCommands(); }); $(document).ready((e) => { $(document).keydown((event) => { //escape if ( (event.keyCode == 27 && !config.swapEscAndTab) || (event["keyCode"] == 9 && config.swapEscAndTab) ) { event.preventDefault(); if (!$("#leaderboardsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { //maybe add more condition for closing other dialogs in the future as well event.preventDefault(); hideLeaderboards(); return; } else if ($("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { if (config.singleListCommandLine == "on") useSingleListCommandLine(false); else currentCommands = [commands]; showCommandLine(); } else { if (currentCommands.length > 1) { currentCommands.pop(); $("#commandLine").removeClass("allCommands"); showCommandLine(); } else { hideCommandLine(); } setFontFamily(config.fontFamily, true); if (config.customTheme === true) { applyCustomThemeColors(); } else { setTheme(config.theme); } } } }); }); $("#commandInput input").keydown((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 13) { //enter e.preventDefault(); let command = $("#commandInput input").attr("command"); let value = $("#commandInput input").val(); let list = currentCommands[currentCommands.length - 1]; $.each(list.list, (i, obj) => { if ( == command) { obj.exec(value); if (obj.subgroup !== null && obj.subgroup !== undefined) { subgroup = obj.subgroup; } } }); try {"usedCommandLine", { command: command, }); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } hideCommandLine(); } return; }); $("#commandLineWrapper #commandLine .suggestions").on("mouseover", (e) => { $("#commandLineWrapper #commandLine .suggestions .entry").removeClass( "active" ); let hoverId = $("command"); try { let list = currentCommands[currentCommands.length - 1]; $.each(list.list, (index, obj) => { if ( == hoverId) { obj.hover(); } }); } catch (e) {} }); $("#commandLineWrapper #commandLine .suggestions").click((e) => { $(".suggestions .entry").removeClass("activeKeyboard"); triggerCommand($("command")); }); $("#commandLineWrapper").click((e) => { if ($("id") === "commandLineWrapper") { hideCommandLine(); setFontFamily(config.fontFamily, true); if (config.customTheme === true) { applyCustomThemeColors(); } else { setTheme(config.theme, true); } } }); $(document).keydown((e) => { if (isPreviewingTheme) { previewTheme(config.theme, false); } if (!$("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#commandLine input").focus(); if (e.key == ">" && config.singleListCommandLine == "manual") { if (!isSingleListCommandLineActive()) { useSingleListCommandLine(); return; } else if ($("#commandLine input").val() == ">") { //so that it will ignore succeeding ">" when input is already ">" e.preventDefault(); return; } } if ( e.keyCode == 8 && $("#commandLine input").val().length == 1 && config.singleListCommandLine == "manual" && isSingleListCommandLineActive() ) restoreOldCommandLine(); if (e.keyCode == 13) { //enter e.preventDefault(); let command = $(".suggestions .entry.activeKeyboard").attr("command"); triggerCommand(command); return; } if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40 || e.code == "Tab") { e.preventDefault(); $("#commandLineWrapper #commandLine .suggestions .entry").unbind( "mouseenter mouseleave" ); let entries = $(".suggestions .entry"); let activenum = -1; let hoverId; $.each(entries, (index, obj) => { if ($(obj).hasClass("activeKeyboard")) activenum = index; }); if (e.keyCode == 38 || (e.code == "Tab" && e.shiftKey)) { entries.removeClass("activeKeyboard"); if (activenum == 0) { $(entries[entries.length - 1]).addClass("activeKeyboard"); hoverId = $(entries[entries.length - 1]).attr("command"); } else { $(entries[--activenum]).addClass("activeKeyboard"); hoverId = $(entries[activenum]).attr("command"); } } if (e.keyCode == 40 || (e.code == "Tab" && !e.shiftKey)) { entries.removeClass("activeKeyboard"); if (activenum + 1 == entries.length) { $(entries[0]).addClass("activeKeyboard"); hoverId = $(entries[0]).attr("command"); } else { $(entries[++activenum]).addClass("activeKeyboard"); hoverId = $(entries[activenum]).attr("command"); } } try { let scroll = Math.abs( $(".suggestions").offset().top - $(".entry.activeKeyboard").offset().top - $(".suggestions").scrollTop() ) - $(".suggestions").outerHeight() / 2 + $($(".entry")[0]).outerHeight(); $(".suggestions").scrollTop(scroll); } catch (e) { console.log("could not scroll suggestions: " + e.message); } // console.log(`scrolling to ${scroll}`); try { let list = currentCommands[currentCommands.length - 1]; $.each(list.list, (index, obj) => { if ( == hoverId) { obj.hover(); } }); } catch (e) {} return false; } } }); let currentCommands = [commands]; function triggerCommand(command) { let subgroup = false; let input = false; let list = currentCommands[currentCommands.length - 1]; let sticky = false; $.each(list.list, (i, obj) => { if ( == command) { if (obj.input) { input = true; showCommandInput(, obj.display); } else { obj.exec(); if (obj.subgroup !== null && obj.subgroup !== undefined) { subgroup = obj.subgroup; } if (obj.sticky === true) { sticky = true; } } } }); if (!subgroup && !input && !sticky) { try {"usedCommandLine", { command: command, }); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } hideCommandLine(); } } function hideCommandLine() { $("#commandLineWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 100, () => { $("#commandLineWrapper").addClass("hidden"); $("#commandLine").removeClass("allCommands"); focusWords(); } ); focusWords(); } function showCommandLine() { setFocus(false); $("#commandLine").removeClass("hidden"); $("#commandInput").addClass("hidden"); if ($("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#commandLineWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate( { opacity: 1, }, 100 ); } $("#commandLine input").val(""); updateSuggestedCommands(); $("#commandLine input").focus(); } function showCommandInput(command, placeholder) { $("#commandLineWrapper").removeClass("hidden"); $("#commandLine").addClass("hidden"); $("#commandInput").removeClass("hidden"); $("#commandInput input").attr("placeholder", placeholder); $("#commandInput input").val(""); $("#commandInput input").focus(); $("#commandInput input").attr("command", ""); $("#commandInput input").attr("command", command); } function updateSuggestedCommands() { let inputVal = $("#commandLine input") .val() .toLowerCase() .split(" ") .filter((s, i) => s || i == 0); //remove empty entries after first let list = currentCommands[currentCommands.length - 1]; if ( inputVal[0] === "" && config.singleListCommandLine === "on" && currentCommands.length === 1 ) { $.each(list.list, (index, obj) => { obj.found = false; }); displayFoundCommands(); return; } //ignore the preceeding ">"s in the command line input if (inputVal[0] && inputVal[0][0] == ">") inputVal[0] = inputVal[0].replace(/^>+/, ""); if (inputVal[0] == "" && inputVal.length == 1) { $.each(list.list, (index, obj) => { if (obj.visible !== false) obj.found = true; }); } else { $.each(list.list, (index, obj) => { let foundcount = 0; $.each(inputVal, (index2, obj2) => { if (obj2 == "") return; let re = new RegExp("\\b" + obj2, "g"); let res = obj.display.toLowerCase().match(re); if (res != null && res.length > 0) { foundcount++; } else { foundcount--; } }); if (foundcount > 0) { obj.found = true; } else { obj.found = false; } }); } displayFoundCommands(); } function displayFoundCommands() { $("#commandLine .suggestions").empty(); let list = currentCommands[currentCommands.length - 1]; $.each(list.list, (index, obj) => { if (obj.found) { $("#commandLine .suggestions").append( '