# Contributing ## Project Setup 1. [Create a new Firebase project. ](https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/) - The project name doesn't really matter, but just name it `monkey-type`. - Google Analytics is not necessary. 2. [Install the Firebase CLI](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli) 3. Run `firebase login` on your terminal to log in to the same google account as you just used to create the project. 4. Git clone this project. 5. Rename `.firebaserc_example` to `.firebaserc` and change the project name of default to the firebase project id you just created. - If `.firebaserc_example` does not exist after cloning, create your own with: ```.firebaserc { "projects": { "default": "your-firebase-project-id", } } ``` - Run `firebase projects:list` to find your firebase project id. 6. Run `firebase serve` to start a local server on port 5000. Use ctrl+c to stop it. - Run `firebase use default` if you run into any errors for this. ## Standards & Conventions 1. Use a SCSS compiler, and make sure that a `style.mis.css` file is generated in the same directory as the `style.scss`. For VSCode I recommend `Easy Sass` extension by Wojciech Sura. After installing it, to configure it: - Navigate to the VSCode settings, `Extensions` section and find `Easy Sass configuration` - Under the `Formats` group click `edit in settings.json` - Make sure this the code looks like this: ```json "easysass.formats": [ { "format": "compressed", "extension": ".min.css" } ], ``` *This will make sure that only a minified file is generated.* -Finally, using the command palete (`ctrl/cmd + shift + p`), use the `Compile all SCSS/SASS files in the project` option. You only need to do this once. After this the files will be compiled on save. 2. Install [Prettier](https://prettier.io/docs/en/install.html). Its a code formatter, and it will make sure that we avoid any whitespace or formatting issues when merging code. ## Questions If you run into any problems, let [me](https://github.com/Miodec) know.