const staticCacheName = "sw-cache-2022-1-21-15-29-32"; caches.keys().then(function (names) { for (let name of names) { if (name !== staticCacheName) caches.delete(name); } }); self.addEventListener("install", (event) => { event.waitUntil( => { // Cache the base file(s) return cache.add("/"); }) ); }); self.addEventListener("fetch", async (event) => { const host = new URL(event.request.url).host; if ( [ "", "localhost:5000", "localhost:5005", "", "", "", ].includes(host) || host.endsWith("") ) { // if hostname is a non-static api, fetch request event.respondWith(fetch(event.request)); } else { // Otherwise, assume host is serving a static file, check cache and add response to cache if not found event.respondWith( caches.match(event.request).then(async (response) => { // Check if request in cache if (response) { // if response was found in the cache, send from cache return response; } else { // if response was not found in cache fetch from server, cache it and send it response = await fetch(event.request); return => { cache.put(event.request.url, response.clone()); return response; }); } }) ); } });