function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } let commands = { title: "", list: [ { id: "togglePunctuation", display: "Toggle punctuation", exec: () => { togglePunctuation(); restartTest(); } }, { id: "toggleSmoothCaret", display: "Toggle smooth caret", exec: () => { toggleSmoothCaret(); } }, { id: "toggleQuickTab", display: "Toggle quick tab mode", exec: () => { toggleQuickTabMode(); } }, { id: "toggleShowLiveWpm", display: "Toggle live wpm display", exec: () => { config.showLiveWpm = !config.showLiveWpm; saveConfigToCookie(); } }, { id: "toggleKeyTips", display: "Toggle keybind tips", exec: () => { toggleKeyTips(); } }, { id: "changeTheme", display: "Change theme...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsThemes; showCommandLine(); } }, { id: "changeLanguage", display: "Change language...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsLanguages; showCommandLine(); } }, { id: "changeFontSize", display: "Change font size...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsFontSize; showCommandLine(); } }, { id: "changeMode", display: "Change mode...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsMode; showCommandLine(); } }, { id: "changeTimeConfig", display: "Change time config...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsTimeConfig; showCommandLine(); } }, { id: "changeWordCount", display: "Change word count...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsWordCount; showCommandLine(); } }, { id: "sendDevMessage", display: "Send a message ( bug report / feature request / feedback )...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsSendDevMessage; showCommandLine(); } } ] }; let commandsSendDevMessage = { title: "Send a message...", list: [ { id: "sendBugReport", display: "Bug report", input: true, exec: (txt) => { db_addEmailToQueue('bug', txt); } }, { id: "sendFeatureRequest", display: "Feature request", input: true, exec: (txt) => { db_addEmailToQueue('feature', txt); } }, { id: "sendFeedback", display: "Other feedback", input: true, exec: (txt) => { db_addEmailToQueue('feedback', txt); } } ] } let commandsWordCount = { title: "Change word count...", list: [ { id: "changeWordCount10", display: "10", exec: () => { changeWordCount("10"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeWordCount25", display: "25", exec: () => { changeWordCount("25"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeWordCount50", display: "50", exec: () => { changeWordCount("50"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeWordCount100", display: "100", exec: () => { changeWordCount("100"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeWordCount200", display: "200", exec: () => { changeWordCount("200"); restartTest(); } } ] }; let commandsMode = { title: "Change mode...", list: [ { id: "changeModeTime", display: "time", exec: () => { changeMode("time"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeModeWords", display: "words", exec: () => { changeMode("words"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeModeCustom", display: "custom", exec: () => { changeMode("custom"); restartTest(); } } ] }; let commandsTimeConfig = { title: "Change time config...", list: [ { id: "changeTimeConfig15", display: "15", exec: () => { changeTimeConfig("15"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeTimeConfig30", display: "30", exec: () => { changeTimeConfig("30"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeTimeConfig60", display: "60", exec: () => { changeTimeConfig("60"); restartTest(); } }, { id: "changeTimeConfig120", display: "120", exec: () => { changeTimeConfig("120"); restartTest(); } } ] }; let commandsFontSize = { title: "Change font size...", list: [ { id: "changeFontSize1", display: "1x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(1) } }, { id: "changeFontSize125", display: "1.25x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(125) } }, { id: "changeFontSize15", display: "1.5x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(15) } }, { id: "changeFontSize2", display: "2x", exec: () => { changeFontSize(2) } } ] }; let themesList; $.getJSON("themes/list.json", function(data) { commandsThemes.list = []; themesList = data.sort(); data.forEach(theme => { commandsThemes.list.push({ id: "changeTheme" + capitalizeFirstLetter(theme), display: theme.replace('_',' '), hover: () => { previewTheme(theme); }, exec: () => { setTheme(theme); saveConfigToCookie(); } }) }) }); let commandsThemes = { title: "Change theme...", list: [ { id: "couldnotload", display: "Could not load the themes list :(" } ] }; let commandsLanguages = { title: "Change language...", list: [ { id: "couldnotload", display: "Could not load the languages list :(" } ] }; if (Object.keys(words).length > 0) { commandsLanguages.list = []; Object.keys(words).forEach(language => { commandsLanguages.list.push({ id: "changeLanguage" + capitalizeFirstLetter(language), display: language.replace('_', ' '), exec: () => { changeLanguage(language); restartTest(); saveConfigToCookie(); } }) }) } $("#commandLine input").keyup((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40 || e.keyCode == 13) return; updateSuggestedCommands(); }); $(document).ready(e => { $(document).keydown((event) => { //escape if (event.keyCode == 27) { if ($("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { currentCommands = commands; showCommandLine(); } else { hideCommandLine(); setTheme(config.theme); } } }) }) $("#commandInput textarea").keydown((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 13 && e.shiftKey) { //enter e.preventDefault(); let command = $("#commandInput textarea").attr("command"); let value = $("#commandInput textarea").val(); $.each(currentCommands.list, (i, obj) => { if ( == command) { obj.exec(value); if (obj.subgroup !== null && obj.subgroup !== undefined) { subgroup = obj.subgroup; } } }); try{'usedCommandLine', { command: command }); }catch(e){ console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } hideCommandLine(); } return; }); $("#commandLine input").keydown((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 13) { //enter e.preventDefault(); let command = $(".suggestions").attr("command"); let subgroup = false; let input = false; $.each(currentCommands.list, (i, obj) => { if ( == command) { if (obj.input) { input = true; showCommandInput(, obj.display); } else { obj.exec(); if (obj.subgroup !== null && obj.subgroup !== undefined) { subgroup = obj.subgroup; } } } }); if (!subgroup && !input) { try{'usedCommandLine', { command: command }); }catch(e){ console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } hideCommandLine(); } return; } if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40) { //up let entries = $(".suggestions .entry"); let activenum = -1; let hoverId; $.each(entries, (index, obj) => { if ($(obj).hasClass("active")) activenum = index; }); if (e.keyCode == 38) { entries.removeClass("active"); if (activenum == 0) { $(entries[entries.length - 1]).addClass("active"); hoverId = $(entries[entries.length - 1]).attr('command'); } else { $(entries[--activenum]).addClass("active"); hoverId = $(entries[activenum]).attr('command'); } } if (e.keyCode == 40) { entries.removeClass("active"); if (activenum + 1 == entries.length) { $(entries[0]).addClass("active"); hoverId = $(entries[0]).attr('command'); } else { $(entries[++activenum]).addClass("active"); hoverId = $(entries[activenum]).attr('command'); } } try { $.each(currentCommands.list, (index, obj) => { if ( == hoverId) { obj.hover(); } }); } catch (e) { } return false; } }); function hideCommandLine() { $("#commandLineWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0 }, 100, () => { $("#commandLineWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); focusWords(); } function showCommandLine() { $("#commandLine").removeClass('hidden'); $("#commandInput").addClass('hidden'); if ($("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#commandLineWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate( { opacity: 1 }, 100 ); } $("#commandLine input").val(""); updateSuggestedCommands(); $("#commandLine input").focus(); } function showCommandInput(command, placeholder) { $("#commandLineWrapper").removeClass('hidden'); $("#commandLine").addClass('hidden'); $("#commandInput").removeClass('hidden'); $("#commandInput textarea").attr('placeholder', placeholder); $("#commandInput textarea").val(''); $("#commandInput textarea").focus(); $("#commandInput textarea").attr('command', ''); $("#commandInput textarea").attr('command', command); } function updateSuggestedCommands() { let inputVal = $("#commandLine input").val().toLowerCase().split(" "); if (inputVal[0] == "") { $.each(currentCommands.list, (index, obj) => { obj.found = true; }); } else { $.each(currentCommands.list, (index, obj) => { let foundcount = 0; $.each(inputVal, (index2, obj2) => { if (obj2 == "") return; let re = new RegExp("\\b"+obj2, "g"); let res = obj.display.toLowerCase().match(re); if (res != null && res.length > 0) { foundcount++; } else { foundcount--; } }); if (foundcount > 0) { obj.found = true; } else { obj.found = false; } }); } displayFoundCommands(); } function displayFoundCommands() { $("#commandLine .suggestions").empty(); $.each(currentCommands.list, (index, obj) => { if (obj.found) { $("#commandLine .suggestions").append( '