require("dotenv").config(); const express = require("express"); const bodyParser = require("body-parser"); const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); const bcrypt = require("bcrypt"); const saltRounds = 10; const { User } = require("./usermodel"); // MIDDLEWARE & SETUP const app = express(); const { Schema } = mongoose; const port = process.env.PORT || "5000"; //let dbConn = mongodb.MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/monkeytype'); mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/monkeytype", { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, }); app.use(express.static(__dirname + "/dist")); app.use(bodyParser.json()); function authenticateToken(req, res, next) { const authHeader = req.headers["authorization"]; const token = authHeader && authHeader.split(" ")[1]; if (token == null) return res.sendStatus(401); jwt.verify(token, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, (err, identity) => { if (err) return res.sendStatus(403); =; next(); }); } // NON-ROUTE FUNCTIONS function validateResult(result) { if (result.wpm > result.rawWpm) { console.error( `Could not validate result for ${result.uid}. ${result.wpm} > ${result.rawWpm}` ); return false; } let wpm = roundTo2((result.correctChars * (60 / result.testDuration)) / 5); if ( wpm < result.wpm - result.wpm * 0.01 || wpm > result.wpm + result.wpm * 0.01 ) { console.error( `Could not validate result for ${result.uid}. wpm ${wpm} != ${result.wpm}` ); return false; } // if (result.allChars != undefined) { // let raw = roundTo2((result.allChars * (60 / result.testDuration)) / 5); // if ( // raw < result.rawWpm - result.rawWpm * 0.01 || // raw > result.rawWpm + result.rawWpm * 0.01 // ) { // console.error( // `Could not validate result for ${result.uid}. raw ${raw} != ${result.rawWpm}` // ); // return false; // } // } if (result.mode === "time" && (result.mode2 === 15 || result.mode2 === 60)) { let keyPressTimeSum = result.keySpacing.reduce((total, val) => { return total + val; }) / 1000; if ( keyPressTimeSum < result.testDuration - 1 || keyPressTimeSum > result.testDuration + 1 ) { console.error( `Could not validate key spacing sum for ${result.uid}. ${keyPressTimeSum} !~ ${result.testDuration}` ); return false; } if ( result.testDuration < result.mode2 - 1 || result.testDuration > result.mode2 + 1 ) { console.error( `Could not validate test duration for ${result.uid}. ${result.testDuration} !~ ${result.mode2}` ); return false; } } if (result.chartData.raw !== undefined) { if (result.chartData.raw.filter((w) => w > 350).length > 0) return false; } if (result.wpm > 100 && result.consistency < 10) return false; return true; } function roundTo2(num) { return Math.round((num + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100; } async function checkIfPB(uid, obj, userdata) { let pbs = null; if (obj.mode == "quote") { return false; } if (obj.funbox !== "none") { return false; } try { pbs = userdata.personalBests; if (pbs === undefined) { throw new Error("pb is undefined"); } } catch (e) { User.findOne({ _id: uid }, (err, user) => { user.personalBests = { [obj.mode]: { [obj.mode2]: [ { language: obj.language, difficulty: obj.difficulty, punctuation: obj.punctuation, wpm: obj.wpm, acc: obj.acc, raw: obj.rawWpm, timestamp:, consistency: obj.consistency, }, ], }, }; }).then(() => { return true; }); } // //check mode, mode2, punctuation, language and difficulty let toUpdate = false; let found = false; try { if (pbs[obj.mode][obj.mode2] === undefined) { pbs[obj.mode][obj.mode2] = []; } pbs[obj.mode][obj.mode2].forEach((pb) => { if ( pb.punctuation === obj.punctuation && pb.difficulty === obj.difficulty && pb.language === obj.language ) { //entry like this already exists, compare wpm found = true; if (pb.wpm < obj.wpm) { //new pb pb.wpm = obj.wpm; pb.acc = obj.acc; pb.raw = obj.rawWpm; pb.timestamp =; pb.consistency = obj.consistency; toUpdate = true; } else { //no pb return false; } } }); //checked all pbs, nothing found - meaning this is a new pb if (!found) { pbs[obj.mode][obj.mode2].push({ language: obj.language, difficulty: obj.difficulty, punctuation: obj.punctuation, wpm: obj.wpm, acc: obj.acc, raw: obj.rawWpm, timestamp:, consistency: obj.consistency, }); toUpdate = true; } } catch (e) { // console.log(e); pbs[obj.mode] = {}; pbs[obj.mode][obj.mode2] = [ { language: obj.language, difficulty: obj.difficulty, punctuation: obj.punctuation, wpm: obj.wpm, acc: obj.acc, raw: obj.rawWpm, timestamp:, consistency: obj.consistency, }, ]; toUpdate = true; } if (toUpdate) { User.findOne({ _id: uid }, (err, user) => { user.personalBests = pbs;; }); return true; } else { return false; } } async function checkIfTagPB(uid, obj, userdata) { //Add functionality before release return true; } async function stripAndSave(uid, obj) { if (obj.bailedOut === false) delete obj.bailedOut; if (obj.blindMode === false) delete obj.blindMode; if (obj.difficulty === "normal") delete obj.difficulty; if (obj.funbox === "none") delete obj.funbox; //stripping english causes issues in result filtering; this line: //let langFilter = ResultFilters.getFilter("language", result.language); //returns false if language isn't defined in result //if (obj.language === "english") delete obj.language; if (obj.numbers === false) delete obj.numbers; if (obj.punctuation === false) delete obj.punctuation; await User.findOne({ _id: uid }, (err, user) => { user.results.push(obj);; }); } function incrementT60Bananas(uid, result, userData) { try { let best60; try { best60 = Math.max( ...userData.personalBests.time[60].map((best) => best.wpm) ); if (!Number.isFinite(best60)) { throw "Not finite"; } } catch (e) { best60 = undefined; } if (best60 != undefined && result.wpm < best60 - best60 * 0.25) { // console.log("returning"); return; } else { //increment // console.log("checking"); User.findOne({ _id: uid }, (err, user) => { if (user.bananas === undefined) { user.bananas.t60bananas = 1; } else { user.bananas.t60bananas += 1; }; }); } } catch (e) { console.log( "something went wrong when trying to increment bananas " + e.message ); } } async function incrementGlobalTypingStats(userData, resultObj) { let userGlobalStats = userData.globalStats; try { let newStarted; let newCompleted; let newTime; let tt = 0; let afk = resultObj.afkDuration; if (afk == undefined) { afk = 0; } tt = resultObj.testDuration + resultObj.incompleteTestSeconds - afk; if (tt > 500) console.log( `FUCK, INCREASING BY A LOT ${resultObj.uid}: ${JSON.stringify( resultObj )}` ); if (userGlobalStats.started === undefined) { newStarted = resultObj.restartCount + 1; } else { newStarted = userGlobalStats.started + resultObj.restartCount + 1; } if (userGlobalStats.completed === undefined) { newCompleted = 1; } else { newCompleted = userGlobalStats.completed + 1; } if (userGlobalStats.time === undefined) { newTime = tt; } else { newTime = userGlobalStats.time + tt; } // db.collection("users") // .doc(uid) // .update({ // startedTests: newStarted, // completedTests: newCompleted, // timeTyping: roundTo2(newTime), // }); incrementPublicTypingStats(resultObj.restartCount + 1, 1, tt); User.findOne({ name: }, (err, user) => { user.globalStats = { started: newStarted, completed: newCompleted, time: roundTo2(newTime), };; }); } catch (e) { console.error(`Error while incrementing stats for user ${uid}: ${e}`); } } async function incrementPublicTypingStats(started, completed, time) { //maybe this should be added to analytics //analytics should be able to track usage over time and show a graph /* try { time = roundTo2(time); db.collection("public") .doc("stats") .update({ completedTests: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(completed), startedTests: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(started), timeTyping: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(time), }); } catch (e) { console.error(`Error while incrementing public stats: ${e}`); } */ } // API"/api/updateName", (req, res) => { //this might be a put/patch request //update the name of user with given uid const uid = req.body.uid; const name =; });"/api/sendEmailVerification", (req, res) => { const uid = req.body.uid; //Add send Email verification code here //should be a seperate sendEmailVerification function that can be called from sign up as well res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/signIn", (req, res) => { /* Takes email and password */ //Login and send tokens User.findOne({ email: }, (err, user) => { if (err) res.status(500).send({ error: err }); if (user == null) { res.status(500).send({ error: "No user found with that email" }); }, user.password, (err, result) => { if (err) res.status(500).send({ error: "Error during password validation" }); if (result) { //if password matches hash const accessToken = jwt.sign( { name: }, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET ); const refreshToken = jwt.sign( { name: }, process.env.REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET ); user.refreshTokens.push(refreshToken);; const retUser = { uid: user._id, displayName:, email:, emailVerified: user.emailVerified, metadata: { creationTime: user.createdAt }, }; res.json({ accessToken: accessToken, refreshToken: refreshToken, user: retUser, }); } else { //if password doesn't match hash res.status(500).send({ error: "Password invalid" }); } }); }); });"/api/signUp", (req, res) => { /* Takes name, email, password */ //check if name has been taken User.exists({ name: }).then((exists) => { //should also check if email is used if (exists) { //user with that name already exists res.status(500).send({ error: "Username taken" }); } bcrypt.hash(req.body.password, saltRounds, function (err, hash) { if (err) console.log(err); const newuser = new User({ name:, email:, emailVerified: false, password: hash, }); newuser .save() .then((user) => { //send email verification //add account created event to analytics //return user data and access token const accessToken = jwt.sign( { name: }, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET ); const refreshToken = jwt.sign( { name: }, process.env.REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET ); user.refreshTokens.push(refreshToken);; const retUser = { uid: user._id, displayName:, email:, emailVerified: user.emailVerified, metadata: { creationTime: user.createdAt }, }; res.json({ accessToken: accessToken, refreshToken: refreshToken, user: retUser, }); }) .catch((e) => { console.log(e); res.status(500).send({ error: "Error when adding user" }); }); }); }); });"/api/refreshToken", (req, res) => { const authHeader = req.headers["authorization"]; const token = authHeader && authHeader.split(" ")[1]; if (token == null) return res.sendStatus(401); jwt.verify(token, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, (err, identity) => { if (err) return res.sendStatus(403); User.findOne({ name: }, (err, user) => { if (!user.refreshTokens.includes(token)) return res.sendStatus(403); const accessToken = jwt.sign( { name: }, process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET ); res.json({ accessToken: accessToken }); }); }); });"/api/passwordReset", (req, res) => { const email =; //send email to the passed email requesting password reset res.sendStatus(200); }); app.get("/api/fetchSnapshot", authenticateToken, (req, res) => { /* Takes token and returns snap */ User.findOne({ name: }, (err, user) => { if (err) res.status(500).send({ error: err }); //populate snap object with data from user document let snap = user; delete snap.password; //return user data res.json({ snap: snap }); }); });"/api/testCompleted", authenticateToken, (req, res) => { //return createdId //return user data //this is actually REALLY hard User.findOne({ name: }, (err, user) => { if (err) res.status(500).send({ error: err }); request = req.body; request.uid = user._id; if (request === undefined) { res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -999 } }); return; } try { if (request.uid === undefined || request.obj === undefined) { console.error(`error saving result for - missing input`); res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -999 } }); return; } let obj = request.obj; if (obj.incompleteTestSeconds > 500) console.log( `FUCK, HIGH INCOMPLETE TEST SECONDS ${request.uid}: ${JSON.stringify( obj )}` ); function verifyValue(val) { let errCount = 0; if (val === null || val === undefined) { } else if (Array.isArray(val)) { //array val.forEach((val2) => { errCount += verifyValue(val2); }); } else if (typeof val === "object" && !Array.isArray(val)) { //object Object.keys(val).forEach((valkey) => { errCount += verifyValue(val[valkey]); }); } else { if (!/^[0-9a-zA-Z._\-\+]+$/.test(val)) errCount++; } return errCount; } let errCount = verifyValue(obj); if (errCount > 0) { console.error( `error saving result for ${ request.uid } error count ${errCount} - bad input - ${JSON.stringify( request.obj )}` ); res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -1 } }); return; } if ( obj.wpm <= 0 || obj.wpm > 350 || obj.acc < 50 || obj.acc > 100 || obj.consistency > 100 ) { res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -1 } }); return; } if ( (obj.mode === "time" && obj.mode2 < 15 && obj.mode2 > 0) || (obj.mode === "time" && obj.mode2 == 0 && obj.testDuration < 15) || (obj.mode === "words" && obj.mode2 < 10 && obj.mode2 > 0) || (obj.mode === "words" && obj.mode2 == 0 && obj.testDuration < 15) || (obj.mode === "custom" && obj.customText !== undefined && !obj.customText.isWordRandom && !obj.customText.isTimeRandom && obj.customText.textLen < 10) || (obj.mode === "custom" && obj.customText !== undefined && obj.customText.isWordRandom && !obj.customText.isTimeRandom && obj.customText.word < 10) || (obj.mode === "custom" && obj.customText !== undefined && !obj.customText.isWordRandom && obj.customText.isTimeRandom && obj.customText.time < 15) ) { res .status(200) .send({ data: { resultCode: -5, message: "Test too short" } }); return; } if (!validateResult(obj)) { if ( obj.bailedOut && ((obj.mode === "time" && obj.mode2 >= 3600) || (obj.mode === "words" && obj.mode2 >= 5000) || obj.mode === "custom") ) { //dont give an error } else { res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -4 } }); return; } } let keySpacing = null; let keyDuration = null; try { keySpacing = { average: obj.keySpacing.reduce( (previous, current) => (current += previous) ) / obj.keySpacing.length, sd: stdDev(obj.keySpacing), }; keyDuration = { average: obj.keyDuration.reduce( (previous, current) => (current += previous) ) / obj.keyDuration.length, sd: stdDev(obj.keyDuration), }; } catch (e) { console.error( `cant verify key spacing or duration for user ${request.uid}! - ${e} - ${obj.keySpacing} ${obj.keyDuration}` ); } obj.keySpacingStats = keySpacing; obj.keyDurationStats = keyDuration; if (obj.mode == "time" && (obj.mode2 == 15 || obj.mode2 == 60)) { } else { obj.keySpacing = "removed"; obj.keyDuration = "removed"; } // emailVerified = await admin // .auth() // .getUser(request.uid) // .then((user) => { // return user.emailVerified; // }); // emailVerified = true; // if (obj.funbox === "nospace") { // res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -1 } }); // return; // } //user.results.push() let userdata = user; let name = === undefined ? false :; let banned = userdata.banned === undefined ? false : userdata.banned; let verified = userdata.verified; = name; //check keyspacing and duration here if (obj.mode === "time" && obj.wpm > 130 && obj.testDuration < 122) { if (verified === false || verified === undefined) { if (keySpacing !== null && keyDuration !== null) { if ( <= 15 || <= 10 || keyDuration.average < 15 || (obj.wpm > 200 && obj.consistency < 70) ) { console.error( `possible bot detected by user (${obj.wpm} ${obj.rawWpm} ${ obj.acc }) ${request.uid} ${name} - spacing ${JSON.stringify( keySpacing )} duration ${JSON.stringify(keyDuration)}` ); res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -2 } }); return; } if ( ( > 15 && <= 25) || ( > 10 && <= 15) || (keyDuration.average > 15 && keyDuration.average <= 20) ) { console.error( `very close to bot detected threshold by user (${obj.wpm} ${ obj.rawWpm } ${obj.acc}) ${request.uid} ${name} - spacing ${JSON.stringify( keySpacing )} duration ${JSON.stringify(keyDuration)}` ); } } else { res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -3 } }); return; } } } //yeet the key data obj.keySpacing = null; obj.keyDuration = null; try { obj.keyDurationStats.average = roundTo2(obj.keyDurationStats.average); = roundTo2(; obj.keySpacingStats.average = roundTo2(obj.keySpacingStats.average); = roundTo2(; } catch (e) {} // return db // .collection(`users/${request.uid}/results`) // .add(obj) // .then((e) => { // let createdDocId =; return Promise.all([ // checkLeaderboards( // request.obj, // "global", // banned, // name, // verified, // emailVerified // ), // checkLeaderboards( // request.obj, // "daily", // banned, // name, // verified, // emailVerified // ), checkIfPB(request.uid, request.obj, userdata), checkIfTagPB(request.uid, request.obj), ]) .then(async (values) => { // let globallb = values[0].insertedAt; // let dailylb = values[1].insertedAt; let ispb = values[0]; let tagPbs = values[1]; // console.log(values); if (obj.mode === "time" && String(obj.mode2) === "60") { incrementT60Bananas(request.uid, obj, userdata); } await incrementGlobalTypingStats(userdata, obj); let returnobj = { resultCode: null, // globalLeaderboard: globallb, // dailyLeaderboard: dailylb, // lbBanned: banned, name: name, needsToVerify: values[0].needsToVerify, needsToVerifyEmail: values[0].needsToVerifyEmail, tagPbs: tagPbs, }; if (ispb) { let logobj = request.obj; logobj.keySpacing = "removed"; logobj.keyDuration = "removed"; console.log( `saved result for ${request.uid} (new PB) - ${JSON.stringify( logobj )}` ); /* User.findOne({ name: }, (err, user2) => { console.log(user2.results[user2.results.length-1]) console.log(user2.results[user2.results.length-1]).isPb user2.results[user2.results.length-1].isPb = true;; }) */ request.obj.isPb = true; if ( obj.mode === "time" && String(obj.mode2) === "60" && userdata.discordId !== null && userdata.discordId !== undefined ) { if (verified !== false) { console.log( `sending command to the bot to update the role for user ${request.uid} with wpm ${obj.wpm}` ); updateDiscordRole(userdata.discordId, Math.round(obj.wpm)); } } returnobj.resultCode = 2; } else { let logobj = request.obj; logobj.keySpacing = "removed"; logobj.keyDuration = "removed"; request.obj.isPb = false; console.log( `saved result for ${request.uid} - ${JSON.stringify(logobj)}` ); returnobj.resultCode = 1; } stripAndSave(request.uid, request.obj); res.status(200).send({ data: returnobj }); return; }) .catch((e) => { console.error( `error saving result when checking for PB / checking leaderboards for ${request.uid} - ${e.message}` ); res .status(200) .send({ data: { resultCode: -999, message: e.message } }); return; }); } catch (e) { console.error( `error saving result for ${request.uid} - ${JSON.stringify( request.obj )} - ${e}` ); res.status(200).send({ data: { resultCode: -999, message: e.message } }); return; } }); }); app.get("/api/userResults", authenticateToken, (req, res) => { User.findOne({ name: }, (err, user) => { if (err) res.status(500).send({ error: err }); }); //return list of results res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/saveConfig", (req, res) => { const config = req.body.config; //parse config object to prevent errors //save passed config object to database }); // ANALYTICS API function newAnalyticsEvent() {}"/api/analytics/usedCommandLine", (req, res) => { //save command used from command line to analytics const command = req.body.command; res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/analytics/changedLanguage", (req, res) => { //save what a user changed their language to const language = req.body.language; res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/analytics/changedTheme", (req, res) => { //save what a user changed their theme to const theme = req.body.theme; res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/analytics/testStarted", (req, res) => { //log that a test was started res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/analytics/testStartedNoLogin", (req, res) => { //log that a test was started without login res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/analytics/testCompleted", (req, res) => { //log that a test was completed const completedEvent = req.body.completedEvent; res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/analytics/testCompletedNoLogin", (req, res) => { //log that a test was completed and user was not logged in const completedEvent = req.body.completedEvent; res.sendStatus(200); });"/api/analytics/testCompletedInvalid", (req, res) => { //log that a test was completed and is invalid const completedEvent = req.body.completedEvent; res.sendStatus(200); }); // STATIC FILES app.get("/privacy-policy", (req, res) => { res.sendFile(__dirname + "/dist/privacy-policy.html"); }); app.use((req, res, next) => { //sends index.html if the route is not found above res.sendFile(__dirname + "/dist/index.html"); }); // LISTENER app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Listening to requests on http://localhost:${port}`); });