let wordsList = []; let currentWordIndex = 0; let currentWordElementIndex = 0; let inputHistory = []; let correctedHistory = []; let currentCorrected = ""; let currentInput = ""; let time = 0; let timers = []; let testActive = false; let testStart, testEnd; let wpmHistory = []; let rawHistory = []; let restartCount = 0; let incompleteTestSeconds = 0; let currentTestLine = 0; let pageTransition = false; let lineTransition = false; let keypressPerSecond = []; let currentKeypressCount = 0; let errorsPerSecond = []; let currentErrorCount = 0; let resultVisible = false; let activeWordTopBeforeJump = 0; let activeWordTop = 0; let activeWordJumped = false; let sameWordset = false; let quotes = []; let focusState = false; let activeFunBox = "none"; let manualRestart = false; let bailout = false; let themeColors = { bg: "#323437", main: "#e2b714", caret: "#e2b714", sub: "#646669", text: "#d1d0c5", error: "#ca4754", errorExtra: "#7e2a33", colorfulError: "#ca4754", colorfulErrorExtra: "#7e2a33", }; let accuracyStats = { correct: 0, incorrect: 0, }; let keypressStats = { spacing: { current: -1, array: [], }, duration: { current: -1, array: [], }, }; let customText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".split(" "); let customTextIsRandom = false; let customTextWordCount = 1; let randomQuote = null; const testCompleted = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("testCompleted"); const addTag = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("addTag"); const editTag = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("editTag"); const removeTag = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("removeTag"); const updateResultTags = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("updateResultTags"); const saveConfig = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("saveConfig"); const generatePairingCode = firebase .functions() .httpsCallable("generatePairingCode"); function refreshThemeColorObject() { let st = getComputedStyle(document.body); themeColors.bg = st.getPropertyValue("--bg-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.main = st.getPropertyValue("--main-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.caret = st.getPropertyValue("--caret-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.sub = st.getPropertyValue("--sub-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.text = st.getPropertyValue("--text-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.error = st.getPropertyValue("--error-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.errorExtra = st .getPropertyValue("--error-extra-color") .replace(" ", ""); themeColors.colorfulError = st .getPropertyValue("--colorful-error-color") .replace(" ", ""); themeColors.colorfulErrorExtra = st .getPropertyValue("--colorful-error-extra-color") .replace(" ", ""); } function copyResultToClipboard() { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1) { showNotification("Sorry, this feature is not supported in Firefox", 4000); } else { $(".pageTest .ssWatermark").removeClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .buttons").addClass("hidden"); let src = $("#middle"); var sourceX = src.position().left; /*X position from div#target*/ var sourceY = src.position().top; /*Y position from div#target*/ var sourceWidth = src.width(); /*clientWidth/offsetWidth from div#target*/ var sourceHeight = src.height(); /*clientHeight/offsetHeight from div#target*/ try { html2canvas(document.body, { backgroundColor: themeColors.bg, height: sourceHeight + 50, width: sourceWidth + 50, x: sourceX - 25, y: sourceY - 25, }).then(function (canvas) { // document.body.appendChild(canvas); canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { navigator.clipboard .write([ new ClipboardItem( Object.defineProperty({}, blob.type, { value: blob, enumerable: true, }) ), ]) .then((f) => { showNotification("Copied to clipboard", 1000); $(".pageTest .ssWatermark").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .buttons").removeClass("hidden"); }) .catch((f) => { showNotification("Error saving image to clipboard", 2000); $(".pageTest .ssWatermark").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .buttons").removeClass("hidden"); }); }); }); } catch (e) { showNotification("Error creating image", 2000); $(".pageTest .ssWatermark").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .buttons").removeClass("hidden"); } } } function activateFunbox(funbox, mode) { if (testActive || resultVisible) { showNotification( "You can only change the funbox before starting a test.", 4000 ); return false; } $("#funBoxTheme").attr("href", ``); if (funbox === "none") { activeFunBox = "none"; } if (mode === "style") { if (funbox != undefined) { $("#funBoxTheme").attr("href", `funbox/${funbox}.css`); activeFunBox = funbox; } if (funbox === "simon_says") { settingsGroups.keymapMode.updateButton(); restartTest(); } } else if (mode === "script") { if (funbox === "tts") { $("#funBoxTheme").attr("href", `funbox/simon_says.css`); config.keymapMode = "off"; settingsGroups.keymapMode.updateButton(); restartTest(); } else if (funbox === "layoutfluid") { config.keymapMode = "on"; changeKeymapMode("next"); settingsGroups.keymapMode.updateButton(); changeLayout("qwerty"); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); changeKeymapLayout("qwerty"); settingsGroups.keymapLayout.updateButton(); restartTest(); } activeFunBox = funbox; } updateTestModesNotice(); return true; } function toggleScriptFunbox(...params) { if (activeFunBox === "tts") { var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); // var voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); // msg.voice = voices[0]; // msg.volume = 1; // From 0 to 1 // msg.rate = 1; // From 0.1 to 10 msg.text = params[0]; msg.lang = "en-US"; window.speechSynthesis.cancel(); window.speechSynthesis.speak(msg); } } function verifyUsername() { // test = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('moveResults') // test2 = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('getNames') // test3 = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('checkNameAvailability') const check = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("checkIfNeedsToChangeName"); check({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid }).then((data) => { if (data.data === 1) { $(".nameChangeMessage").slideDown(); } else if (data.data === 2) { $(".nameChangeMessage").slideDown(); } }); $(".nameChangeMessage").click((e) => { alert(`Im currently preparing the system to be ready for leaderboards and other awesome features - it looks like you need to change your display name. It either contains special characters, or your display name is the same as someone elses and your account was made later. Sorry for this inconvenience. `); let newName = prompt( "Please provide a new username - you can use lowercase and uppercase characters, numbers and one of these special characters ( . _ - ). The new name cannot be longer than 12 characters.", firebase.auth().currentUser.displayName ); if (newName) { cn = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("changeName"); cn({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, name: newName }).then((d) => { if (d.data === 1) { //all good alert("Thanks! All good."); location.reload(); $(".nameChangeMessage").slideUp(); } else if (d.data === 0) { //invalid or unavailable alert("Name invalid or taken. Try again."); } else if (d.data === -1) { //error alert("Unknown error. Contact Miodec on Discord."); } }); } }); } function getuid() { console.error("Only share this uid with Miodec and nobody else!"); console.log(firebase.auth().currentUser.uid); console.error("Only share this uid with Miodec and nobody else!"); } function setFocus(foc) { if (foc && !focusState) { focusState = true; stopCaretAnimation(); $("#top").addClass("focus"); $("#bottom").addClass("focus"); $("body").css("cursor", "none"); $("#middle").addClass("focus"); } else if (!foc && focusState) { focusState = false; startCaretAnimation(); $("#top").removeClass("focus"); $("#bottom").removeClass("focus"); $("body").css("cursor", "default"); $("#middle").removeClass("focus"); } } function initWords() { testActive = false; wordsList = []; currentWordIndex = 0; currentWordElementIndex = 0; accuracyStats = { correct: 0, incorrect: 0, }; inputHistory = []; correctedHistory = []; currentCorrected = ""; currentInput = ""; let language = words[config.language]; if (language === undefined && config.language === "english_10k") { showBackgroundLoader(); $.ajax({ url: "js/english_10k.json", async: false, success: function (data) { hideBackgroundLoader(); words["english_10k"] = data; language = words[config.language]; }, }); } if (config.mode === "quote" && quotes.length == 0) { showBackgroundLoader(); $.ajax({ url: "js/english_quotes.json", async: false, success: function (data) { hideBackgroundLoader(); quotes = data; }, }); } if (language == undefined || language == []) { config.language = "english"; language = words[config.language]; } if ( config.mode == "time" || config.mode == "words" || config.mode == "custom" ) { // let wordsBound = config.mode == "time" ? 60 : config.words; let wordsBound = 60; if (config.showAllLines) { if (config.mode === "custom") { if (customTextIsRandom) { wordsBound = customTextWordCount; } else { wordsBound = customText.length; } } else if (config.mode != "time") { wordsBound = config.words; } } else { if (config.mode === "words" && config.words < wordsBound) { wordsBound = config.words; } if ( config.mode == "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < wordsBound ) { wordsBound = customTextWordCount; } if ( config.mode == "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < wordsBound ) { wordsBound = customText.length; } } let wordset = language; if (config.mode == "custom") { wordset = customText; } for (let i = 0; i < wordsBound; i++) { randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; previousWord = wordsList[i - 1]; previousWord2 = wordsList[i - 2]; if (config.mode == "custom" && wordset.length < 3 && customTextIsRandom) { randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; } else if (config.mode == "custom" && !customTextIsRandom) { randomWord = customText[i]; } else { while ( randomWord == previousWord || randomWord == previousWord2 || (!config.punctuation && randomWord == "I") || randomWord.indexOf(" ") > -1 ) { randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; } } if (activeFunBox === "rAnDoMcAsE") { let randomcaseword = ""; for (let i = 0; i < randomWord.length; i++) { if (i % 2 != 0) { randomcaseword += randomWord[i].toUpperCase(); } else { randomcaseword += randomWord[i]; } } randomWord = randomcaseword; } else if (activeFunBox === "gibberish") { randomWord = getGibberish(); } else if (activeFunBox === "58008") { setPunctuation(false); randomWord = getNumbers(); } else if (activeFunBox === "specials") { setPunctuation(false); randomWord = getSpecials(); } if (config.punctuation && config.mode != "custom") { randomWord = punctuateWord(previousWord, randomWord, i, wordsBound); } wordsList.push(randomWord); } } else if (config.mode == "quote") { randomQuote = quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)]; let w = randomQuote.text.trim().split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < w.length; i++) { wordsList.push(w[i]); } } showWords(); } function emulateLayout(event) { if (config.layout == "default" || event.key === " ") return event; const qwertyMasterLayout = { Backquote: "`~", Digit1: "1!", Digit2: "2@", Digit3: "3#", Digit4: "4$", Digit5: "5%", Digit6: "6^", Digit7: "7&", Digit8: "8*", Digit9: "9(", Digit0: "0)", Minus: "-_", Equal: "=+", KeyQ: "qQ", KeyW: "wW", KeyE: "eE", KeyR: "rR", KeyT: "tT", KeyY: "yY", KeyU: "uU", KeyI: "iI", KeyO: "oO", KeyP: "pP", BracketLeft: "[{", BracketRight: "]}", KeyA: "aA", KeyS: "sS", KeyD: "dD", KeyF: "fF", KeyG: "gG", KeyH: "hH", KeyJ: "jJ", KeyK: "kK", KeyL: "lL", Semicolon: ";:", Quote: "'\"", Backslash: "\\|", KeyZ: "zZ", KeyX: "xX", KeyC: "cC", KeyV: "vV", KeyB: "bB", KeyN: "nN", KeyM: "mM", Comma: ",<", Period: ".>", Slash: "/?", Space: " ", }; let layoutMap = layouts[config.layout]; let qwertyMap = layouts["qwerty"]; let qwertyKey = qwertyMasterLayout[event.code]; let mapIndex; let newKey; let shift = event.shiftKey ? 1 : 0; for (let i = 0; i < qwertyMap.length; i++) { const key = qwertyMap[i]; let keyIndex = key.indexOf(qwertyKey); if (keyIndex != -1) { mapIndex = i; } } if (!shift && /[A-Z]/gm.test(event.key)) { shift = 1; } newKey = layoutMap[mapIndex][shift]; event.keyCode = newKey.charCodeAt(0); event.charCode = newKey.charCodeAt(0); event.which = newKey.charCodeAt(0); event.key = newKey; event.code = "Key" + newKey.toUpperCase(); return event; } function punctuateWord(previousWord, currentWord, index, maxindex) { let word = currentWord; if ( index == 0 || getLastChar(previousWord) == "." || getLastChar(previousWord) == "?" || getLastChar(previousWord) == "!" ) { //always capitalise the first word or if there was a dot word = capitalizeFirstLetter(word); } else if ( //10% chance to end a sentence (Math.random() < 0.1 && getLastChar(previousWord) != "." && index != maxindex - 2) || index == maxindex - 1 ) { let rand = Math.random(); if (rand <= 0.8) { word += "."; } else if (rand > 0.8 && rand < 0.9) { word += "?"; } else { word += "!"; } } else if ( Math.random() < 0.01 && getLastChar(previousWord) != "," && getLastChar(previousWord) != "." ) { //1% chance to add quotes word = `"${word}"`; } else if (Math.random() < 0.01) { //1% chance to add a colon word = word + ":"; } else if ( Math.random() < 0.01 && getLastChar(previousWord) != "," && getLastChar(previousWord) != "." && previousWord != "-" ) { //1% chance to add a dash word = "-"; } else if (Math.random() < 0.2 && getLastChar(previousWord) != ",") { //2% chance to add a comma word += ","; } return word; } function addWord() { if ( !config.showAllLines && (wordsList.length - inputHistory.length > 60 || (config.mode === "words" && wordsList.length >= config.words) || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && wordsList.length >= customTextWordCount) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && wordsList.length >= customText.length)) ) return; let language = words[config.language]; if (config.mode == "custom") { language = customText; } let randomWord = language[Math.floor(Math.random() * language.length)]; previousWord = wordsList[wordsList.length - 1]; previousWordStripped = previousWord.replace(/[.?!":\-,]/g, "").toLowerCase(); previousWord2Stripped = wordsList[wordsList.length - 2] .replace(/[.?!":\-,]/g, "") .toLowerCase(); if (config.mode == "custom" && customTextIsRandom && language.length < 3) { randomWord = language[Math.floor(Math.random() * language.length)]; } else if (config.mode == "custom" && !customTextIsRandom) { randomWord = customText[wordsList.length]; } else { while ( previousWordStripped == randomWord || previousWord2Stripped == randomWord || randomWord.indexOf(" ") > -1 || (!config.punctuation && randomWord == "I") ) { randomWord = language[Math.floor(Math.random() * language.length)]; } } if (config.punctuation && config.mode != "custom") { randomWord = punctuateWord(previousWord, randomWord, wordsList.length, 0); } if (activeFunBox === "gibberish") { randomWord = getGibberish(); } if (activeFunBox === "58008") { randomWord = getNumbers(); } if (activeFunBox === "specials") { randomWord = getSpecials(); } wordsList.push(randomWord); let w = "
"; for (let c = 0; c < randomWord.length; c++) { w += "" + randomWord.charAt(c) + ""; } w += "
"; $("#words").append(w); } function showWords() { $("#words").empty(); for (let i = 0; i < wordsList.length; i++) { let w = "
"; for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { w += "" + wordsList[i].charAt(c) + ""; } w += "
"; $("#words").append(w); } $("#wordsWrapper").removeClass("hidden"); if (config.showAllLines && config.mode != "time") { $("#words").css("height", "auto"); $("#wordsWrapper").css("height", "auto"); } else { const wordHeight = $(document.querySelector(".word")).outerHeight(true); $("#words") .css("height", wordHeight * 4 + "px") .css("overflow", "hidden"); $("#wordsWrapper") .css("height", wordHeight * 3 + "px") .css("overflow", "hidden"); } var currentKey = wordsList[currentWordIndex] .substring(currentInput.length, currentInput.length + 1) .toString() .toUpperCase(); if (config.keymapMode === "next") { updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); } function updateActiveElement() { let active = document.querySelector("#words .active"); if (active !== null) { active.classList.remove("active"); } // $("#words .word").removeClass("active"); // $($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex]).addClass("active").removeClass("error"); // document.querySelectorAll("#words .word")[currentWordIndex].classList.add("active"); try { let activeWord = document.querySelectorAll("#words .word")[ currentWordElementIndex ]; activeWord.classList.add("active"); activeWord.classList.remove("error"); // activeWordTop = $("#words .word.active").position().top; activeWordTop = document.querySelector("#words .active").offsetTop; // updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } catch (e) {} toggleScriptFunbox(wordsList[currentWordIndex]); } function compareInput(showError) { // let wrdAtIndex = $("#words .word")[wrdIndex]; let input = currentInput; let wordAtIndex; let currentWord; wordAtIndex = document.querySelector("#words .word.active"); currentWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex]; // while (wordAtIndex.firstChild) { // wordAtIndex.removeChild(wordAtIndex.firstChild); // } let ret = ""; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if (currentWord[i] == input[i]) { ret += '' + currentWord[i] + ""; // $(letterElems[i]).removeClass('incorrect').addClass('correct'); } else { if (config.difficulty == "master") { if (!resultVisible) { inputHistory.push(currentInput); correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); document .querySelector("#words .word.active") .setAttribute("input", currentInput); showResult(true); } let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; } if (!showError) { if (currentWord[i] == undefined) { // ret += '' + input[i] + ""; } else { ret += '' + currentWord[i] + ""; } } else { if (currentWord[i] == undefined) { ret += '' + input[i] + ""; } else { ret += '' + currentWord[i] + ""; } } } } if (input.length < currentWord.length) { for (let i = input.length; i < currentWord.length; i++) { ret += "" + currentWord[i] + ""; } } wordAtIndex.innerHTML = ret; let lastindex = currentWordIndex; if ( (currentWord == input || (config.quickEnd && currentWord.length == input.length)) && lastindex == wordsList.length - 1 ) { inputHistory.push(input); currentInput = ""; correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); currentCorrected = ""; //last character typed, show result if (!resultVisible) { if (keypressPerSecond.length === 0) { keypressPerSecond.push(currentKeypressCount); } showResult(); } } // liveWPM() } function highlightBadWord(index, showError) { if (!showError) return; $($("#words .word")[index]).addClass("error"); } function showTimer() { let op = config.showTimerProgress ? config.timerOpacity : 0; if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { // let op = 0.25; // if ( // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerSub") || // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerText") || // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerMain") // ) { // op = 1; // } $("#timerWrapper").stop(true, true).removeClass("hidden").animate( { opacity: op, }, 250 ); } else if (config.timerStyle === "text") { // let op = 0.25; // if ( // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerSub") || // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerText") || // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerMain") // ) { // op = 1; // } $("#timerNumber").stop(true, true).removeClass("hidden").animate( { opacity: op, }, 250 ); } } function hideTimer() { if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { $("#timerWrapper").stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125 ); } else if (config.timerStyle === "text") { $("#timerNumber").stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125 ); } } function changeTimerColor(color) { $("#timer").removeClass("timerSub"); $("#timer").removeClass("timerText"); $("#timer").removeClass("timerMain"); $("#timerNumber").removeClass("timerSub"); $("#timerNumber").removeClass("timerText"); $("#timerNumber").removeClass("timerMain"); $("#liveWpm").removeClass("timerSub"); $("#liveWpm").removeClass("timerText"); $("#liveWpm").removeClass("timerMain"); if (color === "main") { $("#timer").addClass("timerMain"); $("#timerNumber").addClass("timerMain"); $("#liveWpm").addClass("timerMain"); } else if (color === "sub") { $("#timer").addClass("timerSub"); $("#timerNumber").addClass("timerSub"); $("#liveWpm").addClass("timerSub"); } else if (color === "text") { $("#timer").addClass("timerText"); $("#timerNumber").addClass("timerText"); $("#liveWpm").addClass("timerText"); } } function restartTimer() { if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { if (config.mode === "time") { $("#timer").stop(true, true).animate( { width: "100vw", }, 0 ); } else if (config.mode === "words" || config.mode === "custom") { $("#timer").stop(true, true).animate( { width: "0vw", }, 0 ); } } } function updateTimer() { if (!config.showTimerProgress) return; if (config.mode === "time") { if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { let percent = 100 - ((time + 1) / config.time) * 100; $("#timer") .stop(true, true) .animate( { width: percent + "vw", }, 1000, "linear" ); } else if (config.timerStyle === "text") { // var displayTime = new Date(null); // displayTime.setSeconds(config.time - time); // displayTime = displayTime.toISOString().substr(11, 8); // while ( // displayTime.substr(0, 2) == "00" || // displayTime[0] == ":" || // (displayTime.length == 2 && displayTime[0] == "0") // ) { // if (displayTime.substr(0, 2) == "00") { // displayTime = displayTime.substr(3); // } else { // displayTime = displayTime.substr(1); // } // } let displayTime = secondsToString(config.time - time); $("#timerNumber").html(displayTime); // $("#timerNumber").html(config.time - time); } } else if ( config.mode === "words" || config.mode === "custom" || config.mode === "quote" ) { if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { let outof = wordsList.length; if (config.mode === "words") { outof = config.words; } if (config.mode === "custom") { if (customTextIsRandom) { outof = customTextWordCount; } else { outof = customText.length; } } let percent = Math.floor(((currentWordIndex + 1) / outof) * 100); $("#timer") .stop(true, true) .animate( { width: percent + "vw", }, 250 ); } else if (config.timerStyle === "text") { let outof = wordsList.length; if (config.mode === "words") { outof = config.words; } if (config.mode === "custom") { if (customTextIsRandom) { outof = customTextWordCount; } else { outof = customText.length; } } $("#timerNumber").html(`${inputHistory.length}/${outof}`); // $("#timerNumber").html(config.time - time); } } } function hideCaret() { $("#caret").addClass("hidden"); } function showCaret() { if ($("#result").hasClass("hidden")) { updateCaretPosition(); $("#caret").removeClass("hidden"); startCaretAnimation(); } } function stopCaretAnimation() { $("#caret").css("animation-name", "none"); $("#caret").css("opacity", "1"); } function startCaretAnimation() { $("#caret").css("animation-name", "caretFlash"); } function hideKeymap() { $(".keymap").addClass("hidden"); } function showKeymap() { $(".keymap").removeClass("hidden"); } function flashPressedKeymapKey(key, correct) { // return; // $(`#${key}`).css("animation", "none").removeClass("flash").addClass("flash"); // setTimeout((f) => { // $(`#${key}`).removeClass("flash"); // }, 1000); // from { // color: var(--bg-color); // background-color: var(--main-color); // border-color: var(--main-color); // } // to { // color: var(--sub-color); // background-color: var(--bg-color); // border-color: var(--sub-color); // } let errorColor; if (config.colorfulMode) { errorColor = themeColors.colorfulError; } else { errorColor = themeColors.error; } switch (key) { case "\\": case "|": key = "#KeyBackslash"; break; case "}": case "]": key = "#KeyRightBracket"; break; case "{": case "[": key = "#KeyLeftBracket"; break; case '"': case "'": key = "#KeyQuote"; break; case ":": case ";": key = "#KeySemicolon"; break; case "<": case ",": key = "#KeyComma"; break; case ">": case ".": key = "#KeyPeriod"; break; case "?": case "/": key = "#KeySlash"; break; case "" || "Space": key = "#KeySpace"; break; default: key = `#Key${key.toUpperCase()}`; } if (key == "#KeySpace") { key = ".key-split-space"; } try { if (correct) { $(key) .stop(true, true) .css({ color: themeColors.bg, backgroundColor: themeColors.main, borderColor: themeColors.main, }) .animate( { color: themeColors.sub, backgroundColor: themeColors.bg, borderColor: themeColors.sub, }, 500, "easeOutExpo" ); } else { $(key) .stop(true, true) .css({ color: themeColors.bg, backgroundColor: themeColors.error, borderColor: themeColors.error, }) .animate( { color: themeColors.sub, backgroundColor: themeColors.bg, borderColor: themeColors.sub, }, 500, "easeOutExpo" ); } } catch (e) {} } function updateHighlightedKeymapKey() { // return; if ($(".active-key") != undefined) { $(".active-key").removeClass("active-key"); } var currentKey = wordsList[currentWordIndex] .substring(currentInput.length, currentInput.length + 1) .toString() .toUpperCase(); switch (currentKey) { case "\\": case "|": var highlightKey = "#KeyBackslash"; break; case "}": case "]": var highlightKey = "#KeyRightBracket"; break; case "{": case "[": var highlightKey = "#KeyLeftBracket"; break; case '"': case "'": var highlightKey = "#KeyQuote"; break; case ":": case ";": var highlightKey = "#KeySemicolon"; break; case "<": case ",": var highlightKey = "#KeyComma"; break; case ">": case ".": var highlightKey = "#KeyPeriod"; break; case "?": case "/": var highlightKey = "#KeySlash"; break; case "": var highlightKey = "#KeySpace"; break; default: var highlightKey = `#Key${currentKey}`; } $(highlightKey).addClass("active-key"); if (highlightKey === "#KeySpace") { $("#KeySpace2").addClass("active-key"); } } function updateCaretPosition() { // return; if ($("#wordsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) return; let caret = $("#caret"); // let activeWord = $("#words .word.active"); let inputLen = currentInput.length; let currentLetterIndex = inputLen - 1; if (currentLetterIndex == -1) { currentLetterIndex = 0; } // let currentLetter = $("#words .word.active letter")[currentLetterIndex]; try { let currentLetter = document .querySelector("#words .active") .querySelectorAll("letter")[currentLetterIndex]; if ($(currentLetter).length == 0) return; let currentLetterPosLeft = currentLetter.offsetLeft; let currentLetterPosTop = currentLetter.offsetTop; let letterHeight = $(currentLetter).height(); let newTop = 0; let newLeft = 0; newTop = currentLetterPosTop - letterHeight / 4; if (inputLen == 0) { newLeft = currentLetterPosLeft - caret.width() / 2; } else { newLeft = currentLetterPosLeft + $(currentLetter).width() - caret.width() / 2; } let duration = 0; if (config.smoothCaret) { duration = 100; // if (Math.round(caret[0].offsetTop) != Math.round(newTop)) { // caret.css("top", newTop); // duration = 10; // } } let smoothlinescroll = $("#words .smoothScroller").height(); if (smoothlinescroll === undefined) smoothlinescroll = 0; caret.stop(true, true).animate( { top: newTop - smoothlinescroll, left: newLeft, }, duration ); if (config.showAllLines) { let browserHeight = window.innerHeight; let middlePos = browserHeight / 2 - $("#caret").outerHeight() / 2; let contentHeight = document.body.scrollHeight; if (newTop >= middlePos && contentHeight > browserHeight) { window.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: newTop - middlePos, behavior: "smooth", }); } } } catch (e) {} } function countChars() { let correctWordChars = 0; let correctChars = 0; let incorrectChars = 0; let extraChars = 0; let missedChars = 0; let spaces = 0; let correctspaces = 0; for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { if (inputHistory[i] === currentInput) { //last word that was not finished continue; } if (inputHistory[i] == wordsList[i]) { //the word is correct correctWordChars += wordsList[i].length; correctChars += wordsList[i].length; if (i < inputHistory.length - 1) { correctspaces++; } } else if (inputHistory[i].length >= wordsList[i].length) { //too many chars for (let c = 0; c < inputHistory[i].length; c++) { if (c < wordsList[i].length) { //on char that still has a word list pair if (inputHistory[i][c] == wordsList[i][c]) { correctChars++; } else { incorrectChars++; } } else { //on char that is extra extraChars++; } } } else { //not enough chars for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { if (c < inputHistory[i].length) { //on char that still has a word list pair if (inputHistory[i][c] == wordsList[i][c]) { correctChars++; } else { incorrectChars++; } } else { //on char that is extra missedChars++; } } } if (i < inputHistory.length - 1) { spaces++; } } return { spaces: spaces, correctWordChars: correctWordChars, allCorrectChars: correctChars, incorrectChars: incorrectChars, extraChars: extraChars, missedChars: missedChars, correctSpaces: correctspaces, }; } function calculateStats() { // if (config.mode == "words" && config.difficulty == "normal") { // if (inputHistory.length != wordsList.length) return; // } let chars = countChars(); // let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testEnd - testStart) / 1000); let wpm = roundTo2( ((chars.correctWordChars + chars.correctSpaces) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5 ); console.log( `pre-spacegate ${roundTo2( ((chars.correctWordChars + chars.spaces) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5 )} (current ${wpm})` ); let wpmraw = roundTo2( ((chars.allCorrectChars + chars.spaces + chars.incorrectChars + chars.extraChars) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5 ); let acc = roundTo2( (accuracyStats.correct / (accuracyStats.correct + accuracyStats.incorrect)) * 100 ); return { wpm: isNaN(wpm) ? 0 : wpm, wpmRaw: isNaN(wpmraw) ? 0 : wpmraw, acc: acc, correctChars: chars.correctWordChars, incorrectChars: chars.incorrectChars + chars.extraChars + chars.missedChars, allChars: chars.allCorrectChars + chars.spaces + chars.incorrectChars + chars.extraChars, time: testSeconds, spaces: chars.spaces, correctSpaces: chars.correctSpaces, }; } function hideCrown() { $("#result .stats .wpm .crownWrapper").css("opacity", 0); } function showCrown() { $("#result .stats .wpm .crownWrapper").animate( { opacity: 1, }, 250, "easeOutCubic" ); } function showResult(difficultyFailed = false) { resultVisible = true; testEnd = Date.now(); testActive = false; setFocus(false); hideCaret(); hideLiveWpm(); hideTimer(); hideKeymap(); testInvalid = false; let stats = calculateStats(); if (stats === undefined) { stats = { wpm: 0, wpmRaw: 0, acc: 0, correctChars: 0, incorrectChars: 0, time: 0, spaces: 0, correctSpaces: 0, }; } clearIntervals(); let testtime = stats.time; let afkseconds = keypressPerSecond.filter((x) => x == 0).length; if (config.alwaysShowDecimalPlaces) { $("#result .stats .wpm .bottom").text(roundTo2(stats.wpm)); $("#result .stats .raw .bottom").text(roundTo2(stats.wpmRaw)); $("#result .stats .acc .bottom").text(roundTo2(stats.acc) + "%"); $("#result .stats .time .bottom").text(roundTo2(testtime) + "s"); $("#result .stats .wpm .bottom").removeAttr("aria-label"); $("#result .stats .raw .bottom").removeAttr("aria-label"); $("#result .stats .acc .bottom").removeAttr("aria-label"); $("#result .stats .time .bottom").attr("aria-label", `${afkseconds}s afk`); } else { $("#result .stats .wpm .bottom").text(Math.round(stats.wpm)); $("#result .stats .wpm .bottom").attr("aria-label", stats.wpm); $("#result .stats .raw .bottom").text(Math.round(stats.wpmRaw)); $("#result .stats .raw .bottom").attr("aria-label", stats.wpmRaw); $("#result .stats .acc .bottom").text(Math.floor(stats.acc) + "%"); $("#result .stats .acc .bottom").attr("aria-label", stats.acc + "%"); $("#result .stats .time .bottom").text(Math.round(testtime) + "s"); $("#result .stats .time .bottom").attr( "aria-label", `${roundTo2(testtime)}s (${afkseconds}s afk)` ); } let correctcharpercent = roundTo2( ((stats.correctChars + stats.correctSpaces) / (stats.correctChars + stats.correctSpaces + stats.incorrectChars)) * 100 ); $("#result .stats .key .bottom").text(testtime + "s"); $("#result .stats .key .bottom").attr("aria-label", `${correctcharpercent}%`); $("#result .stats .key .bottom").text( stats.correctChars + stats.correctSpaces + "/" + stats.incorrectChars ); setTimeout(function () { $("#resultExtraButtons").removeClass("hidden").css("opacity", 0).animate( { opacity: 1, }, 125 ); }, 125); $("#testModesNotice").addClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").text(""); $("#result .stats .leaderboards").addClass("hidden"); let mode2 = ""; if (config.mode === "time") { mode2 = config.time; } else if (config.mode === "words") { mode2 = config.words; } else if (config.mode === "custom") { mode2 = "custom"; } else if (config.mode === "quote") { mode2 = randomQuote.id; } let labels = []; for (let i = 1; i <= wpmHistory.length; i++) { labels.push(i.toString()); } if (themeColors.main == "") { refreshThemeColorObject(); } wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[2].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[2].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.data.labels = labels; let rawWpmPerSecondRaw = keypressPerSecond.map((f) => Math.round((f / 5) * 60) ); let rawWpmPerSecond = smooth(rawWpmPerSecondRaw, 1); let stddev = stdDev(rawWpmPerSecondRaw); let avg = mean(rawWpmPerSecondRaw); let consistency = roundTo2(kogasa(stddev / avg)); let keyConsistency = roundTo2( kogasa( stdDev(keypressStats.spacing.array) / mean(keypressStats.spacing.array) ) ); if (isNaN(consistency)) { consistency = 0; } if (config.alwaysShowDecimalPlaces) { $("#result .stats .consistency .bottom").text(roundTo2(consistency) + "%"); $("#result .stats .consistency .bottom").attr( "aria-label", `${keyConsistency}% key` ); } else { $("#result .stats .consistency .bottom").text( Math.round(consistency) + "%" ); $("#result .stats .consistency .bottom").attr( "aria-label", `${consistency}% (${keyConsistency}% key)` ); } wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[0].borderColor = themeColors.main; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[0].pointBackgroundColor = themeColors.main; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[0].data = wpmHistory; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[1].borderColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[1].pointBackgroundColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[1].data = rawWpmPerSecond; wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].borderColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].label.backgroundColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].label.fontColor = themeColors.bg; let maxChartVal = Math.max( ...[Math.max(...rawWpmPerSecond), Math.max(...wpmHistory)] ); let minChartVal = Math.min( ...[Math.min(...rawWpmPerSecond), Math.min(...wpmHistory)] ); // wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.min = Math.round(minChartVal); // wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.min = Math.round(minChartVal); let errorsNoZero = []; for (let i = 0; i < errorsPerSecond.length; i++) { errorsNoZero.push({ x: i + 1, y: errorsPerSecond[i], }); } wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[2].data = errorsNoZero; let kps = keypressPerSecond.slice(Math.max(keypressPerSecond.length - 7, 0)); kps = kps.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); let afkDetected = kps === 0 ? true : false; if (bailout) afkDetected = false; if (difficultyFailed) { showNotification("Test failed", 2000); } else if (afkDetected) { showNotification("Test invalid - AFK detected", 2000); } else if (sameWordset) { showNotification("Test invalid - repeated", 2000); } else { let activeTags = []; try { dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.active === true) { activeTags.push(tag.id); } }); } catch (e) {} let completedEvent = { wpm: stats.wpm, rawWpm: stats.wpmRaw, correctChars: stats.correctChars + stats.correctSpaces, incorrectChars: stats.incorrectChars, allChars: stats.allChars, acc: stats.acc, mode: config.mode, mode2: mode2, punctuation: config.punctuation, timestamp: Date.now(), language: config.language, restartCount: restartCount, incompleteTestSeconds: incompleteTestSeconds, difficulty: config.difficulty, testDuration: testtime, blindMode: config.blindMode, theme: config.theme, tags: activeTags, keySpacing: keypressStats.spacing.array, keyDuration: keypressStats.duration.array, consistency: consistency, keyConsistency: keyConsistency, funbox: activeFunBox, bailedOut: bailout, }; if ( config.difficulty == "normal" || ((config.difficulty == "master" || config.difficulty == "expert") && !difficultyFailed) ) { // console.log(incompleteTestSeconds); // console.log(restartCount); restartCount = 0; incompleteTestSeconds = 0; } if ( stats.wpm > 0 && stats.wpm < 350 && stats.acc > 50 && stats.acc <= 100 ) { if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { completedEvent.uid = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid; //check local pb accountIconLoading(true); let localPb = false; let dontShowCrown = false; db_getLocalPB( config.mode, mode2, config.punctuation, config.language, config.difficulty ).then((lpb) => { db_getUserHighestWpm( config.mode, mode2, config.punctuation, config.language, config.difficulty ).then((highestwpm) => { if (lpb < stats.wpm && stats.wpm < highestwpm) { dontShowCrown = true; } if (lpb < stats.wpm) { //new pb based on local if (!dontShowCrown) { hideCrown(); showCrown(); } localPb = true; } if (highestwpm > 0) { wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].value = highestwpm; wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].label.content = "PB: " + highestwpm; if ( maxChartVal >= highestwpm - 15 && maxChartVal <= highestwpm + 15 ) { maxChartVal = highestwpm + 15; } wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.max = Math.round( maxChartVal ); wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.max = Math.round( maxChartVal ); wpmOverTimeChart.update({ duration: 0 }); } $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html("checking..."); testCompleted({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, obj: completedEvent, }).then((e) => { // console.log(e.data); accountIconLoading(false); // console.log(JSON.stringify(e.data)); if (e.data == null) { showNotification("Unexpected response from the server.", 4000); return; } if (e.data.resultCode === -1) { showNotification("Could not save result", 3000); } else if (e.data.resultCode === -2) { showNotification( "Possible bot detected. Result not saved.", 4000 ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === -3) { showNotification( "Could not verify keypress stats. Result not saved.", 4000 ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === -4) { showNotification( "Result data does not make sense. Result not saved.", 4000 ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === -999) { console.error("internal error: " + e.data.message); showNotification( "Internal error. Result might not be saved. " + e.data.message, 6000 ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === 1 || e.data.resultCode === 2) { completedEvent.id = e.data.createdId; dbSnapshot.results.unshift(completedEvent); try { firebase .analytics() .logEvent("testCompleted", completedEvent); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } //global let globalLbString = ""; if (e.data.globalLeaderboard === null) { globalLbString = "global: not found"; } else if (e.data.globalLeaderboard.insertedAt === -1) { globalLbString = "global: not qualified"; } else if (e.data.globalLeaderboard.insertedAt >= 0) { if (e.data.globalLeaderboard.newBest) { let pos = e.data.globalLeaderboard.insertedAt + 1; let numend = "th"; let t = pos % 10; let h = pos % 100; if (t == 1 && h != 11) { numend = "st"; } if (t == 2 && h != 12) { numend = "nd"; } if (t == 3 && h != 13) { numend = "rd"; } globalLbString = `global: ${pos}${numend} place`; } else { let pos = e.data.globalLeaderboard.foundAt + 1; let numend = "th"; let t = pos % 10; let h = pos % 100; if (t == 1 && h != 11) { numend = "st"; } if (t == 2 && h != 12) { numend = "nd"; } if (t == 3 && h != 13) { numend = "rd"; } globalLbString = `global: already ${pos}${numend}`; } } //daily let dailyLbString = ""; if (e.data.dailyLeaderboard === null) { dailyLbString = "daily: not found"; } else if (e.data.dailyLeaderboard.insertedAt === -1) { dailyLbString = "daily: not qualified"; } else if (e.data.dailyLeaderboard.insertedAt >= 0) { if (e.data.dailyLeaderboard.newBest) { let pos = e.data.dailyLeaderboard.insertedAt + 1; let numend = "th"; if (pos === 1) { numend = "st"; } else if (pos === 2) { numend = "nd"; } else if (pos === 3) { numend = "rd"; } dailyLbString = `daily: ${pos}${numend} place`; } else { let pos = e.data.dailyLeaderboard.foundAt + 1; let numend = "th"; if (pos === 1) { numend = "st"; } else if (pos === 2) { numend = "nd"; } else if (pos === 3) { numend = "rd"; } dailyLbString = `daily: already ${pos}${numend}`; } } $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html( globalLbString + "
" + dailyLbString ); if ( e.data.dailyLeaderboard === null && e.data.globalLeaderboard === null ) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").addClass("hidden"); } if (e.data.needsToVerifyEmail === true) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html( `please verify your email to access leaderboards - resend email` ); } else if (e.data.lbBanned) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html("banned"); } else if (e.data.name === false) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html( "update your name to access leaderboards" ); } else if (e.data.needsToVerify === true) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html( "verification needed to access leaderboards" ); } if (e.data.resultCode === 2) { //new pb if (!localPb) { showNotification( "Local PB data is out of sync! Resyncing.", 5000 ); } db_saveLocalPB( config.mode, mode2, config.punctuation, config.language, config.difficulty, stats.wpm ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === 1) { if (localPb) { showNotification( "Local PB data is out of sync! Refresh the page to resync it or contact Miodec on Discord.", 15000 ); } } } }); }); }); } else { try { firebase.analytics().logEvent("testCompletedNoLogin", completedEvent); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } // showNotification("Sign in to save your result",3000); } } else { showNotification("Test invalid", 3000); testInvalid = true; try { firebase.analytics().logEvent("testCompletedInvalid", completedEvent); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } } } if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { $("#result .loginTip").addClass("hidden"); } else { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").addClass("hidden"); $("#result .loginTip").removeClass("hidden"); } let testType = ""; testType += config.mode; if (config.mode == "time") { testType += " " + config.time; } else if (config.mode == "words") { testType += " " + config.words; } if (config.mode != "custom") { testType += "
" + config.language.replace(/_/g, " "); } if (config.punctuation) { testType += "
punctuation"; } if (config.blindMode) { testType += "
blind"; } if (activeFunBox !== "none") { testType += "
" + activeFunBox; } if (config.difficulty == "expert") { testType += "
expert"; } else if (config.difficulty == "master") { testType += "
master"; } $("#result .stats .testType .bottom").html(testType); let otherText = ""; if (config.layout !== "default") { otherText += "
" + config.layout; } if (difficultyFailed) { otherText += "
failed"; } if (afkDetected) { otherText += "
afk detected"; } if (testInvalid) { otherText += "
invalid"; } if (sameWordset) { otherText += "
repeated"; } if (bailout) { otherText += "
bailed out"; } if (otherText == "") { $("#result .stats .info").addClass("hidden"); } else { $("#result .stats .info").removeClass("hidden"); otherText = otherText.substring(4); $("#result .stats .info .bottom").html(otherText); } let tagsText = ""; try { dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.active === true) { tagsText += "
" + tag.name; } }); } catch (e) {} if (tagsText == "") { $("#result .stats .tags").addClass("hidden"); } else { $("#result .stats .tags").removeClass("hidden"); tagsText = tagsText.substring(4); $("#result .stats .tags .bottom").html(tagsText); } if ( $("#result .stats .tags").hasClass("hidden") && $("#result .stats .info").hasClass("hidden") ) { $("#result .stats .infoAndTags").addClass("hidden"); } else { $("#result .stats .infoAndTags").removeClass("hidden"); } if (config.mode === "quote") { $("#result .stats .source").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .source .bottom").html(randomQuote.source); } else { $("#result .stats .source").addClass("hidden"); } wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.max = maxChartVal; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.max = maxChartVal; wpmOverTimeChart.update({ duration: 0 }); wpmOverTimeChart.resize(); swapElements($("#wordsWrapper"), $("#result"), 250, () => { $("#words").empty(); wpmOverTimeChart.resize(); if (config.alwaysShowWordsHistory) { toggleResultWordsDisplay(); } // if (config.blindMode) { // $.each($("#words .word"), (i, word) => { // let input = inputHistory[i]; // if (input == undefined) input = currentInput; // compareInput(i, input, true); // if (inputHistory[i] != wordsList[i]) { // highlightBadWord(i, true); // } // }); // } // let remove = false; // $.each($("#words .word"), (i, obj) => { // if (remove) { // $(obj).remove(); // } else { // $(obj).removeClass("hidden"); // if ($(obj).hasClass("active")) remove = true; // } // }); }); } function startTest() { if (!dbConfigLoaded) { console.log("config changed before db loaded!"); configChangedBeforeDb = true; } try { if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { firebase.analytics().logEvent("testStarted"); } else { firebase.analytics().logEvent("testStartedNoLogin"); } } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } testActive = true; testStart = Date.now(); // if (config.mode == "time") { restartTimer(); showTimer(); $("#liveWpm").text("0"); showLiveWpm(); // } // updateActiveElement(); updateTimer(); clearIntervals(); keypressStats = { spacing: { current: -1, array: [], }, duration: { current: -1, array: [], }, }; timers.push( setInterval(function () { time++; if (config.mode === "time") { updateTimer(); } // console.time("livewpm"); // let wpm = liveWPM(); // updateLiveWpm(wpm); // showLiveWpm(); // wpmHistory.push(wpm); // rawHistory.push(liveRaw()); let wpmAndRaw = liveWpmAndRaw(); updateLiveWpm(wpmAndRaw.wpm); wpmHistory.push(wpmAndRaw.wpm); rawHistory.push(wpmAndRaw.raw); if (activeFunBox === "layoutfluid" && config.mode === "time") { const layouts = ["qwerty", "dvorak", "colemak"]; let index = 0; index = Math.floor(time / (config.time / 3)); if ( time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) - 3 || time == (config.time / 3) * 2 - 3 ) { showNotification("3", 1000); } if ( time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) - 2 || time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) * 2 - 2 ) { showNotification("2", 1000); } if ( time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) - 1 || time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) * 2 - 1 ) { showNotification("1", 1000); } if (config.layout !== layouts[index] && layouts[index] !== undefined) { showNotification(`--- !!! ${layouts[index]} !!! ---`, 3000); } changeLayout(layouts[index]); changeKeymapLayout(layouts[index]); updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); } // console.timeEnd("livewpm"); keypressPerSecond.push(currentKeypressCount); currentKeypressCount = 0; errorsPerSecond.push(currentErrorCount); currentErrorCount = 0; // if ( // keypressPerSecond[time - 1] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 2] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 3] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 4] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 5] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 6] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 7] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 8] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 9] == 0 && // !afkDetected // ) { // showNotification("AFK detected", 3000); // afkDetected = true; // } if (config.mode == "time") { if (time >= config.time) { //times up clearIntervals(); hideCaret(); testActive = false; inputHistory.push(currentInput); correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); showResult(); } } }, 1000) ); } function restartTest(withSameWordset = false) { if (!manualRestart) { if ( (config.mode === "words" && config.words < 1000) || (config.mode === "time" && config.time < 3600) || config.mode === "quote" || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < 1000) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 1000) ) { } else { showNotification( "Restart disabled for long tests. Use your mouse to confirm.", 4000 ); return; } } manualRestart = false; clearIntervals(); time = 0; // afkDetected = false; wpmHistory = []; rawHistory = []; setFocus(false); hideCaret(); testActive = false; hideLiveWpm(); hideTimer(); bailout = false; $("#showWordHistoryButton").removeClass("loaded"); keypressPerSecond = []; currentKeypressCount = 0; errorsPerSecond = []; currentErrorCount = 0; currentTestLine = 0; activeWordJumped = false; keypressStats = { spacing: { current: -1, array: [], }, duration: { current: -1, array: [], }, }; $("#timerNumber").css("opacity", 0); // restartTimer(); let el = null; if (resultVisible) { //results are being displayed el = $("#result"); } else { //words are being displayed el = $("#wordsWrapper"); } if (resultVisible) { if (config.randomTheme && !pageTransition && !config.customTheme) { randomiseTheme(); showNotification(config.theme.replace(/_/g, " "), 1500); } $("#wordsWrapper").stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125 ); $("#wordsTitle") .stop(true, true) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125, () => { $("#wordsTitle").slideUp(0); } ); $("#resultExtraButtons") .stop(true, true) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125, () => { $("#resultExtraButtons").addClass("hidden"); } ); } resultVisible = false; // .css("transition", "1s linear"); el.stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125, () => { if (!withSameWordset) { sameWordset = false; initWords(); } else { sameWordset = true; testActive = false; currentWordIndex = 0; currentWordElementIndex = 0; accuracyStats = { correct: 0, incorrect: 0, }; inputHistory = []; currentInput = ""; showWords(); } if (config.keymapMode !== "off") { showKeymap(); } else { hideKeymap(); } if (activeFunBox === "layoutfluid") { changeLayout("qwerty"); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); changeKeymapLayout("qwerty"); settingsGroups.keymapLayout.updateButton(); updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } $("#result").addClass("hidden"); $("#testModesNotice").removeClass("hidden").css({ opacity: 1, // 'height': 'auto', // 'margin-bottom': '1.25rem' }); $("#wordsWrapper") .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .stop(true, true) .animate( { opacity: 1, }, 125, () => { hideCrown(); clearIntervals(); $("#restartTestButton").css("opacity", 1); if ($("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) focusWords(); wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].value = "-30"; wpmOverTimeChart.update(); // let oldHeight = $("#words").height(); // let newHeight = $("#words") // .css("height", "fit-content") // .css("height", "-moz-fit-content") // .height(); // if (testMode == "words" || testMode == "custom") { // $("#words") // .stop(true, true) // .css("height", oldHeight) // .animate({ height: newHeight }, 250, () => { // $("#words") // .css("height", "fit-content") // .css("height", "-moz-fit-content"); // $("#wordsInput").focus(); // updateCaretPosition(); // }); // } else if (testMode == "time") { // $("#words") // .stop(true, true) // .css("height", oldHeight) // .animate({ height: 78 }, 250, () => { // $("#wordsInput").focus(); // updateCaretPosition(); // }); // } } ); } ); // $(".active-key").classList.remove("active-key"); } function focusWords() { if (!$("#wordsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) $("#wordsInput").focus(); } function changeCustomText() { customText = prompt("Custom text").trim(); customText = customText.replace(/[\n\r\t ]/gm, " "); customText = customText.replace(/ +/gm, " "); customText = customText.split(" "); if (customText.length >= 10000) { showNotification("Custom text cannot be longer than 10000 words.", 4000); changeMode("time"); customText = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".split(" "); } // initWords(); } function changePage(page) { if (pageTransition) { return; } let activePage = $(".page.active"); $(".page").removeClass("active"); $("#wordsInput").focusout(); if (page == "test" || page == "") { pageTransition = true; swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageTest"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; focusWords(); $(".page.pageTest").addClass("active"); history.pushState("/", null, "/"); }); showTestConfig(); hideSignOutButton(); restartCount = 0; incompleteTestSeconds = 0; manualRestart = true; restartTest(); } else if (page == "about") { pageTransition = true; restartTest(); swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageAbout"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; history.pushState("about", null, "about"); $(".page.pageAbout").addClass("active"); }); hideTestConfig(); hideSignOutButton(); } else if (page == "settings") { pageTransition = true; restartTest(); swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageSettings"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; history.pushState("settings", null, "settings"); $(".page.pageSettings").addClass("active"); }); updateSettingsPage(); hideTestConfig(); hideSignOutButton(); } else if (page == "account") { if (!firebase.auth().currentUser) { changePage("login"); } else { pageTransition = true; restartTest(); swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageAccount"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; history.pushState("account", null, "account"); $(".page.pageAccount").addClass("active"); }); refreshAccountPage(); hideTestConfig(); showSignOutButton(); } } else if (page == "login") { if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { changePage("account"); } else { pageTransition = true; restartTest(); swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageLogin"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; history.pushState("login", null, "login"); $(".page.pageLogin").addClass("active"); }); hideTestConfig(); hideSignOutButton(); } } } function changeMode(mode, nosave) { config.mode = mode; $("#top .config .mode .text-button").removeClass("active"); $("#top .config .mode .text-button[mode='" + mode + "']").addClass("active"); if (config.mode == "time") { $("#top .config .wordCount").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").removeClass("hidden"); } else if (config.mode == "words") { $("#top .config .wordCount").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").removeClass("hidden"); } else if (config.mode == "custom") { $("#top .config .wordCount").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").addClass("hidden"); } else if (config.mode == "quote") { setPunctuation(false); $("#top .config .wordCount").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").addClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .source").removeClass("hidden"); changeLanguage("english"); } if (!nosave) saveConfigToCookie(); } // function liveWPM() { // let correctWordChars = 0; // for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { // if (inputHistory[i] == wordsList[i]) { // //the word is correct // //+1 for space // correctWordChars += wordsList[i].length + 1; // } // } // let testNow = Date.now(); // let testSeconds = (testNow - testStart) / 1000; // wpm = (correctWordChars * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5; // return Math.round(wpm); // } // function liveRaw() { // let chars = 0; // for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { // chars += inputHistory[i].length + 1; // } // let testNow = Date.now(); // let testSeconds = (testNow - testStart) / 1000; // raw = (chars * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5; // return Math.round(raw); // } function liveWpmAndRaw() { let chars = 0; let correctWordChars = 0; let spaces = 0; for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { if (inputHistory[i] == wordsList[i]) { //the word is correct //+1 for space correctWordChars += wordsList[i].length; if (i < inputHistory.length - 1) { spaces++; } } chars += inputHistory[i].length; } let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = (testNow - testStart) / 1000; let wpm = Math.round(((correctWordChars + spaces) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5); let raw = Math.round(((chars + spaces) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5); return { wpm: wpm, raw: raw, }; } function updateLiveWpm(wpm) { if (!config.showLiveWpm) return; if (!testActive) { hideLiveWpm(); } else { showLiveWpm(); } // let wpmstring = wpm < 100 ? ` ${wpm}` : `${wpm}`; document.querySelector("#liveWpm").innerHTML = wpm; // $("#liveWpm").html(wpm); } function showLiveWpm() { if (!config.showLiveWpm) return; if (!testActive) return; $("#liveWpm").css("opacity", config.timerOpacity); if (config.keymapMode !== "off") { $("#liveWpm").addClass("lower"); } else { $("#liveWpm").removeClass("lower"); } // if (config.timerStyle === "text") { // $("#timerNumber").css("opacity", config.timerOpacity); // } } function hideLiveWpm() { $("#liveWpm").css("opacity", 0); } function swapElements( el1, el2, totalDuration, callback = function () { return; } ) { if ( (el1.hasClass("hidden") && !el2.hasClass("hidden")) || (!el1.hasClass("hidden") && el2.hasClass("hidden")) ) { //one of them is hidden and the other is visible if (el1.hasClass("hidden")) { callback(); return false; } $(el1) .removeClass("hidden") .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, totalDuration / 2, () => { $(el1).addClass("hidden"); $(el2) .removeClass("hidden") .css("opacity", 0) .animate( { opacity: 1, }, totalDuration / 2, () => { callback(); } ); } ); } else if (el1.hasClass("hidden") && el2.hasClass("hidden")) { //both are hidden, only fade in the second $(el2) .removeClass("hidden") .css("opacity", 0) .animate( { opacity: 1, }, totalDuration, () => { callback(); } ); } else { callback(); } } function clearIntervals() { timers.forEach((timer) => { clearInterval(timer); }); } function updateAccountLoginButton() { if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { swapElements( $("#menu .icon-button.login"), $("#menu .icon-button.account"), 250 ); // $("#menu .icon-button.account").removeClass('hidden'); // $("#menu .icon-button.login").addClass('hidden'); } else { swapElements( $("#menu .icon-button.account"), $("#menu .icon-button.login"), 250 ); // $("#menu .icon-button.login").removeClass('hidden'); // $("#menu .icon-button.account").addClass('hidden'); } } function accountIconLoading(truefalse) { if (truefalse) { $("#top #menu .account .icon").html( '' ); } else { $("#top #menu .account .icon").html(''); } } function toggleResultWordsDisplay() { if (resultVisible) { if ($("#wordsWrapper").stop(true, true).hasClass("hidden")) { //show $("#wordsTitle").css("opacity", 1).removeClass("hidden").slideDown(250); if (!$("#showWordHistoryButton").hasClass("loaded")) { $("#words").html( `
` ); loadWordsHistory(); } $("#words").css("height", "auto"); let newHeight = $("#wordsWrapper") .removeClass("hidden") .css("height", "auto") .outerHeight(); $("#wordsWrapper") .css({ height: 0, opacity: 0, }) .animate( { height: newHeight, opacity: 1, }, 250 ); } else { //hide $("#wordsTitle").slideUp(250); let oldHeight = $("#wordsWrapper").outerHeight(); $("#wordsWrapper").removeClass("hidden"); $("#wordsWrapper") .css({ opacity: 1, height: oldHeight, }) .animate( { height: 0, opacity: 0, }, 250, () => { $("#wordsWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); } } } async function loadWordsHistory() { $("#words").empty(); inputHistory.forEach((input, index) => { if (input === "") return; let wordEl = ""; if (correctedHistory[index] !== "") { wordEl = `
`; } else { wordEl = `
`; } if (input !== wordsList[index]) { wordEl = `
`; } let loop; if (input.length > wordsList[index].length) { //input is longer - extra characters possible (loop over input) loop = input.length; } else { //input is shorter or equal (loop over word list) loop = wordsList[index].length; } for (let c = 0; c < loop; c++) { // input.forEach((inputLetter, inputLetterIndex) => { let correctedChar; try { correctedChar = correctedHistory[index][c]; } catch (e) { correctedChar = undefined; } let extraCorrected = ""; if (c + 1 === loop && correctedHistory[index].length > input.length) { extraCorrected = "extraCorrected"; } if (wordsList[index][c] !== undefined) { if (input[c] === wordsList[index][c]) { if (correctedChar === input[c] || correctedChar === undefined) { wordEl += `${wordsList[index][c]}`; } else { wordEl += `` + wordsList[index][c] + ""; } } else { if (input[c] === currentInput || input[c] === undefined) { wordEl += "" + wordsList[index][c] + ""; } else { wordEl += `` + wordsList[index][c] + ""; } } } else { wordEl += '' + input[c] + ""; } } wordEl += "
"; $("#words").append(wordEl); }); $("#showWordHistoryButton").addClass("loaded"); } function flipTestColors(tf) { if (tf) { $("#words").addClass("flipped"); } else { $("#words").removeClass("flipped"); } } function applyColorfulMode(tc) { if (tc) { $("#words").addClass("colorfulMode"); } else { $("#words").removeClass("colorfulMode"); } } function showEditTags(action, id, name) { if (action === "add") { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action", "add"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .title").html("Add new tag"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .button").html(``); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").val(""); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").removeClass("hidden"); } else if (action === "edit") { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action", "edit"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("tagid", id); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .title").html("Edit tag name"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .button").html(``); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").val(name); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").removeClass("hidden"); } else if (action === "remove") { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action", "remove"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("tagid", id); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .title").html("Remove tag " + name); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .button").html(``); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").addClass("hidden"); } if ($("#tagsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#tagsWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100, (e) => { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").focus(); }); } } function hideEditTags() { if (!$("#tagsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action", ""); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("tagid", ""); $("#tagsWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 100, (e) => { $("#tagsWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); } } function showBackgroundLoader() { $("#backgroundLoader").stop(true, true).fadeIn(125); } function hideBackgroundLoader() { $("#backgroundLoader").stop(true, true).fadeOut(125); } function updateTestModesNotice() { let anim = false; if ($(".pageTest #testModesNotice").text() === "") anim = true; $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").empty(); if (config.difficulty === "expert") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } else if (config.difficulty === "master") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } if (config.blindMode) { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } if (activeFunBox !== "none") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
${activeFunBox.replace( /_/g, " " )}
` ); } if (config.confidenceMode === "on") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } if (config.confidenceMode === "max") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
max confidence
` ); } if (config.stopOnError) { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
stop on error
` ); } if (config.layout !== "default") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } tagsString = ""; // $.each($('.pageSettings .section.tags .tagsList .tag'), (index, tag) => { // if($(tag).children('.active').attr('active') === 'true'){ // tagsString += $(tag).children('.title').text() + ', '; // } // }) try { dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.active === true) { tagsString += tag.name + ", "; } }); if (tagsString !== "") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
${tagsString.substring( 0, tagsString.length - 2 )}
` ); } } catch (e) {} if (anim) { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice") .css("transition", "none") .css("opacity", 0) .animate( { opacity: 1, }, 125, (e) => { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").css("transition", ".125s"); } ); } } $("#tagsWrapper").click((e) => { if ($(e.target).attr("id") === "tagsWrapper") { hideEditTags(); } }); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .button").click((e) => { tagsEdit(); }); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").keypress((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 13) { tagsEdit(); } }); function tagsEdit() { let action = $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action"); let inputVal = $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").val(); let tagid = $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("tagid"); hideEditTags(); if (action === "add") { showBackgroundLoader(); addTag({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, name: inputVal }).then( (e) => { hideBackgroundLoader(); let status = e.data.resultCode; if (status === 1) { showNotification("Tag added", 2000); dbSnapshot.tags.push({ name: inputVal, id: e.data.id, }); updateResultEditTagsPanelButtons(); updateSettingsPage(); updateFilterTags(); } else if (status === -1) { showNotification("Invalid tag name", 3000); } else if (status < -1) { showNotification("Unknown error", 3000); } } ); } else if (action === "edit") { showBackgroundLoader(); editTag({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, name: inputVal, tagid: tagid, }).then((e) => { hideBackgroundLoader(); let status = e.data.resultCode; if (status === 1) { showNotification("Tag updated", 2000); dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.id === tagid) { tag.name = inputVal; } }); updateResultEditTagsPanelButtons(); updateSettingsPage(); updateFilterTags(); } else if (status === -1) { showNotification("Invalid tag name", 3000); } else if (status < -1) { showNotification("Unknown error", 3000); } }); } else if (action === "remove") { showBackgroundLoader(); removeTag({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, tagid: tagid }).then( (e) => { hideBackgroundLoader(); let status = e.data.resultCode; if (status === 1) { showNotification("Tag removed", 2000); dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag, index) => { if (tag.id === tagid) { dbSnapshot.tags.splice(index, 1); } }); updateResultEditTagsPanelButtons(); updateSettingsPage(); updateFilterTags(); updateActiveTags(); } else if (status < -1) { showNotification("Unknown error", 3000); } } ); } } function showCapsWarning() { if ($("#capsWarning").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#capsWarning").removeClass("hidden"); } } function hideCapsWarning() { if (!$("#capsWarning").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#capsWarning").addClass("hidden"); } } function showCustomTextPopup() { if ($("#customTextPopupWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { if ($("#customTextPopup .check input").prop("checked")) { $("#customTextPopup .inputs .wordcount").removeClass("hidden"); } else { $("#customTextPopup .inputs .wordcount").addClass("hidden"); } $("#customTextPopupWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100, (e) => { $("#customTextPopup textarea").val(customText.join(" ")); $("#customTextPopup .wordcount input").val(customTextWordCount); $("#customTextPopup textarea").focus(); }); } } function hideCustomTextPopup() { if (!$("#customTextPopupWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#customTextPopupWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 100, (e) => { $("#customTextPopupWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); } } $("#customTextPopupWrapper").mousedown((e) => { if ($(e.target).attr("id") === "customTextPopupWrapper") { hideCustomTextPopup(); } }); $("#customTextPopup .inputs .check input").change((e) => { if ($("#customTextPopup .check input").prop("checked")) { $("#customTextPopup .inputs .wordcount").removeClass("hidden"); } else { $("#customTextPopup .inputs .wordcount").addClass("hidden"); } }); $("#customTextPopup .button").click((e) => { let text = $("#customTextPopup textarea").val(); text = text.trim(); text = text.replace(/[\n\r\t ]/gm, " "); text = text.replace(/ +/gm, " "); text = text.split(" "); // if (text.length >= 10000) { // showNotification("Custom text cannot be longer than 10000 words.", 4000); // changeMode("time"); // text = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".split(" "); // } else { customText = text; customTextIsRandom = $("#customTextPopup .check input").prop("checked"); // if (customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 3) { // showNotification("Random custom text requires at least 3 words", 4000); // customTextIsRandom = false; // } customTextWordCount = $("#customTextPopup .wordcount input").val(); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); // } hideCustomTextPopup(); }); function showCustomMode2Popup(mode) { if ($("#customMode2PopupWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#customMode2PopupWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100, (e) => { if (mode == "time") { $("#customMode2Popup .text").text("Test length"); $("#customMode2Popup").attr("mode", "time"); } else if (mode == "words") { $("#customMode2Popup .text").text("Word amount"); $("#customMode2Popup").attr("mode", "words"); } $("#customMode2Popup input").focus().select(); }); } } function hideCustomMode2Popup() { if (!$("#customMode2PopupWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#customMode2PopupWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 100, (e) => { $("#customMode2PopupWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); } } $("#customMode2PopupWrapper").click((e) => { if ($(e.target).attr("id") === "customMode2PopupWrapper") { hideCustomMode2Popup(); } }); $("#customMode2Popup input").keypress((e) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { applyMode2Popup(); } }); $("#customMode2Popup .button").click((e) => { applyMode2Popup(); }); function applyMode2Popup() { let mode = $("#customMode2Popup").attr("mode"); let val = $("#customMode2Popup input").val(); if (mode == "time") { if (val !== null && !isNaN(val) && val > 0) { changeTimeConfig(val); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); if (val >= 1800) { showNotification("Stay safe and take breaks!", 3000); } } else { showNotification("Custom time must be larger than 1", 3000); } } else if (mode == "words") { if (val !== null && !isNaN(val) && val > 0) { changeWordCount(val); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); if (val > 2000) { showNotification("Stay safe and take breaks!", 3000); } } else { showNotification("Custom word amount must be larger than 1", 3000); } } hideCustomMode2Popup(); } $(document).on("click", "#top .logo", (e) => { changePage("test"); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .wordCount .text-button", (e) => { wrd = $(e.currentTarget).attr("wordCount"); if (wrd == "custom") { // let newWrd = prompt("Custom word amount"); // if (newWrd !== null && !isNaN(newWrd) && newWrd > 0 && newWrd <= 10000) { // changeWordCount(newWrd); // if (newWrd > 2000) { // showNotification( // "Very long tests can cause performance issues or crash the website on some machines!", // 5000 // ); // } // } else { // showNotification( // "Custom word amount can only be set between 1 and 10000", // 3000 // ); // } showCustomMode2Popup("words"); } else { changeWordCount(wrd); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); } }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .time .text-button", (e) => { time = $(e.currentTarget).attr("timeConfig"); if (time == "custom") { // let newTime = prompt("Custom time in seconds"); // if (newTime !== null && !isNaN(newTime) && newTime > 0 && newTime <= 3600) { // changeTimeConfig(newTime); // if (newTime >= 1800) { // showNotification( // "Very long tests can cause performance issues or crash the website on some machines!", // 5000 // ); // } // } else { // showNotification("Custom time can only be set between 1 and 3600", 3000); // } showCustomMode2Popup("time"); } else { changeTimeConfig(time); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); } }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .customText .text-button", (e) => { // changeCustomText(); // restartTest(); showCustomTextPopup(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .punctuationMode .text-button", (e) => { togglePunctuation(); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $("#wordsWrapper").click((e) => { focusWords(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .mode .text-button", (e) => { if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("active")) return; mode = $(e.currentTarget).attr("mode"); changeMode(mode); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top #menu .icon-button", (e) => { if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("discord")) return; if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("leaderboards")) { showLeaderboards(); } else { href = $(e.currentTarget).attr("href"); changePage(href.replace("/", "")); } }); $(window).on("popstate", (e) => { let state = e.originalEvent.state; if (state == "" || state == "/") { // show test changePage("test"); } else if (state == "about") { // show about changePage("about"); } else if (state == "account" || state == "login") { if (firebase.auth().currentUser) { changePage("account"); } else { changePage("login"); } } }); $(document).on("keypress", "#restartTestButton", (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { if ( (config.mode === "words" && config.words < 1000) || (config.mode === "time" && config.time < 3600) || config.mode === "quote" || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < 1000) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 1000) ) { if (testActive) { let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; } restartTest(); } else { showNotification("Quick restart disabled for long tests", 2000); } } }); $(document.body).on("click", "#restartTestButton", (event) => { manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $(document).on("keypress", "#showWordHistoryButton", (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { toggleResultWordsDisplay(); } }); $(document.body).on("click", "#showWordHistoryButton", (event) => { toggleResultWordsDisplay(); }); $(document.body).on("click", "#restartTestButtonWithSameWordset", (event) => { manualRestart = true; restartTest(true); }); $(document).on("keypress", "#restartTestButtonWithSameWordset", (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { restartTest(true); } }); $(document.body).on("click", "#copyResultToClipboardButton", (event) => { copyResultToClipboard(); }); $(document.body).on("click", ".version", (event) => { $("#versionHistoryWrapper") .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 125); }); $(document.body).on("click", "#versionHistoryWrapper", (event) => { $("#versionHistoryWrapper") .css("opacity", 1) .animate({ opacity: 0 }, 125, () => { $("#versionHistoryWrapper").addClass("hidden"); }); }); $("#wordsInput").keypress((event) => { event.preventDefault(); }); $("#wordsInput").on("focus", (event) => { showCaret(); }); $("#wordsInput").on("focusout", (event) => { hideCaret(); }); $(window).resize(() => { updateCaretPosition(); }); $(document).mousemove(function (event) { if ( $("#top").hasClass("focus") && (event.originalEvent.movementX > 0 || event.originalEvent.movementY > 0) ) { setFocus(false); } }); //keypresses for the test, using different method to be more responsive $(document).keypress(function (event) { event = emulateLayout(event); if (!$("#wordsInput").is(":focus")) return; if (event["keyCode"] == 13) return; if (event["keyCode"] == 32) return; if (event["keyCode"] == 27) return; if (event.key == "ContextMenu") return; //start the test if (currentInput == "" && inputHistory.length == 0 && !testActive) { startTest(); } else { if (!testActive) return; } let thisCharCorrect; if ( wordsList[currentWordIndex].substring( currentInput.length, currentInput.length + 1 ) != event["key"] ) { accuracyStats.incorrect++; currentErrorCount++; thisCharCorrect = false; } else { accuracyStats.correct++; thisCharCorrect = true; } if (currentCorrected === "") { currentCorrected = currentInput + event["key"]; } else { let cil = currentInput.length; if (cil >= currentCorrected.length) { currentCorrected += event["key"]; } else if (!thisCharCorrect) { currentCorrected = currentCorrected.substring(0, cil) + event["key"] + currentCorrected.substring(cil + 1); } } currentKeypressCount++; if (config.stopOnError && !thisCharCorrect) { if (config.difficulty == "master") { //failed due to master diff when pressing a key showResult(true); let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; return; } else { return; } } currentInput += event["key"]; setFocus(true); activeWordTopBeforeJump = activeWordTop; compareInput(!config.blindMode); // let newActiveTop = $("#words .word.active").position().top; // console.time("offcheck1"); let newActiveTop = document.querySelector("#words .word.active").offsetTop; if (activeWordTopBeforeJump < newActiveTop && !lineTransition) { activeWordJumped = true; } else { activeWordJumped = false; } // console.timeEnd("offcheck2"); if (config.keymapMode === "react") { flashPressedKeymapKey(event.key, thisCharCorrect); } else if (config.keymapMode === "next") { updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } updateCaretPosition(); }); $(document).keydown((event) => { keypressStats.duration.current = performance.now(); if ($("#wordsInput").is(":focus")) { try { if (event.originalEvent.getModifierState("CapsLock")) { showCapsWarning(); } else { hideCapsWarning(); } } catch (e) {} } }); $(document).keyup((event) => { let now = performance.now(); let diff = Math.abs(keypressStats.duration.current - now); if (keypressStats.duration.current !== -1) { keypressStats.duration.array.push(diff); } keypressStats.duration.current = now; }); //handle keyboard events $(document).keydown((event) => { let now = performance.now(); let diff = Math.abs(keypressStats.spacing.current - now); if (keypressStats.spacing.current !== -1) { keypressStats.spacing.array.push(diff); } keypressStats.spacing.current = now; //tab if (event["keyCode"] == 9) { if (config.quickTab && !$(".pageLogin").hasClass("active")) { event.preventDefault(); if ($(".pageTest").hasClass("active")) { if ( (config.mode === "words" && config.words < 1000) || (config.mode === "time" && config.time < 3600) || config.mode === "quote" || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < 1000) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 1000) ) { if (testActive) { let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; } restartTest(); } else { showNotification("Quick restart disabled for long tests", 2000); } } else { changePage("test"); } } } //only for the typing test if ($("#wordsInput").is(":focus")) { //backspace if (event["keyCode"] == 8) { event.preventDefault(); if (!testActive) return; if (currentInput == "" && inputHistory.length > 0) { if ( (inputHistory[currentWordIndex - 1] == wordsList[currentWordIndex - 1] && !config.freedomMode) || $($(".word")[currentWordIndex - 1]).hasClass("hidden") ) { return; } else { if (config.confidenceMode === "on" || config.confidenceMode === "max") return; if (event["ctrlKey"] || event["altKey"]) { currentInput = ""; inputHistory.pop(); correctedHistory.pop(); } else { currentInput = inputHistory.pop(); currentCorrected = correctedHistory.pop(); } currentWordIndex--; currentWordElementIndex--; updateActiveElement(); compareInput(!config.blindMode); } } else { if (config.confidenceMode === "max") return; if (event["ctrlKey"]) { currentInput = ""; } else { currentInput = currentInput.substring(0, currentInput.length - 1); } compareInput(!config.blindMode); } if (config.keymapMode === "react") { flashPressedKeymapKey(event.code, true); } else if (config.keymapMode === "next") { updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } updateCaretPosition(); } //space if (event["keyCode"] == 32 || event.key === " ") { if (!testActive) return; if (currentInput == "") return; event.preventDefault(); let currentWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex]; // if (config.mode == "time") { if (!config.showAllLines || config.mode == "time") { // let currentTop = Math.floor($($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex]).position().top); // let nextTop = Math.floor($($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex + 1]).position().top); let currentTop = Math.floor( document.querySelectorAll("#words .word")[currentWordElementIndex] .offsetTop ); let nextTop; try { nextTop = Math.floor( document.querySelectorAll("#words .word")[ currentWordElementIndex + 1 ].offsetTop ); } catch (e) { nextTop = 0; } if ((nextTop > currentTop || activeWordJumped) && !lineTransition) { //last word of the line if (currentTestLine > 0) { let hideBound = currentTop; if (activeWordJumped) { hideBound = activeWordTopBeforeJump; } activeWordJumped = false; let toHide = []; let wordElements = $("#words .word"); for (let i = 0; i < currentWordElementIndex + 1; i++) { if ($(wordElements[i]).hasClass("hidden")) continue; // let forWordTop = Math.floor($(wordElements[i]).position().top); let forWordTop = Math.floor(wordElements[i].offsetTop); if (forWordTop < hideBound - 10) { // $($("#words .word")[i]).addClass("hidden"); toHide.push($($("#words .word")[i])); } } const wordHeight = $(document.querySelector(".word")).outerHeight( true ); if (config.smoothLineScroll && toHide.length > 0) { lineTransition = true; $("#words").prepend( `
` ); $("#words .smoothScroller").animate( { height: 0, }, 125, () => { $("#words .smoothScroller").remove(); } ); $("#words").animate( { marginTop: `-${wordHeight}px`, }, 125, () => { activeWordTop = document.querySelector("#words .active") .offsetTop; currentWordElementIndex -= toHide.length; lineTransition = false; toHide.forEach((el) => el.remove()); $("#words").css("marginTop", "0"); } ); } else { toHide.forEach((el) => el.remove()); currentWordElementIndex -= toHide.length; } // if (config.smoothLineScroll) { // let word = $(document.querySelector(".word")); // $("#words").prepend( // `
` // ); // lineTransition = true; // $("#words .smoothScroller").animate( // { // height: 0, // }, // 100, // () => { // $("#words .smoothScroller").remove(); // lineTransition = false; // $(this).remove(); // activeWordTop = document.querySelector("#words .active") // .offsetTop; // } // ); // } // toHide.forEach((el) => el.remove()); } currentTestLine++; } } if (activeFunBox === "layoutfluid" && config.mode !== "time") { const layouts = ["qwerty", "dvorak", "colemak"]; let index = 0; let outof = wordsList.length; index = Math.floor((inputHistory.length + 1) / (outof / 3)); if (config.layout !== layouts[index] && layouts[index] !== undefined) { showNotification(`--- !!! ${layouts[index]} !!! ---`, 3000); } changeLayout(layouts[index]); changeKeymapLayout(layouts[index]); updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); } if (config.blindMode) $("#words .word.active letter").addClass("correct"); // document // .querySelector("#words .word.active") // .setAttribute("input", currentInput); if (currentWord == currentInput) { accuracyStats.correct++; inputHistory.push(currentInput); currentInput = ""; currentWordIndex++; currentWordElementIndex++; updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); currentKeypressCount++; } else { accuracyStats.incorrect++; if (config.stopOnError) { if (config.difficulty == "expert" || config.difficulty == "master") { //failed due to diff when pressing space showResult(true); // if (!afkDetected) { let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; // } return; } return; } let cil = currentInput.length; if (cil < wordsList[currentWordIndex].length) { if (cil >= currentCorrected.length) { currentCorrected += "_"; } else { currentCorrected = currentCorrected.substring(0, cil) + "_" + currentCorrected.substring(cil + 1); } } inputHistory.push(currentInput); highlightBadWord(currentWordElementIndex, !config.blindMode); currentInput = ""; currentWordIndex++; currentWordElementIndex++; if (currentWordIndex == wordsList.length) { //submitted last word that is incorrect showResult(); return; } else if ( config.difficulty == "expert" || config.difficulty == "master" ) { //submitted last word incorrect and failed test showResult(true); // if (!afkDetected) { let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; // } return; } updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); currentKeypressCount++; } correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); currentCorrected = ""; if (config.keymapMode === "react") { flashPressedKeymapKey(event.code, true); } else if (config.keymapMode === "next") { updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } if ( config.mode === "words" || config.mode === "custom" || config.mode === "quote" ) { updateTimer(); } if (config.showAllLines) { if (config.mode == "time") { addWord(); } } else { if ( config.mode == "time" || config.mode == "words" || config.mode == "custom" ) { addWord(); } } } } }); loadConfigFromCookie(); getReleasesFromGitHub(); if (firebase.app().options.projectId === "monkey-type-dev-67af4") { $("#top .logo .bottom").text("monkey-dev"); $("head title").text("Monkey Dev"); $("body").append(`
`); } if (window.location.hostname === "localhost") { window.onerror = function (error) { this.showNotification(error, 3000); }; $("#top .logo .top").text("localhost"); $("head title").text($("head title").text() + " (localhost)"); firebase.functions().useFunctionsEmulator("http://localhost:5001"); $("body").append(`
`); } $(document).on("mouseenter", "#words .word", (e) => { if (resultVisible) { let input = $(e.currentTarget).attr("input"); if (input != undefined) $(e.currentTarget).append(`
`); } }); $(document).on("mouseleave", "#words .word", (e) => { $(".wordInputAfter").remove(); }); $(document).ready(() => { updateFavicon(32, 14); $("body").css("transition", ".25s"); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); if (config.quickTab) { $("#restartTestButton").addClass("hidden"); } $("#centerContent") .css("opacity", "0") .removeClass("hidden") .stop(true, true) .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250, () => { if (window.location.pathname === "/account") { history.replaceState("/", null, "/"); } else if (window.location.pathname !== "/") { let page = window.location.pathname.replace("/", ""); changePage(page); } }); }); let ctx = $("#wpmChart"); let wpmOverTimeChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: "line", data: { labels: [], datasets: [ { label: "wpm", data: [], // backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)', borderColor: "rgba(125, 125, 125, 1)", borderWidth: 2, yAxisID: "wpm", order: 2, radius: 2, }, { label: "raw", data: [], // backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)', borderColor: "rgba(125, 125, 125, 1)", borderWidth: 2, yAxisID: "raw", order: 3, radius: 2, }, { label: "errors", data: [], // backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)', borderColor: "rgba(255, 125, 125, 1)", pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(255, 125, 125, 1)", borderWidth: 2, order: 1, yAxisID: "error", // barPercentage: 0.1, maxBarThickness: 10, type: "scatter", pointStyle: "crossRot", radius: function (context) { var index = context.dataIndex; var value = context.dataset.data[index]; return value.y <= 0 ? 0 : 3; }, pointHoverRadius: function (context) { var index = context.dataIndex; var value = context.dataset.data[index]; return value.y <= 0 ? 0 : 5; }, }, ], }, options: { tooltips: { titleFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", bodyFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", mode: "index", intersect: false, }, legend: { display: false, labels: { defaultFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, }, responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, // hover: { // mode: 'x', // intersect: false // }, scales: { xAxes: [ { ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 40, }, display: true, scaleLabel: { display: false, labelString: "Seconds", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, }, ], yAxes: [ { id: "wpm", display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Words per Minute", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", beginAtZero: true, min: 0, autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 40, }, gridLines: { display: true, }, }, { id: "raw", display: false, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Raw Words per Minute", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", beginAtZero: true, min: 0, autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 40, }, gridLines: { display: false, }, }, { id: "error", display: true, position: "right", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Errors", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, ticks: { precision: 0, fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", beginAtZero: true, autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 40, }, gridLines: { display: false, }, }, ], }, annotation: { annotations: [ { enabled: false, type: "line", mode: "horizontal", scaleID: "wpm", value: "-30", borderColor: "red", borderWidth: 1, borderDash: [2, 2], label: { // Background color of label, default below backgroundColor: "blue", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", // Font size of text, inherits from global fontSize: 11, // Font style of text, default below fontStyle: "normal", // Font color of text, default below fontColor: "#fff", // Padding of label to add left/right, default below xPadding: 6, // Padding of label to add top/bottom, default below yPadding: 6, // Radius of label rectangle, default below cornerRadius: 3, // Anchor position of label on line, can be one of: top, bottom, left, right, center. Default below. position: "center", // Whether the label is enabled and should be displayed enabled: true, // Text to display in label - default is null. Provide an array to display values on a new line content: "PB", }, }, ], }, }, });