$(".pageLogin .register input").keyup((e) => { if (e.key == "Enter") { signUp(); } }); $(".pageLogin .register .button").click((e) => { signUp(); }); $(".pageLogin .login input").keyup((e) => { if (e.key == "Enter") { signIn(); } }); $(".pageLogin .login .button").click((e) => { signIn(); }); $(".signOut").click((e) => { signOut(); }); $(".pageAccount .loadMoreButton").click((e) => { loadMoreLines(); }); $(".pageLogin #forgotPasswordButton").click((e) => { let email = prompt("Email address"); if (email) { firebase .auth() .sendPasswordResetEmail(email) .then(function () { // Email sent. showNotification("Email sent", 2000); }) .catch(function (error) { // An error happened. showNotification(error.message, 5000); }); } }); function showSignOutButton() { $(".signOut").removeClass("hidden").css("opacity", 1); } function hideSignOutButton() { $(".signOut").css("opacity", 0).addClass("hidden"); } function signIn() { $(".pageLogin .preloader").removeClass("hidden"); let email = $(".pageLogin .login input")[0].value; let password = $(".pageLogin .login input")[1].value; if ($(".pageLogin .login #rememberMe input").prop("checked")) { //remember me firebase .auth() .setPersistence(firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence.LOCAL) .then(function () { return firebase .auth() .signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) .then((e) => { changePage("test"); }) .catch(function (error) { showNotification(error.message, 5000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); }); }); } else { //dont remember firebase .auth() .setPersistence(firebase.auth.Auth.Persistence.SESSION) .then(function () { return firebase .auth() .signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) .then((e) => { changePage("test"); }) .catch(function (error) { showNotification(error.message, 5000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); }); }); } } let dontCheckUserName = false; function signUp() { $(".pageLogin .preloader").removeClass("hidden"); let nname = $(".pageLogin .register input")[0].value; let email = $(".pageLogin .register input")[1].value; let password = $(".pageLogin .register input")[2].value; let passwordVerify = $(".pageLogin .register input")[3].value; const namecheck = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("checkNameAvailability"); namecheck({ name: nname }).then((d) => { if (d.data === -1) { showNotification("Name unavailable", 3000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); return; } else if (d.data === -2) { showNotification( "Name cannot contain special characters or contain more than 14 characters. Can include _ . and -", 8000 ); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); return; } else if (d.data === 1) { if (password != passwordVerify) { showNotification("Passwords do not match", 3000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); return; } firebase .auth() .createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) .then((user) => { // Account has been created here. dontCheckUserName = true; let usr = user.user; usr .updateProfile({ displayName: nname, }) .then(function () { // Update successful. firebase .firestore() .collection("users") .doc(usr.uid) .set({ name: nname }, { merge: true }); usr.sendEmailVerification(); showNotification("Account created", 2000); $("#menu .icon-button.account .text").text(nname); try { firebase.analytics().logEvent("accountCreated", usr.uid); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); dbSnapshot = { results: [], personalBests: {}, tags: [], }; changePage("account"); }) .catch(function (error) { // An error happened. console.error(error); usr .delete() .then(function () { // User deleted. showNotification( "An error occured. Account not created.", 2000 ); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); }) .catch(function (error) { // An error happened. $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); }); }); }) .catch(function (error) { // Handle Errors here. var errorCode = error.code; var errorMessage = error.message; showNotification(errorMessage, 5000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); }); } }); } function signOut() { firebase .auth() .signOut() .then(function () { showNotification("Signed out", 2000); updateAccountLoginButton(); changePage("login"); dbSnapshot = null; }) .catch(function (error) { showNotification(error.message, 5000); }); } function sendVerificationEmail() { let cu = firebase.auth().currentUser; cu.sendEmailVerification() .then((e) => { showNotification("Email sent to " + cu.email, 4000); }) .catch((e) => { showNotification("Error: " + e.message, 3000); console.error(e.message); }); } firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function (user) { if (user) { // User is signed in. if (user.emailVerified === false) { $(".pageAccount .content").prepend( `

Your account is not verified. Click here to resend the verification email.` ); } updateAccountLoginButton(); accountIconLoading(true); db_getUserSnapshot() .then((e) => { if (!configChangedBeforeDb) { if (cookieConfig === null) { accountIconLoading(false); applyConfig(dbSnapshot.config); // showNotification('Applying db config',3000); updateSettingsPage(); saveConfigToCookie(true); } else if (dbSnapshot.config !== undefined) { let configsDifferent = false; Object.keys(config).forEach((key) => { if (!configsDifferent) { try { if (key !== "resultFilters") { if (Array.isArray(config[key])) { config[key].forEach((arrval, index) => { if (arrval != dbSnapshot.config[key][index]) configsDifferent = true; }); } else { if (config[key] != dbSnapshot.config[key]) configsDifferent = true; } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); configsDifferent = true; } } }); if (configsDifferent) { accountIconLoading(false); applyConfig(dbSnapshot.config); updateSettingsPage(); saveConfigToCookie(true); } } dbConfigLoaded = true; } else { accountIconLoading(false); } try { if ( config.resultFilters === undefined || config.resultFilters === null || config.resultFilters.difficulty === undefined ) { if ( dbSnapshot.config.resultFilters == null || dbSnapshot.config.resultFilters.difficulty === undefined ) { config.resultFilters = defaultAccountFilters; } else { config.resultFilters = dbSnapshot.config.resultFilters; } } } catch (e) { config.resultFilters = defaultAccountFilters; } if ($(".pageLogin").hasClass("active")) { changePage("account"); } refreshThemeButtons(); accountIconLoading(false); updateFilterTags(); updateCommandsTagsList(); loadActiveTagsFromCookie(); updateResultEditTagsPanelButtons(); refreshTagsSettingsSection(); updateDiscordSettingsSection(); }) .catch((e) => { accountIconLoading(false); showNotification("Error downloading user data: " + e, 5000); }); var displayName = user.displayName; var email = user.email; var emailVerified = user.emailVerified; var photoURL = user.photoURL; var isAnonymous = user.isAnonymous; var uid = user.uid; var providerData = user.providerData; // showNotification('Signed in', 1000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass("hidden"); if (!dontCheckUserName) verifyUsername(); $("#menu .icon-button.account .text").text(displayName); } }); var resultHistoryChart = new Chart($(".pageAccount #resultHistoryChart"), { animationSteps: 60, type: "line", data: { datasets: [ { label: "wpm", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: "#f44336", borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(244,67,54,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } trendlineLinear: { style: "rgba(255,105,180, .8)", lineStyle: "dotted", width: 4, }, }, ], }, options: { tooltips: { // Disable the on-canvas tooltip enabled: true, titleFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", bodyFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", intersect: false, custom: function (tooltip) { if (!tooltip) return; // disable displaying the color box; tooltip.displayColors = false; }, callbacks: { // HERE YOU CUSTOMIZE THE LABELS title: function () { return; }, beforeLabel: function (tooltipItem, data) { let resultData = data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].data[tooltipItem.index]; let label = `${data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label}: ${ tooltipItem.yLabel }` + "\n" + `acc: ${resultData.acc}` + "\n\n" + `mode: ${resultData.mode} `; if (resultData.mode == "time") { label += resultData.mode2; } else if (resultData.mode == "words") { label += resultData.mode2; } let diff = resultData.difficulty; if (diff == undefined) { diff = "normal"; } label += "\n" + `difficulty: ${diff}`; label += "\n" + `punctuation: ${resultData.punctuation}` + "\n" + `language: ${resultData.language}` + "\n\n" + `date: ${moment(resultData.timestamp).format("DD MMM YYYY HH:mm")}`; return label; }, label: function (tooltipItem, data) { return; }, afterLabel: function (tooltipItem, data) { return; }, }, }, animation: { duration: 250, }, legend: { display: false, labels: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", fontColor: "#ffffff", }, }, responsive: true, // maintainAspectRatio: false, // tooltips: { // mode: 'index', // intersect: false, // }, hover: { mode: "nearest", intersect: true, }, scales: { xAxes: [ { ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, type: "time", bounds: "ticks", distribution: "series", display: false, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Date", }, }, ], yAxes: [ { ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", beginAtZero: true, }, display: true, scaleLabel: { display: false, labelString: "Words per Minute", }, }, ], }, }, }); let hoverChart = new Chart($(".pageAccount #hoverChart"), { type: "line", data: { labels: [], datasets: [ { label: "wpm", data: [], // backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)', borderColor: "rgba(125, 125, 125, 1)", borderWidth: 2, yAxisID: "wpm", order: 2, radius: 2, }, { label: "raw", data: [], // backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)', borderColor: "rgba(125, 125, 125, 1)", borderWidth: 2, yAxisID: "raw", order: 3, radius: 2, }, { label: "errors", data: [], // backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)', borderColor: "rgba(255, 125, 125, 1)", pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(255, 125, 125, 1)", borderWidth: 2, order: 1, yAxisID: "error", // barPercentage: 0.1, maxBarThickness: 10, type: "scatter", pointStyle: "crossRot", radius: function (context) { var index = context.dataIndex; var value = context.dataset.data[index]; return value.y <= 0 ? 0 : 3; }, pointHoverRadius: function (context) { var index = context.dataIndex; var value = context.dataset.data[index]; return value.y <= 0 ? 0 : 5; }, }, ], }, options: { tooltips: { titleFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", bodyFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", mode: "index", intersect: false, }, legend: { display: false, labels: { defaultFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, }, responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, // hover: { // mode: 'x', // intersect: false // }, scales: { xAxes: [ { ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 40, }, display: true, scaleLabel: { display: false, labelString: "Seconds", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, }, ], yAxes: [ { id: "wpm", display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Words per Minute", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", beginAtZero: true, min: 0, autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 40, }, gridLines: { display: true, }, }, { id: "raw", display: false, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Raw Words per Minute", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", beginAtZero: true, min: 0, autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 40, }, gridLines: { display: false, }, }, { id: "error", display: true, position: "right", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Errors", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", }, ticks: { precision: 0, fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", beginAtZero: true, autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 40, }, gridLines: { display: false, }, }, ], }, annotation: { annotations: [ { enabled: false, type: "line", mode: "horizontal", scaleID: "wpm", value: "-30", borderColor: "red", borderWidth: 1, borderDash: [2, 2], label: { // Background color of label, default below backgroundColor: "blue", fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", // Font size of text, inherits from global fontSize: 11, // Font style of text, default below fontStyle: "normal", // Font color of text, default below fontColor: "#fff", // Padding of label to add left/right, default below xPadding: 6, // Padding of label to add top/bottom, default below yPadding: 6, // Radius of label rectangle, default below cornerRadius: 3, // Anchor position of label on line, can be one of: top, bottom, left, right, center. Default below. position: "center", // Whether the label is enabled and should be displayed enabled: true, // Text to display in label - default is null. Provide an array to display values on a new line content: "PB", }, }, ], }, }, }); function updateHoverChart(filteredId) { let data = filteredResults[filteredId].chartData; let labels = []; for (let i = 1; i <= data.wpm.length; i++) { labels.push(i.toString()); } hoverChart.data.labels = labels; hoverChart.data.datasets[0].data = data.wpm; hoverChart.data.datasets[1].data = data.raw; hoverChart.data.datasets[2].data = data.err; hoverChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.options.scales.yAxes[2].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.options.scales.yAxes[2].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.data.datasets[0].borderColor = themeColors.main; hoverChart.data.datasets[0].pointBackgroundColor = themeColors.main; hoverChart.data.datasets[1].borderColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.data.datasets[1].pointBackgroundColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].borderColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].label.backgroundColor = themeColors.sub; hoverChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].label.fontColor = themeColors.bg; let maxChartVal = Math.max(...[Math.max(...data.wpm), Math.max(...data.raw)]); hoverChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.max = Math.round(maxChartVal); hoverChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.max = Math.round(maxChartVal); hoverChart.update({ duration: 0 }); } function showHoverChart() { $(".pageAccount .hoverChartWrapper").stop(true, true).fadeIn(125); $(".pageAccount .hoverChartBg").stop(true, true).fadeIn(125); } function hideHoverChart() { $(".pageAccount .hoverChartWrapper").stop(true, true).fadeOut(125); $(".pageAccount .hoverChartBg").stop(true, true).fadeOut(125); } function updateHoverChartPosition(x, y) { $(".pageAccount .hoverChartWrapper").css({ top: y, left: x }); } $(document).on("click", ".pageAccount .hoverChartButton", (event) => { console.log("updating"); let filterid = $(event.currentTarget).attr("filteredResultsId"); if (filterid === undefined) return; updateHoverChart(filterid); showHoverChart(); updateHoverChartPosition( event.pageX - $(".pageAccount .hoverChartWrapper").outerWidth(), event.pageY + 30 ); }); $(document).on("click", ".pageAccount .hoverChartBg", (event) => { hideHoverChart(); }); // $(document).on("mouseleave", ".pageAccount .hoverChartButton", (event) => { // hideHoverChart(); // }); let defaultAccountFilters = { difficulty: { normal: true, expert: true, master: true, }, mode: { words: true, time: true, quote: true, custom: true, }, words: { 10: true, 25: true, 50: true, 100: true, 200: true, custom: true, }, time: { 15: true, 30: true, 60: true, 120: true, custom: true, }, punctuation: { on: true, off: true, }, date: { last_day: false, last_week: false, last_month: false, all: true, }, tags: { none: true, }, language: {}, funbox: { none: true, }, }; Object.keys(words).forEach((language) => { $( ".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.languages .buttons" ).append( `

${language.replace( "_", " " )}
` ); defaultAccountFilters.language[language] = true; if (language === "english_expanded") { $( ".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.languages .buttons" ).append(`
english 10k
`); defaultAccountFilters.language["english_10k"] = true; } }); $( ".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.funbox .buttons" ).append(`
`); getFunboxList().then((funboxModes) => { funboxModes.forEach((funbox) => { $( ".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.funbox .buttons" ).append( `
${funbox.name.replace( /_/g, " " )}
` ); defaultAccountFilters.funbox[funbox.name] = true; }); }); function updateFilterTags() { $( ".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.tags .buttons" ).empty(); if (dbSnapshot.tags.length > 0) { $(".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.tags").removeClass( "hidden" ); $( ".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.tags .buttons" ).append(`
no tag
`); dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { defaultAccountFilters.tags[tag.id] = true; $( ".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.tags .buttons" ).append(`
`); }); } else { $(".pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle.tags").addClass( "hidden" ); } // showActiveFilters(); } function toggleFilter(group, filter) { if (group === "date") { Object.keys(config.resultFilters.date).forEach((date) => { setFilter("date", date, false); }); } config.resultFilters[group][filter] = !config.resultFilters[group][filter]; } function setFilter(group, filter, set) { config.resultFilters[group][filter] = set; } // function toggleFilterButton(filter) { // const element = $( // `.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .button[filter=${filter}]` // ); // if (element.hasClass("active")) { // //disable that filter // if (filter == "all" || filter == "none") { // return; // } else if (filter == "mode_words") { // // $.each($(`.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttons.wordsFilter .button`),(index,obj)=>{ // // let f = $(obj).attr('filter') // // disableFilterButton(f) // // }) // } else if (filter == "mode_time") { // // $.each($(`.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttons.timeFilter .button`),(index,obj)=>{ // // let f = $(obj).attr('filter') // // disableFilterButton(f) // // }) // } else if (filter == "punc_off") { // enableFilterButton("punc_on"); // } else if (filter == "punc_on") { // enableFilterButton("punc_off"); // } // disableFilterButton(filter); // disableFilterButton("all"); // } else { // //enable that filter // disableFilterButton("none"); // if (filter == "all") { // $.each( // $(`.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .button`), // (index, obj) => { // let f = $(obj).attr("filter"); // if ( // f != "none" && // f != "date_month" && // f != "date_week" && // f != "date_day" // ) { // enableFilterButton(f); // } // } // ); // } else if (filter == "none") { // disableFilterButton("all"); // $.each( // $(`.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .button`), // (index, obj) => { // let f = $(obj).attr("filter"); // if (f != "none") { // disableFilterButton(f); // } // } // ); // } else if ( // filter == "date_all" || // filter == "date_month" || // filter == "date_week" || // filter == "date_day" // ) { // disableFilterButton("date_all"); // disableFilterButton("date_month"); // disableFilterButton("date_week"); // disableFilterButton("date_day"); // enableFilterButton(filter); // } // // else if(filter == "mode_words"){ // // $.each($(`.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttons.wordsFilter .button`),(index,obj)=>{ // // let f = $(obj).attr('filter'); // // enableFilterButton(f); // // }) // // }else if(filter == "mode_time"){ // // $.each($(`.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .buttons.timeFilter .button`),(index,obj)=>{ // // let f = $(obj).attr('filter'); // // enableFilterButton(f); // // }) // // }else if(['10','25','50','100','200'].includes(filter)){ // // enableFilterButton('words'); // // }else if(['15','30','60','120'].includes(filter)){ // // enableFilterButton('time'); // // } // enableFilterButton(filter); // } // showActiveFilters(); // } // function disableFilterButton(filter) { // const element = $( // `.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .button[filter=${filter}]` // ); // element.removeClass("active"); // } // function enableFilterButton(filter) { // const element = $( // `.pageAccount .content .filterButtons .button[filter=${filter}]` // ); // element.addClass("active"); // } function showActiveFilters() { // activeFilters = []; // $.each($(".pageAccount .filterButtons .button"), (i, obj) => { // if ($(obj).hasClass("active")) { // activeFilters.push($(obj).attr("filter")); // } // }); let aboveChartDisplay = {}; Object.keys(config.resultFilters).forEach((group) => { aboveChartDisplay[group] = { all: true, array: [], }; Object.keys(config.resultFilters[group]).forEach((filter) => { if (config.resultFilters[group][filter]) { aboveChartDisplay[group].array.push(filter); } else { aboveChartDisplay[group].all = false; } let buttonEl = $( `.pageAccount .group.filterButtons .filterGroup[group="${group}"] .button[filter="${filter}"]` ); if (config.resultFilters[group][filter]) { buttonEl.addClass("active"); } else { buttonEl.removeClass("active"); } }); }); let chartString = ""; let allall = true; let count = 0; Object.keys(aboveChartDisplay).forEach((group) => { count++; if (group === "time" && !aboveChartDisplay.mode.array.includes("time")) return; if (group === "words" && !aboveChartDisplay.mode.array.includes("words")) return; if (aboveChartDisplay[group].array.length > 0) { chartString += "
"; if (group == "difficulty") { chartString += ``; } else if (group == "mode") { chartString += ``; } else if (group == "punctuation") { chartString += `!?`; } else if (group == "words") { chartString += ``; } else if (group == "time") { chartString += ``; } else if (group == "date") { chartString += ``; } else if (group == "tags") { chartString += ``; } else if (group == "language") { chartString += ``; } else if (group == "funbox") { chartString += ``; } if (aboveChartDisplay[group].all) { chartString += "all"; } else { allall = false; if (group === "tags") { chartString += aboveChartDisplay.tags.array .map((id) => { if (id == "none") return id; return dbSnapshot.tags.filter((t) => t.id == id)[0].name; }) .join(", "); } else { chartString += aboveChartDisplay[group].array .join(", ") .replace(/_/g, " "); } } chartString += "
"; if (Object.keys(aboveChartDisplay).length !== count) chartString += `
`; } }); if (allall) chartString = `all`; $(".pageAccount .group.chart .above").html(chartString); refreshAccountPage(); } function showChartPreloader() { $(".pageAccount .group.chart .preloader").stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 1, }, 125 ); } function hideChartPreloader() { $(".pageAccount .group.chart .preloader").stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125 ); } $(".pageAccount .filterButtons .buttonsAndTitle .buttons").click( ".button", (e) => { const filter = $(e.target).attr("filter"); const group = $(e.target).parents(".buttons").attr("group"); // toggleFilterButton(filter); if ($(e.target).hasClass("allFilters")) { Object.keys(config.resultFilters).forEach((group) => { Object.keys(config.resultFilters[group]).forEach((filter) => { if (group === "date") { config.resultFilters[group][filter] = false; } else { config.resultFilters[group][filter] = true; } }); }); config.resultFilters.date.all = true; } else if ($(e.target).hasClass("noFilters")) { Object.keys(config.resultFilters).forEach((group) => { Object.keys(config.resultFilters[group]).forEach((filter) => { config.resultFilters[group][filter] = false; }); }); } else { if (e.shiftKey) { Object.keys(config.resultFilters[group]).forEach((filter) => { config.resultFilters[group][filter] = false; }); setFilter(group, filter, true); } else { toggleFilter(group, filter); } } showActiveFilters(); saveConfigToCookie(); } ); $(".pageAccount #currentConfigFilter").click((e) => { // let disableGroups = [ // "globalFilters", // "difficultyFilters", // "modeFilters", // "punctuationFilter", // "wordsFilter", // "timeFilter", // "languages", // "tags", // "funbox", // ]; // disableGroups.forEach((group) => { // $.each( // $(`.pageAccount .filterButtons .buttons.${group} .button`), // (index, button) => { // let fl = $(button).attr("filter"); // disableFilterButton(fl); // config.resultFilters = config.resultFilters.filter((f) => f !== fl); // } // ); // }); // showActiveFilters(); Object.keys(config.resultFilters).forEach((group) => { Object.keys(config.resultFilters[group]).forEach((filter) => { config.resultFilters[group][filter] = false; }); }); //rewrite this monstrosity soon pls // config.resultFilters.push(`difficulty_${config.difficulty}`); // toggleFilterButton(`difficulty_${config.difficulty}`); // config.resultFilters.push(`mode_${config.mode}`); // toggleFilterButton(`mode_${config.mode}`); // if (config.mode === "time") { // config.resultFilters.push(`time_${config.time}`); // toggleFilterButton(`time_${config.time}`); // } else if (config.mode === "words") { // config.resultFilters.push(`words_${config.words}`); // toggleFilterButton(`words_${config.words}`); // } // let puncfilter = config.punctuation ? "punc_on" : "punc_off"; // config.resultFilters.push(puncfilter); // toggleFilterButton(puncfilter); // config.resultFilters.push(`lang_${config.language}`); // toggleFilterButton(`lang_${config.language}`); // config.resultFilters.push(`funbox_${activeFunBox}`); // toggleFilterButton(`funbox_${activeFunBox}`); // let activeTags = []; // try { // dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { // if (tag.active === true) { // activeTags.push(tag.id); // } // }); // } catch (e) {} // if (activeTags.length > 0) { // activeTags.forEach((tag) => { // config.resultFilters.push(`tag_${tag}`); // toggleFilterButton(`tag_${tag}`); // }); // } else { // config.resultFilters.push(`tag_notag`); // toggleFilterButton(`tag_notag`); // } config.resultFilters.difficulty[config.difficulty] = true; config.resultFilters.mode[config.mode] = true; if (config.mode === "time") { config.resultFilters.time[config.time] = true; } else if (config.mode === "words") { config.resultFilters.words[config.words] = true; } if (config.punctuation) { config.resultFilters.punctuation.on = true; } else { config.resultFilters.punctuation.off = true; } config.resultFilters.language[config.language] = true; config.resultFilters.funbox[activeFunBox] = true; config.resultFilters.tags.none = true; dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.active === true) { config.resultFilters.tags.none = false; config.resultFilters.tags[tag.id] = true; } }); config.resultFilters.date.all = true; showActiveFilters(); saveConfigToCookie(); }); let filteredResults = []; let visibleTableLines = 0; function loadMoreLines() { if (filteredResults == [] || filteredResults.length == 0) return; for (let i = visibleTableLines; i < visibleTableLines + 10; i++) { result = filteredResults[i]; if (result == undefined) continue; let withpunc = ""; // if (result.punctuation) { // withpunc = '
punctuation'; // } // if (result.blindMode) { // withpunc = '
blind'; // } let diff = result.difficulty; if (diff == undefined) { diff = "normal"; } let raw = result.rawWpm; if (raw == undefined) { raw = "-"; } let icons = ``; if (diff === "normal") { icons += ``; } else if (diff === "expert") { icons += ``; } else if (diff === "master") { icons += ``; } if (result.punctuation) { icons += `!?`; } if (result.blindMode) { icons += ``; } if (result.funbox !== "none" && result.funbox !== undefined) { icons += ``; } if (result.chartData === undefined) { icons += ``; } else if (result.chartData === "toolong") { icons += ``; } else { icons += ``; } let tagNames = ""; if (result.tags !== undefined && result.tags.length > 0) { result.tags.forEach((tag) => { dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((snaptag) => { if (tag === snaptag.id) { tagNames += snaptag.name + ", "; } }); }); tagNames = tagNames.substring(0, tagNames.length - 2); } // if(tagNames !== ""){ // icons += ``; // } let restags; if (result.tags === undefined) { restags = "[]"; } else { restags = JSON.stringify(result.tags); } let tagIcons = ``; if (tagNames !== "") { if (result.tags !== undefined && result.tags.length > 1) { tagIcons = ``; } else { tagIcons = ``; } } let consistency = result.consistency; if (consistency === undefined) { consistency = "-"; } else { consistency += "%"; } $(".pageAccount .history table tbody").append(` ${result.wpm} ${raw} ${result.acc}% ${result.correctChars} ${result.incorrectChars} ${consistency} ${result.mode} ${result.mode2}${withpunc} ${icons} ${tagIcons} ${moment(result.timestamp).format("DD MMM YYYY
HH:mm")} `); } visibleTableLines += 10; if (visibleTableLines >= filteredResults.length) { $(".pageAccount .loadMoreButton").addClass("hidden"); } else { $(".pageAccount .loadMoreButton").removeClass("hidden"); } } let totalSecondsFiltered = 0; function refreshAccountPage() { function cont() { refreshThemeColorObject(); let chartData = []; visibleTableLines = 0; let topWpm = 0; let topMode = ""; let testRestarts = 0; let totalWpm = 0; let testCount = 0; let last10 = 0; let wpmLast10total = 0; let totalAcc = 0; let totalAcc10 = 0; let rawWpm = { total: 0, count: 0, last10Total: 0, last10Count: 0, max: 0, }; let totalSeconds = 0; totalSecondsFiltered = 0; let totalCons = 0; let totalCons10 = 0; let consCount = 0; filteredResults = []; $(".pageAccount .history table tbody").empty(); dbSnapshot.results.forEach((result) => { let tt = 0; if (result.testDuration == undefined) { //test finished before testDuration field was introduced - estimate if (result.mode == "time") { tt = parseFloat(result.mode2); } else if (result.mode == "words") { tt = (parseFloat(result.mode2) / parseFloat(result.wpm)) * 60; } } else { tt = parseFloat(result.testDuration); } if (result.incompleteTestSeconds != undefined) { tt += result.incompleteTestSeconds; } else if (result.restartCount != undefined && result.restartCount > 0) { tt += (tt / 4) * result.restartCount; } totalSeconds += tt; // console.log(result); //apply filters let resdiff = result.difficulty; if (resdiff == undefined) { resdiff = "normal"; } // if (!activeFilters.includes("difficulty_" + resdiff)) return; if (!config.resultFilters.difficulty[resdiff]) return; // if (!activeFilters.includes("mode_" + result.mode)) return; if (!config.resultFilters.mode[result.mode]) return; if (result.mode == "time") { let timefilter = "custom"; if ([15, 30, 60, 120].includes(parseInt(result.mode2))) { timefilter = result.mode2; } // if (!activeFilters.includes(timefilter)) return; if (!config.resultFilters.time[timefilter]) return; } else if (result.mode == "words") { let wordfilter = "custom"; if ([10, 25, 50, 100, 200].includes(parseInt(result.mode2))) { wordfilter = result.mode2; } // if (!activeFilters.includes(wordfilter)) return; if (!config.resultFilters.words[wordfilter]) return; } // if (!activeFilters.includes("lang_" + result.language)) return; if (!config.resultFilters.language[result.language]) return; let puncfilter = "off"; if (result.punctuation) { puncfilter = "on"; } if (!config.resultFilters.punctuation[puncfilter]) return; // if (!activeFilters.includes(puncfilter)) return; if (result.funbox === "none" || result.funbox === undefined) { // if (!activeFilters.includes("funbox_none")) return; if (!config.resultFilters.funbox.none) return; } else { // if (!activeFilters.includes("funbox_" + result.funbox)) return; if (!config.resultFilters.funbox[result.funbox]) return; } let tagHide = true; if (result.tags === undefined || result.tags.length === 0) { //no tags, show when no tag is enabled if (dbSnapshot.tags.length > 0) { // if (activeFilters.includes("tag_notag")) tagHide = false; if (config.resultFilters.tags.none) tagHide = false; } else { tagHide = false; } } else { //tags exist let validTags = dbSnapshot.tags.map((t) => t.id); result.tags.forEach((tag) => { //check if i even need to check tags anymore if (!tagHide) return; //check if tag is valid if (validTags.includes(tag)) { //tag valid, check if filter is on // if (activeFilters.includes("tag_" + tag)) tagHide = false; if (config.resultFilters.tags[tag]) tagHide = false; } }); } if (tagHide) return; let timeSinceTest = Math.abs(result.timestamp - Date.now()) / 1000; let datehide = true; // if ( // activeFilters.includes("date_all") || // (activeFilters.includes("date_day") && timeSinceTest <= 86400) || // (activeFilters.includes("date_week") && timeSinceTest <= 604800) || // (activeFilters.includes("date_month") && timeSinceTest <= 18144000) // ) { // datehide = false; // } if ( config.resultFilters.date.all || (config.resultFilters.date.last_day && timeSinceTest <= 86400) || (config.resultFilters.date.last_week && timeSinceTest <= 604800) || (config.resultFilters.date.last_month && timeSinceTest <= 2592000) ) { datehide = false; } if (datehide) return; filteredResults.push(result); //filters done //======================================= tt = 0; if (result.testDuration == undefined) { //test finished before testDuration field was introduced - estimate if (result.mode == "time") { tt = parseFloat(result.mode2); } else if (result.mode == "words") { tt = (parseFloat(result.mode2) / parseFloat(result.wpm)) * 60; } } else { tt = parseFloat(result.testDuration); } if (result.incompleteTestSeconds != undefined) { tt += result.incompleteTestSeconds; } else if (result.restartCount != undefined && result.restartCount > 0) { tt += (tt / 4) * result.restartCount; } totalSecondsFiltered += tt; if (last10 < 10) { last10++; wpmLast10total += result.wpm; totalAcc10 += result.acc; result.consistency !== undefined ? (totalCons10 += result.consistency) : 0; } testCount++; if (result.consistency !== undefined) { consCount++; totalCons += result.consistency; } if (result.rawWpm != null) { if (rawWpm.last10Count < 10) { rawWpm.last10Count++; rawWpm.last10Total += result.rawWpm; } rawWpm.total += result.rawWpm; rawWpm.count++; if (result.rawWpm > rawWpm.max) { rawWpm.max = result.rawWpm; } } totalAcc += result.acc; if (result.restartCount != undefined) { testRestarts += result.restartCount; } chartData.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm, acc: result.acc, mode: result.mode, mode2: result.mode2, punctuation: result.punctuation, language: result.language, timestamp: result.timestamp, difficulty: result.difficulty, }); if (result.wpm > topWpm) { let puncsctring = result.punctuation ? ",
with punctuation" : ""; topWpm = result.wpm; topMode = result.mode + " " + result.mode2 + puncsctring; } totalWpm += result.wpm; }); loadMoreLines(); //////// resultHistoryChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; resultHistoryChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[0].borderColor = themeColors.main; resultHistoryChart.options.legend.labels.fontColor = themeColors.sub; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[0].trendlineLinear.style = themeColors.sub; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[0].data = chartData; if (chartData == [] || chartData.length == 0) { $(".pageAccount .group.noDataError").removeClass("hidden"); $(".pageAccount .group.chart").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageAccount .group.history").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageAccount .triplegroup.stats").addClass("hidden"); } else { $(".pageAccount .group.noDataError").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageAccount .group.chart").removeClass("hidden"); $(".pageAccount .group.history").removeClass("hidden"); $(".pageAccount .triplegroup.stats").removeClass("hidden"); } // moment // .utc(moment.duration(totalSeconds, "seconds").asMilliseconds()) // .format("HH:mm:ss") let th = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 3600); let tm = Math.floor((totalSeconds % 3600) / 60); let ts = Math.floor((totalSeconds % 3600) % 60); $(".pageAccount .timeTotal .val").text(` ${th < 10 ? "0" + th : th}:${tm < 10 ? "0" + tm : tm}:${ ts < 10 ? "0" + ts : ts } `); //moment // .utc(moment.duration(totalSecondsFiltered, "seconds").asMilliseconds()) // .format("HH:mm:ss") let tfh = Math.floor(totalSecondsFiltered / 3600); let tfm = Math.floor((totalSecondsFiltered % 3600) / 60); let tfs = Math.floor((totalSecondsFiltered % 3600) % 60); $(".pageAccount .timeTotalFiltered .val").text(` ${tfh < 10 ? "0" + tfh : tfh}:${tfm < 10 ? "0" + tfm : tfm}:${ tfs < 10 ? "0" + tfs : tfs } `); $(".pageAccount .highestWpm .val").text(topWpm); $(".pageAccount .averageWpm .val").text(Math.round(totalWpm / testCount)); $(".pageAccount .averageWpm10 .val").text( Math.round(wpmLast10total / last10) ); $(".pageAccount .highestRaw .val").text(rawWpm.max); $(".pageAccount .averageRaw .val").text( Math.round(rawWpm.total / rawWpm.count) ); $(".pageAccount .averageRaw10 .val").text( Math.round(rawWpm.last10Total / rawWpm.last10Count) ); $(".pageAccount .highestWpm .mode").html(topMode); $(".pageAccount .testsTaken .val").text(testCount); $(".pageAccount .avgAcc .val").text(Math.round(totalAcc / testCount) + "%"); $(".pageAccount .avgAcc10 .val").text( Math.round(totalAcc10 / last10) + "%" ); // console.log(totalCons10); // console.log(last10); if (totalCons == 0 || totalCons == undefined) { $(".pageAccount .avgCons .val").text("-"); $(".pageAccount .avgCons10 .val").text("-"); } else { $(".pageAccount .avgCons .val").text( Math.round(totalCons / consCount) + "%" ); $(".pageAccount .avgCons10 .val").text( Math.round(totalCons10 / Math.min(last10, consCount)) + "%" ); } $(".pageAccount .testsStarted .val").text(`${testCount + testRestarts}`); $(".pageAccount .testsCompleted .val").text( `${testCount}(${Math.floor( (testCount / (testCount + testRestarts)) * 100 )}%)` ); $(".pageAccount .avgRestart .val").text( (testRestarts / testCount).toFixed(1) ); // if(testCount == 0){ // $('.pageAccount .group.chart').fadeOut(125); // $('.pageAccount .triplegroup.stats').fadeOut(125); // $('.pageAccount .group.history').fadeOut(125); // }else{ // $('.pageAccount .group.chart').fadeIn(125); // $('.pageAccount .triplegroup.stats').fadeIn(125); // $('.pageAccount .group.history').fadeIn(125); // } // let favMode = testModes.words10; // let favModeName = 'words10'; // $.each(testModes, (key, mode) => { // if (mode.length > favMode.length) { // favMode = mode; // favModeName = key; // } // }) // if (favModeName == 'words10' && testModes.words10.length == 0) { // //new user // $(".pageAccount .favouriteTest .val").text(`-`); // } else { // $(".pageAccount .favouriteTest .val").text(`${favModeName} (${Math.floor((favMode.length/testCount) * 100)}%)`); // } if (resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[0].length > 0) { resultHistoryChart.options.plugins.trendlineLinear = true; } else { resultHistoryChart.options.plugins.trendlineLinear = false; } let wpmPoints = filteredResults.map((r) => r.wpm).reverse(); let trend = findLineByLeastSquares(wpmPoints); let wpmChange = trend[1][1] - trend[0][1]; let wpmChangePerHour = wpmChange * (3600 / totalSecondsFiltered); // let slope = calculateSlope(trend); let plus = wpmChangePerHour > 0 ? "+" : ""; $(".pageAccount .group.chart .below").text( `Speed change per hour spent typing: ${ plus + roundTo2(wpmChangePerHour) } wpm.` ); resultHistoryChart.update({ duration: 0 }); swapElements($(".pageAccount .preloader"), $(".pageAccount .content"), 250); } if (dbSnapshot === null || dbSnapshot.results === undefined) { db_getUserResults().then((d) => { if (d) { // cont(); showActiveFilters(); } else { setTimeout((f) => { changePage(""); }, 500); // console.log("something went wrong"); } }); } else { console.log("using db snap"); cont(); } } function showResultEditTagsPanel() { if ($("#resultEditTagsPanelWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#resultEditTagsPanelWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 125); } } function hideResultEditTagsPanel() { if (!$("#resultEditTagsPanelWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#resultEditTagsPanelWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 100, (e) => { $("#resultEditTagsPanelWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); } } $(document).on("click", ".pageAccount .group.history #resultEditTags", (f) => { if (dbSnapshot.tags.length > 0) { let resultid = $(f.target).parents("span").attr("resultid"); let tags = $(f.target).parents("span").attr("tags"); $("#resultEditTagsPanel").attr("resultid", resultid); $("#resultEditTagsPanel").attr("tags", tags); updateActiveResultEditTagsPanelButtons(JSON.parse(tags)); showResultEditTagsPanel(); } }); $(document).on("click", "#resultEditTagsPanelWrapper .button.tag", (f) => { $(f.target).toggleClass("active"); }); $("#resultEditTagsPanelWrapper").click((e) => { if ($(e.target).attr("id") === "resultEditTagsPanelWrapper") { hideResultEditTagsPanel(); } }); function updateResultEditTagsPanelButtons() { $("#resultEditTagsPanel .buttons").empty(); dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { $("#resultEditTagsPanel .buttons").append( `
` ); }); } function updateActiveResultEditTagsPanelButtons(active) { if (active === []) return; $.each($("#resultEditTagsPanel .buttons .button"), (index, obj) => { let tagid = $(obj).attr("tagid"); if (active.includes(tagid)) { $(obj).addClass("active"); } else { $(obj).removeClass("active"); } // active.forEach(activetagid => { // if(activetagid === tagid){ // $(obj).addClass('active'); // }else{ // $(obj).removeClass('active'); // } // }) }); } $("#resultEditTagsPanel .confirmButton").click((f) => { let resultid = $("#resultEditTagsPanel").attr("resultid"); let oldtags = JSON.parse($("#resultEditTagsPanel").attr("tags")); let newtags = []; $.each($("#resultEditTagsPanel .buttons .button"), (index, obj) => { let tagid = $(obj).attr("tagid"); if ($(obj).hasClass("active")) { newtags.push(tagid); } }); showBackgroundLoader(); hideResultEditTagsPanel(); updateResultTags({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, tags: newtags, resultid: resultid, }).then((r) => { hideBackgroundLoader(); if (r.data.resultCode === 1) { showNotification("Tags updated", 1000); dbSnapshot.results.forEach((result) => { if (result.id === resultid) { result.tags = newtags; } }); refreshAccountPage(); } else { showNotification("Error updating tags", 3000); } }); });