const MonkeyError = require("../handlers/error"); const { mongoDB } = require("../init/mongodb"); const { checkAndUpdatePb } = require("../handlers/pb"); const { updateAuthEmail } = require("../handlers/auth"); class UsersDAO { static async addUser(name, email, uid) { return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .insertOne({ name, email, uid, addedAt: }); } static async updateName(uid, name) { const nameDoc = await mongoDB() .collection("users") .findOne({ name: { $regex: new RegExp(`^${name}$`, "i") } }); if (nameDoc) throw new MonkeyError(409, "Username already taken"); return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { name } }); } static async updateEmail(uid, email) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); return await updateAuthEmail(uid, email); } static async getUser(uid) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); return user; } static async getUserByDiscordId(discordId) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ discordId }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); return user; } static async addTag(uid, name) { return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $push: { tags: { name } } }); } static async editTag(uid, id, name) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); if ( user.tags === undefined || user.tags.filter((t) => t._id === id).length === 0 ) throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found"); return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne( { uid: uid, "tags._id": id, }, { $set: { tags: { name } } } ); } static async removeTag(uid, id) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); if ( user.tags === undefined || user.tags.filter((t) => t._id === id).length === 0 ) throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found"); return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $pull: { id } }); } static async removeTagPb(uid, id) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); if ( user.tags === undefined || user.tags.filter((t) => t._id === id).length === 0 ) throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found"); return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne( { uid: uid, "tags._id": id, }, { $pull: { tags: { personalBests } } } ); } static async checkIfPb( uid, mode, mode2, acc, consistency, difficulty, language, punctuation, raw, wpm ) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); let pb = checkAndUpdatePb( user.personalBests, mode, mode2, acc, consistency, difficulty, language, punctuation, raw, wpm ); if (pb.isPb) { await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { personalBests: pb.obj } }); return true; } else { return false; } } static async checkIfTagPb( uid, tags, mode, mode2, acc, consistency, difficulty, language, punctuation, raw, wpm ) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); if (user.tags === undefined || user.tags.length === 0) { return []; } let ret = []; tags.forEach(async (tag) => { let tagpb = checkAndUpdatePb( tag.personalBests, mode, mode2, acc, consistency, difficulty, language, punctuation, raw, wpm ); if (tagpb.isPb) { ret.push(tag._id); await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { tags: { personalBests: tagpb.obj } } }); } }); return ret; } static async resetPb(uid) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { personalBests: {} } }); } static async updateTypingStats(uid, restartCount, timeTyping) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne( { uid }, { $inc: { startedTests: restartCount, completedTests: 1, timeTyping, }, } ); } static async linkDiscord(uid, discordId) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { discordId } }); } static async unlinkDiscord(uid) { const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { discordId: null } }); } static async incrementBananas(uid, wpm){ const user = await mongoDB().collection("users").findOne({ uid }); if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found"); let best60; try{ best60 = Math.max(...user.personalBests.time[60].map((best) => best.wpm)); }catch(e){ best60 = undefined; } if(best60 === undefined || wpm >= (best60 - best60 * 0.25)){ //increment when no record found or wpm is within 25% of the record return await mongoDB() .collection("users") .updateOne( { uid }, { $inc: { bananas: 1 } } ); }else{ return null; } } } module.exports = UsersDAO;