$(".pageLogin .register input").keyup(e => { if (e.key == "Enter") { $(".pageLogin .preloader").removeClass('hidden'); let name = $(".pageLogin .register input")[0].value; let email = $(".pageLogin .register input")[1].value; let password = $(".pageLogin .register input")[2].value; let passwordVerify = $(".pageLogin .register input")[3].value; if (name == "") { showNotification("Name is required", 3000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass('hidden'); return; } if (password != passwordVerify) { showNotification("Passwords do not match", 3000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass('hidden'); return; } firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then(user => { // Account has been created here. let usr = user.user; usr.updateProfile({ displayName: name }).then(function() { // Update successful. showNotification("Account created", 2000); firebase.analytics().logEvent("accountCreated", usr.uid); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass('hidden'); changePage('account'); }).catch(function(error) { // An error happened. usr.delete().then(function() { // User deleted. showNotification("Name invalid", 2000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass('hidden'); }).catch(function(error) { // An error happened. $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass('hidden'); }); }); }).catch(function(error) { // Handle Errors here. var errorCode = error.code; var errorMessage = error.message; showNotification(errorMessage, 5000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass('hidden'); }); } }) $(".pageLogin .login input").keyup(e => { if (e.key == "Enter") { $(".pageLogin .preloader").removeClass('hidden'); let email = $(".pageLogin .login input")[0].value; let password = $(".pageLogin .login input")[1].value; firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then(e => { changePage('account'); }).catch(function(error) { showNotification(error.message, 5000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass('hidden'); }); } }) $(".pageAccount .signOut").click(e => { signOut(); }) function signOut() { firebase.auth().signOut().then(function() { showNotification("Signed out", 2000); updateAccountLoginButton(); changePage('login'); }).catch(function(error) { showNotification(error.message, 5000); }); } firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) { if (user) { // User is signed in. var displayName = user.displayName; var email = user.email; var emailVerified = user.emailVerified; var photoURL = user.photoURL; var isAnonymous = user.isAnonymous; var uid = user.uid; var providerData = user.providerData; showNotification('Signed in', 2000); $(".pageLogin .preloader").addClass('hidden'); updateAccountLoginButton() } }); var resultHistoryChart = new Chart($(".pageAccount #resultHistoryChart"), { type: 'line', data: { datasets: [ { label: "words 10", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#f44336', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(244,67,54,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "words 25", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#FF5722', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(255,87,34,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "words 50", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#FF9800', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(255,152,0,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "words 100", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#FFC107', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(255,193,7,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "words 200", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#FFEB3B', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(255,235,59,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "time 15", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#3F51B5', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(63,81,181,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "time 30", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#2196F3', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(33,150,243,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "time 60", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#03A9F4', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(3,169,244,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "time 120", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#00BCD4', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(0,188,212,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } }, { label: "custom", fill: false, data: [], borderColor: '#4CAF50', borderWidth: 2, // trendlineLinear: { // style: "rgba(76,175,80,.25)", // lineStyle: "solid", // width: 1 // } } ], }, options: { tooltips: { titleFontFamily: "Roboto Mono", bodyFontFamily: "Roboto Mono" }, legend: { display: true, labels: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono", fontColor: "#ffffff" } }, responsive: true, // maintainAspectRatio: false, // tooltips: { // mode: 'index', // intersect: false, // }, hover: { mode: 'nearest', intersect: true }, scales: { xAxes: [{ ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono" }, type: 'time', time: { tooltipFormat:'DD MMM YYYY HH:mm' }, bounds: 'ticks', distribution: 'series', display: false, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Date' }, }], yAxes: [{ ticks: { fontFamily: "Roboto Mono" }, display: true, scaleLabel: { display: false, labelString: 'Words per Minute' } }] } } }); function refreshAccountPage() { function cont(){ let testModes = { words10: [], words25: [], words50: [], words100: [], words200: [], time15: [], time30: [], time60: [], time120: [], custom: [] } let topWpm = 0; let topMode = ''; let testCount = dbSnapshot.length; $(".pageAccount .history table tbody").empty(); dbSnapshot.forEach(result => { let withpunc = ''; if (result.punctuation) { withpunc = ', with punctuation'; } $(".pageAccount .history table tbody").append(` ${result.wpm} ${result.acc}% ${result.correctChars} ${result.incorrectChars} ${result.mode} ${result.mode2}${withpunc} ${moment(result.timestamp).format('DD MMM YYYY HH:mm')} `) if (result.mode == "words" && result.mode2 == 10) { testModes.words10.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "words" && result.mode2 == 25) { testModes.words25.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "words" && result.mode2 == 50) { testModes.words50.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "words" && result.mode2 == 100) { testModes.words100.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "words" && result.mode2 == 200) { testModes.words200.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "time" && result.mode2 == 15) { testModes.time15.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "time" && result.mode2 == 30) { testModes.time30.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "time" && result.mode2 == 60) { testModes.time60.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "time" && result.mode2 == 120) { testModes.time120.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.mode == "custom") { testModes.custom.push({ x: result.timestamp, y: result.wpm }); } if (result.wpm > topWpm) { let puncsctring = result.punctuation ? ",
with punctuation" : ""; topWpm = result.wpm; topMode = result.mode + " " + result.mode2 + puncsctring; } }) let subColor = getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('--sub-color').replace(' ',''); resultHistoryChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = subColor; resultHistoryChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = subColor; resultHistoryChart.options.legend.labels.fontColor = subColor; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[0].data = testModes.words10; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[1].data = testModes.words25; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[2].data = testModes.words50; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[3].data = testModes.words100; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[4].data = testModes.words200; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[5].data = testModes.time15; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[6].data = testModes.time30; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[7].data = testModes.time60; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[8].data = testModes.time120; resultHistoryChart.data.datasets[9].data = testModes.custom; $(".pageAccount .highestWpm .val").text(topWpm); $(".pageAccount .highestWpm .mode").html(topMode); $(".pageAccount .testsTaken .val").text(testCount); let favMode = testModes.words10; let favModeName = 'words10'; $.each(testModes, (key, mode) => { if (mode.length > favMode.length) { favMode = mode; favModeName = key; } }) if (favModeName == 'words10' && testModes.words10.length == 0) { //new user $(".pageAccount .favouriteTest .val").text(`-`); } else { $(".pageAccount .favouriteTest .val").text(`${favModeName} (${Math.floor((favMode.length/testCount) * 100)}%)`); } resultHistoryChart.update({ duration: 0 }); swapElements($(".pageAccount .preloader"), $(".pageAccount .content"), 250); } if (dbSnapshot == null) { // console.log('no db snap'); db_getUserResults().then(data => { cont(); }) } else { // console.log('using db snap'); cont(); } }