let wordsList = []; let currentWordIndex = 0; let currentWordElementIndex = 0; let inputHistory = []; let correctedHistory = []; let currentCorrected = ""; let currentInput = ""; let time = 0; let timer = null; let testActive = false; let testStart, testEnd; let wpmHistory = []; let rawHistory = []; let restartCount = 0; let incompleteTestSeconds = 0; let currentTestLine = 0; let pageTransition = false; let lineTransition = false; let keypressPerSecond = []; let currentKeypress = { count: 0, words: [], }; let errorsPerSecond = []; let currentError = { count: 0, words: [], }; let resultVisible = false; let activeWordTopBeforeJump = 0; let activeWordTop = 0; let activeWordJumped = false; let sameWordset = false; let quotes = null; let focusState = false; let activeFunBox = "none"; let manualRestart = false; let bailout = false; let notSignedInLastResult = null; let caretAnimating = true; let lastSecondNotRound = false; let paceCaret = null; let missedWords = []; let verifyUserWhenLoggedIn = null; let modeBeforePractise = null; let memoryFunboxTimer = null; let memoryFunboxInterval = null; let themeColors = { bg: "#323437", main: "#e2b714", caret: "#e2b714", sub: "#646669", text: "#d1d0c5", error: "#ca4754", errorExtra: "#7e2a33", colorfulError: "#ca4754", colorfulErrorExtra: "#7e2a33", }; let accuracyStats = { correct: 0, incorrect: 0, }; let keypressStats = { spacing: { current: -1, array: [], }, duration: { current: -1, array: [], }, }; let errorSound = new Audio("../sound/error.wav"); let clickSounds = null; let isPreviewingTheme = false; function initClickSounds() { clickSounds = { 1: [ { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click1/click1_1.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click1/click1_1.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click1/click1_2.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click1/click1_2.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click1/click1_3.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click1/click1_3.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, ], 2: [ { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click2/click2_1.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click2/click2_1.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click2/click2_2.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click2/click2_2.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click2/click2_3.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click2/click2_3.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, ], 3: [ { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click3/click3_1.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click3/click3_1.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click3/click3_2.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click3/click3_2.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click3/click3_3.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click3/click3_3.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, ], 4: [ { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_1.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_1.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_2.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_2.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_3.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_3.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_4.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_4.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_5.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_5.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, { sounds: [ new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_6.wav"), new Audio("../sound/click4/click4_6.wav"), ], counter: 0, }, ], }; } let customText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".split(" "); let customTextIsRandom = false; let customTextWordCount = 1; let randomQuote = null; const testCompleted = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("testCompleted"); const addTag = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("addTag"); const editTag = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("editTag"); const removeTag = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("removeTag"); const updateResultTags = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("updateResultTags"); const saveConfig = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("saveConfig"); const generatePairingCode = firebase .functions() .httpsCallable("generatePairingCode"); const saveLbMemory = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("saveLbMemory"); const unlinkDiscord = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("unlinkDiscord"); const verifyUser = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("verifyUser"); const reserveName = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("reserveDisplayName"); function refreshThemeColorObject() { let st = getComputedStyle(document.body); themeColors.bg = st.getPropertyValue("--bg-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.main = st.getPropertyValue("--main-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.caret = st.getPropertyValue("--caret-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.sub = st.getPropertyValue("--sub-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.text = st.getPropertyValue("--text-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.error = st.getPropertyValue("--error-color").replace(" ", ""); themeColors.errorExtra = st .getPropertyValue("--error-extra-color") .replace(" ", ""); themeColors.colorfulError = st .getPropertyValue("--colorful-error-color") .replace(" ", ""); themeColors.colorfulErrorExtra = st .getPropertyValue("--colorful-error-extra-color") .replace(" ", ""); } function copyResultToClipboard() { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") > -1) { showNotification("Sorry, this feature is not supported in Firefox", 4000); } else { $(".pageTest .ssWatermark").removeClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .buttons").addClass("hidden"); let src = $("#middle"); var sourceX = src.position().left; /*X position from div#target*/ var sourceY = src.position().top; /*Y position from div#target*/ var sourceWidth = src.width(); /*clientWidth/offsetWidth from div#target*/ var sourceHeight = src.height(); /*clientHeight/offsetHeight from div#target*/ $(".notification").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .loginTip").addClass("hidden"); try { html2canvas(document.body, { backgroundColor: themeColors.bg, height: sourceHeight + 50, width: sourceWidth + 50, x: sourceX - 25, y: sourceY - 25, }).then(function (canvas) { // document.body.appendChild(canvas); canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { navigator.clipboard .write([ new ClipboardItem( Object.defineProperty({}, blob.type, { value: blob, enumerable: true, }) ), ]) .then((f) => { $(".notification").removeClass("hidden"); showNotification("Copied to clipboard", 1000); $(".pageTest .ssWatermark").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .buttons").removeClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .loginTip").removeClass("hidden"); }) .catch((f) => { $(".notification").removeClass("hidden"); showNotification("Error saving image to clipboard", 2000); $(".pageTest .ssWatermark").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .buttons").removeClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .loginTip").removeClass("hidden"); }); }); }); } catch (e) { $(".notification").removeClass("hidden"); showNotification("Error creating image", 2000); $(".pageTest .ssWatermark").addClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .buttons").removeClass("hidden"); $(".pageTest .loginTip").removeClass("hidden"); } } } function activateFunbox(funbox, mode) { if (testActive || resultVisible) { showNotification( "You can only change the funbox before starting a test.", 4000 ); return false; } if (currentLanguage.ligatures) { if (funbox == "choo_choo" || funbox == "earthquake") { showNotification( "Current language does not support this funbox mode", 3000 ); activateFunbox("none", null); return; } } $("#funBoxTheme").attr("href", ``); if (funbox === "none") { activeFunBox = "none"; memoryFunboxInterval = clearInterval(memoryFunboxInterval); memoryFunboxTimer = null; $("#wordsWrapper").removeClass("hidden"); } if (mode === "style") { if (funbox != undefined) { $("#funBoxTheme").attr("href", `funbox/${funbox}.css`); activeFunBox = funbox; } if (funbox === "simon_says") { changeKeymapMode("next"); settingsGroups.keymapMode.updateButton(); restartTest(); } } else if (mode === "script") { if (funbox === "tts") { $("#funBoxTheme").attr("href", `funbox/simon_says.css`); config.keymapMode = "off"; settingsGroups.keymapMode.updateButton(); restartTest(); } else if (funbox === "layoutfluid") { config.keymapMode = "on"; changeKeymapMode("next"); settingsGroups.keymapMode.updateButton(); config.savedLayout = config.layout; changeLayout("qwerty"); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); changeKeymapLayout("qwerty"); settingsGroups.keymapLayout.updateButton(); restartTest(); } else if (funbox === "memory") { changeMode("words"); setShowAllLines(true, true); restartTest(false, true); } activeFunBox = funbox; } if (funbox !== "layoutfluid" || mode !== "script") { if (config.layout !== config.savedLayout) { changeLayout(config.savedLayout); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); } } updateTestModesNotice(); return true; } function toggleScriptFunbox(...params) { if (activeFunBox === "tts") { var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); // var voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); // msg.voice = voices[0]; // msg.volume = 1; // From 0 to 1 // msg.rate = 1; // From 0.1 to 10 msg.text = params[0]; msg.lang = "en-US"; window.speechSynthesis.cancel(); window.speechSynthesis.speak(msg); } } function getuid() { console.error("Only share this uid with Miodec and nobody else!"); console.log(firebase.auth().currentUser.uid); console.error("Only share this uid with Miodec and nobody else!"); } function setFocus(foc) { if (foc && !focusState) { focusState = true; stopCaretAnimation(); $("#top").addClass("focus"); $("#bottom").addClass("focus"); $("body").css("cursor", "none"); $("#middle").addClass("focus"); } else if (!foc && focusState) { focusState = false; if (testActive) { stopCaretAnimation(); } else { startCaretAnimation(); } $("#top").removeClass("focus"); $("#bottom").removeClass("focus"); $("body").css("cursor", "default"); $("#middle").removeClass("focus"); } } async function initWords() { testActive = false; wordsList = []; currentWordIndex = 0; currentWordElementIndex = 0; accuracyStats = { correct: 0, incorrect: 0, }; inputHistory = []; correctedHistory = []; currentCorrected = ""; currentInput = ""; let language = await getLanguage(config.language); if (config.mode === "quote" && quotes === null) { showBackgroundLoader(); $.ajax({ url: "js/english_quotes.json", async: false, success: function (data) { hideBackgroundLoader(); quotes = data; quotes.groups.forEach((qg, i) => { let lower = qg[0]; let upper = qg[1]; quotes.groups[i] = quotes.quotes.filter( (q) => q.length >= lower && q.length <= upper ); }); quotes.quotes = []; }, }); } if (!language) { config.language = "english"; language = words[config.language]; } if ( config.mode == "time" || config.mode == "words" || config.mode == "custom" ) { // let wordsBound = config.mode == "time" ? 60 : config.words; let wordsBound = 100; if (config.showAllLines) { if (config.mode === "custom") { if (customTextIsRandom) { wordsBound = customTextWordCount; } else { wordsBound = customText.length; } } else if (config.mode != "time") { wordsBound = config.words; } } else { if (config.mode === "words" && config.words < wordsBound) { wordsBound = config.words; } if ( config.mode == "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < wordsBound ) { wordsBound = customTextWordCount; } if ( config.mode == "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < wordsBound ) { wordsBound = customText.length; } } if (config.mode === "words" && config.words === 0) { wordsBound = 100; } if (activeFunBox === "plus_one") { wordsBound = 2; } let wordset = language.words; if (config.mode == "custom") { wordset = customText; } for (let i = 0; i < wordsBound; i++) { randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; previousWord = wordsList[i - 1]; previousWord2 = wordsList[i - 2]; if (config.mode == "custom" && customTextIsRandom) { randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; } else if (config.mode == "custom" && !customTextIsRandom) { randomWord = customText[i]; } else { while ( randomWord == previousWord || randomWord == previousWord2 || (!config.punctuation && randomWord == "I") || randomWord.indexOf(" ") > -1 ) { randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; } } if (activeFunBox === "rAnDoMcAsE") { let randomcaseword = ""; for (let i = 0; i < randomWord.length; i++) { if (i % 2 != 0) { randomcaseword += randomWord[i].toUpperCase(); } else { randomcaseword += randomWord[i]; } } randomWord = randomcaseword; } else if (activeFunBox === "gibberish") { randomWord = getGibberish(); } else if (activeFunBox === "58008") { setToggleSettings(false, true); randomWord = getNumbers(7); } else if (activeFunBox === "specials") { setToggleSettings(false, true); randomWord = getSpecials(); } else if (activeFunBox === "ascii") { setToggleSettings(false, true); randomWord = getASCII(); } if (config.punctuation && config.mode != "custom") { randomWord = punctuateWord(previousWord, randomWord, i, wordsBound); } if (config.numbers && config.mode != "custom") { if (Math.random() < 0.1) { randomWord = getNumbers(4); } } wordsList.push(randomWord); } } else if (config.mode == "quote") { let group = config.quoteLength; if (config.quoteLength === -1) { group = Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.groups.length); } rq = quotes.groups[group][ Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.groups[group].length) ]; if (randomQuote != null && rq.id === randomQuote.id) { rq = quotes.groups[group][ Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.groups[group].length) ]; } randomQuote = rq; let w = rq.text.trim().split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < w.length; i++) { wordsList.push(w[i]); } } //handle right-to-left languages if (language.leftToRight) { arrangeCharactersLeftToRight(); } else { arrangeCharactersRightToLeft(); } if (language.ligatures) { $("#words").addClass("withLigatures"); } else { $("#words").removeClass("withLigatures"); } showWords(); } function arrangeCharactersRightToLeft() { $("#words").addClass("rightToLeftTest"); } function arrangeCharactersLeftToRight() { $("#words").removeClass("rightToLeftTest"); } function setToggleSettings(state, nosave) { setPunctuation(state, nosave); setNumbers(state, nosave); } function emulateLayout(event) { function emulatedLayoutShouldShiftKey(event, newKeyPreview) { if (config.capsLockBackspace) return event.shiftKey; const isCapsLockHeld = event.originalEvent.getModifierState("CapsLock"); if (isCapsLockHeld) return isASCIILetter(newKeyPreview) !== event.shiftKey; return event.shiftKey; } function replaceEventKey(event, keyCode) { const newKey = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); event.keyCode = keyCode; event.charCode = keyCode; event.which = keyCode; event.key = newKey; event.code = "Key" + newKey.toUpperCase(); } if (config.layout === "default") { //override the caps lock modifier for the default layout if needed if (config.capsLockBackspace && isASCIILetter(event.key)) { replaceEventKey( event, event.shiftKey ? event.key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) : event.key.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0) ); } return event; } const keyEventCodes = [ "Backquote", "Digit1", "Digit2", "Digit3", "Digit4", "Digit5", "Digit6", "Digit7", "Digit8", "Digit9", "Digit0", "Minus", "Equal", "KeyQ", "KeyW", "KeyE", "KeyR", "KeyT", "KeyY", "KeyU", "KeyI", "KeyO", "KeyP", "BracketLeft", "BracketRight", "Backslash", "KeyA", "KeyS", "KeyD", "KeyF", "KeyG", "KeyH", "KeyJ", "KeyK", "KeyL", "Semicolon", "Quote", "IntlBackslash", "KeyZ", "KeyX", "KeyC", "KeyV", "KeyB", "KeyN", "KeyM", "Comma", "Period", "Slash", "Space", ]; const layoutMap = layouts[config.layout]; let mapIndex; for (let i = 0; i < keyEventCodes.length; i++) { if (event.code == keyEventCodes[i]) { mapIndex = i; } } const newKeyPreview = layoutMap[mapIndex][0]; const shift = emulatedLayoutShouldShiftKey(event, newKeyPreview) ? 1 : 0; const newKey = layoutMap[mapIndex][shift]; replaceEventKey(event, newKey.charCodeAt(0)); return event; } function punctuateWord(previousWord, currentWord, index, maxindex) { let word = currentWord; if ( index == 0 || getLastChar(previousWord) == "." || getLastChar(previousWord) == "?" || getLastChar(previousWord) == "!" ) { //always capitalise the first word or if there was a dot word = capitalizeFirstLetter(word); } else if ( //10% chance to end a sentence (Math.random() < 0.1 && getLastChar(previousWord) != "." && index != maxindex - 2) || index == maxindex - 1 ) { let rand = Math.random(); if (rand <= 0.8) { word += "."; } else if (rand > 0.8 && rand < 0.9) { word += "?"; } else { word += "!"; } } else if ( Math.random() < 0.01 && getLastChar(previousWord) != "," && getLastChar(previousWord) != "." ) { //1% chance to add quotes word = `"${word}"`; } else if (Math.random() < 0.01) { //1% chance to add a colon word = word + ":"; } else if ( Math.random() < 0.01 && getLastChar(previousWord) != "," && getLastChar(previousWord) != "." && previousWord != "-" ) { //1% chance to add a dash word = "-"; } else if (Math.random() < 0.2 && getLastChar(previousWord) != ",") { //2% chance to add a comma word += ","; } return word; } function addWord() { let bound = 100; if (activeFunBox === "plus_one") bound = 1; if ( wordsList.length - inputHistory.length > bound || (config.mode === "words" && wordsList.length >= config.words && config.words > 0) || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && wordsList.length >= customTextWordCount) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && wordsList.length >= customText.length) ) return; const language = config.mode !== "custom" ? currentLanguage : { //borrow the direction of the current language leftToRight: currentLanguage.leftToRight, words: customText, }; const wordset = language.words; let randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; previousWord = wordsList[wordsList.length - 1]; previousWordStripped = previousWord.replace(/[.?!":\-,]/g, "").toLowerCase(); previousWord2Stripped = wordsList[wordsList.length - 2] .replace(/[.?!":\-,]/g, "") .toLowerCase(); if (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && wordset.length < 3) { randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; } else if (config.mode == "custom" && !customTextIsRandom) { randomWord = customText[wordsList.length]; } else { while ( previousWordStripped == randomWord || previousWord2Stripped == randomWord || randomWord.indexOf(" ") > -1 || (!config.punctuation && randomWord == "I") ) { randomWord = wordset[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordset.length)]; } } if (activeFunBox === "rAnDoMcAsE") { let randomcaseword = ""; for (let i = 0; i < randomWord.length; i++) { if (i % 2 != 0) { randomcaseword += randomWord[i].toUpperCase(); } else { randomcaseword += randomWord[i]; } } randomWord = randomcaseword; } else if (activeFunBox === "gibberish") { randomWord = getGibberish(); } else if (activeFunBox === "58008") { randomWord = getNumbers(7); } else if (activeFunBox === "specials") { randomWord = getSpecials(); } else if (activeFunBox === "ascii") { randomWord = getASCII(); } if (config.punctuation && config.mode != "custom") { randomWord = punctuateWord(previousWord, randomWord, wordsList.length, 0); } if (config.numbers && config.mode != "custom") { if (Math.random() < 0.1) { randomWord = getNumbers(4); } } wordsList.push(randomWord); let w = "
"; for (let c = 0; c < randomWord.length; c++) { w += "" + randomWord.charAt(c) + ""; } w += "
"; $("#words").append(w); } function showWords() { $("#words").empty(); for (let i = 0; i < wordsList.length; i++) { let w = "
"; for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { w += "" + wordsList[i].charAt(c) + ""; } w += "
"; $("#words").append(w); } $("#wordsWrapper").removeClass("hidden"); const wordHeight = $(document.querySelector(".word")).outerHeight(true); const wordsHeight = $(document.querySelector("#words")).outerHeight(true); if (config.showAllLines && config.mode != "time") { $("#words").css("height", "auto"); $("#wordsWrapper").css("height", "auto"); let nh = wordHeight * 3; if (nh > wordsHeight) { nh = wordsHeight; } $(".outOfFocusWarning").css("line-height", nh + "px"); } else { $("#words") .css("height", wordHeight * 4 + "px") .css("overflow", "hidden"); $("#wordsWrapper") .css("height", wordHeight * 3 + "px") .css("overflow", "hidden"); $(".outOfFocusWarning").css("line-height", wordHeight * 3 + "px"); } if (config.keymapMode === "next") { updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } if (activeFunBox === "memory") { memoryFunboxInterval = clearInterval(memoryFunboxInterval); memoryFunboxTimer = Math.round(Math.pow(wordsList.length, 1.2)); memoryFunboxInterval = setInterval((fn) => { memoryFunboxTimer -= 1; showNotification(memoryFunboxTimer); if (memoryFunboxTimer < 0) { memoryFunboxInterval = clearInterval(memoryFunboxInterval); memoryFunboxTimer = null; $("#wordsWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } }, 1000); } updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); } function updateActiveElement() { let active = document.querySelector("#words .active"); if (active !== null) { if (config.highlightMode == "word") { active.querySelectorAll("letter").forEach((e) => { e.classList.remove("correct"); }); } active.classList.remove("active"); } // $("#words .word").removeClass("active"); // $($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex]).addClass("active").removeClass("error"); // document.querySelectorAll("#words .word")[currentWordIndex].classList.add("active"); try { let activeWord = document.querySelectorAll("#words .word")[ currentWordElementIndex ]; activeWord.classList.add("active"); activeWord.classList.remove("error"); // activeWordTop = $("#words .word.active").position().top; activeWordTop = document.querySelector("#words .active").offsetTop; if (config.highlightMode == "word") { activeWord.querySelectorAll("letter").forEach((e) => { e.classList.add("correct"); }); } // updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } catch (e) {} toggleScriptFunbox(wordsList[currentWordIndex]); } function compareInput(showError) { // let wrdAtIndex = $("#words .word")[wrdIndex]; let input = currentInput; let wordAtIndex; let currentWord; wordAtIndex = document.querySelector("#words .word.active"); currentWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex]; // while (wordAtIndex.firstChild) { // wordAtIndex.removeChild(wordAtIndex.firstChild); // } let ret = ""; if (config.highlightMode == "word") { let correctSoFar = false; if (currentWord.slice(0, input.length) == input) { // this is when input so far is correct correctSoFar = true; } let classString = correctSoFar ? "correct" : "incorrect"; for (let i = 0; i < currentWord.length; i++) { ret += `` + currentWord[i] + ``; } } else { for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { let charCorrect; if (currentWord[i] == input[i]) { charCorrect = true; } else { charCorrect = false; } try { if (config.language === "russian" && charCorrect === false) { if ( (currentWord[i].toLowerCase() === "е" && input[i].toLowerCase() === "ё") || (currentWord[i].toLowerCase() === "ё" && input[i].toLowerCase() === "е") ) { charCorrect = true; } } } catch (e) {} if (charCorrect) { ret += '' + currentWord[i] + ""; // $(letterElems[i]).removeClass('incorrect').addClass('correct'); } else { if (config.difficulty == "master") { if (!resultVisible) { inputHistory.push(currentInput); correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); document .querySelector("#words .word.active") .setAttribute("input", currentInput.replace(/'/g, "'")); lastSecondNotRound = true; showResult(true); } let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; } if (!showError) { if (currentWord[i] == undefined) { // ret += '' + input[i] + ""; } else { ret += '' + currentWord[i] + ""; } } else { if (currentWord[i] == undefined) { ret += '' + input[i] + ""; } else { ret += '' + currentWord[i] + (config.indicateTypos ? `${input[i]}` : "") + ""; } } } } if (input.length < currentWord.length) { for (let i = input.length; i < currentWord.length; i++) { ret += "" + currentWord[i] + ""; } } } wordAtIndex.innerHTML = ret; let lastindex = currentWordIndex; if ( (currentWord == input || (config.quickEnd && currentWord.length == input.length)) && lastindex == wordsList.length - 1 ) { inputHistory.push(input); currentInput = ""; correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); currentCorrected = ""; //last character typed, show result if (!resultVisible) { if (keypressPerSecond.length === 0) { keypressPerSecond.push(currentKeypress); } lastSecondNotRound = true; showResult(); } } // liveWPM() } function highlightBadWord(index, showError) { if (!showError) return; $($("#words .word")[index]).addClass("error"); } function showTimer() { let op = config.showTimerProgress ? config.timerOpacity : 0; if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { // let op = 0.25; // if ( // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerSub") || // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerText") || // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerMain") // ) { // op = 1; // } $("#timerWrapper").stop(true, true).removeClass("hidden").animate( { opacity: op, }, 250 ); } else if (config.timerStyle === "text") { // let op = 0.25; // if ( // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerSub") || // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerText") || // $("#timerNumber").hasClass("timerMain") // ) { // op = 1; // } $("#timerNumber").stop(true, true).removeClass("hidden").animate( { opacity: op, }, 250 ); } else if (config.timerStyle === "mini") { if (op > 0) { $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .time") .stop(true, true) .removeClass("hidden") .animate( { opacity: op, }, 250 ); } } } function hideTimer() { $("#timerWrapper").stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125 ); $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .time") .stop(true, true) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125, () => { $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .time").addClass("hidden"); } ); $("#timerNumber").stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125 ); } function changeTimerColor(color) { $("#timer").removeClass("timerSub"); $("#timer").removeClass("timerText"); $("#timer").removeClass("timerMain"); $("#timerNumber").removeClass("timerSub"); $("#timerNumber").removeClass("timerText"); $("#timerNumber").removeClass("timerMain"); $("#liveWpm").removeClass("timerSub"); $("#liveWpm").removeClass("timerText"); $("#liveWpm").removeClass("timerMain"); $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm").removeClass("timerSub"); $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm").removeClass("timerText"); $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm").removeClass("timerMain"); if (color === "main") { $("#timer").addClass("timerMain"); $("#timerNumber").addClass("timerMain"); $("#liveWpm").addClass("timerMain"); $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm").addClass("timerMain"); } else if (color === "sub") { $("#timer").addClass("timerSub"); $("#timerNumber").addClass("timerSub"); $("#liveWpm").addClass("timerSub"); $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm").addClass("timerSub"); } else if (color === "text") { $("#timer").addClass("timerText"); $("#timerNumber").addClass("timerText"); $("#liveWpm").addClass("timerText"); $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm").addClass("timerText"); } } function restartTimer() { if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { if (config.mode === "time") { $("#timer").stop(true, true).animate( { width: "100vw", }, 0 ); } else if (config.mode === "words" || config.mode === "custom") { $("#timer").stop(true, true).animate( { width: "0vw", }, 0 ); } } } function updateTimer() { if (!config.showTimerProgress) return; if (config.mode === "time") { if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { let percent = 100 - ((time + 1) / config.time) * 100; $("#timer") .stop(true, true) .animate( { width: percent + "vw", }, 1000, "linear" ); } else if (config.timerStyle === "text") { // var displayTime = new Date(null); // displayTime.setSeconds(config.time - time); // displayTime = displayTime.toISOString().substr(11, 8); // while ( // displayTime.substr(0, 2) == "00" || // displayTime[0] == ":" || // (displayTime.length == 2 && displayTime[0] == "0") // ) { // if (displayTime.substr(0, 2) == "00") { // displayTime = displayTime.substr(3); // } else { // displayTime = displayTime.substr(1); // } // } let displayTime = secondsToString(config.time - time); if (config.time === 0) { displayTime = secondsToString(time); } $("#timerNumber").html("
" + displayTime + "
"); // $("#timerNumber").html(config.time - time); } else if (config.timerStyle === "mini") { let displayTime = secondsToString(config.time - time); if (config.time === 0) { displayTime = secondsToString(time); } $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .time").html(displayTime); } } else if ( config.mode === "words" || config.mode === "custom" || config.mode === "quote" ) { if (config.timerStyle === "bar") { let outof = wordsList.length; if (config.mode === "words") { outof = config.words; } if (config.mode === "custom") { if (customTextIsRandom) { outof = customTextWordCount; } else { outof = customText.length; } } let percent = Math.floor(((currentWordIndex + 1) / outof) * 100); $("#timer") .stop(true, true) .animate( { width: percent + "vw", }, 250 ); } else if (config.timerStyle === "text") { let outof = wordsList.length; if (config.mode === "words") { outof = config.words; } if (config.mode === "custom") { if (customTextIsRandom) { outof = customTextWordCount; } else { outof = customText.length; } } if (config.words === 0) { $("#timerNumber").html("
" + `${inputHistory.length}` + "
"); } else { $("#timerNumber").html( "
" + `${inputHistory.length}/${outof}` + "
" ); } // $("#timerNumber").html(config.time - time); } else if (config.timerStyle === "mini") { let outof = wordsList.length; if (config.mode === "words") { outof = config.words; } if (config.mode === "custom") { if (customTextIsRandom) { outof = customTextWordCount; } else { outof = customText.length; } } if (config.words === 0) { $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .time").html(`${inputHistory.length}`); } else { $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .time").html(`${inputHistory.length}/${outof}`); } } } } function hideCaret() { $("#caret").addClass("hidden"); } function showCaret() { if ($("#result").hasClass("hidden")) { updateCaretPosition(); $("#caret").removeClass("hidden"); startCaretAnimation(); } } function stopCaretAnimation() { if (caretAnimating === true) { $("#caret").css("animation-name", "none"); $("#caret").css("opacity", "1"); caretAnimating = false; } } function startCaretAnimation() { if (caretAnimating === false) { $("#caret").css("animation-name", "caretFlash"); caretAnimating = true; } } function hideKeymap() { $(".keymap").addClass("hidden"); $("#liveWpm").removeClass("lower"); } function showKeymap() { $(".keymap").removeClass("hidden"); $("#liveWpm").addClass("lower"); } function flashPressedKeymapKey(key, correct) { // return; // $(`#${key}`).css("animation", "none").removeClass("flash").addClass("flash"); // setTimeout((f) => { // $(`#${key}`).removeClass("flash"); // }, 1000); // from { // color: var(--bg-color); // background-color: var(--main-color); // border-color: var(--main-color); // } // to { // color: var(--sub-color); // background-color: var(--bg-color); // border-color: var(--sub-color); // } let errorColor; if (config.colorfulMode) { errorColor = themeColors.colorfulError; } else { errorColor = themeColors.error; } switch (key) { case "\\": case "|": key = "#KeyBackslash"; break; case "}": case "]": key = "#KeyRightBracket"; break; case "{": case "[": key = "#KeyLeftBracket"; break; case '"': case "'": key = "#KeyQuote"; break; case ":": case ";": key = "#KeySemicolon"; break; case "<": case ",": key = "#KeyComma"; break; case ">": case ".": key = "#KeyPeriod"; break; case "?": case "/": key = "#KeySlash"; break; case "" || "Space": key = "#KeySpace"; break; default: key = `#Key${key.toUpperCase()}`; } if (key == "#KeySpace") { key = ".key-split-space"; } try { if (correct || config.blindMode) { $(key) .stop(true, true) .css({ color: themeColors.bg, backgroundColor: themeColors.main, borderColor: themeColors.main, }) .animate( { color: themeColors.sub, backgroundColor: "transparent", borderColor: themeColors.sub, }, 500, "easeOutExpo" ); } else { $(key) .stop(true, true) .css({ color: themeColors.bg, backgroundColor: themeColors.error, borderColor: themeColors.error, }) .animate( { color: themeColors.sub, backgroundColor: "transparent", borderColor: themeColors.sub, }, 500, "easeOutExpo" ); } } catch (e) {} } function updateHighlightedKeymapKey() { // return; try { if ($(".active-key") != undefined) { $(".active-key").removeClass("active-key"); } var currentKey = wordsList[currentWordIndex] .substring(currentInput.length, currentInput.length + 1) .toString() .toUpperCase(); switch (currentKey) { case "\\": case "|": var highlightKey = "#KeyBackslash"; break; case "}": case "]": var highlightKey = "#KeyRightBracket"; break; case "{": case "[": var highlightKey = "#KeyLeftBracket"; break; case '"': case "'": var highlightKey = "#KeyQuote"; break; case ":": case ";": var highlightKey = "#KeySemicolon"; break; case "<": case ",": var highlightKey = "#KeyComma"; break; case ">": case ".": var highlightKey = "#KeyPeriod"; break; case "?": case "/": var highlightKey = "#KeySlash"; break; case "": var highlightKey = "#KeySpace"; break; default: var highlightKey = `#Key${currentKey}`; } $(highlightKey).addClass("active-key"); if (highlightKey === "#KeySpace") { $("#KeySpace2").addClass("active-key"); } } catch (e) { console.log("could not update highlighted keymap key: " + e.message); } } function updateCaretPosition() { // return; if ($("#wordsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) return; if ($("#caret").hasClass("off")) { return; } let caret = $("#caret"); // let activeWord = $("#words .word.active"); let inputLen = currentInput.length; let currentLetterIndex = inputLen - 1; if (currentLetterIndex == -1) { currentLetterIndex = 0; } // let currentLetter = $("#words .word.active letter")[currentLetterIndex]; try { let currentLetter = document .querySelector("#words .active") .querySelectorAll("letter")[currentLetterIndex]; if ($(currentLetter).length == 0) return; const isLanguageLeftToRight = currentLanguage.leftToRight; let currentLetterPosLeft = isLanguageLeftToRight ? currentLetter.offsetLeft : currentLetter.offsetLeft + $(currentLetter).width(); let currentLetterPosTop = currentLetter.offsetTop; let letterHeight = $(currentLetter).height(); let newTop = 0; let newLeft = 0; newTop = currentLetterPosTop - Math.round(letterHeight / 5); if (inputLen == 0) { newLeft = isLanguageLeftToRight ? currentLetterPosLeft - caret.width() / 2 : currentLetterPosLeft + caret.width() / 2; } else { newLeft = isLanguageLeftToRight ? currentLetterPosLeft + $(currentLetter).width() - caret.width() / 2 : currentLetterPosLeft - $(currentLetter).width() + caret.width() / 2; } let smoothlinescroll = $("#words .smoothScroller").height(); if (smoothlinescroll === undefined) smoothlinescroll = 0; if (config.smoothCaret) { caret.stop(true, false).animate( { top: newTop - smoothlinescroll, left: newLeft, }, 100 ); } else { caret.stop(true, true).animate( { top: newTop - smoothlinescroll, left: newLeft, }, 0 ); } if (config.showAllLines) { let browserHeight = window.innerHeight; let middlePos = browserHeight / 2 - $("#caret").outerHeight() / 2; let contentHeight = document.body.scrollHeight; if (newTop >= middlePos && contentHeight > browserHeight) { window.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: newTop - middlePos, behavior: "smooth", }); } } } catch (e) { console.log("could not move caret: " + e.message); } } function countChars() { let correctWordChars = 0; let correctChars = 0; let incorrectChars = 0; let extraChars = 0; let missedChars = 0; let spaces = 0; let correctspaces = 0; for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { if (inputHistory[i] === "") { //last word that was not started continue; } if (inputHistory[i] == wordsList[i]) { //the word is correct correctWordChars += wordsList[i].length; correctChars += wordsList[i].length; if (i < inputHistory.length - 1) { correctspaces++; } } else if (inputHistory[i].length >= wordsList[i].length) { //too many chars for (let c = 0; c < inputHistory[i].length; c++) { if (c < wordsList[i].length) { //on char that still has a word list pair if (inputHistory[i][c] == wordsList[i][c]) { correctChars++; } else { incorrectChars++; } } else { //on char that is extra extraChars++; } } } else { //not enough chars let toAdd = { correct: 0, incorrect: 0, missed: 0, }; for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { if (c < inputHistory[i].length) { //on char that still has a word list pair if (inputHistory[i][c] == wordsList[i][c]) { toAdd.correct++; } else { toAdd.incorrect++; } } else { //on char that is extra toAdd.missed++; } } correctChars += toAdd.correct; incorrectChars += toAdd.incorrect; if (i === inputHistory.length - 1 && config.mode == "time") { //last word - check if it was all correct - add to correct word chars if (toAdd.incorrect === 0) correctWordChars += toAdd.correct; } else { missedChars += toAdd.missed; } } if (i < inputHistory.length - 1) { spaces++; } } return { spaces: spaces, correctWordChars: correctWordChars, allCorrectChars: correctChars, incorrectChars: incorrectChars, extraChars: extraChars, missedChars: missedChars, correctSpaces: correctspaces, }; } function calculateStats() { let testSeconds = (testEnd - testStart) / 1000; // if (config.mode == "words" && config.difficulty == "normal") { // if (inputHistory.length != wordsList.length) return; // } let chars = countChars(); // let testNow = Date.now(); let wpm = roundTo2( ((chars.correctWordChars + chars.correctSpaces) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5 ); // console.log( // `pre-spacegate ${roundTo2( // ((chars.correctWordChars + chars.spaces) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5 // )} (current ${wpm})` // ); let wpmraw = roundTo2( ((chars.allCorrectChars + chars.spaces + chars.incorrectChars + chars.extraChars) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5 ); let acc = roundTo2( (accuracyStats.correct / (accuracyStats.correct + accuracyStats.incorrect)) * 100 ); return { wpm: isNaN(wpm) ? 0 : wpm, wpmRaw: isNaN(wpmraw) ? 0 : wpmraw, acc: acc, correctChars: chars.correctWordChars, incorrectChars: chars.incorrectChars, missedChars: chars.missedChars, extraChars: chars.extraChars, allChars: chars.allCorrectChars + chars.spaces + chars.incorrectChars + chars.extraChars, time: testSeconds, spaces: chars.spaces, correctSpaces: chars.correctSpaces, }; } function hideCrown() { $("#result .stats .wpm .crown").css("opacity", 0).addClass("hidden"); } function showCrown() { $("#result .stats .wpm .crown") .removeClass("hidden") .css("opacity", "0") .animate( { opacity: 1, }, 250, "easeOutCubic" ); } let resultCalculating = false; function showResult(difficultyFailed = false) { resultCalculating = true; resultVisible = true; testEnd = Date.now(); testActive = false; setFocus(false); hideCaret(); hideLiveWpm(); hideTimer(); hideKeymap(); testInvalid = false; let stats = calculateStats(); if (stats === undefined) { stats = { wpm: 0, wpmRaw: 0, acc: 0, correctChars: 0, incorrectChars: 0, missedChars: 0, extraChars: 0, time: 0, spaces: 0, correctSpaces: 0, }; } clearTimeout(timer); let testtime = stats.time; let afkseconds = keypressPerSecond.filter((x) => x.count == 0).length; let afkSecondsPercent = roundTo2((afkseconds / testtime) * 100); $("#result #resultWordsHistory").addClass("hidden"); if (config.alwaysShowDecimalPlaces) { $("#result .stats .wpm .bottom").text(roundTo2(stats.wpm)); $("#result .stats .raw .bottom").text(roundTo2(stats.wpmRaw)); $("#result .stats .acc .bottom").text(roundTo2(stats.acc) + "%"); // $("#result .stats .time .bottom").text(roundTo2(testtime) + "s"); let time = roundTo2(testtime) + "s"; if (testtime > 61) { time = secondsToString(roundTo2(testtime)); } $("#result .stats .time .bottom .text").text(time); $("#result .stats .wpm .bottom").attr( "aria-label", roundTo2(stats.wpm * 5) + " cpm" ); $("#result .stats .raw .bottom").removeAttr("aria-label"); $("#result .stats .acc .bottom").removeAttr("aria-label"); $("#result .stats .time .bottom").attr( "aria-label", `${afkseconds}s afk ${afkSecondsPercent}%` ); } else { $("#result .stats .wpm .bottom").text(Math.round(stats.wpm)); $("#result .stats .wpm .bottom").attr( "aria-label", stats.wpm + ` (${roundTo2(stats.wpm * 5)} cpm)` ); $("#result .stats .raw .bottom").text(Math.round(stats.wpmRaw)); $("#result .stats .raw .bottom").attr("aria-label", stats.wpmRaw); $("#result .stats .acc .bottom").text(Math.floor(stats.acc) + "%"); $("#result .stats .acc .bottom").attr("aria-label", stats.acc + "%"); let time = Math.round(testtime) + "s"; if (testtime > 61) { time = secondsToString(Math.round(testtime)); } $("#result .stats .time .bottom .text").text(time); $("#result .stats .time .bottom").attr( "aria-label", `${roundTo2(testtime)}s (${afkseconds}s afk ${afkSecondsPercent}%)` ); } $("#result .stats .time .bottom .afk").text(""); if (afkSecondsPercent > 0) { $("#result .stats .time .bottom .afk").text(afkSecondsPercent + "% afk"); } let correctcharpercent = roundTo2( ((stats.correctChars + stats.correctSpaces) / (stats.correctChars + stats.correctSpaces + stats.incorrectChars + stats.extraChars)) * 100 ); $("#result .stats .key .bottom").text(testtime + "s"); // $("#result .stats .key .bottom").attr("aria-label", `Correct, incorrect, missed and extra \n ${correctcharpercent}%`); $("#words").removeClass("blurred"); $(".outOfFocusWarning").addClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .key .bottom").text( stats.correctChars + stats.correctSpaces + "/" + stats.incorrectChars + "/" + stats.extraChars + "/" + stats.missedChars ); setTimeout(function () { $("#resultExtraButtons").removeClass("hidden").css("opacity", 0).animate( { opacity: 1, }, 125 ); }, 125); $("#testModesNotice").addClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").text(""); $("#result .stats .leaderboards").addClass("hidden"); let mode2 = ""; if (config.mode === "time") { mode2 = config.time; } else if (config.mode === "words") { mode2 = config.words; } else if (config.mode === "custom") { mode2 = "custom"; } else if (config.mode === "quote") { mode2 = randomQuote.id; } if (lastSecondNotRound) { let wpmAndRaw = liveWpmAndRaw(); wpmHistory.push(wpmAndRaw.wpm); rawHistory.push(wpmAndRaw.raw); keypressPerSecond.push(currentKeypress); currentKeypress = { count: 0, words: [], }; errorsPerSecond.push(currentError); currentError = { count: 0, words: [], }; } let labels = []; for (let i = 1; i <= wpmHistory.length; i++) { if (lastSecondNotRound && i === wpmHistory.length) { labels.push(roundTo2(testtime).toString()); } else { labels.push(i.toString()); } } if (themeColors.main == "") { refreshThemeColorObject(); } wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.xAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[2].ticks.minor.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[2].scaleLabel.fontColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.data.labels = labels; let rawWpmPerSecondRaw = keypressPerSecond.map((f) => Math.round((f.count / 5) * 60) ); let rawWpmPerSecond = smooth(rawWpmPerSecondRaw, 1); let stddev = stdDev(rawWpmPerSecondRaw); let avg = mean(rawWpmPerSecondRaw); let consistency = roundTo2(kogasa(stddev / avg)); let keyConsistency = roundTo2( kogasa( stdDev(keypressStats.spacing.array) / mean(keypressStats.spacing.array) ) ); if (isNaN(consistency)) { consistency = 0; } if (config.alwaysShowDecimalPlaces) { $("#result .stats .consistency .bottom").text(roundTo2(consistency) + "%"); $("#result .stats .consistency .bottom").attr( "aria-label", `${keyConsistency}% key` ); } else { $("#result .stats .consistency .bottom").text( Math.round(consistency) + "%" ); $("#result .stats .consistency .bottom").attr( "aria-label", `${consistency}% (${keyConsistency}% key)` ); } wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[0].borderColor = themeColors.main; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[0].pointBackgroundColor = themeColors.main; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[0].data = wpmHistory; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[1].borderColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[1].pointBackgroundColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[1].data = rawWpmPerSecond; wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].borderColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].label.backgroundColor = themeColors.sub; wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].label.fontColor = themeColors.bg; let maxChartVal = Math.max( ...[Math.max(...rawWpmPerSecond), Math.max(...wpmHistory)] ); let minChartVal = Math.min( ...[Math.min(...rawWpmPerSecond), Math.min(...wpmHistory)] ); if (!config.startGraphsAtZero) { wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.min = minChartVal; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.min = minChartVal; } else { wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.min = 0; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.min = 0; } // wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.min = Math.round(minChartVal); // wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.min = Math.round(minChartVal); let errorsNoZero = []; for (let i = 0; i < errorsPerSecond.length; i++) { errorsNoZero.push({ x: i + 1, y: errorsPerSecond[i].count, }); } wpmOverTimeChart.data.datasets[2].data = errorsNoZero; let kps = keypressPerSecond.slice(Math.max(keypressPerSecond.length - 5, 0)); kps = kps.map((a) => a.count); kps = kps.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); let afkDetected = kps === 0 ? true : false; if (bailout) afkDetected = false; if (difficultyFailed) { showNotification("Test failed", 2000); } else if (afkDetected) { showNotification("Test invalid - AFK detected", 2000); } else if (sameWordset) { showNotification("Test invalid - repeated", 2000); } else { let activeTags = []; try { dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.active === true) { activeTags.push(tag.id); } }); } catch (e) {} let chartData = { wpm: wpmHistory, raw: rawWpmPerSecond, err: errorsNoZero, }; if (testtime > 122) { chartData = "toolong"; keypressStats.spacing.array = "toolong"; keypressStats.duration.array = "toolong"; } let completedEvent = { wpm: stats.wpm, rawWpm: stats.wpmRaw, correctChars: stats.correctChars + stats.correctSpaces, incorrectChars: stats.incorrectChars, allChars: stats.allChars, acc: stats.acc, mode: config.mode, mode2: mode2, punctuation: config.punctuation, numbers: config.numbers, timestamp: Date.now(), language: config.language, restartCount: restartCount, incompleteTestSeconds: incompleteTestSeconds, difficulty: config.difficulty, testDuration: testtime, blindMode: config.blindMode, // readAheadMode: config.readAheadMode, theme: config.theme, tags: activeTags, keySpacing: keypressStats.spacing.array, keyDuration: keypressStats.duration.array, consistency: consistency, keyConsistency: keyConsistency, funbox: activeFunBox, bailedOut: bailout, chartData: chartData, }; if ( config.difficulty == "normal" || ((config.difficulty == "master" || config.difficulty == "expert") && !difficultyFailed) ) { // console.log(incompleteTestSeconds); // console.log(restartCount); restartCount = 0; incompleteTestSeconds = 0; } if ( stats.wpm > 0 && stats.wpm < 350 && stats.acc > 50 && stats.acc <= 100 ) { if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { completedEvent.uid = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid; //check local pb accountIconLoading(true); let localPb = false; let dontShowCrown = false; let pbDiff = 0; db_getLocalPB( config.mode, mode2, config.punctuation, config.language, config.difficulty ).then((lpb) => { db_getUserHighestWpm( config.mode, mode2, config.punctuation, config.language, config.difficulty ).then((highestwpm) => { hideCrown(); $("#result .stats .wpm .crown").attr("aria-label", ""); if (lpb < stats.wpm && stats.wpm < highestwpm) { dontShowCrown = true; } if (lpb < stats.wpm) { //new pb based on local pbDiff = Math.abs(stats.wpm - lpb); if (!dontShowCrown) { hideCrown(); showCrown(); $("#result .stats .wpm .crown").attr( "aria-label", "+" + roundTo2(pbDiff) ); } localPb = true; } if (lpb > 0) { wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].value = lpb; wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].label.content = "PB: " + lpb; if (maxChartVal >= lpb - 15 && maxChartVal <= lpb + 15) { maxChartVal = lpb + 15; } wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.max = Math.round( maxChartVal ); wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.max = Math.round( maxChartVal ); wpmOverTimeChart.update({ duration: 0 }); } $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html("checking..."); testCompleted({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, obj: completedEvent, }) .then((e) => { // console.log(e.data); accountIconLoading(false); // console.log(JSON.stringify(e.data)); if (e.data == null) { showNotification( "Unexpected response from the server.", 4000 ); return; } if (e.data.resultCode === -1) { showNotification("Could not save result", 3000); } else if (e.data.resultCode === -2) { showNotification( "Possible bot detected. Result not saved.", 4000 ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === -3) { showNotification( "Could not verify keypress stats. Result not saved.", 4000 ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === -4) { showNotification( "Result data does not make sense. Result not saved.", 4000 ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === -999) { console.error("internal error: " + e.data.message); showNotification( "Internal error. Result might not be saved. " + e.data.message, 6000 ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === 1 || e.data.resultCode === 2) { completedEvent.id = e.data.createdId; if (e.data.resultCode === 2) { completedEvent.isPb = true; } if (dbSnapshot !== null && dbSnapshot.results !== undefined) { dbSnapshot.results.unshift(completedEvent); if (dbSnapshot.globalStats.time == undefined) { dbSnapshot.globalStats.time = testtime + completedEvent.incompleteTestSeconds; } else { dbSnapshot.globalStats.time += testtime + completedEvent.incompleteTestSeconds; } if (dbSnapshot.globalStats.started == undefined) { dbSnapshot.globalStats.started = restartCount + 1; } else { dbSnapshot.globalStats.started += restartCount + 1; } if (dbSnapshot.globalStats.completed == undefined) { dbSnapshot.globalStats.completed = 1; } else { dbSnapshot.globalStats.completed += 1; } } try { firebase .analytics() .logEvent("testCompleted", completedEvent); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } if ( config.mode === "time" && (mode2 == "15" || mode2 == "60") && dbSnapshot !== null ) { const lbUpIcon = ``; const lbDownIcon = ``; const lbRightIcon = ``; //global let globalLbString = ""; const glb = e.data.globalLeaderboard; const glbMemory = dbSnapshot.lbMemory[config.mode + mode2].global; let dontShowGlobalDiff = glbMemory == null || glbMemory === -1 ? true : false; let globalLbDiff = null; if (glb === null) { globalLbString = "global: not found"; } else if (glb.insertedAt === -1) { dontShowGlobalDiff = true; globalLbDiff = glbMemory - glb.insertedAt; updateLbMemory( config.mode, mode2, "global", glb.insertedAt ); globalLbString = "global: not qualified"; } else if (glb.insertedAt >= 0) { if (glb.newBest) { globalLbDiff = glbMemory - glb.insertedAt; updateLbMemory( config.mode, mode2, "global", glb.insertedAt ); let str = getPositionString(glb.insertedAt + 1); globalLbString = `global: ${str}`; } else { globalLbDiff = glbMemory - glb.foundAt; updateLbMemory( config.mode, mode2, "global", glb.foundAt ); let str = getPositionString(glb.foundAt + 1); globalLbString = `global: ${str}`; } } if (!dontShowGlobalDiff) { let sString = globalLbDiff === 1 || globalLbDiff === -1 ? "" : "s"; if (globalLbDiff > 0) { globalLbString += ` (${lbUpIcon}${globalLbDiff})`; } else if (globalLbDiff === 0) { globalLbString += ` (${lbRightIcon}${globalLbDiff})`; } else if (globalLbDiff < 0) { globalLbString += ` (${lbDownIcon}${globalLbDiff})`; } } //daily let dailyLbString = ""; const dlb = e.data.dailyLeaderboard; const dlbMemory = dbSnapshot.lbMemory[config.mode + mode2].daily; let dontShowDailyDiff = dlbMemory == null || dlbMemory === -1 ? true : false; let dailyLbDiff = null; if (dlb === null) { dailyLbString = "daily: not found"; } else if (dlb.insertedAt === -1) { dontShowDailyDiff = true; dailyLbDiff = dlbMemory - dlb.insertedAt; updateLbMemory( config.mode, mode2, "daily", dlb.insertedAt ); dailyLbString = "daily: not qualified"; } else if (dlb.insertedAt >= 0) { if (dlb.newBest) { dailyLbDiff = dlbMemory - dlb.insertedAt; updateLbMemory( config.mode, mode2, "daily", dlb.insertedAt ); let str = getPositionString(dlb.insertedAt + 1); dailyLbString = `daily: ${str}`; } else { dailyLbDiff = dlbMemory - dlb.foundAt; updateLbMemory( config.mode, mode2, "daily", dlb.foundAt ); let str = getPositionString(dlb.foundAt + 1); dailyLbString = `daily: ${str}`; } } if (!dontShowDailyDiff) { let sString = dailyLbDiff === 1 || dailyLbDiff === -1 ? "" : "s"; if (dailyLbDiff > 0) { dailyLbString += ` (${lbUpIcon}${dailyLbDiff})`; } else if (dailyLbDiff === 0) { dailyLbString += ` (${lbRightIcon}${dailyLbDiff})`; } else if (dailyLbDiff < 0) { dailyLbString += ` (${lbDownIcon}${dailyLbDiff})`; } } $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html( globalLbString + "
" + dailyLbString ); saveLbMemory({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, obj: dbSnapshot.lbMemory, }).then((d) => { if (d.data.returnCode === 1) { // showNotification('config saved to db',1000); } else { showNotification( `Error saving lb memory ${d.data.message}`, 4000 ); } }); } if ( e.data.dailyLeaderboard === null && e.data.globalLeaderboard === null ) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").addClass("hidden"); } if (e.data.needsToVerifyEmail === true) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html( `please verify your email
to access leaderboards - resend email` ); } else if (e.data.lbBanned) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html("banned"); } else if (e.data.name === false) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html( "update your name to access leaderboards" ); } else if (e.data.needsToVerify === true) { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .leaderboards .bottom").html( "verification needed to access leaderboards" ); } if (e.data.resultCode === 2) { //new pb if (!localPb) { // showNotification( // "Local PB data is out of sync! Resyncing.", // 5000 // ); } db_saveLocalPB( config.mode, mode2, config.punctuation, config.language, config.difficulty, stats.wpm, stats.acc, stats.wpmRaw, consistency ); } else if (e.data.resultCode === 1) { if (localPb) { showNotification( "Local PB data is out of sync! Refresh the page to resync it or contact Miodec on Discord.", 15000 ); } } } }) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); showNotification("Could not save result. " + e, 5000); }); }); }); } else { try { firebase.analytics().logEvent("testCompletedNoLogin", completedEvent); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } notSignedInLastResult = completedEvent; // showNotification("Sign in to save your result",3000); } } else { showNotification("Test invalid", 3000); testInvalid = true; try { firebase.analytics().logEvent("testCompletedInvalid", completedEvent); } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } } } if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { $("#result .loginTip").addClass("hidden"); } else { $("#result .stats .leaderboards").addClass("hidden"); $("#result .loginTip").removeClass("hidden"); } let testType = ""; if (config.mode === "quote") { let qlen = ""; if (config.quoteLength === 0) { qlen = "short "; } else if (config.quoteLength === 1) { qlen = "medium "; } else if (config.quoteLength === 2) { qlen = "long "; } else if (config.quoteLength === 3) { qlen = "thicc "; } testType += qlen + config.mode; } else { testType += config.mode; } if (config.mode == "time") { testType += " " + config.time; } else if (config.mode == "words") { testType += " " + config.words; } if ( config.mode != "custom" && activeFunBox !== "gibberish" && activeFunBox !== "58008" ) { testType += "
" + config.language.replace(/_/g, " "); } if (config.punctuation) { testType += "
punctuation"; } if (config.numbers) { testType += "
numbers"; } if (config.blindMode) { testType += "
blind"; } // if (config.readAheadMode) { // testType += "
read_ahead"; // } if (activeFunBox !== "none") { testType += "
" + activeFunBox.replace(/_/g, " "); } if (config.difficulty == "expert") { testType += "
expert"; } else if (config.difficulty == "master") { testType += "
master"; } $("#result .stats .testType .bottom").html(testType); let otherText = ""; if (config.layout !== "default") { otherText += "
" + config.layout; } if (difficultyFailed) { otherText += "
failed"; } if (afkDetected) { otherText += "
afk detected"; } if (testInvalid) { otherText += "
invalid"; } if (sameWordset) { otherText += "
repeated"; } if (bailout) { otherText += "
bailed out"; } if (otherText == "") { $("#result .stats .info").addClass("hidden"); } else { $("#result .stats .info").removeClass("hidden"); otherText = otherText.substring(4); $("#result .stats .info .bottom").html(otherText); } let tagsText = ""; try { dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.active === true) { tagsText += "
" + tag.name; } }); } catch (e) {} if (tagsText == "") { $("#result .stats .tags").addClass("hidden"); } else { $("#result .stats .tags").removeClass("hidden"); tagsText = tagsText.substring(4); $("#result .stats .tags .bottom").html(tagsText); } if ( $("#result .stats .tags").hasClass("hidden") && $("#result .stats .info").hasClass("hidden") ) { $("#result .stats .infoAndTags").addClass("hidden"); } else { $("#result .stats .infoAndTags").removeClass("hidden"); } if (config.mode === "quote") { $("#result .stats .source").removeClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .source .bottom").html(randomQuote.source); } else { $("#result .stats .source").addClass("hidden"); } wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[0].ticks.max = maxChartVal; wpmOverTimeChart.options.scales.yAxes[1].ticks.max = maxChartVal; wpmOverTimeChart.update({ duration: 0 }); wpmOverTimeChart.resize(); swapElements($("#typingTest"), $("#result"), 250, () => { resultCalculating = false; $("#words").empty(); wpmOverTimeChart.resize(); if (config.alwaysShowWordsHistory) { toggleResultWordsDisplay(); } // if (config.blindMode) { // $.each($("#words .word"), (i, word) => { // let input = inputHistory[i]; // if (input == undefined) input = currentInput; // compareInput(i, input, true); // if (inputHistory[i] != wordsList[i]) { // highlightBadWord(i, true); // } // }); // } // let remove = false; // $.each($("#words .word"), (i, obj) => { // if (remove) { // $(obj).remove(); // } else { // $(obj).removeClass("hidden"); // if ($(obj).hasClass("active")) remove = true; // } // }); }); } function startTest() { if (!dbConfigLoaded) { // console.log("config changed before db loaded!"); configChangedBeforeDb = true; } try { if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { firebase.analytics().logEvent("testStarted"); } else { firebase.analytics().logEvent("testStartedNoLogin"); } } catch (e) { console.log("Analytics unavailable"); } testActive = true; testStart = Date.now(); // if (config.mode == "time") { restartTimer(); showTimer(); $("#liveWpm").text("0"); showLiveWpm(); // } // updateActiveElement(); updateTimer(); clearTimeout(timer); keypressStats = { spacing: { current: -1, array: [], }, duration: { current: -1, array: [], }, }; if (activeFunBox === "memory") { memoryFunboxInterval = clearInterval(memoryFunboxInterval); memoryFunboxTimer = null; $("#wordsWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } try { if (config.paceCaret !== "off") movePaceCaret(performance.now() + paceCaret.spc * 1000); } catch (e) {} //use a recursive self-adjusting timer to avoid time drift const stepIntervalMS = 1000; (function loop(expectedStepEnd) { const delay = expectedStepEnd - Date.now(); timer = setTimeout(function () { time++; // if(config.paceCaret !== "off") movePaceCaret(); if (config.mode === "time") { updateTimer(); } // console.time("livewpm"); // let wpm = liveWPM(); // updateLiveWpm(wpm); // showLiveWpm(); // wpmHistory.push(wpm); // rawHistory.push(liveRaw()); let wpmAndRaw = liveWpmAndRaw(); updateLiveWpm(wpmAndRaw.wpm, wpmAndRaw.raw); wpmHistory.push(wpmAndRaw.wpm); rawHistory.push(wpmAndRaw.raw); if (activeFunBox === "layoutfluid" && config.mode === "time") { const layouts = ["qwerty", "dvorak", "colemak"]; let index = 0; index = Math.floor(time / (config.time / 3)); if ( time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) - 3 || time == (config.time / 3) * 2 - 3 ) { showNotification("3", 1000); } if ( time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) - 2 || time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) * 2 - 2 ) { showNotification("2", 1000); } if ( time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) - 1 || time == Math.floor(config.time / 3) * 2 - 1 ) { showNotification("1", 1000); } if (config.layout !== layouts[index] && layouts[index] !== undefined) { showNotification(`--- !!! ${layouts[index]} !!! ---`, 3000); } changeLayout(layouts[index]); changeKeymapLayout(layouts[index]); updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); } // console.timeEnd("livewpm"); keypressPerSecond.push(currentKeypress); currentKeypress = { count: 0, words: [], }; errorsPerSecond.push(currentError); currentError = { count: 0, words: [], }; // if ( // keypressPerSecond[time - 1] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 2] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 3] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 4] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 5] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 6] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 7] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 8] == 0 && // keypressPerSecond[time - 9] == 0 && // !afkDetected // ) { // showNotification("AFK detected", 3000); // afkDetected = true; // } if ( config.minWpm === "custom" && wpmAndRaw.wpm < parseInt(config.minWpmCustomSpeed) ) { clearTimeout(timer); hideCaret(); testActive = false; inputHistory.push(currentInput); correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); showResult(true); return; } if (config.mode == "time") { if (time >= config.time && config.time !== 0) { //times up clearTimeout(timer); hideCaret(); testActive = false; inputHistory.push(currentInput); correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); showResult(); return; } } // console.log('step'); loop(expectedStepEnd + stepIntervalMS); }, delay); })(testStart + stepIntervalMS); } function restartTest(withSameWordset = false, nosave = false) { if (!manualRestart) { if ( (config.mode === "words" && config.words < 1000 && config.words > 0) || (config.mode === "time" && config.time < 3600 && config.time > 0) || config.mode === "quote" || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < 1000) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 1000) ) { } else { showNotification( "Restart disabled for long tests. Use your mouse to confirm.", 4000 ); return; } } if (modeBeforePractise !== null && !withSameWordset) { showNotification("Reverting to previous settings.", 1500); changeMode(modeBeforePractise); modeBeforePractise = null; } manualRestart = false; clearTimeout(timer); time = 0; // afkDetected = false; wpmHistory = []; rawHistory = []; missedWords = {}; correctedHistory = []; currentCorrected = ""; setFocus(false); hideCaret(); testActive = false; hideLiveWpm(); hideTimer(); bailout = false; paceCaret = null; if (paceCaret !== null) clearTimeout(paceCaret.timeout); $("#showWordHistoryButton").removeClass("loaded"); keypressPerSecond = []; lastSecondNotRound = false; currentKeypress = { count: 0, words: [], }; errorsPerSecond = []; currentError = { count: 0, words: [], }; currentTestLine = 0; activeWordJumped = false; keypressStats = { spacing: { current: -1, array: [], }, duration: { current: -1, array: [], }, }; $("#timerNumber").css("opacity", 0); // restartTimer(); let el = null; if (resultVisible) { //results are being displayed el = $("#result"); } else { //words are being displayed el = $("#typingTest"); } if (resultVisible) { if ( config.randomTheme !== "off" && !pageTransition && !config.customTheme ) { randomiseTheme(); showNotification(config.theme.replace(/_/g, " "), 1500); } } resultVisible = false; // .css("transition", "1s linear"); el.stop(true, true).animate( { opacity: 0, }, 125, async () => { $("#typingTest").css("opacity", 0).removeClass("hidden"); if (!withSameWordset) { sameWordset = false; await initWords(); initPaceCaret(nosave); } else { sameWordset = true; testActive = false; currentWordIndex = 0; currentWordElementIndex = 0; accuracyStats = { correct: 0, incorrect: 0, }; inputHistory = []; currentInput = ""; initPaceCaret(); showWords(); } if (config.keymapMode !== "off") { showKeymap(); } else { hideKeymap(); } document.querySelector("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .wpm").innerHTML = "0"; document.querySelector("#liveWpm").innerHTML = "0"; if (activeFunBox === "layoutfluid") { changeLayout("qwerty"); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); changeKeymapLayout("qwerty"); settingsGroups.keymapLayout.updateButton(); updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } $("#result").addClass("hidden"); $("#testModesNotice").removeClass("hidden").css({ opacity: 1, // 'height': 'auto', // 'margin-bottom': '1.25rem' }); resetPaceCaret(); $("#typingTest") .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .stop(true, true) .animate( { opacity: 1, }, 125, () => { resetPaceCaret(); hideCrown(); clearTimeout(timer); if ($("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) focusWords(); wpmOverTimeChart.options.annotation.annotations[0].value = "-30"; wpmOverTimeChart.update(); updateTestModesNotice(); // let oldHeight = $("#words").height(); // let newHeight = $("#words") // .css("height", "fit-content") // .css("height", "-moz-fit-content") // .height(); // if (testMode == "words" || testMode == "custom") { // $("#words") // .stop(true, true) // .css("height", oldHeight) // .animate({ height: newHeight }, 250, () => { // $("#words") // .css("height", "fit-content") // .css("height", "-moz-fit-content"); // $("#wordsInput").focus(); // updateCaretPosition(); // }); // } else if (testMode == "time") { // $("#words") // .stop(true, true) // .css("height", oldHeight) // .animate({ height: 78 }, 250, () => { // $("#wordsInput").focus(); // updateCaretPosition(); // }); // } } ); } ); // $(".active-key").classList.remove("active-key"); } function focusWords() { if (!$("#wordsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#wordsInput").focus(); } } function changeCustomText() { customText = prompt("Custom text").trim(); customText = customText.replace(/[\n\r\t ]/gm, " "); customText = customText.replace(/ +/gm, " "); customText = customText.split(" "); if (customText.length >= 10000) { showNotification("Custom text cannot be longer than 10000 words.", 4000); changeMode("time"); customText = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".split(" "); } // initWords(); } function cleanTypographySymbols(textToClean) { var specials = { "“": '"', // “ “ "”": '"', // ” ” "’": "'", // ‘ ‘ "‘": "'", // ’ ’ ",": ",", // ‚ ‚ "—": "-", // — — "…": "...", // … … "«": "<<", "»": ">>", "–": "-", }; return textToClean.replace(/[“”’‘—,…«»–]/g, (char) => specials[char] || ""); } function changePage(page) { if (pageTransition) { return; } let activePage = $(".page.active"); $(".page").removeClass("active"); $("#wordsInput").focusout(); if (page == "test" || page == "") { pageTransition = true; swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageTest"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; focusWords(); $(".page.pageTest").addClass("active"); history.pushState("/", null, "/"); }); showTestConfig(); hideSignOutButton(); restartCount = 0; incompleteTestSeconds = 0; manualRestart = true; restartTest(); } else if (page == "about") { pageTransition = true; restartTest(); swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageAbout"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; history.pushState("about", null, "about"); $(".page.pageAbout").addClass("active"); }); hideTestConfig(); hideSignOutButton(); } else if (page == "settings") { pageTransition = true; restartTest(); swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageSettings"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; history.pushState("settings", null, "settings"); $(".page.pageSettings").addClass("active"); }); updateSettingsPage(); hideTestConfig(); hideSignOutButton(); } else if (page == "account") { if (!firebase.auth().currentUser) { changePage("login"); } else { pageTransition = true; restartTest(); swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageAccount"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; history.pushState("account", null, "account"); $(".page.pageAccount").addClass("active"); }); refreshAccountPage(); hideTestConfig(); showSignOutButton(); } } else if (page == "login") { if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { changePage("account"); } else { pageTransition = true; restartTest(); swapElements(activePage, $(".page.pageLogin"), 250, () => { pageTransition = false; history.pushState("login", null, "login"); $(".page.pageLogin").addClass("active"); }); hideTestConfig(); hideSignOutButton(); } } } function changeMode(mode, nosave) { if (mode !== "words" && activeFunBox === "memory") { showNotification("Memory funbox can only be used with words mode."); return; } config.mode = mode; $("#top .config .mode .text-button").removeClass("active"); $("#top .config .mode .text-button[mode='" + mode + "']").addClass("active"); if (config.mode == "time") { $("#top .config .wordCount").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .numbersMode").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .quoteLength").addClass("hidden"); } else if (config.mode == "words") { $("#top .config .wordCount").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .numbersMode").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .quoteLength").addClass("hidden"); } else if (config.mode == "custom") { if ( activeFunBox === "58008" || activeFunBox === "gibberish" || activeFunBox === "ascii" ) { activeFunBox = "none"; updateTestModesNotice(); } $("#top .config .wordCount").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .numbersMode").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .quoteLength").addClass("hidden"); setPunctuation(false, true); setNumbers(false, true); } else if (config.mode == "quote") { setToggleSettings(false, nosave); $("#top .config .wordCount").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .numbersMode").addClass("hidden"); $("#result .stats .source").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .quoteLength").removeClass("hidden"); changeLanguage("english", nosave); } if (!nosave) saveConfigToCookie(); } // function liveWPM() { // let correctWordChars = 0; // for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { // if (inputHistory[i] == wordsList[i]) { // //the word is correct // //+1 for space // correctWordChars += wordsList[i].length + 1; // } // } // let testNow = Date.now(); // let testSeconds = (testNow - testStart) / 1000; // wpm = (correctWordChars * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5; // return Math.round(wpm); // } // function liveRaw() { // let chars = 0; // for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { // chars += inputHistory[i].length + 1; // } // let testNow = Date.now(); // let testSeconds = (testNow - testStart) / 1000; // raw = (chars * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5; // return Math.round(raw); // } function liveWpmAndRaw() { let chars = 0; let correctWordChars = 0; let spaces = 0; for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { if (inputHistory[i] == wordsList[i]) { //the word is correct //+1 for space correctWordChars += wordsList[i].length; if (i < inputHistory.length - 1) { spaces++; } } chars += inputHistory[i].length; } if (wordsList[currentWordIndex] === currentInput) { correctWordChars += currentInput.length; } chars += currentInput.length; let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = (testNow - testStart) / 1000; let wpm = Math.round(((correctWordChars + spaces) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5); let raw = Math.round(((chars + spaces) * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5); return { wpm: wpm, raw: raw, }; } function updateLiveWpm(wpm, raw) { if (!testActive || !config.showLiveWpm) { hideLiveWpm(); } else { showLiveWpm(); } // let wpmstring = wpm < 100 ? ` ${wpm}` : `${wpm}`; let number = wpm; if (config.blindMode) { number = raw; } document.querySelector("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .wpm").innerHTML = number; document.querySelector("#liveWpm").innerHTML = number; // $("#liveWpm").html(wpm); } function showLiveWpm() { if (!config.showLiveWpm) return; if (!testActive) return; if (config.timerStyle === "mini") { $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .wpm").css("opacity", config.timerOpacity); } else { $("#liveWpm").css("opacity", config.timerOpacity); } // if (config.timerStyle === "text") { // $("#timerNumber").css("opacity", config.timerOpacity); // } } function hideLiveWpm() { $("#liveWpm").css("opacity", 0); $("#miniTimerAndLiveWpm .wpm").css("opacity", 0); } function swapElements( el1, el2, totalDuration, callback = function () { return; } ) { if ( (el1.hasClass("hidden") && !el2.hasClass("hidden")) || (!el1.hasClass("hidden") && el2.hasClass("hidden")) ) { //one of them is hidden and the other is visible if (el1.hasClass("hidden")) { callback(); return false; } $(el1) .removeClass("hidden") .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, totalDuration / 2, () => { $(el1).addClass("hidden"); $(el2) .removeClass("hidden") .css("opacity", 0) .animate( { opacity: 1, }, totalDuration / 2, () => { callback(); } ); } ); } else if (el1.hasClass("hidden") && el2.hasClass("hidden")) { //both are hidden, only fade in the second $(el2) .removeClass("hidden") .css("opacity", 0) .animate( { opacity: 1, }, totalDuration, () => { callback(); } ); } else { callback(); } } function updateAccountLoginButton() { if (firebase.auth().currentUser != null) { swapElements( $("#menu .icon-button.login"), $("#menu .icon-button.account"), 250 ); // $("#menu .icon-button.account").removeClass('hidden'); // $("#menu .icon-button.login").addClass('hidden'); } else { swapElements( $("#menu .icon-button.account"), $("#menu .icon-button.login"), 250 ); // $("#menu .icon-button.login").removeClass('hidden'); // $("#menu .icon-button.account").addClass('hidden'); } } function accountIconLoading(truefalse) { if (truefalse) { $("#top #menu .account .icon").html( '' ); $("#top #menu .account").css("opacity", 1); } else { $("#top #menu .account .icon").html(''); $("#top #menu .account").css("opacity", 1); } } function toggleResultWordsDisplay() { if (resultVisible) { if ($("#resultWordsHistory").stop(true, true).hasClass("hidden")) { //show if (!$("#showWordHistoryButton").hasClass("loaded")) { $("#words").html( `
` ); loadWordsHistory().then(() => { $("#resultWordsHistory") .removeClass("hidden") .css("display", "none") .slideDown(250); }); } else { $("#resultWordsHistory") .removeClass("hidden") .css("display", "none") .slideDown(250); } } else { //hide $("#resultWordsHistory").slideUp(250, () => { $("#resultWordsHistory").addClass("hidden"); }); } } } async function loadWordsHistory() { $("#resultWordsHistory .words").empty(); // inputHistory.forEach((input, index) => { for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length + 2; i++) { let input = inputHistory[i]; let wordEl = ""; try { if (input === "") throw Exception; if (correctedHistory[i] !== undefined && correctedHistory[i] !== "") { wordEl = `
`; } else { wordEl = `
`; } if (i === inputHistory.length - 1) { //last word let word = { correct: 0, incorrect: 0, missed: 0, }; for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { if (c < inputHistory[i].length) { //on char that still has a word list pair if (inputHistory[i][c] == wordsList[i][c]) { word.correct++; } else { word.incorrect++; } } else { //on char that is extra word.missed++; } } if (word.incorrect !== 0 || config.mode !== "time") { if (input !== wordsList[i]) { wordEl = `
`; } } } else { if (input !== wordsList[i]) { wordEl = `
`; } } let loop; if (input.length > wordsList[i].length) { //input is longer - extra characters possible (loop over input) loop = input.length; } else { //input is shorter or equal (loop over word list) loop = wordsList[i].length; } for (let c = 0; c < loop; c++) { // input.forEach((inputLetter, inputLetteri) => { let correctedChar; try { correctedChar = correctedHistory[i][c]; } catch (e) { correctedChar = undefined; } let extraCorrected = ""; if ( c + 1 === loop && correctedHistory[i] !== undefined && correctedHistory[i].length > input.length ) { extraCorrected = "extraCorrected"; } if (wordsList[i][c] !== undefined) { if (input[c] === wordsList[i][c]) { if (correctedChar === input[c] || correctedChar === undefined) { wordEl += `${wordsList[i][c]}`; } else { wordEl += `` + wordsList[i][c] + ""; } } else { if (input[c] === currentInput) { wordEl += "" + wordsList[i][c] + ""; } else if (input[c] === undefined) { wordEl += "" + wordsList[i][c] + ""; } else { wordEl += `` + wordsList[i][c] + ""; } } } else { wordEl += '' + input[c] + ""; } } wordEl += "
"; } catch (e) { try { wordEl = "
"; for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { wordEl += "" + wordsList[i][c] + ""; } wordEl += "
"; } catch (e) {} } $("#resultWordsHistory .words").append(wordEl); } $("#showWordHistoryButton").addClass("loaded"); return true; } function flipTestColors(tf) { if (tf) { $("#words").addClass("flipped"); } else { $("#words").removeClass("flipped"); } } function applyColorfulMode(tc) { if (tc) { $("#words").addClass("colorfulMode"); } else { $("#words").removeClass("colorfulMode"); } } // function applyReadAheadMode(tc) { // if (tc) { // $("#words").addClass("readAheadMode"); // } else { // $("#words").removeClass("readAheadMode"); // } // } function showEditTags(action, id, name) { if (action === "add") { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action", "add"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .title").html("Add new tag"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .button").html(``); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").val(""); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").removeClass("hidden"); } else if (action === "edit") { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action", "edit"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("tagid", id); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .title").html("Edit tag name"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .button").html(``); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").val(name); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").removeClass("hidden"); } else if (action === "remove") { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action", "remove"); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("tagid", id); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .title").html("Remove tag " + name); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .button").html(``); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").addClass("hidden"); } if ($("#tagsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#tagsWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100, (e) => { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").focus(); }); } } function hideEditTags() { if (!$("#tagsWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action", ""); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("tagid", ""); $("#tagsWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 100, (e) => { $("#tagsWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); } } function showBackgroundLoader() { $("#backgroundLoader").stop(true, true).fadeIn(125); } function hideBackgroundLoader() { $("#backgroundLoader").stop(true, true).fadeOut(125); } function updateTestModesNotice() { let anim = false; if ($(".pageTest #testModesNotice").text() === "") anim = true; $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").empty(); if (sameWordset) { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } if (config.language === "english_1k" || config.language === "english_10k") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
${config.language.replace( "_", " " )}
` ); } if (config.difficulty === "expert") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } else if (config.difficulty === "master") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } if (config.blindMode) { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } if (config.paceCaret !== "off") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
${ config.paceCaret === "pb" ? "pb" : config.paceCaretCustomSpeed + " wpm" } pace
` ); } if (config.minWpm !== "off") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
min ${config.minWpmCustomSpeed} wpm
` ); } // if (config.readAheadMode) { // $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( // `
read ahead
` // ); // } if (activeFunBox !== "none") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
${activeFunBox.replace( /_/g, " " )}
` ); } if (config.confidenceMode === "on") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } if (config.confidenceMode === "max") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
max confidence
` ); } if (config.stopOnError != "off") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
stop on ${config.stopOnError}
` ); } if (config.layout !== "default") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
` ); } tagsString = ""; // $.each($('.pageSettings .section.tags .tagsList .tag'), (index, tag) => { // if($(tag).children('.active').attr('active') === 'true'){ // tagsString += $(tag).children('.title').text() + ', '; // } // }) try { dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.active === true) { tagsString += tag.name + ", "; } }); if (tagsString !== "") { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").append( `
${tagsString.substring( 0, tagsString.length - 2 )}
` ); } } catch (e) {} if (anim) { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice") .css("transition", "none") .css("opacity", 0) .animate( { opacity: 1, }, 125, (e) => { $(".pageTest #testModesNotice").css("transition", ".125s"); } ); } } $("#tagsWrapper").click((e) => { if ($(e.target).attr("id") === "tagsWrapper") { hideEditTags(); } }); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit .button").click((e) => { tagsEdit(); }); $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").keypress((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 13) { tagsEdit(); } }); function tagsEdit() { let action = $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("action"); let inputVal = $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit input").val(); let tagid = $("#tagsWrapper #tagsEdit").attr("tagid"); hideEditTags(); if (action === "add") { showBackgroundLoader(); addTag({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, name: inputVal }).then( (e) => { hideBackgroundLoader(); let status = e.data.resultCode; if (status === 1) { showNotification("Tag added", 2000); dbSnapshot.tags.push({ name: inputVal, id: e.data.id, }); updateResultEditTagsPanelButtons(); updateSettingsPage(); updateFilterTags(); } else if (status === -1) { showNotification("Invalid tag name", 3000); } else if (status < -1) { showNotification("Unknown error", 3000); } } ); } else if (action === "edit") { showBackgroundLoader(); editTag({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, name: inputVal, tagid: tagid, }).then((e) => { hideBackgroundLoader(); let status = e.data.resultCode; if (status === 1) { showNotification("Tag updated", 2000); dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.id === tagid) { tag.name = inputVal; } }); updateResultEditTagsPanelButtons(); updateSettingsPage(); updateFilterTags(); } else if (status === -1) { showNotification("Invalid tag name", 3000); } else if (status < -1) { showNotification("Unknown error", 3000); } }); } else if (action === "remove") { showBackgroundLoader(); removeTag({ uid: firebase.auth().currentUser.uid, tagid: tagid }).then( (e) => { hideBackgroundLoader(); let status = e.data.resultCode; if (status === 1) { showNotification("Tag removed", 2000); dbSnapshot.tags.forEach((tag, index) => { if (tag.id === tagid) { dbSnapshot.tags.splice(index, 1); } }); updateResultEditTagsPanelButtons(); updateSettingsPage(); updateFilterTags(); updateActiveTags(); } else if (status < -1) { showNotification("Unknown error", 3000); } } ); } } function showCapsWarning() { if ($("#capsWarning").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#capsWarning").removeClass("hidden"); } } function hideCapsWarning() { if (!$("#capsWarning").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#capsWarning").addClass("hidden"); } } function showCustomTextPopup() { if ($("#customTextPopupWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { if ($("#customTextPopup .check input").prop("checked")) { $("#customTextPopup .inputs .wordcount").removeClass("hidden"); } else { $("#customTextPopup .inputs .wordcount").addClass("hidden"); } $("#customTextPopupWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100, (e) => { $("#customTextPopup textarea").val(customText.join(" ")); $("#customTextPopup .wordcount input").val(customTextWordCount); $("#customTextPopup textarea").focus(); }); } } function hideCustomTextPopup() { if (!$("#customTextPopupWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#customTextPopupWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 100, (e) => { $("#customTextPopupWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); } } $("#customTextPopupWrapper").mousedown((e) => { if ($(e.target).attr("id") === "customTextPopupWrapper") { hideCustomTextPopup(); } }); $("#customTextPopup .inputs .check input").change((e) => { if ($("#customTextPopup .check input").prop("checked")) { $("#customTextPopup .inputs .wordcount").removeClass("hidden"); } else { $("#customTextPopup .inputs .wordcount").addClass("hidden"); } }); $("#customTextPopup textarea").keypress((e) => { if (e.code === "Enter" && e.ctrlKey) { $("#customTextPopup .button").click(); } }); $("#customTextPopup .button").click((e) => { let text = $("#customTextPopup textarea").val(); text = text.trim(); text = text.replace(/[\n\r\t ]/gm, " "); text = text.replace(/ +/gm, " "); if ($("#customTextPopup .typographyCheck input").prop("checked")) { text = cleanTypographySymbols(text); } text = text.split(" "); // if (text.length >= 10000) { // showNotification("Custom text cannot be longer than 10000 words.", 4000); // changeMode("time"); // text = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".split(" "); // } else { customText = text; customTextIsRandom = $("#customTextPopup .check input").prop("checked"); // if (customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 3) { // showNotification("Random custom text requires at least 3 words", 4000); // customTextIsRandom = false; // } customTextWordCount = $("#customTextPopup .wordcount input").val(); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); // } hideCustomTextPopup(); }); function showCustomMode2Popup(mode) { if ($("#customMode2PopupWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#customMode2PopupWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100, (e) => { if (mode == "time") { $("#customMode2Popup .text").text("Test length"); $("#customMode2Popup").attr("mode", "time"); } else if (mode == "words") { $("#customMode2Popup .text").text("Word amount"); $("#customMode2Popup").attr("mode", "words"); } $("#customMode2Popup input").focus().select(); }); } } function hideCustomMode2Popup() { if (!$("#customMode2PopupWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#customMode2PopupWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0, }, 100, (e) => { $("#customMode2PopupWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); } } function playClickSound() { if (config.playSoundOnClick === "off") return; if (clickSounds === null) initClickSounds(); let rand = Math.floor( Math.random() * clickSounds[config.playSoundOnClick].length ); let randomSound = clickSounds[config.playSoundOnClick][rand]; randomSound.counter++; if (randomSound.counter === 2) randomSound.counter = 0; randomSound.sounds[randomSound.counter].currentTime = 0; randomSound.sounds[randomSound.counter].play(); // clickSound.currentTime = 0; // clickSound.play(); } function playErrorSound() { if (!config.playSoundOnError) return; errorSound.currentTime = 0; errorSound.play(); } async function initPaceCaret(nosave = false) { let mode2 = ""; if (config.mode === "time") { mode2 = config.time; } else if (config.mode === "words") { mode2 = config.words; } else if (config.mode === "custom") { mode2 = "custom"; } else if (config.mode === "quote") { mode2 = randomQuote.id; } let wpm; if (config.paceCaret === "pb") { wpm = await db_getLocalPB( config.mode, mode2, config.punctuation, config.language, config.difficulty ); } else if (config.paceCaret === "custom") { wpm = config.paceCaretCustomSpeed; } if (wpm < 1 || wpm == false || wpm == undefined || Number.isNaN(wpm)) { paceCaret = null; return; } let characters = wpm * 5; let cps = characters / 60; //characters per step let spc = 60 / characters; //seconds per character updateTestModesNotice(); paceCaret = { cps: cps, spc: spc, correction: 0, currentWordIndex: 0, currentLetterIndex: -1, wordsStatus: {}, timeout: null, }; } // function movePaceCaret() { // if (paceCaret === null) { // return; // } // if ($("#paceCaret").hasClass("hidden")) { // $("#paceCaret").removeClass("hidden"); // } // try { // let currentMove = 0; // let newCurrentWord = paceCaret.currentWordIndex; // let newCurrentLetter = paceCaret.currentLetterIndex; // while (currentMove < paceCaret.cps) { // let currentWordLen; // try { // if (newCurrentLetter < 0) { // currentWordLen = wordsList[newCurrentWord].length; // } else { // currentWordLen = wordsList[newCurrentWord].length - newCurrentLetter; // } // } catch (e) { // //out of words // paceCaret = null; // $("#paceCaret").addClass("hidden"); // return; // } // if (currentMove + currentWordLen <= paceCaret.cps) { // //good to move // currentMove += currentWordLen; // currentMove++; //space // newCurrentWord++; // newCurrentLetter = -1; // } else { // //too much, need to go sub // if (currentWordLen === 1) { // newCurrentWord++; // currentMove += paceCaret.cps - currentMove; // newCurrentLetter = -1; // } else { // newCurrentLetter += paceCaret.cps - currentMove; // currentMove += paceCaret.cps - currentMove; // } // // newCurrentWord++; // } // } // paceCaret.currentWordIndex = Math.round(newCurrentWord); // paceCaret.currentLetterIndex = Math.round(newCurrentLetter); // let caret = $("#paceCaret"); // let currentLetter; // let newTop; // let newLeft; // try { // if (paceCaret.currentLetterIndex === -1) { // currentLetter = document // .querySelectorAll("#words .word") // [ // paceCaret.currentWordIndex - // (currentWordIndex - currentWordElementIndex) // ].querySelectorAll("letter")[0]; // } else { // currentLetter = document // .querySelectorAll("#words .word") // [ // paceCaret.currentWordIndex - // (currentWordIndex - currentWordElementIndex) // ].querySelectorAll("letter")[paceCaret.currentLetterIndex]; // } // newTop = currentLetter.offsetTop - $(currentLetter).height() / 4; // newLeft; // if (paceCaret.currentLetterIndex === -1) { // newLeft = currentLetter.offsetLeft; // } else { // newLeft = // currentLetter.offsetLeft + $(currentLetter).width() - caret.width() / 2; // } // }catch(e){} // let duration = 0; // if (newTop > document.querySelector("#paceCaret").offsetTop) { // duration = 0; // } // let smoothlinescroll = $("#words .smoothScroller").height(); // if (smoothlinescroll === undefined) smoothlinescroll = 0; // $("#paceCaret").css({ // top: newTop - smoothlinescroll, // }); // caret.stop(true, true).animate( // { // left: newLeft, // }, // duration, // "linear" // ); // } catch (e) { // // $("#paceCaret").animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250, () => { // console.error(e); // $("#paceCaret").addClass("hidden"); // // }); // } // } function movePaceCaret(expectedStepEnd) { if (paceCaret === null || !testActive || resultVisible) { return; } if ($("#paceCaret").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#paceCaret").removeClass("hidden"); } if ($("#paceCaret").hasClass("off")) { return; } try { paceCaret.currentLetterIndex++; if ( paceCaret.currentLetterIndex >= wordsList[paceCaret.currentWordIndex].length ) { //go to the next word paceCaret.currentLetterIndex = -1; paceCaret.currentWordIndex++; } if (!config.blindMode) { if (paceCaret.correction < 0) { // paceCaret.correction++; while (paceCaret.correction < 0) { paceCaret.currentLetterIndex--; if (paceCaret.currentLetterIndex <= -2) { //go to the previous word paceCaret.currentLetterIndex = wordsList[paceCaret.currentWordIndex - 1].length - 1; paceCaret.currentWordIndex--; } paceCaret.correction++; } } else if (paceCaret.correction > 0) { while (paceCaret.correction > 0) { paceCaret.currentLetterIndex++; if ( paceCaret.currentLetterIndex >= wordsList[paceCaret.currentWordIndex].length ) { //go to the next word paceCaret.currentLetterIndex = -1; paceCaret.currentWordIndex++; } paceCaret.correction--; } } } } catch (e) { //out of words paceCaret = null; $("#paceCaret").addClass("hidden"); return; } try { let caret = $("#paceCaret"); let currentLetter; let newTop; let newLeft; try { if (paceCaret.currentLetterIndex === -1) { currentLetter = document .querySelectorAll("#words .word") [ paceCaret.currentWordIndex - (currentWordIndex - currentWordElementIndex) ].querySelectorAll("letter")[0]; } else { currentLetter = document .querySelectorAll("#words .word") [ paceCaret.currentWordIndex - (currentWordIndex - currentWordElementIndex) ].querySelectorAll("letter")[paceCaret.currentLetterIndex]; } newTop = currentLetter.offsetTop - $(currentLetter).height() / 20; newLeft; if (paceCaret.currentLetterIndex === -1) { newLeft = currentLetter.offsetLeft; } else { newLeft = currentLetter.offsetLeft + $(currentLetter).width() - caret.width() / 2; } caret.removeClass("hidden"); } catch (e) { caret.addClass("hidden"); } let smoothlinescroll = $("#words .smoothScroller").height(); if (smoothlinescroll === undefined) smoothlinescroll = 0; $("#paceCaret").css({ top: newTop - smoothlinescroll, }); let duration = expectedStepEnd - performance.now(); // console.log(duration); if (config.smoothCaret) { caret.stop(true, true).animate( { left: newLeft, }, duration, "linear" ); } else { caret.stop(true, true).animate( { left: newLeft, }, 0, "linear" ); } paceCaret.timeout = setTimeout(() => { try { movePaceCaret(expectedStepEnd + paceCaret.spc * 1000); } catch (e) { paceCaret = null; } }, duration); } catch (e) { // $("#paceCaret").animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250, () => { console.error(e); $("#paceCaret").addClass("hidden"); // }); } } function resetPaceCaret() { if (config.paceCaret === "off") return; if (!$("#paceCaret").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#paceCaret").addClass("hidden"); } let caret = $("#paceCaret"); let firstLetter = document .querySelector("#words .word") .querySelector("letter"); caret.stop(true, true).animate( { top: firstLetter.offsetTop - $(firstLetter).height() / 4, left: firstLetter.offsetLeft, }, 0, "linear" ); } $("#customMode2PopupWrapper").click((e) => { if ($(e.target).attr("id") === "customMode2PopupWrapper") { hideCustomMode2Popup(); } }); $("#customMode2Popup input").keypress((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 13) { applyMode2Popup(); } }); $("#customMode2Popup .button").click((e) => { applyMode2Popup(); }); function updateKeytips() { if (config.swapEscAndTab) { $(".pageSettings .tip").html(` tip: You can also change all these settings quickly using the command line ( tab )`); $("#bottom .keyTips").html(` esc - restart test
tab - command line`); } else { $(".pageSettings .tip").html(` tip: You can also change all these settings quickly using the command line ( esc )`); $("#bottom .keyTips").html(` tab - restart test
esc - command line`); } } function applyMode2Popup() { let mode = $("#customMode2Popup").attr("mode"); let val = $("#customMode2Popup input").val(); if (mode == "time") { if (val !== null && !isNaN(val) && val >= 0) { changeTimeConfig(val); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); if (val >= 1800) { showNotification("Stay safe and take breaks!", 3000); } else if (val == 0) { showNotification( "Infinite time! Make sure to use Bail Out from the command line to save your result.", 5000 ); } } else { showNotification("Custom time must be at least 1", 3000); } } else if (mode == "words") { if (val !== null && !isNaN(val) && val >= 0) { changeWordCount(val); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); if (val > 2000) { showNotification("Stay safe and take breaks!", 3000); } else if (val == 0) { showNotification( "Infinite words! Make sure to use Bail Out from the command line to save your result.", 5000 ); } } else { showNotification("Custom word amount must be at least 1", 3000); } } hideCustomMode2Popup(); } $(document).on("click", "#top .logo", (e) => { changePage("test"); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .wordCount .text-button", (e) => { wrd = $(e.currentTarget).attr("wordCount"); if (wrd == "custom") { // let newWrd = prompt("Custom word amount"); // if (newWrd !== null && !isNaN(newWrd) && newWrd > 0 && newWrd <= 10000) { // changeWordCount(newWrd); // if (newWrd > 2000) { // showNotification( // "Very long tests can cause performance issues or crash the website on some machines!", // 5000 // ); // } // } else { // showNotification( // "Custom word amount can only be set between 1 and 10000", // 3000 // ); // } showCustomMode2Popup("words"); } else { changeWordCount(wrd); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); } }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .time .text-button", (e) => { let mode = $(e.currentTarget).attr("timeConfig"); if (mode == "custom") { // let newTime = prompt("Custom time in seconds"); // if (newTime !== null && !isNaN(newTime) && newTime > 0 && newTime <= 3600) { // changeTimeConfig(newTime); // if (newTime >= 1800) { // showNotification( // "Very long tests can cause performance issues or crash the website on some machines!", // 5000 // ); // } // } else { // showNotification("Custom time can only be set between 1 and 3600", 3000); // } showCustomMode2Popup("time"); } else { changeTimeConfig(mode); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); } }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .quoteLength .text-button", (e) => { let len = $(e.currentTarget).attr("quoteLength"); changeQuoteLength(len); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .customText .text-button", (e) => { // changeCustomText(); // restartTest(); showCustomTextPopup(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .punctuationMode .text-button", (e) => { togglePunctuation(); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .numbersMode .text-button", (e) => { toggleNumbers(); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $("#wordsWrapper").on("click", (e) => { focusWords(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .mode .text-button", (e) => { if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("active")) return; mode = $(e.currentTarget).attr("mode"); changeMode(mode); manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top #menu .icon-button", (e) => { if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("discord")) return; if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("leaderboards")) { showLeaderboards(); } else { href = $(e.currentTarget).attr("href"); manualRestart = true; changePage(href.replace("/", "")); } }); $(window).on("popstate", (e) => { let state = e.originalEvent.state; if (state == "" || state == "/") { // show test changePage("test"); } else if (state == "about") { // show about changePage("about"); } else if (state == "account" || state == "login") { if (firebase.auth().currentUser) { changePage("account"); } else { changePage("login"); } } }); $(document).on("keypress", "#restartTestButton", (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { if ( (config.mode === "words" && config.words < 1000) || (config.mode === "time" && config.time < 3600) || config.mode === "quote" || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < 1000) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 1000) ) { if (testActive) { let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; } restartTest(); } else { showNotification("Quick restart disabled for long tests", 2000); } } }); $(document.body).on("click", "#restartTestButton", (event) => { manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $(document).on("keypress", "#practiseMissedWordsButton", (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { if (Object.keys(missedWords).length > 0) { let currentMode = config.mode; changeMode("custom"); let newCustomText = []; Object.keys(missedWords).forEach((missedWord) => { for (let i = 0; i < missedWords[missedWord]; i++) { newCustomText.push(missedWord); } }); customText = newCustomText; customTextIsRandom = true; customTextWordCount = 50; restartTest(); modeBeforePractise = currentMode; } else { showNotification("You haven't missed any words.", 2000); } } }); $(document.body).on("click", "#practiseMissedWordsButton", (event) => { if (Object.keys(missedWords).length > 0) { let currentMode = config.mode; changeMode("custom"); let newCustomText = []; Object.keys(missedWords).forEach((missedWord) => { for (let i = 0; i < missedWords[missedWord]; i++) { newCustomText.push(missedWord); } }); customText = newCustomText; customTextIsRandom = true; customTextWordCount = 50; restartTest(); modeBeforePractise = currentMode; } else { showNotification("You haven't missed any words.", 2000); } }); $(document).on("keypress", "#nextTestButton", (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { restartTest(); } }); $(document.body).on("click", "#nextTestButton", (event) => { manualRestart = true; restartTest(); }); $(document).on("keypress", "#showWordHistoryButton", (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { toggleResultWordsDisplay(); } }); $(document.body).on("click", "#showWordHistoryButton", (event) => { toggleResultWordsDisplay(); }); $(document.body).on("click", "#restartTestButtonWithSameWordset", (event) => { manualRestart = true; restartTest(true); }); $(document).on("keypress", "#restartTestButtonWithSameWordset", (event) => { if (event.keyCode == 13) { restartTest(true); } }); $(document.body).on("click", "#copyResultToClipboardButton", (event) => { copyResultToClipboard(); }); $(document.body).on("click", ".version", (event) => { $("#versionHistoryWrapper") .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 125); }); $(document.body).on("click", "#versionHistoryWrapper", (event) => { $("#versionHistoryWrapper") .css("opacity", 1) .animate({ opacity: 0 }, 125, () => { $("#versionHistoryWrapper").addClass("hidden"); }); }); $("#wordsInput").keypress((event) => { event.preventDefault(); }); let outOfFocusTimeouts = []; function clearTimeouts(timeouts) { timeouts.forEach((to) => { clearTimeout(to); to = null; }); } $("#wordsInput").on("focus", (event) => { if (!resultVisible && config.showOutOfFocusWarning) { $("#words").css("transition", "none").removeClass("blurred"); $(".outOfFocusWarning").addClass("hidden"); clearTimeouts(outOfFocusTimeouts); } showCaret(); }); $("#wordsInput").on("focusout", (event) => { if (!resultVisible && config.showOutOfFocusWarning) { outOfFocusTimeouts.push( setTimeout(() => { $("#words").css("transition", "0.25s").addClass("blurred"); $(".outOfFocusWarning").removeClass("hidden"); }, 1000) ); } hideCaret(); }); $(window).resize(() => { updateCaretPosition(); }); $(document).mousemove(function (event) { if ( $("#top").hasClass("focus") && (event.originalEvent.movementX > 0 || event.originalEvent.movementY > 0) ) { setFocus(false); } }); $(document).on("click", "#testModesNotice .text-button", (event) => { let commands = eval($(event.currentTarget).attr("commands")); if (commands !== undefined) { currentCommands.push(commands); showCommandLine(); } }); //keypresses for the test, using different method to be more responsive $(document).keydown(function (event) { if (!$("#wordsInput").is(":focus")) return; if ( [ "Tab", " ", "ContextMenu", "Escape", "Shift", "Control", "Meta", "Alt", "AltGraph", "CapsLock", "Backspace", "Enter", "PageUp", "PageDown", "Home", "ArrowUp", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight", "ArrowDown", "OS", "Insert", "Home", "Undefined", "Control", "Fn", "FnLock", "Hyper", "NumLock", "ScrollLock", "Symbol", "SymbolLock", "Super", "Unidentified", undefined, ].includes(event.key) ) return; if (event.key.length > 1) return; if (/F\d+/.test(event.key)) return; if (/Numpad/.test(event.key)) return; if (/Volume/.test(event.key)) return; event = emulateLayout(event); //start the test if (currentInput == "" && inputHistory.length == 0 && !testActive) { startTest(); } else { if (!testActive) return; } if (event.key === "Dead") { playClickSound(); $( document.querySelector("#words .word.active").querySelectorAll("letter")[ currentInput.length ] ).toggleClass("dead"); return; } let thisCharCorrect; let nextCharInWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex].substring( currentInput.length, currentInput.length + 1 ); if ( config.language === "russian" && (event["key"].toLowerCase() == "e" || event["key"].toLowerCase() == "ё") ) { if ( nextCharInWord.toLowerCase() == "e" || nextCharInWord.toLowerCase() == "ё" ) { thisCharCorrect = true; } else { thisCharCorrect = false; } } else { if (nextCharInWord == event["key"]) { thisCharCorrect = true; } else { thisCharCorrect = false; } } if (!thisCharCorrect) { accuracyStats.incorrect++; currentError.count++; currentError.words.push(currentWordIndex); thisCharCorrect = false; if (!Object.keys(missedWords).includes(wordsList[currentWordIndex])) { // missedWords.push(wordsList[currentWordIndex]); missedWords[wordsList[currentWordIndex]] = 1; } else { missedWords[wordsList[currentWordIndex]]++; } } else { accuracyStats.correct++; thisCharCorrect = true; } if (thisCharCorrect) { playClickSound(); } else { if (!config.playSoundOnError || config.blindMode) { playClickSound(); } else { playErrorSound(); } } if (currentCorrected === "") { currentCorrected = currentInput + event["key"]; } else { let cil = currentInput.length; if (cil >= currentCorrected.length) { currentCorrected += event["key"]; } else if (!thisCharCorrect) { currentCorrected = currentCorrected.substring(0, cil) + event["key"] + currentCorrected.substring(cil + 1); } } currentKeypress.count++; currentKeypress.words.push(currentWordIndex); if (config.stopOnError == "letter" && !thisCharCorrect) { if (config.difficulty == "master") { //failed due to master diff when pressing a key inputHistory.push(currentInput); correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); lastSecondNotRound = true; showResult(true); let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; return; } else { return; } } if (currentInput.length === 1 && currentWordIndex === 0) { activeWordTop = document.querySelector("#words .active").offsetTop; } if (currentInput.length < wordsList[currentWordIndex].length + 20) currentInput += event["key"]; setFocus(true); stopCaretAnimation(); activeWordTopBeforeJump = activeWordTop; compareInput(!config.blindMode); // let newActiveTop = $("#words .word.active").position().top; // console.time("offcheck1"); let newActiveTop = document.querySelector("#words .word.active").offsetTop; if (activeWordTopBeforeJump < newActiveTop && !lineTransition) { activeWordJumped = true; } else { activeWordJumped = false; } if (activeWordJumped && currentInput.length > 1) { currentInput = currentInput.slice(0, -1); compareInput(!config.blindMode); activeWordJumped = false; } // console.timeEnd("offcheck2"); if (config.keymapMode === "react") { flashPressedKeymapKey(event.key, thisCharCorrect); } else if (config.keymapMode === "next") { updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } updateCaretPosition(); }); $(document).keydown((event) => { keypressStats.duration.current = performance.now(); // if ($(".pageTest").hasClass("active")) { try { if ( !config.capsLockBackspace && event.originalEvent.getModifierState("CapsLock") ) { showCapsWarning(); } else { hideCapsWarning(); } } catch (e) {} // } }); $(document).keyup((event) => { if (resultVisible) return; let now = performance.now(); let diff = Math.abs(keypressStats.duration.current - now); if (keypressStats.duration.current !== -1) { keypressStats.duration.array.push(diff); } keypressStats.duration.current = now; }); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", (event) => { // Cancel the event as stated by the standard. if ( (config.mode === "words" && config.words < 1000) || (config.mode === "time" && config.time < 3600) || config.mode === "quote" || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < 1000) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 1000) ) { } else { if (testActive) { event.preventDefault(); // Chrome requires returnValue to be set. event.returnValue = ""; } } }); //handle keyboard events $(document).keydown((event) => { if (!resultVisible) { let now = performance.now(); let diff = Math.abs(keypressStats.spacing.current - now); if (keypressStats.spacing.current !== -1) { keypressStats.spacing.array.push(diff); } keypressStats.spacing.current = now; } //tab if ( (event.key == "Tab" && !config.swapEscAndTab) || (event.key == "Escape" && config.swapEscAndTab) ) { if ( !event.ctrlKey && config.quickTab && !$(".pageLogin").hasClass("active") && !resultCalculating && $("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden") ) { event.preventDefault(); if ($(".pageTest").hasClass("active")) { if ( (config.mode === "words" && config.words < 1000) || (config.mode === "time" && config.time < 3600) || config.mode === "quote" || (config.mode === "custom" && customTextIsRandom && customTextWordCount < 1000) || (config.mode === "custom" && !customTextIsRandom && customText.length < 1000) ) { if (testActive) { let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; } restartTest(); } else { showNotification("Quick restart disabled for long tests", 2000); } } else { changePage("test"); } } } //only for the typing test if ($("#wordsInput").is(":focus")) { const isBackspace = event.key === "Backspace" || (config.capsLockBackspace && event.key === "CapsLock"); if (isBackspace) { event.preventDefault(); if (!testActive) return; if ( currentInput == "" && inputHistory.length > 0 && currentWordElementIndex > 0 ) { if ( (inputHistory[currentWordIndex - 1] == wordsList[currentWordIndex - 1] && !config.freedomMode) || $($(".word")[currentWordIndex - 1]).hasClass("hidden") ) { return; } else { if (config.confidenceMode === "on" || config.confidenceMode === "max") return; if (event["ctrlKey"] || event["altKey"]) { currentInput = ""; inputHistory.pop(); correctedHistory.pop(); } else { currentInput = inputHistory.pop(); currentCorrected = correctedHistory.pop(); } currentWordIndex--; currentWordElementIndex--; updateActiveElement(); compareInput(!config.blindMode); } } else { if (config.confidenceMode === "max") return; if (event["ctrlKey"] || event["altKey"]) { currentInput = ""; } else { currentInput = currentInput.substring(0, currentInput.length - 1); } compareInput(!config.blindMode); } playClickSound(); if (config.keymapMode === "react") { flashPressedKeymapKey(event.code, true); } else if (config.keymapMode === "next") { updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } updateCaretPosition(); } //space if (event.key === " ") { if (!testActive) return; if (currentInput == "") return; event.preventDefault(); let currentWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex]; // if (config.mode == "time") { if (!config.showAllLines || config.mode == "time") { // let currentTop = Math.floor($($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex]).position().top); // let nextTop = Math.floor($($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex + 1]).position().top); let currentTop = Math.floor( document.querySelectorAll("#words .word")[currentWordElementIndex] .offsetTop ); let nextTop; try { nextTop = Math.floor( document.querySelectorAll("#words .word")[ currentWordElementIndex + 1 ].offsetTop ); } catch (e) { nextTop = 0; } if ((nextTop > currentTop || activeWordJumped) && !lineTransition) { //last word of the line if (currentTestLine > 0) { let hideBound = currentTop; if (activeWordJumped) { hideBound = activeWordTopBeforeJump; } activeWordJumped = false; let toHide = []; let wordElements = $("#words .word"); for (let i = 0; i < currentWordElementIndex + 1; i++) { if ($(wordElements[i]).hasClass("hidden")) continue; // let forWordTop = Math.floor($(wordElements[i]).position().top); let forWordTop = Math.floor(wordElements[i].offsetTop); if (forWordTop < hideBound - 10) { // $($("#words .word")[i]).addClass("hidden"); toHide.push($($("#words .word")[i])); } } const wordHeight = $(document.querySelector(".word")).outerHeight( true ); if (config.smoothLineScroll && toHide.length > 0) { lineTransition = true; $("#words").prepend( `
` ); $("#words .smoothScroller").animate( { height: 0, }, 125, () => { $("#words .smoothScroller").remove(); } ); $("#paceCaret").animate( { top: document.querySelector("#paceCaret").offsetTop - wordHeight, }, 125 ); $("#words").animate( { marginTop: `-${wordHeight}px`, }, 125, () => { activeWordTop = document.querySelector("#words .active") .offsetTop; currentWordElementIndex -= toHide.length; lineTransition = false; toHide.forEach((el) => el.remove()); $("#words").css("marginTop", "0"); } ); } else { toHide.forEach((el) => el.remove()); currentWordElementIndex -= toHide.length; $("#paceCaret").css({ top: document.querySelector("#paceCaret").offsetTop - wordHeight, }); } // if (config.smoothLineScroll) { // let word = $(document.querySelector(".word")); // $("#words").prepend( // `
` // ); // lineTransition = true; // $("#words .smoothScroller").animate( // { // height: 0, // }, // 100, // () => { // $("#words .smoothScroller").remove(); // lineTransition = false; // $(this).remove(); // activeWordTop = document.querySelector("#words .active") // .offsetTop; // } // ); // } // toHide.forEach((el) => el.remove()); } currentTestLine++; } } //end of line wrap if (activeFunBox === "layoutfluid" && config.mode !== "time") { const layouts = ["qwerty", "dvorak", "colemak"]; let index = 0; let outof = wordsList.length; index = Math.floor((inputHistory.length + 1) / (outof / 3)); if (config.layout !== layouts[index] && layouts[index] !== undefined) { showNotification(`--- !!! ${layouts[index]} !!! ---`, 3000); } changeLayout(layouts[index]); changeKeymapLayout(layouts[index]); updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); settingsGroups.layout.updateButton(); } if (config.blindMode) $("#words .word.active letter").addClass("correct"); // document // .querySelector("#words .word.active") // .setAttribute("input", currentInput); if (currentWord == currentInput) { //correct word if ( paceCaret !== null && paceCaret.wordsStatus[currentWordIndex] === true && !config.blindMode ) { paceCaret.wordsStatus[currentWordIndex] = undefined; paceCaret.correction -= currentWord.length + 1; } accuracyStats.correct++; inputHistory.push(currentInput); currentInput = ""; currentWordIndex++; currentWordElementIndex++; updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); currentKeypress.count++; currentKeypress.words.push(currentWordIndex); playClickSound(); } else { //incorrect word if ( paceCaret !== null && paceCaret.wordsStatus[currentWordIndex] === undefined && !config.blindMode ) { paceCaret.wordsStatus[currentWordIndex] = true; paceCaret.correction += currentWord.length + 1; } if (!config.playSoundOnError || config.blindMode) { playClickSound(); } else { playErrorSound(); } accuracyStats.incorrect++; let cil = currentInput.length; if (cil < wordsList[currentWordIndex].length) { if (cil >= currentCorrected.length) { currentCorrected += "_"; } else { currentCorrected = currentCorrected.substring(0, cil) + "_" + currentCorrected.substring(cil + 1); } } if (config.stopOnError != "off") { if (config.difficulty == "expert" || config.difficulty == "master") { //failed due to diff when pressing space inputHistory.push(currentInput); correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); lastSecondNotRound = true; showResult(true); // if (!afkDetected) { let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; // } return; } return; } inputHistory.push(currentInput); highlightBadWord(currentWordElementIndex, !config.blindMode); currentInput = ""; currentWordIndex++; currentWordElementIndex++; if (config.difficulty == "expert" || config.difficulty == "master") { correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); currentCorrected = ""; //submitted last word incorrect and failed test lastSecondNotRound = true; showResult(true); // if (!afkDetected) { let testNow = Date.now(); let testSeconds = roundTo2((testNow - testStart) / 1000); incompleteTestSeconds += testSeconds; restartCount++; // } return; } else if (currentWordIndex == wordsList.length) { //submitted last word that is incorrect lastSecondNotRound = true; showResult(); return; } updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); currentKeypress.count++; currentKeypress.words.push(currentWordIndex); } correctedHistory.push(currentCorrected); currentCorrected = ""; if (config.keymapMode === "react") { flashPressedKeymapKey(event.code, true); } else if (config.keymapMode === "next") { updateHighlightedKeymapKey(); } if ( config.mode === "words" || config.mode === "custom" || config.mode === "quote" ) { updateTimer(); } // if (config.showAllLines) { // if (config.mode == "time") { // addWord(); // } // } else { if ( config.mode == "time" || config.mode == "words" || config.mode == "custom" ) { addWord(); } // } } } }); if (firebase.app().options.projectId === "monkey-type-dev-67af4") { $("#top .logo .bottom").text("monkey-dev"); $("head title").text("Monkey Dev"); $("body").append( `
` ); } if (window.location.hostname === "localhost") { window.onerror = function (error) { this.showNotification(error, 3000); }; $("#top .logo .top").text("localhost"); $("head title").text($("head title").text() + " (localhost)"); firebase.functions().useFunctionsEmulator("http://localhost:5001"); $("body").append( `
` ); } manualRestart = true; loadConfigFromCookie(); getReleasesFromGitHub(); getPatreonNames(); $(document).on("mouseenter", "#resultWordsHistory .words .word", (e) => { if (resultVisible) { let input = $(e.currentTarget).attr("input"); if (input != undefined) $(e.currentTarget).append(`
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