/*! * chartjs-plugin-trendline.js * Version: 0.1.3 * * Copyright 2017 Marcus Alsterfjord * Released under the MIT license * https://github.com/Makanz/chartjs-plugin-trendline/blob/master/README.md * * Mod by: vesal: accept also xy-data so works with scatter */ var pluginTrendlineLinear = { afterDraw: function(chartInstance) { var yScale; var xScale; for (var axis in chartInstance.scales) { if ( axis[0] == 'x') xScale = chartInstance.scales[axis]; else yScale = chartInstance.scales[axis]; if ( xScale && yScale ) break; } var ctx = chartInstance.chart.ctx; chartInstance.data.datasets.forEach(function(dataset, index) { if (dataset.trendlineLinear && chartInstance.isDatasetVisible(index)) { var datasetMeta = chartInstance.getDatasetMeta(index); addFitter(datasetMeta, ctx, dataset, xScale, yScale); } }); ctx.setLineDash([]); } }; function addFitter(datasetMeta, ctx, dataset, xScale, yScale) { if(datasetMeta.data == [] || datasetMeta.data == null || datasetMeta.data.length == 0) return; var style = dataset.trendlineLinear.style || dataset.borderColor; var lineWidth = dataset.trendlineLinear.width || dataset.borderWidth; var lineStyle = dataset.trendlineLinear.lineStyle || "solid"; style = (style !== undefined) ? style : "rgba(169,169,169, .6)"; lineWidth = (lineWidth !== undefined) ? lineWidth : 3; var fitter = new LineFitter(); var lastIndex = dataset.data.length - 1; var startPos = datasetMeta.data[0]._model.x; var endPos = datasetMeta.data[lastIndex]._model.x; var xy = false; if ( dataset.data && typeof dataset.data[0] === 'object') xy = true; dataset.data.forEach(function(data, index) { if(data == null) return; if ( xy ) fitter.add(data.x, data.y); else fitter.add(index, data); }); var x1 = xScale.getPixelForValue(fitter.minx); var x2 = xScale.getPixelForValue(fitter.maxx); var y1 = yScale.getPixelForValue(fitter.f(fitter.minx)); var y2 = yScale.getPixelForValue(fitter.f(fitter.maxx)); if ( !xy ) { x1 = startPos; x2 = endPos; } var drawBottom = datasetMeta.controller.chart.chartArea.bottom; var chartWidth = datasetMeta.controller.chart.width; if(y1 > drawBottom) { // Left side is below zero var diff = y1 - drawBottom; var lineHeight = y1 - y2; var overlapPercentage = diff / lineHeight; var addition = chartWidth * overlapPercentage; y1 = drawBottom; x1 = (x1 + addition); } else if(y2 > drawBottom) { // right side is below zero var diff = y2 - drawBottom; var lineHeight = y2 - y1; var overlapPercentage = diff / lineHeight; var subtraction = chartWidth - (chartWidth * overlapPercentage); y2 = drawBottom; x2 = chartWidth - (x2 - subtraction); } ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; if (lineStyle === "dotted") { ctx.setLineDash([2, 3]); } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.strokeStyle = style; ctx.stroke(); } Chart.plugins.register(pluginTrendlineLinear); function LineFitter() { this.count = 0; this.sumX = 0; this.sumX2 = 0; this.sumXY = 0; this.sumY = 0; this.minx = 1e100; this.maxx = -1e100; } LineFitter.prototype = { 'add': function (x, y) { this.count++; this.sumX += x; this.sumX2 += x * x; this.sumXY += x * y; this.sumY += y; if ( x < this.minx ) this.minx = x; if ( x > this.maxx ) this.maxx = x; }, 'f': function (x) { var det = this.count * this.sumX2 - this.sumX * this.sumX; var offset = (this.sumX2 * this.sumY - this.sumX * this.sumXY) / det; var scale = (this.count * this.sumXY - this.sumX * this.sumY) / det; return offset + x * scale; } };