var words = [ "the", "be", "of", "and", "a", "to", "in", "he", "have", "it", "that", "for", "they", "I", "with", "as", "not", "on", "she", "at", "by", "this", "we", "you", "do", "but", "from", "or", "which", "one", "would", "all", "will", "there", "say", "who", "make", "when", "can", "more", "if", "no", "man", "out", "other", "so", "what", "time", "up", "go", "about", "than", "into", "could", "state", "only", "new", "year", "some", "take", "come", "these", "know", "see", "use", "get", "like", "then", "first", "any", "work", "now", "may", "such", "give", "over", "think", "most", "even", "find", "day", "also", "after", "way", "many", "must", "look", "before", "great", "back", "through", "long", "where", "much", "should", "well", "people", "down", "own", "just", "because", "good", "each", "those", "feel", "seem", "how", "high", "too", "place", "little", "world", "very", "still", "nation", "hand", "old", "life", "tell", "write", "become", "here", "show", "house", "both", "between", "need", "mean", "call", "develop", "under", "last", "right", "move", "thing", "general", "school", "never", "same", "another", "begin", "while", "number", "part", "turn", "real", "leave", "might", "want", "point", "form", "off", "child", "few", "small", "since", "against", "ask", "late", "home", "interest", "large", "person", "end", "open", "public", "follow", "during", "present", "without", "again", "hold", "govern", "around", "possible", "head", "consider", "word", "program", "problem", "however", "lead", "system", "set", "order", "eye", "plan", "run", "keep", "face", "fact", "group", "play", "stand", "increase", "early", "course", "change", "help", "line" ]; let wordsList = []; let currentWordIndex = 0; let inputHistory = []; let currentInput = ""; let wordsConfig = 100; let timeConfig = 30; let time = timeConfig; let timer = null; let testActive = false; let testMode = "words"; let testStart, testEnd; let missedChars = 0; // let focus = false; let punctuationMode = true; let customText = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"; function test() { $("#resultScreenshot").removeClass("hidden"); html2canvas($("#resultScreenshot"), { onclone: function (clonedDoc) { clonedDoc.getElementById("resultScreenshot").style.display = "block"; } }).then((canvas) => { $("#resultScreenshot").removeClass("hidden"); document.body.appendChild(canvas); }); } function setFocus(foc) { if (foc) { // focus = true; $("#top").addClass("focus"); $("#bottom").addClass("focus"); $("body").css("cursor", "none"); } else { startCaretAnimation(); $("#top").removeClass("focus"); $("#bottom").removeClass("focus"); $("body").css("cursor", "default"); } } function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } function initWords() { testActive = false; wordsList = []; currentWordIndex = 0; missedChars = 0; inputHistory = []; currentInput = ""; if (testMode == "time") { let randomWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; if (punctuationMode) { wordsList.push(capitalizeFirstLetter(randomWord)); } else { wordsList.push(randomWord); } for (let i = 1; i < 50; i++) { randomWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; previousWord = wordsList[i - 1]; while ( randomWord == previousWord .replace(".", "") .replace(",", "") .replace("'", "") .replace(":", "") ) { randomWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; } if (punctuationMode) { if (previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) == ".") { randomWord = capitalizeFirstLetter(randomWord); } else if ( (Math.random() < 0.1 && previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) != ".") || i == wordsConfig - 1 ) { randomWord += "."; } else if (Math.random() < 0.01) { randomWord = "'" + randomWord + "'"; } else if (Math.random() < 0.01) { randomWord = randomWord + ":"; } else if ( Math.random() < 0.01 && previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) != "," && previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) != "." && previousWord != "-" ) { randomWord = "-"; } else if ( Math.random() < 0.2 && previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) != "," ) { randomWord += ","; } } wordsList.push(randomWord); } } else if (testMode == "words") { let randomWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; if (punctuationMode) { wordsList.push(capitalizeFirstLetter(randomWord)); } else { wordsList.push(randomWord); } for (let i = 1; i < wordsConfig; i++) { randomWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; previousWord = wordsList[i - 1]; while ( randomWord == previousWord .replace(".", "") .replace(",", "") .replace("'", "") .replace(":", "") ) { randomWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; } if (punctuationMode) { if (previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) == ".") { randomWord = capitalizeFirstLetter(randomWord); } else if ( (Math.random() < 0.1 && previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) != ".") || i == wordsConfig - 1 ) { randomWord += "."; } else if (Math.random() < 0.01) { randomWord = "'" + randomWord + "'"; } else if (Math.random() < 0.01) { randomWord = randomWord + ":"; } else if ( Math.random() < 0.01 && previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) != "," && previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) != "." && previousWord != "-" ) { randomWord = "-"; } else if ( Math.random() < 0.2 && previousWord.charAt(previousWord.length - 1) != "," ) { randomWord += ","; } } wordsList.push(randomWord); } } else if (testMode == "custom") { let w = customText.split(" "); for (let i = 0; i < w.length; i++) { wordsList.push(w[i]); } } showWords(); } function addWord() { let randomWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; wordsList.push(randomWord); let w = "
"; for (let c = 0; c < randomWord.length; c++) { w += "" + randomWord.charAt(c) + ""; } w += "
"; $("#words").append(w); } function showWords() { $("#words").empty(); if (testMode == "words" || testMode == "custom") { for (let i = 0; i < wordsList.length; i++) { let w = "
"; for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { w += "" + wordsList[i].charAt(c) + ""; } w += "
"; $("#words").append(w); } } else if (testMode == "time") { $("#words").css("height", "78px").css("overflow", "hidden"); for (let i = 0; i < wordsList.length; i++) { let w = "
"; for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { w += "" + wordsList[i].charAt(c) + ""; } w += "
"; $("#words").append(w); } } updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); } function updateActiveElement() { $("#words .word").removeClass("active"); $($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex]) .addClass("active") .removeClass("error"); } function highlightMissedLetters() { let currentWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex]; $(" letter").addClass("incorrect"); for (let i = 0; i < currentInput.length; i++) { if (currentWord[i] == currentInput[i]) { $($(" letter")[i]) .removeClass("incorrect") .addClass("correct"); } } } function highlightBadWord() { $("").addClass("error"); } function hideMissedLetters() { let currentWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex]; $(" letter").addClass("missing"); for (let i = 0; i < currentInput.length; i++) { if (currentWord[i] == currentInput[i]) { $($(" letter")[i]) .removeClass("missing") .addClass("incorrect"); } } } function hideCaret() { $("#caret").addClass("hidden"); } function showCaret() { $("#caret").removeClass("hidden"); startCaretAnimation(); } function stopCaretAnimation() { $("#caret").css("animation-name", "none"); $("#caret").css("background-color", "var(--caret-color)"); } function startCaretAnimation() { $("#caret").css("animation-name", "caretFlash"); } function showTimer() { $("#timerWrapper").css("opacity", 1); } function hideTimer() { $("#timerWrapper").css("opacity", 0); } function updateCaretPosition() { let caret = $("#caret"); let activeWord = $("#words"); let inputLen = currentInput.length; let currentLetterIndex = inputLen - 1; if (currentLetterIndex == -1) { currentLetterIndex = 0; } let currentLetter = $($("#words letter")[currentLetterIndex]); let currentLetterPos = currentLetter.position(); let letterHeight = currentLetter.height(); if (inputLen == 0) { caret.css({ top: - letterHeight / 4, left: currentLetterPos.left - caret.width() / 2 }); } else { caret.css({ top: - letterHeight / 4, left: currentLetterPos.left + currentLetter.width() - caret.width() / 2 }); } } function calculateStats() { if (testMode == "words") { if (inputHistory.length != wordsList.length) return; } let correctWords = 0; let incorrectWords = 0; let correctChars = 0; let incorrectChars = 0; let totalChars = 0; let avgWordLen = 0; for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { totalChars += wordsList[i].length + 1; correctChars++; for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { try { if (inputHistory[i][c] == wordsList[i][c]) { correctChars++; } else { incorrectChars++; } } catch (err) { incorrectChars++; } } if (inputHistory[i].length < wordsList[i].length) { missedChars += wordsList[i].length - inputHistory[i].length; } } totalChars--; correctChars--; avgWordLen = totalChars / inputHistory.length; // console.log(avgWordLen); avgWordLen = 5; let testSeconds = (testEnd - testStart) / 1000; let wpm = 0; if (testMode == "time") { wpm = (correctChars * (60 / timeConfig)) / avgWordLen; } else if (testMode == "words" || testMode == "custom") { wpm = (correctChars * (60 / testSeconds)) / avgWordLen; } // let acc = (correctChars / totalChars) * 100; let acc = ((totalChars - missedChars) / totalChars) * 100; let key = correctChars + "/" + (totalChars - correctChars); return { wpm: Math.round(wpm), acc: acc, key: key }; } function liveWPM() { let testNow =; let testSeconds = Math.round((testNow - testStart) / 1000); let correctChars = 0; for (let i = 0; i < inputHistory.length; i++) { for (let c = 0; c < wordsList[i].length; c++) { try { if (inputHistory[i][c] == wordsList[i][c]) { correctChars++; } } catch (err) {} } correctChars++; } wpm = (correctChars * (60 / testSeconds)) / 5; if (wpm > 0) { if ($("#liveWpm").css("opacity") == 0) { $("#liveWpm").css("opacity", 0.25); } if (wpm < 100) { $("#liveWpm").html(" " + Math.round(wpm).toString()); $("#liveWpm").css("margin-left", "-3rem"); } else { $("#liveWpm").text(Math.round(wpm)); $("#liveWpm").css("margin-left", 0); } } } function showResult() { testEnd =; let stats = calculateStats(); $("#top .result .wpm .val").text(stats.wpm); $("#top .result .acc .val").text(Math.round(stats.acc) + "%"); $("#top .result .key .val").text(stats.key); $("#top .result .testmode .mode1").text(testMode); if (testMode == "time") { $("#top .result .testmode .mode2").text(timeConfig); } else if (testMode == "words") { $("#top .result .testmode .mode2").text(wordsConfig); } if (punctuationMode) { $("#top .result .testmode .mode3").text("punc."); } else { $("#top .result .testmode .mode3").text(""); } testActive = false; $("#top .config").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .result") .removeClass("hidden") .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 0, () => { setFocus(false); }); $("#top #liveWpm").css("opacity", 0); hideCaret(); //show all words after the test is finished // delWords = false; // $.each($(".word"), (index, el) => { // if (delWords) { // $(el).remove(); // } else { // $(el).removeClass("hidden"); // if ($(el).hasClass("active")) { // delWords = true; // } // } // }); // newHeight = // $("").outerHeight(true) + // $("").position().top - // $("#words").position().top; // $("").addClass("hidden"); // $("#words").stop(true, true).css("opacity", "1").animate( // { // opacity: 1, // height: newHeight // }, // 250 // ); } function updateTimer() { liveWPM(); let percent = ((time - 1) / timeConfig) * 100; $("#timer") .stop(true, true) .css("width", 100 - percent + "vw"); } function restartTest() { let oldHeight = $("#words").height(); let resultShown = !$("#top .result").hasClass("hidden"); $("#top .result") .css("opacity", "1") .css("transition", "none") .stop(true, true) .animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250, () => { $("#top .result").addClass("hidden").css("transition", "0.25s"); if (testActive || resultShown) { $("#top .config") .css("opacity", "0") .removeClass("hidden") .css("transition", "none") .stop(true, true) .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250, () => { $("#top .config").css("transition", "0.25s"); }); } }); setFocus(false); $("#liveWpm").css("opacity", 0); $("#wordsInput").focus(); initWords(); testActive = false; startCaretAnimation(); if (testMode == "time") { hideTimer(); setTimeout(function () { $("#timer") .css("transition", "none") .css("width", "0vw") .animate({ top: 0 }, 0, () => { $("#timer").css("transition", "1s linear"); }); }, 250); clearInterval(timer); timer = null; time = timeConfig; } let newHeight = $("#words") .css("height", "fit-content") .css("height", "-moz-fit-content") .height(); if (testMode == "words" || testMode == "custom") { $("#words") .stop(true, true) .css("height", oldHeight) .animate({ height: newHeight }, 250, () => { $("#words") .css("height", "fit-content") .css("height", "-moz-fit-content"); updateCaretPosition(); }); } else if (testMode == "time") { $("#words") .stop(true, true) .css("height", oldHeight) .animate({ height: 78 }, 250, () => { updateCaretPosition(); }); } } function changeCustomText() { customText = prompt("Custom text"); initWords(); } function timesUp() { hideCaret(); testActive = false; showResult(); } function compareInput() { $("").empty(); let ret = ""; let currentWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex]; let letterElems = $($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex]).children("letter"); for (let i = 0; i < currentInput.length; i++) { if (currentWord[i] == currentInput[i]) { ret += '' + currentWord[i] + ""; // $(letterElems[i]).removeClass('incorrect').addClass('correct'); } else { if (currentWord[i] == undefined) { ret += '' + currentInput[i] + ""; // $($('#words .word')[currentWordIndex]).append('' + currentInput[i] + ""); } else { ret += '' + currentWord[i] + ""; // $(letterElems[i]).removeClass('correct').addClass('incorrect'); } } } if (currentInput.length < currentWord.length) { for (let i = currentInput.length; i < currentWord.length; i++) { ret += "" + currentWord[i] + ""; } } if (currentWord == currentInput && currentWordIndex == wordsList.length - 1) { inputHistory.push(currentInput); currentInput = ""; showResult(); } $("").html(ret); // liveWPM() } $(document).ready(() => { $("#centerContent").css("opacity", "0").removeClass("hidden"); initWords(); $("#centerContent") .stop(true, true) .animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250, () => { updateCaretPosition(); }); $("#words").click((e) => { $("#wordsInput").focus(); }); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .wordCount .button", (e) => { wrd = e.currentTarget.innerHTML; changeWordCount(wrd); }); function changeWordCount(wordCount) { changeMode("words"); wordsConfig = parseInt(wordCount); $("#top .config .wordCount .button").removeClass("active"); $("#top .config .wordCount .button[wordCount='" + wordCount + "']").addClass( "active" ); restartTest(); } $(document).on("click", "#top .config .time .button", (e) => { time = e.currentTarget.innerHTML; changeTimeConfig(time); }); function changeTimeConfig(time) { changeMode("time"); timeConfig = time; $("#top .config .time .button").removeClass("active"); $("#top .config .time .button[timeConfig='" + time + "']").addClass("active"); restartTest(); } $(document).on("click", "#top .config .customText .button", (e) => { changeCustomText(); }); $(document).on("click", "#top .config .punctuationMode .button", (e) => { togglePunctuation(); }); function togglePunctuation() { if (punctuationMode) { $("#top .config .punctuationMode .button").removeClass("active"); } else { $("#top .config .punctuationMode .button").addClass("active"); } punctuationMode = !punctuationMode; restartTest(); } $(document).on("click", "#top .config .mode .button", (e) => { if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("active")) return; mode = e.currentTarget.innerHTML; changeMode(mode); }); function changeMode(mode) { testMode = mode; $("#top .config .mode .button").removeClass("active"); $("#top .config .mode .button[mode='" + mode + "']").addClass("active"); if (testMode == "time") { $("#top .config .wordCount").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").removeClass("hidden"); } else if (testMode == "words") { $("#top .config .wordCount").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").removeClass("hidden"); } else if (testMode == "custom") { $("#top .config .wordCount").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .time").addClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .customText").removeClass("hidden"); $("#top .config .punctuationMode").addClass("hidden"); } restartTest(); } $("#restartTestButton").keypress((event) => { if (event.keyCode == 32 || event.keyCode == 13) { restartTest(); $("#wordsInput").focus(); } }); $("#restartTestButton").click((event) => { restartTest(); }); $("#wordsInput").keypress((event) => { event.preventDefault(); }); $("#wordsInput").on("focus", (event) => { showCaret(); }); $("#wordsInput").on("focusout", (event) => { hideCaret(); }); $(document).keypress(function (event) { if (!$("#wordsInput").is(":focus")) return; if (event["keyCode"] == 13) return; if (event["keyCode"] == 32) return; if (currentInput == "" && inputHistory.length == 0) { testActive = true; stopCaretAnimation(); testStart =; if (testMode == "time") { showTimer(); updateTimer(); timer = setInterval(function () { time--; updateTimer(); if (time == 0) { clearInterval(timer); timesUp(); } }, 1000); } } else { if (!testActive) return; } if ( wordsList[currentWordIndex].substring( currentInput.length, currentInput.length + 1 ) != event["key"] ) { missedChars++; } currentInput += event["key"]; setFocus(true); compareInput(); updateCaretPosition(); }); $(window).resize(() => { updateCaretPosition(); }); $(document).mousemove(function (event) { setFocus(false); }); $(document).keydown((event) => { if (event.keyCode == 27) { if ($("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { currentCommands = commands; showCommandLine(); } else { hideCommandLine(); } } //backspace if ($("#wordsInput").is(":focus")) { if (event["keyCode"] == 8) { event.preventDefault(); if (!testActive) return; if (currentInput == "" && inputHistory.length > 0) { if ( inputHistory[currentWordIndex - 1] == wordsList[currentWordIndex - 1] || $($(".word")[currentWordIndex - 1]).hasClass("hidden") ) { return; } else { if (event["ctrlKey"] || event["altKey"]) { currentInput = ""; inputHistory.pop(); } else { currentInput = inputHistory.pop(); } currentWordIndex--; updateActiveElement(); compareInput(); } } else { // if ($($(".word")[currentWordIndex - 1]).hasClass("hidden")) { // return; // } if (event["ctrlKey"]) { currentInput = ""; } else { currentInput = currentInput.substring(0, currentInput.length - 1); } compareInput(); } updateCaretPosition(); } //space if (event["keyCode"] == 32) { if (!testActive) return; event.preventDefault(); if (currentInput == "") return; let currentWord = wordsList[currentWordIndex]; if (testMode == "time") { let currentTop = $($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex]).position().top; let nextTop = $($("#words .word")[currentWordIndex + 1]).position().top; if (nextTop > currentTop) { //last word of the line for (let i = 0; i < currentWordIndex + 1; i++) { $($("#words .word")[i]).addClass("hidden"); // addWordLine(); } } } if (currentWord == currentInput) { inputHistory.push(currentInput); currentInput = ""; currentWordIndex++; updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); } else { inputHistory.push(currentInput); // highlightMissedLetters(); // hideMissedLetters(); highlightBadWord(); currentInput = ""; currentWordIndex++; if (currentWordIndex == wordsList.length) { showResult(); return; } updateActiveElement(); updateCaretPosition(); } if (testMode == "time") { addWord(); } } } }); let commands = { title: "", list: [ { id: "togglePunctuation", display: "Toggle punctuation", exec: () => togglePunctuation() }, { id: "changeMode", display: "Change mode...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsMode; showCommandLine(); } }, { id: "changeTimeConfig", display: "Change time config...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsTimeConfig; showCommandLine(); } }, { id: "changeWordCount", display: "Change word count...", subgroup: true, exec: () => { currentCommands = commandsWordCount; showCommandLine(); } } ] }; let commandsWordCount = { title: "Change word count...", list: [ { id: "changeWordCount10", display: "10", exec: () => changeWordCount("10") }, { id: "changeWordCount25", display: "25", exec: () => changeWordCount("25") }, { id: "changeWordCount50", display: "50", exec: () => changeWordCount("50") }, { id: "changeWordCount100", display: "100", exec: () => changeWordCount("100") }, { id: "changeWordCount200", display: "200", exec: () => changeWordCount("200") } ] }; let commandsMode = { title: "Change mode...", list: [ { id: "changeModeTime", display: "time", exec: () => changeMode("time") }, { id: "changeModeWords", display: "words", exec: () => changeMode("words") }, { id: "changeModeCustom", display: "custom", exec: () => changeMode("custom") } ] }; let commandsTimeConfig = { title: "Change time config...", list: [ { id: "changeTimeConfig15", display: "15", exec: () => changeTimeConfig("15") }, { id: "changeTimeConfig30", display: "30", exec: () => changeTimeConfig("30") }, { id: "changeTimeConfig60", display: "60", exec: () => changeTimeConfig("60") }, { id: "changeTimeConfig120", display: "120", exec: () => changeTimeConfig("120") } ] }; let currentCommands = commands; $("#commandLine input").keydown((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 13) { //enter e.preventDefault(); let command = $(".suggestions").attr("command"); let subgroup = false; $.each(currentCommands.list, (i, obj) => { if ( == command) { obj.exec(); subgroup = obj.subgroup; } }); if (!subgroup) hideCommandLine(); return; } if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40) { //up let entries = $(".suggestions .entry"); let activenum = -1; $.each(entries, (index, obj) => { if ($(obj).hasClass("active")) activenum = index; }); if (e.keyCode == 38) { entries.removeClass("active"); if (activenum == 0) { $(entries[entries.length - 1]).addClass("active"); } else { $(entries[--activenum]).addClass("active"); } } if (e.keyCode == 40) { entries.removeClass("active"); if (activenum + 1 == entries.length) { $(entries[0]).addClass("active"); } else { $(entries[++activenum]).addClass("active"); } } return false; } }); $("#commandLine input").keyup((e) => { if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40) return; updateSuggestedCommands(); }); function hideCommandLine() { $("#commandLineWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 1) .animate( { opacity: 0 }, 100, () => { $("#commandLineWrapper").addClass("hidden"); } ); $("#wordsInput").focus(); } function showCommandLine() { if ($("#commandLineWrapper").hasClass("hidden")) { $("#commandLineWrapper") .stop(true, true) .css("opacity", 0) .removeClass("hidden") .animate( { opacity: 1 }, 100 ); } $("#commandLine input").val(""); updateSuggestedCommands(); $("#commandLine input").focus(); } function updateSuggestedCommands() { let inputVal = $("#commandLine input").val().toLowerCase().split(" "); if (inputVal[0] == "") { $.each(currentCommands.list, (index, obj) => { obj.found = true; }); } else { $.each(currentCommands.list, (index, obj) => { let foundcount = 0; $.each(inputVal, (index2, obj2) => { if (obj2 == "") return; let re = new RegExp(obj2, "g"); let res = obj.display.toLowerCase().match(re); if (res != null && res.length > 0) { foundcount++; } else { foundcount--; } }); if (foundcount > 0) { obj.found = true; } else { obj.found = false; } }); } displayFoundCommands(); } function displayFoundCommands() { $("#commandLine .suggestions").empty(); $.each(currentCommands.list, (index, obj) => { if (obj.found) { $("#commandLine .suggestions").append( '
' + obj.display + "
" ); } }); if ($("#commandLine .suggestions .entry").length == 0) { $("#commandLine .separator").css({ height: 0, margin: 0 }); } else { $("#commandLine .separator").css({ height: "1px", "margin-bottom": ".5rem" }); } let entries = $("#commandLine .suggestions .entry"); if (entries.length > 0) { $(entries[0]).addClass("active"); } $("#commandLine .listTitle").remove(); // if(currentCommands.title != ''){ // $("#commandLine .suggestions").before("
"); // } }