class SettingsGroup { constructor( configName, toggleFunction, setCallback = null, updateCallback = null ) { this.configName = configName; this.configValue = config[configName]; if (this.configValue === true || this.configValue === false) { this.onOff = true; } else { this.onOff = false; } this.toggleFunction = toggleFunction; this.setCallback = setCallback; this.updateCallback = updateCallback; this.updateButton(); $(document).on( "click", `.pageSettings .section.${this.configName} .button`, (e) => { if (this.onOff) { if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("on")) { this.toggleFunction(true); } else { this.toggleFunction(false); } this.updateButton(); if (this.setCallback !== null) this.setCallback(); } else { let value = $(e.currentTarget).attr(configName); let params = $(e.currentTarget).attr("params"); if (params === undefined) { this.toggleFunction(value); } else { this.toggleFunction(value, ...params); } this.updateButton(); if (this.setCallback !== null) this.setCallback(); } } ); } updateButton() { this.configValue = config[this.configName]; 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} ); settingsGroups.blindMode = new SettingsGroup("blindMode", setBlindMode); settingsGroups.quickEnd = new SettingsGroup("quickEnd", setQuickEnd); // settingsGroups.readAheadMode = new SettingsGroup( // "readAheadMode", // setReadAheadMode // ); settingsGroups.alwaysShowWordsHistory = new SettingsGroup( "alwaysShowWordsHistory", setAlwaysShowWordsHistory ); settingsGroups.flipTestColors = new SettingsGroup( "flipTestColors", setFlipTestColors ); settingsGroups.swapEscAndTab = new SettingsGroup( "swapEscAndTab", setSwapEscAndTab ); settingsGroups.showOutOfFocusWarning = new SettingsGroup( "showOutOfFocusWarning", setShowOutOfFocusWarning ); settingsGroups.colorfulMode = new SettingsGroup( "colorfulMode", setColorfulMode ); settingsGroups.startGraphsAtZero = new SettingsGroup( "startGraphsAtZero", setStartGraphsAtZero ); settingsGroups.randomTheme = new SettingsGroup("randomTheme", setRandomTheme); settingsGroups.stopOnError = new SettingsGroup( "stopOnError", setStopOnError, () => { settingsGroups.confidenceMode.updateButton(); 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