Rizwan Mustafa 1877cc31e7
(Draft) Replace Browserify with Webpack (Draft) (#2461) by rizwanmustafa
* Replaced browserify with webpack

* Modified gulpfile and webpack config

* Removed attempts of using undefined variables and functions

* fixed some incorrect changes

* setfunbox fix

* Added fallback for crypto-browserify and stream-browserify

* added circular dependency detection

* Created production tasks for gulp and updated webpack config

* fixed circular dependency in misc

* not failing on circular dependency

* Removed unused imports

* Added babel loader and plugins to webpack

* Removed unused dependencies and removed babel's plugins

* Workaround for test logic import in random quote

* Created a separate webpack config file for production

* Changed relative paths to absolute ones in webpack

* Added colored output for circular import number

* Removed comment from .eslintrc.json

* Added eslint plugin to webpack

* Moved 'buffer' and 'stream-browserify' to devDependencies

* Started using promises in webpack tasks

* Removed unused dependencies

* Updated package-lock.json

* Removed eslint plugin from webpack and added circular dependency detection in dev config as well

* Removed unrelated changes

* Updated production build command

* Added ability for webpack to be run with typescript conversion of project in process

* added gulp typscript dev dependency

* using const

* modified console logs on circular imports

* missing dev dependency

Co-authored-by: Miodec <>
2022-02-12 14:47:36 +01:00

157 lines
3.7 KiB

const { task, src, dest, series, watch } = require("gulp");
// const axios = require("axios");
const concat = require("gulp-concat");
const del = require("del");
const vinylPaths = require("vinyl-paths");
const eslint = require("gulp-eslint-new");
const sass = require("gulp-sass")(require("dart-sass"));
const replace = require("gulp-replace");
const through2 = require("through2");
const { webpack } = require("webpack");
const webpackDevConfig = require("./webpack.config.js");
const webpackProdConfig = require("./webpack-production.config.js");
const ts = require("gulp-typescript");
// sass.compiler = require("dart-sass");
let eslintConfig = "../.eslintrc.json";
let tsProject = ts.createProject("tsconfig.json");
// console.log(tsProject.src())
task("clean", function () {
return src(["./public/"], { allowEmpty: true }).pipe(vinylPaths(del));
task("lint", function () {
return src(["./src/js/**/*.js", "./src/js/**/*.ts"])
task("lint-json", function () {
return src("./static/**/*.json")
task("copy-src-contents", function () {
return src("./src/js/**").pipe(dest("./dist/"));
task("transpile-ts", function () {
return tsProject.src().pipe(tsProject()).js.pipe(dest("dist"));
task("webpack", async function () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
webpack(webpackDevConfig, (err, stats) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
if (stats.hasErrors()) {
return reject(new Error(stats.compilation.errors.join("\n")));
task("webpack-production", async function () {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
webpack(webpackProdConfig, (err, stats) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
if (stats.hasErrors()) {
return reject(new Error(stats.compilation.errors.join("\n")));
task("static", function () {
return src("./static/**/*", { dot: true }).pipe(dest("./public/"));
task("sass", function () {
return src("./src/sass/*.scss")
.pipe(sass({ outputStyle: "compressed" }).on("error", sass.logError))
task("updateSwCacheName", function () {
const date = new Date();
const dateString =
date.getFullYear() +
"-" +
(date.getMonth() + 1) +
"-" +
date.getDate() +
"-" +
date.getHours() +
"-" +
date.getMinutes() +
"-" +
return src(["static/sw.js"])
/const staticCacheName = .*;/g,
`const staticCacheName = "sw-cache-${dateString}";`
through2.obj(function (file, enc, cb) {
const date = new Date();
file.stat.atime = date;
file.stat.mtime = date;
cb(null, file);
task("watch", function () {
watch("./src/sass/**/*.scss", series("sass"));
["./src/js/**/*.js", "./src/js/**/*.ts"],
series("lint", "copy-src-contents", "transpile-ts", "webpack")
watch("./static/**/*.*", series("lint-json", "static"));
task("build", series("clean", "compile"));
task("build-production", series("clean", "compile-production"));