Jack cf8d258400
Quote submission (#1984)
* added new-quotes get and add routes

* added new-quotes/approve route to api

* Added front-end for quote submission

* fix language typo, force lowercase language

* Check for duplicate quote

* added unknown language handling to quote-submit

* npm i

* npm i

* language dropdown instead of input field

* mouse down instead click

* styling changes

* moved quotemod check to the controller,
added refuse endpoint,
added ability to approve and edit

* limiting quotes

* added log to quote approve

* added approve quotes button

* typo

* using the correct function, lowered limit

* added quote approve popup

* getting quotes and showing them

* error checking

* error checking

* removed console log

* stylng changes,
added refresh list button

* added disabled class

* styling changes

* handling button clicks
showing langauge and timestamp

* check if user is a quote mod

* approve button handling

* handling quote edit

* showing short quotes in red

* post, not get

* not parsing quote id to int

* parsing to objectid

* updated styling

* fixed lint warnings

* fixed up new quotes dao

* showing loader

* calling function correctly

* typo fix

* fixed wrong path,
fix broken newid,
saving file when file exists,
searching for the quote correctly when attempting to delete

* showing message

* blocking buttons and inputs when waiting for response,
unlocking after response

* deleted workflow

Co-authored-by: lukew3 <>
2021-10-10 22:46:35 +01:00

76 lines
2.2 KiB

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