2022-04-28 12:22:54 +02:00

593 lines
13 KiB

import _ from "lodash";
import { isUsernameValid } from "../utils/validation";
import { updateUserEmail } from "../utils/auth";
import { checkAndUpdatePb } from "../utils/pb";
import db from "../init/db";
import MonkeyError from "../utils/error";
import {
} from "mongodb";
let usersCollection: Collection<WithId<MonkeyTypes.User>>;
function getUsersCollection(): Collection<WithId<MonkeyTypes.User>> {
if (!usersCollection) {
usersCollection = db.collection<MonkeyTypes.User>("users");
return usersCollection;
export async function addUser(
name: string,
email: string,
uid: string
): Promise<InsertOneResult<MonkeyTypes.User>> {
const user = await getUsersCollection().findOne({ uid });
if (user) {
throw new MonkeyError(409, "User document already exists", "addUser");
const currentDate =;
return await getUsersCollection().insertOne({
_id: new ObjectId(),
addedAt: currentDate,
export async function deleteUser(uid: string): Promise<DeleteResult> {
return await getUsersCollection().deleteOne({ uid });
export async function updateName(
uid: string,
name: string
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
if (!isNameAvailable(name)) {
throw new MonkeyError(409, "Username already taken", name);
const user = await getUser(uid, "update name");
if ( - (user.lastNameChange ?? 0) < 2592000000) {
throw new MonkeyError(409, "You can change your name once every 30 days");
if (!isUsernameValid(name)) {
throw new MonkeyError(400, "Invalid username");
return await db
.updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { name, lastNameChange: } });
export async function clearPb(uid: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
$set: {
personalBests: {
custom: {},
quote: {},
time: {},
words: {},
zen: {},
lbPersonalBests: {
time: {},
export async function isNameAvailable(name: string): Promise<boolean> {
const nameDocs = await getUsersCollection()
.find({ name })
.collation({ locale: "en", strength: 1 })
return nameDocs.length === 0;
export async function updateQuoteRatings(
uid: string,
quoteRatings: MonkeyTypes.UserQuoteRatings
): Promise<boolean> {
await getUser(uid, "update quote ratings");
await getUsersCollection().updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { quoteRatings } });
return true;
export async function updateEmail(
uid: string,
email: string
): Promise<boolean> {
await getUser(uid, "update email"); // To make sure that the user exists
await updateUserEmail(uid, email);
await getUsersCollection().updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { email } });
return true;
export async function getUser(
uid: string,
stack: string
): Promise<MonkeyTypes.User> {
const user = await getUsersCollection().findOne({ uid });
if (!user) throw new MonkeyError(404, "User not found", stack);
return user;
export async function isDiscordIdAvailable(
discordId: string
): Promise<boolean> {
const user = await getUsersCollection().findOne({ discordId });
return _.isNil(user);
export async function addTag(
uid: string,
name: string
): Promise<MonkeyTypes.UserTag> {
const _id = new ObjectId();
await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
{ $push: { tags: { _id, name } } }
return {
export async function getTags(uid: string): Promise<MonkeyTypes.UserTag[]> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "get tags");
return user.tags ?? [];
export async function editTag(
uid: string,
_id: string,
name: string
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "edit tag");
if (
user.tags === undefined ||
user.tags.filter((t) => t._id.toHexString() === _id).length === 0
) {
throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found");
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
uid: uid,
"tags._id": new ObjectId(_id),
{ $set: { "tags.$.name": name } }
export async function removeTag(
uid: string,
_id: string
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "remove tag");
if (
user.tags === undefined ||
user.tags.filter((t) => t._id.toHexString() == _id).length === 0
) {
throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found");
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
uid: uid,
"tags._id": new ObjectId(_id),
{ $pull: { tags: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) } } }
export async function removeTagPb(
uid: string,
_id: string
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "remove tag pb");
if (
user.tags === undefined ||
user.tags.filter((t) => t._id.toHexString() == _id).length === 0
) {
throw new MonkeyError(404, "Tag not found");
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
uid: uid,
"tags._id": new ObjectId(_id),
{ $set: { "tags.$.personalBests": {} } }
export async function updateLbMemory(
uid: string,
mode: MonkeyTypes.Mode,
mode2: MonkeyTypes.Mode2<MonkeyTypes.Mode>,
language: string,
rank: number
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "update lb memory");
if (user.lbMemory === undefined) user.lbMemory = {};
if (user.lbMemory[mode] === undefined) user.lbMemory[mode] = {};
if (user.lbMemory[mode][mode2] === undefined) {
user.lbMemory[mode][mode2] = {};
user.lbMemory[mode][mode2][language] = rank;
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
$set: { lbMemory: user.lbMemory },
export async function checkIfPb(
uid: string,
user: MonkeyTypes.User,
result: MonkeyTypes.Result<MonkeyTypes.Mode>
): Promise<boolean> {
const { mode, funbox } = result;
if (funbox !== "none" && funbox !== "plus_one" && funbox !== "plus_two") {
return false;
if (mode === "quote") {
return false;
let lbPb = user.lbPersonalBests;
if (!lbPb) lbPb = { time: {} };
const pb = checkAndUpdatePb(
user.personalBests ?? {
time: {},
custom: {},
quote: {},
words: {},
zen: {},
if (!pb.isPb) return false;
await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
{ $set: { personalBests: pb.personalBests } }
if (pb.lbPersonalBests) {
await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
{ $set: { lbPersonalBests: pb.lbPersonalBests } }
return true;
export async function checkIfTagPb(
uid: string,
user: MonkeyTypes.User,
result: MonkeyTypes.Result<MonkeyTypes.Mode>
): Promise<string[]> {
if (user.tags === undefined || user.tags.length === 0) {
return [];
const { mode, tags: resultTags, funbox } = result;
if (funbox !== "none" && funbox !== "plus_one" && funbox !== "plus_two") {
return [];
if (mode === "quote") {
return [];
const tagsToCheck: MonkeyTypes.UserTag[] = [];
user.tags.forEach((userTag) => {
resultTags.forEach((resultTag) => {
if (resultTag === userTag._id.toHexString()) {
const ret: string[] = [];
tagsToCheck.forEach(async (tag) => {
const tagPbs: MonkeyTypes.PersonalBests = tag.personalBests ?? {
time: {},
words: {},
zen: {},
custom: {},
quote: {},
const tagpb = checkAndUpdatePb(tagPbs, undefined, result);
if (tagpb.isPb) {
await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid, "tags._id": new ObjectId(tag._id) },
{ $set: { "tags.$.personalBests": tagpb.personalBests } }
return ret;
export async function resetPb(uid: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
await getUser(uid, "reset pb");
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
$set: {
personalBests: {
time: {},
custom: {},
quote: {},
words: {},
zen: {},
export async function updateTypingStats(
uid: string,
restartCount: number,
timeTyping: number
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
$inc: {
startedTests: restartCount + 1,
completedTests: 1,
export async function linkDiscord(
uid: string,
discordId: string
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
await getUser(uid, "link discord");
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne({ uid }, { $set: { discordId } });
export async function unlinkDiscord(uid: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
await getUser(uid, "unlink discord");
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
{ $set: { discordId: undefined } }
export async function incrementBananas(
uid: string,
): Promise<UpdateResult | null> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "increment bananas");
let best60: number | undefined;
const personalBests60 = user.personalBests?.time[60];
if (personalBests60) {
best60 = Math.max( => best.wpm));
if (best60 === undefined || wpm >= best60 - best60 * 0.25) {
//increment when no record found or wpm is within 25% of the record
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
{ $inc: { bananas: 1 } }
return null;
export function themeDoesNotExist(customThemes, id): boolean {
return (
(customThemes ?? []).filter((t) => t._id.toString() === id).length === 0
export async function addTheme(
uid: string,
): Promise<{ _id: ObjectId; name: string }> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "add theme");
if ((user.customThemes ?? []).length >= 10) {
throw new MonkeyError(409, "Too many custom themes");
const _id = new ObjectId();
await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
$push: {
customThemes: {
colors: theme.colors,
return {
export async function removeTheme(uid: string, _id): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "remove theme");
if (themeDoesNotExist(user.customThemes, _id)) {
throw new MonkeyError(404, "Custom theme not found");
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
uid: uid,
"customThemes._id": new ObjectId(_id),
{ $pull: { customThemes: { _id: new ObjectId(_id) } } }
export async function editTheme(
uid: string,
): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "edit theme");
if (themeDoesNotExist(user.customThemes, _id)) {
throw new MonkeyError(404, "Custom Theme not found");
return await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
uid: uid,
"customThemes._id": new ObjectId(_id),
$set: {
"customThemes.$.colors": theme.colors,
export async function getThemes(
uid: string
): Promise<MonkeyTypes.CustomTheme[]> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "get themes");
return user.customThemes ?? [];
export async function getPersonalBests(
uid: string,
mode: string,
mode2?: string
): Promise<MonkeyTypes.PersonalBest> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "get personal bests");
if (mode2) {
return user.personalBests?.[mode]?.[mode2];
return user.personalBests?.[mode];
export async function getStats(
uid: string
): Promise<{ [key: string]: number | undefined }> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "get stats");
return {
startedTests: user.startedTests,
completedTests: user.completedTests,
timeTyping: user.timeTyping,
export async function getFavoriteQuotes(
): Promise<MonkeyTypes.User["favoriteQuotes"]> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "get favorite quotes");
return user.favoriteQuotes ?? {};
export async function addFavoriteQuote(
uid: string,
language: string,
quoteId: string,
maxQuotes: number
): Promise<void> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "add favorite quote");
if (user.favoriteQuotes) {
if (
user.favoriteQuotes[language] &&
) {
const quotesLength = _.sumBy(
(favQuotes) => favQuotes.length
if (quotesLength >= maxQuotes) {
throw new MonkeyError(
"Too many favorite quotes",
await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
$push: {
[`favoriteQuotes.${language}`]: quoteId,
export async function removeFavoriteQuote(
uid: string,
language: string,
quoteId: string
): Promise<void> {
const user = await getUser(uid, "remove favorite quote");
if (
!user.favoriteQuotes ||
!user.favoriteQuotes[language] ||
) {
await getUsersCollection().updateOne(
{ uid },
{ $pull: { [`favoriteQuotes.${language}`]: quoteId } }