2018-10-31 17:08:29 +01:00
# coding=utf-8
2019-09-16 22:04:27 -04:00
from __future__ import absolute_import
2018-10-31 17:08:29 +01:00
import io
import six
import os
from pkg_resources import require
import logging
import re
import os
import time
from babelfish import language_converters
from subzero . language import Language
from requests import Session
from subliminal . subtitle import fix_line_ending
from subliminal_patch . providers import Provider
from subliminal_patch . providers . mixins import ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin
from subliminal . providers import ParserBeautifulSoup
from subliminal_patch . exceptions import ProviderError
from subliminal . score import get_equivalent_release_groups
from subliminal_patch . subtitle import Subtitle , guess_matches
from subliminal . utils import sanitize , sanitize_release_group
from subliminal . video import Episode , Movie
from zipfile import ZipFile , is_zipfile
from rarfile import RarFile , is_rarfile
from subliminal_patch . utils import sanitize , fix_inconsistent_naming as _fix_inconsistent_naming
from guessit import guessit
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
language_converters . register ( ' supersubtitles = subliminal_patch.converters.supersubtitles:SuperSubtitlesConverter ' )
class SuperSubtitlesSubtitle ( Subtitle ) :
""" SuperSubtitles Subtitle. """
provider_name = ' supersubtitles '
def __str__ ( self ) :
subtit = " Subtitle id: " + str ( self . subtitle_id ) \
+ " Series: " + self . series \
+ " Season: " + str ( self . season ) \
+ " Episode: " + str ( self . episode ) \
+ " Version: " + str ( self . version ) \
+ " Releases: " + str ( self . releases ) \
+ " DownloadLink: " + str ( self . page_link ) \
+ " Matches: " + str ( self . matches )
if self . year :
subtit = subtit + " Year: " + str ( self . year )
return subtit . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
def __init__ ( self , language , page_link , subtitle_id , series , season , episode , version ,
releases , year , imdb_id , asked_for_episode = None , asked_for_release_group = None ) :
super ( SuperSubtitlesSubtitle , self ) . __init__ ( language , page_link = page_link )
self . subtitle_id = subtitle_id
self . series = series
self . season = season
self . episode = episode
self . version = version
self . releases = releases
self . year = year
if year :
self . year = int ( year )
self . release_info = u " , " . join ( releases )
self . page_link = page_link
self . asked_for_release_group = asked_for_release_group
self . asked_for_episode = asked_for_episode
self . imdb_id = imdb_id
self . is_pack = True
def numeric_id ( self ) :
return self . subtitle_id
def __repr__ ( self ) :
ep_addon = ( " S %02d E %02d " % ( self . season , self . episode ) ) if self . episode else " "
return ' < %s %r [ %s ]> ' % (
self . __class__ . __name__ , u " %s %s %s [ %s ] " % ( self . series , " ( %s ) " % self . year if self . year else " " , ep_addon ,
self . release_info ) , self . language )
def id ( self ) :
return str ( self . subtitle_id )
def get_matches ( self , video ) :
2019-09-22 23:07:04 -04:00
matches = guess_matches ( video , guessit ( self . release_info ) )
2018-10-31 17:08:29 +01:00
# episode
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
# series
if video . series and sanitize ( self . series ) == sanitize ( video . series ) :
matches . add ( ' series ' )
# season
if video . season and self . season == video . season :
matches . add ( ' season ' )
# episode
if video . episode and self . episode == video . episode :
matches . add ( ' episode ' )
# imdb_id
if video . series_imdb_id and self . imdb_id and str ( self . imdb_id ) == str ( video . series_imdb_id ) :
matches . add ( ' series_imdb_id ' )
matches . add ( ' series ' )
matches . add ( ' year ' )
# year
if ( ' series ' in matches and video . original_series and self . year is None or
video . year and video . year == self . year ) :
matches . add ( ' year ' )
# movie
elif isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
# title
if video . title and ( sanitize ( self . series ) in (
sanitize ( name ) for name in [ video . title ] + video . alternative_titles ) ) :
matches . add ( ' title ' )
# imdb_id
if video . imdb_id and self . imdb_id == video . imdb_id :
matches . add ( ' imdb_id ' )
matches . add ( ' title ' )
matches . add ( ' year ' )
# year
if video . year and self . year == video . year :
matches . add ( ' year ' )
# release_group
if ( video . release_group and self . version and
any ( r in sanitize_release_group ( self . version )
for r in get_equivalent_release_groups ( sanitize_release_group ( video . release_group ) ) ) ) :
matches . add ( ' release_group ' )
# resolution
if video . resolution and self . version and video . resolution in self . version . lower ( ) :
matches . add ( ' resolution ' )
# format
if video . format and self . version and video . format . lower ( ) in self . version . lower ( ) :
matches . add ( ' format ' )
self . matches = matches
return matches
class SuperSubtitlesProvider ( Provider , ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin ) :
""" SuperSubtitles Provider. """
languages = { Language ( ' hun ' , ' HU ' ) } | { Language ( l ) for l in [
' hun ' , ' eng '
] }
video_types = ( Episode , Movie )
# https://www.feliratok.info/?search=&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&sorozatnev=The+Flash+%282014%29&sid=3212&complexsearch=true&knyelv=0&evad=4&epizod1=1&cimke=0&minoseg=0&rlsr=0&tab=all
server_url = ' https://www.feliratok.info/ '
subtitle_class = SuperSubtitlesSubtitle
hearing_impaired_verifiable = False
multi_result_throttle = 2 # seconds
def initialize ( self ) :
self . session = Session ( )
2019-04-03 15:53:56 +02:00
self . session . headers = { ' User-Agent ' : os . environ . get ( " SZ_USER_AGENT " , " Sub-Zero/2 " ) }
2018-10-31 17:08:29 +01:00
def terminate ( self ) :
self . session . close ( )
def get_language ( self , text ) :
if text == ' Magyar ' :
return Language . fromsupersubtitles ( ' hu ' )
if text == ' Angol ' :
return Language . fromsupersubtitles ( ' en ' )
return None
def find_imdb_id ( self , sub_id ) :
url = self . server_url + " index.php?tipus=adatlap&azon=a_ " + sub_id
# url = https://www.feliratok.info/index.php?tipus=adatlap&azon=a_1518600916
logger . info ( ' Get IMDB id from URL %s ' , url )
r = self . session . get ( url , timeout = 10 ) . content
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup ( r , [ ' lxml ' ] )
links = soup . find_all ( " a " )
for value in links :
if " imdb.com " in str ( value ) :
# <a alt="iMDB" href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2357547/" target="_blank"><img alt="iMDB" src="img/adatlap/imdb.png"/></a>
imdb_id = re . findall ( r ' (?<=www \ .imdb \ .com/title/).*(?=/ " ) ' , str ( value ) ) [ 0 ]
return imdb_id
return None
def find_id ( self , series , year , original_title ) :
We need to find the id of the series at the following url :
https : / / www . feliratok . info / index . php ? term = SERIESNAME & nyelv = 0 & action = autoname
Where SERIESNAME is a searchable string .
The result will be something like this :
[ { " name " : " DC \u2019 s Legends of Tomorrow (2016) " , " ID " : " 3725 " } , { " name " : " Miles from Tomorrowland (2015) " , " ID " : " 3789 " }
, { " name " : " No Tomorrow (2016) " , " ID " : " 4179 " } ]
# Search for exact name
url = self . server_url + " index.php?term= " + series + " &nyelv=0&action=autoname "
# url = self.server_url + "index.php?term=" + "fla"+ "&nyelv=0&action=autoname"
logger . info ( ' Get series id from URL %s ' , url )
r = self . session . get ( url , timeout = 10 )
# r is something like this:
# [{"name":"DC\u2019s Legends of Tomorrow (2016)","ID":"3725"},{"name":"Miles from Tomorrowland (2015)","ID":"3789"}
# ,{"name":"No Tomorrow (2016)","ID":"4179"}]
results = r . json ( )
# check all of the results:
for result in results :
try :
# "name":"Miles from Tomorrowland (2015)","ID":"3789"
result_year = re . findall ( r " (?<= \ () \ d \ d \ d \ d(?= \ )) " , result [ ' name ' ] ) [ 0 ]
except IndexError :
result_year = " "
try :
# "name":"Miles from Tomorrowland (2015)","ID":"3789"
result_title = re . findall ( r " .*(?= \ ( \ d \ d \ d \ d \ )) " , result [ ' name ' ] ) [ 0 ]
result_id = result [ ' ID ' ]
except IndexError :
result_title = result_title . strip ( ) . replace ( " <EFBFBD> " , " " ) . replace ( " " , " . " )
guessable = result_title . strip ( ) + " .s01e01. " + result_year
guess = guessit ( guessable , { ' type ' : " episode " } )
if sanitize ( original_title ) == sanitize ( guess [ ' title ' ] ) and year and guess [ ' year ' ] and year == guess [ ' year ' ] :
# Return the founded id
return result_id
return None
def query ( self , series , video = None ) :
year = video . year
subtitle = None
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
series = video . series
season = video . season
episode = video . episode
#seriesa = series.replace(' ', '+')
# Get ID of series with original name
series_id = self . find_id ( series , year , series )
if not series_id :
# If not founded try without ' char
modified_series = series . replace ( ' ' , ' + ' ) . replace ( ' \' ' , ' ' )
series_id = self . find_id ( modified_series , year , series )
if not series_id and modified_series :
# If still not founded try with the longest word is series title
modified_series = modified_series . split ( ' + ' )
modified_series = max ( modified_series , key = len )
series_id = self . find_id ( modified_series , year , series )
if not series_id :
return None
# https://www.feliratok.info/index.php?search=&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&sorozatnev=&sid=2075&complexsearch=true&knyelv=0&evad=6&epizod1=16&cimke=0&minoseg=0&rlsr=0&tab=all
url = self . server_url + " index.php?search=&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&sorozatnev=&sid= " + \
str ( series_id ) + " &complexsearch=true&knyelv=0&evad= " + str ( season ) + " &epizod1= " + str (
episode ) + " &cimke=0&minoseg=0&rlsr=0&tab=all "
subtitle = self . process_subs ( series , video , url )
if not subtitle :
# No Subtitle found. Maybe already archived to season pack
url = self . server_url + " index.php?search=&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&sorozatnev=&sid= " + \
str ( series_id ) + " &complexsearch=true&knyelv=0&evad= " + str (
season ) + " &epizod1=&evadpakk=on&cimke=0&minoseg=0&rlsr=0&tab=all "
subtitle = self . process_subs ( series , video , url )
if isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
title = series . replace ( " " , " + " )
# https://www.feliratok.info/index.php?search=The+Hitman%27s+BodyGuard&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&tab=film
url = self . server_url + " index.php?search= " + title + " &soriSorszam=&nyelv=&tab=film "
subtitle = self . process_subs ( series , video , url )
return subtitle
def process_subs ( self , series , video , url ) :
subtitles = [ ]
logger . info ( ' URL for subtitles %s ' , url )
r = self . session . get ( url , timeout = 10 ) . content
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup ( r , [ ' lxml ' ] )
tables = soup . find_all ( " table " )
tables = tables [ 0 ] . find_all ( " tr " )
i = 0
series_imdb_id = None
for table in tables :
if " vilagit " in str ( table ) and i > 1 :
try :
sub_hun_name = table . findAll ( " div " , { " class " : " magyar " } ) [ 0 ]
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
if " vad) " not in str ( sub_hun_name ) :
# <div class="magyar">A pletykaf<61> szek (3. <20> vad)</div>
sub_hun_name = re . findall ( r ' (?<=<div class= " magyar " >).*(?= -) ' , str ( sub_hun_name ) ) [ 0 ]
else :
# <div class="magyar">A holnap legend<6E> i - 3x11</div>
sub_hun_name = re . findall ( r ' (?<=<div class= " magyar " >).*(?= \ () ' , str ( sub_hun_name ) ) [ 0 ]
if isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
sub_hun_name = re . findall ( r ' (?<=<div class= " magyar " >).*(?=</div) ' , str ( sub_hun_name ) ) [ 0 ]
except IndexError :
sub_hun_name = " "
asked_for_episode = None
sub_season = None
sub_episode = None
sub_english = table . findAll ( " div " , { " class " : " eredeti " } )
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
asked_for_episode = video . episode
if " Season " not in str ( sub_english ) :
# [<div class="eredeti">Gossip Girl (Season 3) (DVDRip-REWARD)</div>]
sub_english_name = re . findall ( r ' (?<=<div class= " eredeti " >).*?(?= -) ' , str ( sub_english ) ) [ 0 ]
sub_season = int ( ( re . findall ( r " (?<=- ).*?(?= - ) " , str ( sub_english ) ) [ 0 ] . split ( ' x ' ) [ 0 ] ) . strip ( ) )
sub_episode = int ( ( re . findall ( r " (?<=- ).*?(?= - ) " , str ( sub_english ) ) [ 0 ] . split ( ' x ' ) [ 1 ] ) . strip ( ) )
else :
# [<div class="eredeti">DC's Legends of Tomorrow - 3x11 - Here I Go Again (HDTV-AFG, HDTV-RMX, 720p-SVA, 720p-PSA </div>]
sub_english_name = \
re . findall ( r ' (?<=<div class= " eredeti " >).*?(?= \ (Season) ' , str ( sub_english ) ) [ 0 ]
sub_season = int ( re . findall ( r " (?<=Season ) \ d+(?= \ )) " , str ( sub_english ) ) [ 0 ] )
sub_episode = int ( video . episode )
if isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
sub_english_name = re . findall ( r ' (?<=<div class= " eredeti " >).*?(?= \ () ' , str ( sub_english ) ) [ 0 ]
sub_version = ( str ( sub_english ) . split ( ' ( ' ) [ len ( str ( sub_english ) . split ( ' ( ' ) ) - 1 ] ) . split ( ' ) ' ) [ 0 ]
# <small>Angol</small>
lang = table . findAll ( " small " ) [ 0 ]
sub_language = self . get_language ( re . findall ( r " (?<=<small>).*(?=</small>) " , str ( lang ) ) [ 0 ] )
# <a href="/index.php?action=letolt&fnev=DCs Legends of Tomorrow - 03x11 - Here I Go Again.SVA.English.C.orig.Addic7ed.com.srt&felirat=1519162191">
link = str ( table . findAll ( " a " ) [ len ( table . findAll ( " a " ) ) - 1 ] ) . replace ( " amp; " , " " )
sub_downloadlink = self . server_url + re . findall ( r ' (?<=href= " /).*(?= " >) ' , link ) [ 0 ]
sub_id = re . findall ( r " (?<=felirat \ =).*(?= \" \ >) " , link ) [ 0 ]
sub_year = video . year
sub_releases = [ s . strip ( ) for s in sub_version . split ( ' , ' ) ]
# For episodes we open the series page so all subtitles imdb_id must be the same. no need to check all
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) and series_imdb_id is not None :
sub_imdb_id = series_imdb_id
else :
sub_imdb_id = self . find_imdb_id ( sub_id )
series_imdb_id = sub_imdb_id
subtitle = SuperSubtitlesSubtitle ( sub_language , sub_downloadlink , sub_id , sub_english_name . strip ( ) , sub_season ,
sub_episode , sub_version , sub_releases , sub_year , sub_imdb_id ,
asked_for_episode , asked_for_release_group = video . release_group )
subtitles . append ( subtitle )
i = i + 1
return subtitles
def list_subtitles ( self , video , languages ) :
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
titles = [ video . series ] + video . alternative_series
elif isinstance ( video , Movie ) :
titles = [ video . title ] + video . alternative_titles
for title in titles :
subs = self . query ( title , video = video )
if subs :
return subs
time . sleep ( self . multi_result_throttle )
return [ ]
def download_subtitle ( self , subtitle ) :
# download as a zip
logger . info ( ' Downloading subtitle %r ' , subtitle . subtitle_id )
r = self . session . get ( subtitle . page_link , timeout = 10 )
r . raise_for_status ( )
if " .rar " in subtitle . page_link :
logger . debug ( ' Archive identified as rar ' )
archive_stream = io . BytesIO ( r . content )
archive = RarFile ( archive_stream )
subtitle . content = self . get_subtitle_from_archive ( subtitle , archive )
elif " .zip " in subtitle . page_link :
logger . debug ( ' Archive identified as zip ' )
archive_stream = io . BytesIO ( r . content )
archive = ZipFile ( archive_stream )
subtitle . content = self . get_subtitle_from_archive ( subtitle , archive )
else :
subtitle . content = fix_line_ending ( r . content )