Avoid error trying to scan some videos

This removes unused code from subliminal_patch's core. Thanks to
refining, we don't need extra magic to guess from filenames anymore.
This commit is contained in:
vitiko98 2022-08-29 20:50:50 -04:00
parent 26082780d5
commit 09d1eb78c9
2 changed files with 21 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -739,7 +739,6 @@ def scan_video(path, dont_use_actual_file=False, hints=None, providers=None, ski
hints = hints or {}
video_type = hints.get("type")
# check for non-existing path
if not dont_use_actual_file and not os.path.exists(path):
@ -752,42 +751,15 @@ def scan_video(path, dont_use_actual_file=False, hints=None, providers=None, ski
dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path)
logger.info('Determining basic video properties for %r in %r', filename, dirpath)
# hint guessit the filename itself and its 2 parent directories if we're an episode (most likely
# Series name/Season/filename), else only one
split_path = os.path.normpath(path).split(os.path.sep)[-3 if video_type == "episode" else -2:]
# remove crap from folder names
if video_type == "episode":
if len(split_path) > 2:
split_path[-3] = remove_crap_from_fn(split_path[-3])
if len(split_path) > 1:
split_path[-2] = remove_crap_from_fn(split_path[-2])
guess_from = os.path.join(*split_path)
# remove crap from file name
guess_from = remove_crap_from_fn(guess_from)
# guess
hints["single_value"] = True
# if "title" in hints:
# hints["expected_title"] = [hints["title"]]
guessed_result = guessit(guess_from, options=hints)
guessed_result = guessit(path, options=hints)
logger.debug('GuessIt found: %s', json.dumps(guessed_result, cls=GuessitEncoder, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
video = Video.fromguess(path, guessed_result)
video.hints = hints
# get possibly alternative title from the filename itself
alt_guess = guessit(filename, options=hints)
if "title" in alt_guess and alt_guess["title"] != guessed_result["title"]:
if video_type == "episode":
logger.debug("Adding alternative title: %s", alt_guess["title"])
video.hints = hints # ?
if dont_use_actual_file and not hash_from:
return video

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from pathlib import Path
from subliminal_patch import core
def test_scan_video_movie(tmpdir):
video_path = Path(tmpdir, "Taxi Driver 1976 Bluray 720p x264.mkv")
result = core.scan_video(str(video_path))
assert isinstance(result, core.Movie)
def test_scan_video_episode(tmpdir):
video_path = Path(tmpdir, "The Wire S01E01 Bluray 720p x264.mkv")
result = core.scan_video(str(video_path))
assert isinstance(result, core.Episode)