Improve episode detection from compressed series packs

This commit is contained in:
Vitiko 2022-04-16 16:45:20 -04:00
parent 31e4f835cf
commit 75f3ac9f6c

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@ -77,8 +77,11 @@ class ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin(object):
if len(subs_in_archive) == 1:
matching_sub = subs_in_archive[0]
logger.debug("Subtitles in archive: %s", subs_in_archive)
for sub_name in subs_in_archive:
guess = guessit(sub_name)
sub_name_lower = sub_name.lower()
# consider subtitle valid if:
@ -94,9 +97,12 @@ class ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin(object):
episodes = guess.get("episode")
if is_episode and episodes and not isinstance(episodes, list):
if not isinstance(episodes, list):
episodes = [episodes]
episode_matches = episodes is not None and any(subtitle.episode == epi for epi in episodes)
if not is_episode or (
subtitle.episode in episodes
@ -139,7 +145,11 @@ class ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin(object):
if asked_for_rlsgrp in sub_name_lower:
release_group_matches = True
if release_group_matches and source_matches:
if not is_episode and release_group_matches and source_matches:
matching_sub = sub_name
if is_episode and episode_matches:
matching_sub = sub_name
@ -148,10 +158,14 @@ class ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin(object):
if not matching_sub and not subs_unsure and not subs_fallback:
logger.error("None of expected subtitle found in archive")
elif matching_sub:
logger.debug("Matched subtitle found: %s", matching_sub)
elif subs_unsure:
matching_sub = subs_unsure[0]