#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Various utilities functions """ import sys from inspect import isclass try: from inspect import getfullargspec as getargspec _FULLARGSPEC_SUPPORTED = True except ImportError: _FULLARGSPEC_SUPPORTED = False from inspect import getargspec from .utils import is_iterable if sys.version_info < (3, 4, 0): # pragma: no cover def _constructor(class_): """ Retrieves constructor from given class :param class_: :type class_: class :return: constructor from given class :rtype: callable """ return class_.__init__ else: # pragma: no cover def _constructor(class_): """ Retrieves constructor from given class :param class_: :type class_: class :return: constructor from given class :rtype: callable """ return class_ def call(function, *args, **kwargs): """ Call a function or constructor with given args and kwargs after removing args and kwargs that doesn't match function or constructor signature :param function: Function or constructor to call :type function: callable :param args: :type args: :param kwargs: :type kwargs: :return: sale vakye as default function call :rtype: object """ func = constructor_args if isclass(function) else function_args call_args, call_kwargs = func(function, *args, ignore_unused=True, **kwargs) # @see #20 return function(*call_args, **call_kwargs) def function_args(callable_, *args, **kwargs): """ Return (args, kwargs) matching the function signature :param callable: callable to inspect :type callable: callable :param args: :type args: :param kwargs: :type kwargs: :return: (args, kwargs) matching the function signature :rtype: tuple """ argspec = getargspec(callable_) # pylint:disable=deprecated-method return argspec_args(argspec, False, *args, **kwargs) def constructor_args(class_, *args, **kwargs): """ Return (args, kwargs) matching the function signature :param callable: callable to inspect :type callable: Callable :param args: :type args: :param kwargs: :type kwargs: :return: (args, kwargs) matching the function signature :rtype: tuple """ argspec = getargspec(_constructor(class_)) # pylint:disable=deprecated-method return argspec_args(argspec, True, *args, **kwargs) def argspec_args(argspec, constructor, *args, **kwargs): """ Return (args, kwargs) matching the argspec object :param argspec: argspec to use :type argspec: argspec :param constructor: is it a constructor ? :type constructor: bool :param args: :type args: :param kwargs: :type kwargs: :return: (args, kwargs) matching the function signature :rtype: tuple """ if argspec.varkw: call_kwarg = kwargs else: call_kwarg = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in kwargs if k in argspec.args) # pylint:disable=consider-using-dict-items if argspec.varargs: call_args = args else: call_args = args[:len(argspec.args) - (1 if constructor else 0)] return call_args, call_kwarg if not _FULLARGSPEC_SUPPORTED: def argspec_args_legacy(argspec, constructor, *args, **kwargs): """ Return (args, kwargs) matching the argspec object :param argspec: argspec to use :type argspec: argspec :param constructor: is it a constructor ? :type constructor: bool :param args: :type args: :param kwargs: :type kwargs: :return: (args, kwargs) matching the function signature :rtype: tuple """ if argspec.keywords: call_kwarg = kwargs else: call_kwarg = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in kwargs if k in argspec.args) # pylint:disable=consider-using-dict-items if argspec.varargs: call_args = args else: call_args = args[:len(argspec.args) - (1 if constructor else 0)] return call_args, call_kwarg argspec_args = argspec_args_legacy def ensure_list(param): """ Retrieves a list from given parameter. :param param: :type param: :return: :rtype: """ if not param: param = [] elif not is_iterable(param): param = [param] return param def ensure_dict(param, default_value, default_key=None): """ Retrieves a dict and a default value from given parameter. if parameter is not a dict, it will be promoted as the default value. :param param: :type param: :param default_value: :type default_value: :param default_key: :type default_key: :return: :rtype: """ if not param: param = default_value if not isinstance(param, dict): if param: default_value = param return {default_key: param}, default_value return param, default_value def filter_index(collection, predicate=None, index=None): """ Filter collection with predicate function and index. If index is not found, returns None. :param collection: :type collection: collection supporting iteration and slicing :param predicate: function to filter the collection with :type predicate: function :param index: position of a single element to retrieve :type index: int :return: filtered list, or single element of filtered list if index is defined :rtype: list or object """ if index is None and isinstance(predicate, int): index = predicate predicate = None if predicate: collection = collection.__class__(filter(predicate, collection)) if index is not None: try: collection = collection[index] except IndexError: collection = None return collection def set_defaults(defaults, kwargs, override=False): """ Set defaults from defaults dict to kwargs dict :param override: :type override: :param defaults: :type defaults: :param kwargs: :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: """ if 'clear' in defaults.keys() and defaults.pop('clear'): kwargs.clear() for key, value in defaults.items(): if key in kwargs: if isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(kwargs[key], list): kwargs[key] = list(value) + kwargs[key] elif isinstance(value, dict) and isinstance(kwargs[key], dict): set_defaults(value, kwargs[key]) if key not in kwargs or override: kwargs[key] = value