from plex import Plex from plex.lib.six.moves.urllib_parse import urlencode from plex_activity.sources.base import Source import json import logging import re import time import websocket log = logging.getLogger(__name__) SCANNING_REGEX = re.compile('Scanning the "(?P
.*?)" section', re.IGNORECASE) SCAN_COMPLETE_REGEX = re.compile('Library scan complete', re.IGNORECASE) TIMELINE_STATES = { 0: 'created', 2: 'matching', 3: 'downloading', 4: 'loading', 5: 'finished', 6: 'analyzing', 9: 'deleted' } class WebSocket(Source): name = 'websocket' events = [ 'websocket.playing', 'websocket.scanner.started', 'websocket.scanner.progress', 'websocket.scanner.finished', 'websocket.timeline.created', 'websocket.timeline.matching', 'websocket.timeline.downloading', 'websocket.timeline.loading', 'websocket.timeline.finished', 'websocket.timeline.analyzing', 'websocket.timeline.deleted' ] opcode_data = (websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT, websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_BINARY) def __init__(self, activity): super(WebSocket, self).__init__() = None self.reconnects = 0 # Pipe events to the main activity instance self.pipe(, activity) def connect(self): uri = 'ws://%s:%s/:/websockets/notifications' % ( Plex.configuration.get('', ''), Plex.configuration.get('server.port', 32400) ) params = {} # Set authentication token (if one is available) if Plex.configuration['authentication.token']: params['X-Plex-Token'] = Plex.configuration['authentication.token'] # Append parameters to uri if params: uri += '?' + urlencode(params) # Create websocket connection = websocket.create_connection(uri) def run(self): self.connect() log.debug('Ready') while True: try: self.process(*self.receive()) # successfully received data, reset reconnects counter self.reconnects = 0 except websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException: if self.reconnects <= 5: self.reconnects += 1 # Increasing sleep interval between reconnections if self.reconnects > 1: time.sleep(2 * (self.reconnects - 1))'WebSocket connection has closed, reconnecting...') self.connect() else: log.error('WebSocket connection unavailable, activity monitoring not available') break def receive(self): frame = if not frame: raise websocket.WebSocketException("Not a valid frame %s" % frame) elif frame.opcode in self.opcode_data: return frame.opcode, elif frame.opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_CLOSE: return frame.opcode, None elif frame.opcode == websocket.ABNF.OPCODE_PING:"Hi!") return None, None def process(self, opcode, data): if opcode not in self.opcode_data: return False try: info = json.loads(data) except UnicodeDecodeError as ex: log.warn('Error decoding message from websocket: %s' % ex, extra={ 'event': { 'module': __name__, 'name': 'process.loads.unicode_decode_error', 'key': '%s:%s' % (ex.encoding, ex.reason) } }) log.debug(data) return False except Exception as ex: log.warn('Error decoding message from websocket: %s' % ex, extra={ 'event': { 'module': __name__, 'name': 'process.load_exception', 'key': ex.message } }) log.debug(data) return False # Handle modern messages (PMS 1.3.0+) if type(info.get('NotificationContainer')) is dict: info = info['NotificationContainer'] # Process message m_type = info.get('type') if not m_type: log.debug('Received message with no "type" parameter: %r', info) return False # Pre-process message (if function exists) process_func = getattr(self, 'process_%s' % m_type, None) if process_func and process_func(info): return True # Emit raw message return self.emit_notification('%s.notification.%s' % (, m_type), info) def process_playing(self, info): children = info.get('_children') or info.get('PlaySessionStateNotification') if not children: log.debug('Received "playing" message with no children: %r', info) return False return self.emit_notification('%s.playing' %, children) def process_progress(self, info): children = info.get('_children') or info.get('ProgressNotification') if not children: log.debug('Received "progress" message with no children: %r', info) return False for notification in children: self.emit('%s.scanner.progress' %, { 'message': notification.get('message') }) return True def process_status(self, info): children = info.get('_children') or info.get('StatusNotification') if not children: log.debug('Received "status" message with no children: %r', info) return False # Process children count = 0 for notification in children: title = notification.get('title') if not title: continue # Scan complete message if SCAN_COMPLETE_REGEX.match(title): self.emit('%s.scanner.finished' % count += 1 continue # Scanning message match = SCANNING_REGEX.match(title) if not match: continue section ='section') if not section: continue self.emit('%s.scanner.started' %, {'section': section}) count += 1 # Validate result if count < 1: log.debug('Received "status" message with no valid children: %r', info) return False return True def process_timeline(self, info): children = info.get('_children') or info.get('TimelineEntry') if not children: log.debug('Received "timeline" message with no children: %r', info) return False # Process children count = 0 for entry in children: state = TIMELINE_STATES.get(entry.get('state')) if not state: continue self.emit('%s.timeline.%s' % (, state), entry) count += 1 # Validate result if count < 1: log.debug('Received "timeline" message with no valid children: %r', info) return False return True # # Helpers # def emit_notification(self, name, info=None): if info is None: info = {} # Emit children children = self._get_children(info) if children: for child in children: self.emit(name, child) return True # Emit objects if info: self.emit(name, info) else: self.emit(name) return True @staticmethod def _get_children(info): if type(info) is list: return info if type(info) is not dict: return None # Return legacy children if info.get('_children'): return info['_children'] # Search for modern children container for key, value in info.items(): key = key.lower() if (key.endswith('entry') or key.endswith('notification')) and type(value) is list: return value return None