# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import codecs import logging import os import chardet import pysrt import types from .score import get_equivalent_release_groups from .video import Episode, Movie from .utils import sanitize, sanitize_release_group logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #: Subtitle extensions SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS = ('.srt', '.sub', '.smi', '.txt', '.ssa', '.ass', '.mpl') class Subtitle(object): """Base class for subtitle. :param language: language of the subtitle. :type language: :class:`~babelfish.language.Language` :param bool hearing_impaired: whether or not the subtitle is hearing impaired. :param page_link: URL of the web page from which the subtitle can be downloaded. :type page_link: str :param encoding: Text encoding of the subtitle. :type encoding: str """ #: Name of the provider that returns that class of subtitle provider_name = '' def __init__(self, language, hearing_impaired=False, page_link=None, encoding=None): #: Language of the subtitle self.language = language #: Whether or not the subtitle is hearing impaired self.hearing_impaired = hearing_impaired #: URL of the web page from which the subtitle can be downloaded self.page_link = page_link #: Content as bytes self.content = None #: Encoding to decode with when accessing :attr:`text` self.encoding = None # validate the encoding if encoding: try: self.encoding = codecs.lookup(encoding).name except (TypeError, LookupError): logger.debug('Unsupported encoding %s', encoding) @property def id(self): """Unique identifier of the subtitle""" raise NotImplementedError @property def text(self): """Content as string If :attr:`encoding` is None, the encoding is guessed with :meth:`guess_encoding` """ if not self.content: return if self.encoding: return self.content.decode(self.encoding, errors='replace') return self.content.decode(self.guess_encoding(), errors='replace') def is_valid(self): """Check if a :attr:`text` is a valid SubRip format. :return: whether or not the subtitle is valid. :rtype: bool """ if not self.text: return False try: pysrt.from_string(self.text, error_handling=pysrt.ERROR_RAISE) except pysrt.Error as e: if e.args[0] < 80: return False return True def guess_encoding(self): """Guess encoding using the language, falling back on chardet. :return: the guessed encoding. :rtype: str """ logger.info('Guessing encoding for language %s', self.language) # always try utf-8 first encodings = ['utf-8'] # add language-specific encodings if self.language.alpha3 == 'zho': encodings.extend(['gb18030', 'big5']) elif self.language.alpha3 == 'jpn': encodings.append('shift-jis') elif self.language.alpha3 == 'ara': encodings.append('windows-1256') elif self.language.alpha3 == 'heb': encodings.append('windows-1255') elif self.language.alpha3 == 'tur': encodings.extend(['iso-8859-9', 'windows-1254']) elif self.language.alpha3 == 'pol': # Eastern European Group 1 encodings.extend(['windows-1250']) elif self.language.alpha3 == 'bul': # Eastern European Group 2 encodings.extend(['windows-1251']) else: # Western European (windows-1252) encodings.append('latin-1') # try to decode logger.debug('Trying encodings %r', encodings) for encoding in encodings: try: self.content.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass else: logger.info('Guessed encoding %s', encoding) return encoding logger.warning('Could not guess encoding from language') # fallback on chardet encoding = chardet.detect(self.content)['encoding'] logger.info('Chardet found encoding %s', encoding) return encoding def get_matches(self, video): """Get the matches against the `video`. :param video: the video to get the matches with. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :return: matches of the subtitle. :rtype: set """ raise NotImplementedError def __hash__(self): return hash(self.provider_name + '-' + self.id) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r [%s]>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id, self.language) def get_subtitle_path(video_path, language=None, extension='.srt'): """Get the subtitle path using the `video_path` and `language`. :param str video_path: path to the video. :param language: language of the subtitle to put in the path. :type language: :class:`~babelfish.language.Language` :param str extension: extension of the subtitle. :return: path of the subtitle. :rtype: str """ subtitle_root = os.path.splitext(video_path)[0] if language: subtitle_root += '.' + str(language) return subtitle_root + extension def guess_matches(video, guess, partial=False): """Get matches between a `video` and a `guess`. If a guess is `partial`, the absence information won't be counted as a match. :param video: the video. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param guess: the guess. :type guess: dict :param bool partial: whether or not the guess is partial. :return: matches between the `video` and the `guess`. :rtype: set """ matches = set() if isinstance(video, Episode): # series if video.series and 'title' in guess and sanitize(guess['title']) == sanitize(video.series): matches.add('series') # title if video.title and 'episode_title' in guess and sanitize(guess['episode_title']) == sanitize(video.title): matches.add('title') # season if video.season and 'season' in guess and guess['season'] == video.season: matches.add('season') # episode # Currently we only have single-ep support (guessit returns a multi-ep as a list with int values) # Most providers only support single-ep, so make sure it contains only 1 episode # In case of multi-ep, take the lowest episode (subtitles will normally be available on lowest episode number) if video.episode and 'episode' in guess: episode_guess = guess['episode'] episode = min(episode_guess) if episode_guess and isinstance(episode_guess, list) else episode_guess if episode == video.episode: matches.add('episode') # year if video.year and 'year' in guess and guess['year'] == video.year: matches.add('year') # count "no year" as an information if not partial and video.original_series and 'year' not in guess: matches.add('year') elif isinstance(video, Movie): # year if video.year and 'year' in guess and guess['year'] == video.year: matches.add('year') # title if video.title and 'title' in guess and sanitize(guess['title']) == sanitize(video.title): matches.add('title') # release_group if 'release_group' in guess: release_groups = guess["release_group"] if not isinstance(release_groups, types.ListType): release_groups = [release_groups] if video.release_group: for release_group in release_groups: if (sanitize_release_group(release_group) in get_equivalent_release_groups(sanitize_release_group(video.release_group))): matches.add('release_group') break # resolution if video.resolution and 'screen_size' in guess and guess['screen_size'] == video.resolution: matches.add('resolution') # format if 'format' in guess: formats = guess["format"] if not isinstance(formats, types.ListType): formats = [formats] if video.format: video_format = video.format if video_format in ("HDTV", "SDTV", "TV"): video_format = "TV" logger.debug("Treating HDTV/SDTV the same") for frmt in formats: if frmt in ("HDTV", "SDTV"): frmt = "TV" if frmt.lower() == video_format.lower(): matches.add('format') break # video_codec if video.video_codec and 'video_codec' in guess and guess['video_codec'] == video.video_codec: matches.add('video_codec') # audio_codec if video.audio_codec and 'audio_codec' in guess and guess['audio_codec'] == video.audio_codec: matches.add('audio_codec') return matches def fix_line_ending(content): """Fix line ending of `content` by changing it to \n. :param bytes content: content of the subtitle. :return: the content with fixed line endings. :rtype: bytes """ return content.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n').replace(b'\r', b'\n')