from flow import translate_flow from constants import remove_constants, recover_constants from objects import remove_objects, remove_arrays, translate_object, translate_array, set_func_translator from functions import remove_functions, reset_inline_count from jsparser import inject_before_lval, indent, dbg TOP_GLOBAL = '''from js2py.pyjs import *\nvar = Scope( JS_BUILTINS )\nset_global_object(var)\n''' def translate_js(js, top=TOP_GLOBAL): """js has to be a javascript source code. returns equivalent python code.""" # Remove constant literals no_const, constants = remove_constants(js) #print 'const count', len(constants) # Remove object literals no_obj, objects, obj_count = remove_objects(no_const) #print 'obj count', len(objects) # Remove arrays no_arr, arrays, arr_count = remove_arrays(no_obj) #print 'arr count', len(arrays) # Here remove and replace functions reset_inline_count() no_func, hoisted, inline = remove_functions(no_arr) #translate flow and expressions py_seed, to_register = translate_flow(no_func) # register variables and hoisted functions #top += '# register variables\n' top += 'var.registers(%s)\n' % str(to_register + hoisted.keys()) #Recover functions # hoisted functions recovery defs = '' #defs += '# define hoisted functions\n' #print len(hoisted) , 'HH'*40 for nested_name, nested_info in hoisted.iteritems(): nested_block, nested_args = nested_info new_code = translate_func('PyJsLvalTempHoisted', nested_block, nested_args) new_code += 'PyJsLvalTempHoisted.func_name = %s\n' % repr(nested_name) defs += new_code + '\nvar.put(%s, PyJsLvalTempHoisted)\n' % repr( nested_name) #defs += '# Everting ready!\n' # inline functions recovery for nested_name, nested_info in inline.iteritems(): nested_block, nested_args = nested_info new_code = translate_func(nested_name, nested_block, nested_args) py_seed = inject_before_lval(py_seed, nested_name.split('@')[0], new_code) # add hoisted definitiond - they have literals that have to be recovered py_seed = defs + py_seed #Recover arrays for arr_lval, arr_code in arrays.iteritems(): translation, obj_count, arr_count = translate_array( arr_code, arr_lval, obj_count, arr_count) py_seed = inject_before_lval(py_seed, arr_lval, translation) #Recover objects for obj_lval, obj_code in objects.iteritems(): translation, obj_count, arr_count = translate_object( obj_code, obj_lval, obj_count, arr_count) py_seed = inject_before_lval(py_seed, obj_lval, translation) #Recover constants py_code = recover_constants(py_seed, constants) return top + py_code def translate_func(name, block, args): """Translates functions and all nested functions to Python code. name - name of that function (global functions will be available under var while inline will be available directly under this name ) block - code of the function (*with* brackets {} ) args - arguments that this function takes""" inline = name.startswith('PyJsLvalInline') real_name = '' if inline: name, real_name = name.split('@') arglist = ', '.join(args) + ', ' if args else '' code = '@Js\ndef %s(%sthis, arguments, var=var):\n' % (name, arglist) # register local variables scope = "'this':this, 'arguments':arguments" #it will be a simple dictionary for arg in args: scope += ', %s:%s' % (repr(arg), arg) if real_name: scope += ', %s:%s' % (repr(real_name), name) code += indent('var = Scope({%s}, var)\n' % scope) block, nested_hoisted, nested_inline = remove_functions(block) py_code, to_register = translate_flow(block) #register variables declared with var and names of hoisted functions. to_register += nested_hoisted.keys() if to_register: code += indent('var.registers(%s)\n' % str(to_register)) for nested_name, info in nested_hoisted.iteritems(): nested_block, nested_args = info new_code = translate_func('PyJsLvalTempHoisted', nested_block, nested_args) # Now put definition of hoisted function on the top code += indent(new_code) code += indent( 'PyJsLvalTempHoisted.func_name = %s\n' % repr(nested_name)) code += indent( 'var.put(%s, PyJsLvalTempHoisted)\n' % repr(nested_name)) for nested_name, info in nested_inline.iteritems(): nested_block, nested_args = info new_code = translate_func(nested_name, nested_block, nested_args) # Inject definitions of inline functions just before usage # nested inline names have this format : LVAL_NAME@REAL_NAME py_code = inject_before_lval(py_code, nested_name.split('@')[0], new_code) if py_code.strip(): code += indent(py_code) return code set_func_translator(translate_func) #print inject_before_lval(' chuj\n moj\n lval\nelse\n', 'lval', 'siema\njestem piter\n') import time #print time.time() #print translate_js('if (1) console.log("Hello, World!"); else if (5) console.log("Hello world?");') #print time.time() t = """ var x = [1,2,3,4,5,6]; for (var e in x) {console.log(e); delete x[3];} console.log(5 in [1,2,3,4,5]); """ SANDBOX = ''' import traceback try: %s except: print traceback.format_exc() print raw_input('Press Enter to quit') ''' if __name__ == '__main__': # test with jq if works then it really works :) #with open('jq.js', 'r') as f: #jq = #res = translate_js(jq) res = translate_js(t) dbg(SANDBOX % indent(res)) print 'Done'