# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2009-2019 Joshua Bronson. All Rights Reserved. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """Provides :func:`bidict.namedbidict`.""" import re from ._abc import BidirectionalMapping from ._bidict import bidict from .compat import PY2 _isidentifier = ( # pylint: disable=invalid-name re.compile('[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$').match if PY2 else str.isidentifier ) def namedbidict(typename, keyname, valname, base_type=bidict): r"""Create a new subclass of *base_type* with custom accessors. Analagous to :func:`collections.namedtuple`. The new class's ``__name__`` and ``__qualname__`` will be set based on *typename*. Instances of it will provide access to their :attr:`inverse <BidirectionalMapping.inverse>`\s via the custom *keyname*\_for property, and access to themselves via the custom *valname*\_for property. *See also* the :ref:`namedbidict usage documentation <other-bidict-types:\:func\:\`~bidict.namedbidict\`>` :raises ValueError: if any of the *typename*, *keyname*, or *valname* strings is not a valid Python identifier, or if *keyname == valname*. :raises TypeError: if *base_type* is not a subclass of :class:`BidirectionalMapping`. (This function requires slightly more of *base_type*, e.g. the availability of an ``_isinv`` attribute, but all the :ref:`concrete bidict types <other-bidict-types:Bidict Types Diagram>` that the :mod:`bidict` module provides can be passed in. Check out the code if you actually need to pass in something else.) """ # Re the `base_type` docs above: # The additional requirements (providing _isinv and __getstate__) do not belong in the # BidirectionalMapping interface, and it's overkill to create additional interface(s) for this. # On the other hand, it's overkill to require that base_type be a subclass of BidictBase, since # that's too specific. The BidirectionalMapping check along with the docs above should suffice. if not issubclass(base_type, BidirectionalMapping): raise TypeError(base_type) names = (typename, keyname, valname) if not all(map(_isidentifier, names)) or keyname == valname: raise ValueError(names) class _Named(base_type): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors __slots__ = () def _getfwd(self): return self.inverse if self._isinv else self def _getinv(self): return self if self._isinv else self.inverse @property def _keyname(self): return valname if self._isinv else keyname @property def _valname(self): return keyname if self._isinv else valname def __reduce__(self): return (_make_empty, (typename, keyname, valname, base_type), self.__getstate__()) bname = base_type.__name__ fname = valname + '_for' iname = keyname + '_for' names = dict(typename=typename, bname=bname, keyname=keyname, valname=valname) fdoc = u'{typename} forward {bname}: {keyname} → {valname}'.format(**names) idoc = u'{typename} inverse {bname}: {valname} → {keyname}'.format(**names) setattr(_Named, fname, property(_Named._getfwd, doc=fdoc)) # pylint: disable=protected-access setattr(_Named, iname, property(_Named._getinv, doc=idoc)) # pylint: disable=protected-access if not PY2: _Named.__qualname__ = _Named.__qualname__[:-len(_Named.__name__)] + typename _Named.__name__ = typename return _Named def _make_empty(typename, keyname, valname, base_type): """Create a named bidict with the indicated arguments and return an empty instance. Used to make :func:`bidict.namedbidict` instances picklable. """ cls = namedbidict(typename, keyname, valname, base_type=base_type) return cls()