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from collections.abc import Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
import itertools
import json
import re
import sys
# The files() API was added in Python 3.9.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): # pragma: no cover
from importlib import resources
else: # pragma: no cover
import importlib_resources as resources # type: ignore
class URIDict(MutableMapping):
Dictionary which uses normalized URIs as keys.
def normalize(self, uri):
return urlsplit(uri).geturl()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.store = dict()
self.store.update(*args, **kwargs)
def __getitem__(self, uri):
return self.store[self.normalize(uri)]
def __setitem__(self, uri, value):
self.store[self.normalize(uri)] = value
def __delitem__(self, uri):
del self.store[self.normalize(uri)]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.store)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.store)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.store)
class Unset:
An as-of-yet unset attribute or unprovided default parameter.
def __repr__(self):
return "<unset>"
def load_schema(name):
Load a schema from ./schemas/``name``.json and return it.
path = resources.files(__package__).joinpath(f"schemas/{name}.json")
data = path.read_text(encoding="utf-8")
return json.loads(data)
def format_as_index(container, indices):
Construct a single string containing indexing operations for the indices.
For example for a container ``bar``, [1, 2, "foo"] -> bar[1][2]["foo"]
container (str):
A word to use for the thing being indexed
indices (sequence):
The indices to format.
if not indices:
return container
return f"{container}[{']['.join(repr(index) for index in indices)}]"
def find_additional_properties(instance, schema):
Return the set of additional properties for the given ``instance``.
Weeds out properties that should have been validated by ``properties`` and
/ or ``patternProperties``.
Assumes ``instance`` is dict-like already.
properties = schema.get("properties", {})
patterns = "|".join(schema.get("patternProperties", {}))
for property in instance:
if property not in properties:
if patterns and re.search(patterns, property):
yield property
def extras_msg(extras):
Create an error message for extra items or properties.
if len(extras) == 1:
verb = "was"
verb = "were"
return ", ".join(repr(extra) for extra in sorted(extras)), verb
def ensure_list(thing):
Wrap ``thing`` in a list if it's a single str.
Otherwise, return it unchanged.
if isinstance(thing, str):
return [thing]
return thing
def _mapping_equal(one, two):
Check if two mappings are equal using the semantics of `equal`.
if len(one) != len(two):
return False
return all(
key in two and equal(value, two[key])
for key, value in one.items()
def _sequence_equal(one, two):
Check if two sequences are equal using the semantics of `equal`.
if len(one) != len(two):
return False
return all(equal(i, j) for i, j in zip(one, two))
def equal(one, two):
Check if two things are equal evading some Python type hierarchy semantics.
Specifically in JSON Schema, evade `bool` inheriting from `int`,
recursing into sequences to do the same.
if isinstance(one, str) or isinstance(two, str):
return one == two
if isinstance(one, Sequence) and isinstance(two, Sequence):
return _sequence_equal(one, two)
if isinstance(one, Mapping) and isinstance(two, Mapping):
return _mapping_equal(one, two)
return unbool(one) == unbool(two)
def unbool(element, true=object(), false=object()):
A hack to make True and 1 and False and 0 unique for ``uniq``.
if element is True:
return true
elif element is False:
return false
return element
def uniq(container):
Check if all of a container's elements are unique.
Tries to rely on the container being recursively sortable, or otherwise
falls back on (slow) brute force.
sort = sorted(unbool(i) for i in container)
sliced = itertools.islice(sort, 1, None)
for i, j in zip(sort, sliced):
if equal(i, j):
return False
except (NotImplementedError, TypeError):
seen = []
for e in container:
e = unbool(e)
for i in seen:
if equal(i, e):
return False
return True
def find_evaluated_item_indexes_by_schema(validator, instance, schema):
Get all indexes of items that get evaluated under the current schema
Covers all keywords related to unevaluatedItems: items, prefixItems, if,
then, else, contains, unevaluatedItems, allOf, oneOf, anyOf
if validator.is_type(schema, "boolean"):
return []
evaluated_indexes = []
if "items" in schema:
return list(range(0, len(instance)))
if "$ref" in schema:
scope, resolved = validator.resolver.resolve(schema["$ref"])
evaluated_indexes += find_evaluated_item_indexes_by_schema(
validator, instance, resolved,
if "prefixItems" in schema:
evaluated_indexes += list(range(0, len(schema["prefixItems"])))
if "if" in schema:
if validator.evolve(schema=schema["if"]).is_valid(instance):
evaluated_indexes += find_evaluated_item_indexes_by_schema(
validator, instance, schema["if"],
if "then" in schema:
evaluated_indexes += find_evaluated_item_indexes_by_schema(
validator, instance, schema["then"],
if "else" in schema:
evaluated_indexes += find_evaluated_item_indexes_by_schema(
validator, instance, schema["else"],
for keyword in ["contains", "unevaluatedItems"]:
if keyword in schema:
for k, v in enumerate(instance):
if validator.evolve(schema=schema[keyword]).is_valid(v):
for keyword in ["allOf", "oneOf", "anyOf"]:
if keyword in schema:
for subschema in schema[keyword]:
errs = list(validator.descend(instance, subschema))
if not errs:
evaluated_indexes += find_evaluated_item_indexes_by_schema(
validator, instance, subschema,
return evaluated_indexes
def find_evaluated_property_keys_by_schema(validator, instance, schema):
Get all keys of items that get evaluated under the current schema
Covers all keywords related to unevaluatedProperties: properties,
additionalProperties, unevaluatedProperties, patternProperties,
dependentSchemas, allOf, oneOf, anyOf, if, then, else
if validator.is_type(schema, "boolean"):
return []
evaluated_keys = []
if "$ref" in schema:
scope, resolved = validator.resolver.resolve(schema["$ref"])
evaluated_keys += find_evaluated_property_keys_by_schema(
validator, instance, resolved,
for keyword in [
"properties", "additionalProperties", "unevaluatedProperties",
if keyword in schema:
if validator.is_type(schema[keyword], "boolean"):
for property, value in instance.items():
if validator.evolve(schema=schema[keyword]).is_valid(
{property: value},
if validator.is_type(schema[keyword], "object"):
for property, subschema in schema[keyword].items():
if property in instance and validator.evolve(
if "patternProperties" in schema:
for property, value in instance.items():
for pattern, _ in schema["patternProperties"].items():
if re.search(pattern, property) and validator.evolve(
).is_valid({property: value}):
if "dependentSchemas" in schema:
for property, subschema in schema["dependentSchemas"].items():
if property not in instance:
evaluated_keys += find_evaluated_property_keys_by_schema(
validator, instance, subschema,
for keyword in ["allOf", "oneOf", "anyOf"]:
if keyword in schema:
for subschema in schema[keyword]:
errs = list(validator.descend(instance, subschema))
if not errs:
evaluated_keys += find_evaluated_property_keys_by_schema(
validator, instance, subschema,
if "if" in schema:
if validator.evolve(schema=schema["if"]).is_valid(instance):
evaluated_keys += find_evaluated_property_keys_by_schema(
validator, instance, schema["if"],
if "then" in schema:
evaluated_keys += find_evaluated_property_keys_by_schema(
validator, instance, schema["then"],
if "else" in schema:
evaluated_keys += find_evaluated_property_keys_by_schema(
validator, instance, schema["else"],
return evaluated_keys