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synced 2025-03-16 01:33:41 +08:00
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212 lines
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import gzip
import io
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from importlib import import_module
from sys import version_info, version
class JsonTricksDeprecation(UserWarning):
""" Special deprecation warning because the built-in one is ignored by default """
def __init__(self, msg):
super(JsonTricksDeprecation, self).__init__(msg)
class hashodict(OrderedDict):
This dictionary is hashable. It should NOT be mutated, or all kinds of weird
bugs may appear. This is not enforced though, it's only used for encoding.
def __hash__(self):
return hash(frozenset(self.items()))
from inspect import signature
except ImportError:
from inspect import getfullargspec
except ImportError:
from inspect import getargspec, isfunction
def get_arg_names(callable):
if type(callable) == partial and version_info[0] == 2:
if not hasattr(get_arg_names, '__warned_partial_argspec'):
get_arg_names.__warned_partial_argspec = True
warnings.warn("'functools.partial' and 'inspect.getargspec' are not compatible in this Python version; "
"ignoring the 'partial' wrapper when inspecting arguments of {}, which can lead to problems".format(callable))
return set(getargspec(callable.func).args)
if isfunction(callable):
argspec = getargspec(callable)
argspec = getargspec(callable.__call__)
return set(argspec.args)
#todo: this is not covered in test case (py 3+ uses `signature`, py2 `getfullargspec`); consider removing it
def get_arg_names(callable):
argspec = getfullargspec(callable)
return set(argspec.args) | set(argspec.kwonlyargs)
def get_arg_names(callable):
sig = signature(callable)
return set(sig.parameters.keys())
def filtered_wrapper(encoder):
Filter kwargs passed to encoder.
if hasattr(encoder, "default"):
encoder = encoder.default
elif not hasattr(encoder, '__call__'):
raise TypeError('`obj_encoder` {0:} does not have `default` method and is not callable'.format(enc))
names = get_arg_names(encoder)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return encoder(*args, **{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in names})
return wrapper
class NoNumpyException(Exception):
""" Trying to use numpy features, but numpy cannot be found. """
class NoPandasException(Exception):
""" Trying to use pandas features, but pandas cannot be found. """
class NoEnumException(Exception):
""" Trying to use enum features, but enum cannot be found. """
class NoPathlibException(Exception):
""" Trying to use pathlib features, but pathlib cannot be found. """
class ClassInstanceHookBase(object):
def get_cls_from_instance_type(self, mod, name, cls_lookup_map):
Cls = ValueError()
if mod is None:
Cls = getattr((__import__('__main__')), name)
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
if name not in cls_lookup_map:
raise ImportError(('class {0:s} seems to have been exported from the main file, which means '
'it has no module/import path set; you need to provide loads argument'
'`cls_lookup_map={{"{0}": Class}}` to locate the class').format(name))
Cls = cls_lookup_map[name]
imp_err = None
module = import_module('{0:}'.format(mod, name))
except ImportError as err:
imp_err = ('encountered import error "{0:}" while importing "{1:}" to decode a json file; perhaps '
'it was encoded in a different environment where {1:}.{2:} was available').format(err, mod, name)
if hasattr(module, name):
Cls = getattr(module, name)
imp_err = 'imported "{0:}" but could find "{1:}" inside while decoding a json file (found {2:})'.format(
module, name, ', '.join(attr for attr in dir(module) if not attr.startswith('_')))
if imp_err:
Cls = cls_lookup_map.get(name, None)
if Cls is None:
raise ImportError('{}; add the class to `cls_lookup_map={{"{}": Class}}` argument'.format(imp_err, name))
return Cls
def get_scalar_repr(npscalar):
return hashodict((
('__ndarray__', npscalar.item()),
('dtype', str(npscalar.dtype)),
('shape', ()),
def encode_scalars_inplace(obj):
Searches a data structure of lists, tuples and dicts for numpy scalars
and replaces them by their dictionary representation, which can be loaded
by json-tricks. This happens in-place (the object is changed, use a copy).
from numpy import generic, complex64, complex128
if isinstance(obj, (generic, complex64, complex128)):
return get_scalar_repr(obj)
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for key, val in tuple(obj.items()):
obj[key] = encode_scalars_inplace(val)
return obj
if isinstance(obj, list):
for k, val in enumerate(obj):
obj[k] = encode_scalars_inplace(val)
return obj
if isinstance(obj, (tuple, set)):
return type(obj)(encode_scalars_inplace(val) for val in obj)
return obj
def encode_intenums_inplace(obj):
Searches a data structure of lists, tuples and dicts for IntEnum
and replaces them by their dictionary representation, which can be loaded
by json-tricks. This happens in-place (the object is changed, use a copy).
from enum import IntEnum
from json_tricks import encoders
if isinstance(obj, IntEnum):
return encoders.enum_instance_encode(obj)
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for key, val in obj.items():
obj[key] = encode_intenums_inplace(val)
return obj
if isinstance(obj, list):
for index, val in enumerate(obj):
obj[index] = encode_intenums_inplace(val)
return obj
if isinstance(obj, (tuple, set)):
return type(obj)(encode_intenums_inplace(val) for val in obj)
return obj
def get_module_name_from_object(obj):
mod = obj.__class__.__module__
if mod == '__main__':
mod = None
warnings.warn(('class {0:} seems to have been defined in the main file; unfortunately this means'
' that it\'s module/import path is unknown, so you might have to provide cls_lookup_map when '
return mod
def nested_index(collection, indices):
for i in indices:
collection = collection[i]
return collection
def dict_default(dictionary, key, default_value):
if key not in dictionary:
dictionary[key] = default_value
def gzip_compress(data, compresslevel):
Do gzip compression, without the timestamp. Similar to gzip.compress, but without timestamp, and also before py3.2.
buf = io.BytesIO()
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf, mode='wb', compresslevel=compresslevel, mtime=0) as fh:
return buf.getvalue()
def gzip_decompress(data):
Do gzip decompression, without the timestamp. Just like gzip.decompress, but that's py3.2+.
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(data)) as f:
return f.read()
is_py3 = (version[:2] == '3.')
str_type = str if is_py3 else (basestring, unicode,)