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synced 2025-03-27 15:18:17 +08:00
285 lines
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285 lines
11 KiB
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import os
import io
import time
from zipfile import ZipFile
from guessit import guessit
from requests import Session
from subliminal import Episode, Movie
from subliminal.score import get_equivalent_release_groups
from subliminal.utils import sanitize_release_group, sanitize
from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider
from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle, guess_matches
from subliminal_patch.providers.mixins import ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin
from subzero.language import Language
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ArgenteamSubtitle(Subtitle):
provider_name = 'argenteam'
hearing_impaired_verifiable = False
_release_info = None
def __init__(self, language, page_link, download_link, movie_kind, title, season, episode, year, release, version, source,
video_codec, tvdb_id, imdb_id, asked_for_episode=None, asked_for_release_group=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(ArgenteamSubtitle, self).__init__(language, page_link=page_link, *args, **kwargs)
self.page_link = page_link
self.download_link = download_link
self.movie_kind = movie_kind
self.title = title
self.year = year
self.season = season
self.episode = episode
self.release = release
self.version = version
self.asked_for_release_group = asked_for_release_group
self.asked_for_episode = asked_for_episode
self.matches = None
self.format = source
self.video_codec = video_codec
self.tvdb_id = tvdb_id
self.imdb_id = "tt" + imdb_id if imdb_id else None
self.releases = self.release_info
def id(self):
return self.download_link
def release_info(self):
if self._release_info:
return self._release_info
combine = []
for attr in ("format", "version", "video_codec"):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if value:
self._release_info = u".".join(combine) + (u"-"+self.release if self.release else "")
return self._release_info
def __repr__(self):
ep_addon = (" S%02dE%02d" % (self.season, self.episode)) if self.episode else ""
return '<%s %r [%s]>' % (
self.__class__.__name__, u"%s%s%s." % (self.title, " (%s)" % self.year if self.year else "", ep_addon) +
self.release_info, self.language)
def get_matches(self, video):
matches = set()
# series
if isinstance(video, Episode) and self.movie_kind == 'episode':
if video.series and (sanitize(self.title) in (
sanitize(name) for name in [video.series] + video.alternative_series)):
# season
if video.season and self.season == video.season:
# episode
if video.episode and self.episode == video.episode:
# tvdb_id
if video.tvdb_id and str(self.tvdb_id) == str(video.tvdb_id):
elif isinstance(video, Movie) and self.movie_kind == 'movie':
# title
if video.title and (sanitize(self.title) in (
sanitize(name) for name in [video.title] + video.alternative_titles)):
# imdb_id
if video.imdb_id and self.imdb_id and str(self.imdb_id) == str(video.imdb_id):
# year
if video.year and self.year == video.year:
logger.info('%r is not a valid movie_kind', self.movie_kind)
return matches
# release_group
if video.release_group and self.release:
rg = sanitize_release_group(video.release_group)
if any(r in sanitize_release_group(self.release) for r in get_equivalent_release_groups(rg)):
# blatantly assume we've got a matching format if the release group matches
# fixme: smart?
# resolution
if video.resolution and self.version and str(video.resolution) in self.version.lower():
# format
if video.format and self.format:
formats = [video.format]
if video.format == "WEB-DL":
for fmt in formats:
if fmt.lower() in self.format.lower():
matches |= guess_matches(video, guessit(self.release_info), partial=True)
self.matches = matches
return matches
class ArgenteamProvider(Provider, ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin):
provider_name = 'argenteam'
languages = {Language.fromalpha2(l) for l in ['es']}
video_types = (Episode, Movie)
BASE_URL = "https://argenteam.net/"
API_URL = BASE_URL + "api/v1/"
subtitle_class = ArgenteamSubtitle
hearing_impaired_verifiable = False
language_list = list(languages)
multi_result_throttle = 2 # seconds
def __init__(self):
self.session = None
def initialize(self):
self.session = Session()
self.session.headers = {'User-Agent': os.environ.get("SZ_USER_AGENT", "Sub-Zero/2")}
def terminate(self):
def search_ids(self, title, year=None, imdb_id=None, season=None, episode=None, titles=None):
"""Search movie or episode id from the `title`, `season` and `episode`.
:param imdb_id: imdb id of the given movie
:param titles: all titles of the given series or movie
:param year: release year of the given movie
:param str title: series of the episode or movie name
:param int season: season of the episode.
:param int episode: episode number.
:return: list of ids
:rtype: list
# make the search
query = title
titles = titles or []
is_episode = False
if season and episode:
is_episode = True
query = '%s S%#02dE%#02d' % (title, season, episode)
logger.info(u'Searching %s ID for %r', "episode" if is_episode else "movie", query)
r = self.session.get(self.API_URL + 'search', params={'q': query}, timeout=10)
results = r.json()
match_ids = []
if results['total'] >= 1:
for result in results["results"]:
if (result['type'] == "episode" and not is_episode) or (result['type'] == "movie" and is_episode):
# shortcut in case of matching imdb id
if not is_episode and imdb_id and "imdb" in result and "tt%s" % result["imdb"] == str(imdb_id):
logger.debug("Movie matched by IMDB ID %s, taking shortcut", imdb_id)
match_ids = [result['id']]
# advanced title check in case of multiple movie results
if results['total'] > 1:
if not is_episode and year:
if result["title"] and not (sanitize(result["title"]) in (u"%s %s" % (sanitize(name), year)
for name in titles)):
logger.error(u'No episode ID found for %r', query)
if match_ids:
logger.debug(u"Found matching IDs: %s", ", ".join(str(id) for id in match_ids))
return match_ids
def query(self, title, video, titles=None):
is_episode = isinstance(video, Episode)
season = episode = None
url = self.API_URL + 'movie'
if is_episode:
season = video.season
episode = video.episode
url = self.API_URL + 'episode'
argenteam_ids = self.search_ids(title, season=season, episode=episode, titles=titles)
argenteam_ids = self.search_ids(title, year=video.year, imdb_id=video.imdb_id, titles=titles)
if not argenteam_ids:
return []
language = self.language_list[0]
subtitles = []
has_multiple_ids = len(argenteam_ids) > 1
for aid in argenteam_ids:
response = self.session.get(url, params={'id': aid}, timeout=10)
content = response.json()
imdb_id = year = None
returned_title = title
if not is_episode and "info" in content:
imdb_id = content["info"].get("imdb")
year = content["info"].get("year")
returned_title = content["info"].get("title", title)
for r in content['releases']:
for s in r['subtitles']:
movie_kind = "episode" if is_episode else "movie"
page_link = self.BASE_URL + movie_kind + "/" + str(aid)
# use https and new domain
download_link = s['uri'].replace('http://www.argenteam.net/', self.BASE_URL)
sub = ArgenteamSubtitle(language, page_link, download_link, movie_kind, returned_title,
season, episode, year, r.get('team'), r.get('tags'),
r.get('source'), r.get('codec'), content.get("tvdb"), imdb_id,
if has_multiple_ids:
return subtitles
def list_subtitles(self, video, languages):
if isinstance(video, Episode):
titles = [video.series] + video.alternative_series
titles = [video.title] + video.alternative_titles
for title in titles:
subs = self.query(title, video, titles=titles)
if subs:
return subs
return []
def download_subtitle(self, subtitle):
# download as a zip
logger.info('Downloading subtitle %r', subtitle)
r = self.session.get(subtitle.download_link, timeout=10)
# open the zip
with ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) as zf:
subtitle.content = self.get_subtitle_from_archive(subtitle, zf)