package main import ( "bufio" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "regexp" "runtime" "strings" "time" shlex "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var banner = ` __________ _____ __ __ / __/ __/ // / _ \___ ____/ /____ _/ / _\ \_\ \/ _ / ___/ _ \/ __/ __/ _ '/ / /___/___/_//_/_/ \___/_/ \__/\_,_/_/ ` var isNameValid = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$`).MatchString var startTime = time.Now() func shell(globalContext *cli.Context, s ssh.Session, sshCommand []string, db *gorm.DB) error { if len(sshCommand) == 0 { io.WriteString(s, banner) } cli.AppHelpTemplate = `COMMANDS: {{range .Commands}}{{if not .HideHelp}} {{join .Names ", "}}{{ "\t"}}{{.Usage}}{{ "\n" }}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .VisibleFlags}} GLOBAL OPTIONS: {{range .VisibleFlags}}{{.}} {{end}}{{end}} ` cli.OsExiter = func(c int) { return } cli.HelpFlag = cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "help, h", Hidden: true, } app := cli.NewApp() app.Writer = s app.HideVersion = true app.Commands = []cli.Command{ { Name: "acl", Usage: "Manages acls", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "create", Usage: "Creates a new ACL", Description: "$> acl create -", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringSliceFlag{Name: "hostgroup, hg", Usage: "Assigns host groups to the acl"}, cli.StringSliceFlag{Name: "usergroup, ug", Usage: "Assigns host groups to the acl"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "pattern", Usage: "Assigns a host pattern to the acl"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "comment"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "action", Usage: "Assigns the ACL action (allow,deny)", Value: "allow"}, cli.UintFlag{Name: "weight, w", Usage: "Assigns the ACL weight (priority)"}, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { acl := ACL{ Comment: c.String("comment"), HostPattern: c.String("pattern"), UserGroups: []UserGroup{}, HostGroups: []HostGroup{}, Weight: c.Uint("weight"), Action: c.String("action"), } if acl.Action != "allow" && acl.Action != "deny" { return fmt.Errorf("invalid action %q, allowed values: allow, deny", acl.Action) } for _, name := range c.StringSlice("usergroup") { userGroup, err := FindUserGroupByIdOrName(db, name) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unknown user group %q: %v", name, err) } acl.UserGroups = append(acl.UserGroups, *userGroup) } for _, name := range c.StringSlice("hostgroup") { hostGroup, err := FindHostGroupByIdOrName(db, name) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("unknown host group %q: %v", name, err) } acl.HostGroups = append(acl.HostGroups, *hostGroup) } if len(acl.UserGroups) == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("an ACL must have at least one user group") } if len(acl.HostGroups) == 0 && acl.HostPattern == "" { return fmt.Errorf("an ACL must have at least one host group or host pattern") } if err := db.Create(&acl).Error; err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", acl.ID) return nil }, }, { Name: "inspect", Usage: "Shows detailed information on one or more acls", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } acls, err := FindACLsById(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } enc := json.NewEncoder(s) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(acls) }, }, { Name: "ls", Usage: "Lists acls", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { var acls []ACL if err := db.Preload("UserGroups").Preload("HostGroups").Find(&acls).Error; err != nil { return err } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(s) table.SetHeader([]string{"ID", "User groups", "Host groups", "Host pattern", "Action", "Comment"}) table.SetBorder(false) table.SetCaption(true, fmt.Sprintf("Total: %d acls.", len(acls))) for _, acl := range acls { userGroups := []string{} hostGroups := []string{} for _, entity := range acl.UserGroups { userGroups = append(userGroups, entity.Name) } for _, entity := range acl.HostGroups { hostGroups = append(hostGroups, entity.Name) } table.Append([]string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d", acl.ID), strings.Join(userGroups, ", "), strings.Join(hostGroups, ", "), acl.HostPattern, acl.Action, acl.Comment, }) } table.Render() return nil }, }, { Name: "rm", Usage: "Removes one or more acls", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } acls, err := FindACLsById(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } for _, acl := range acls { db.Where("id = ?", acl.ID).Delete(&ACL{}) fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", acl.ID) } return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "config", Usage: "Manages global configuration", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "backup", Usage: "Dumps a backup", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{Name: "indent", Usage: "uses indented JSON"}, }, Description: "ssh admin@portal config backup > sshportal.bkp", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { config := Config{} if err := db.Find(&config.Hosts).Error; err != nil { return err } if err := db.Find(&config.SSHKeys).Error; err != nil { return err } if err := db.Find(&config.Hosts).Error; err != nil { return err } if err := db.Find(&config.UserKeys).Error; err != nil { return err } if err := db.Find(&config.Users).Error; err != nil { return err } if err := db.Find(&config.UserGroups).Error; err != nil { return err } if err := db.Find(&config.HostGroups).Error; err != nil { return err } if err := db.Find(&config.ACLs).Error; err != nil { return err } config.Date = time.Now() enc := json.NewEncoder(s) if c.Bool("indent") { enc.SetIndent("", " ") } return enc.Encode(config) }, }, { Name: "restore", Usage: "Restores a backup", Description: "ssh admin@portal config restore < sshportal.bkp", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{Name: "confirm", Usage: "automatically confirms"}, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { config := Config{} dec := json.NewDecoder(s) if err := dec.Decode(&config); err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "Loaded backup file (date=%v)\n", config.Date) fmt.Fprintf(s, "* %d ACLs\n", len(config.ACLs)) fmt.Fprintf(s, "* %d HostGroups\n", len(config.HostGroups)) fmt.Fprintf(s, "* %d Hosts\n", len(config.Hosts)) fmt.Fprintf(s, "* %d Keys\n", len(config.SSHKeys)) fmt.Fprintf(s, "* %d UserGroups\n", len(config.UserGroups)) fmt.Fprintf(s, "* %d Userkeys\n", len(config.UserKeys)) fmt.Fprintf(s, "* %d Users\n", len(config.Users)) if !c.Bool("confirm") { fmt.Fprintf(s, "restore will erase and replace everything in the database.\nIf you are ok, add the '--confirm' to the restore command\n") return errors.New("") } tx := db.Begin() // FIXME: do everything in a transaction for _, tableName := range []string{"hosts", "users", "acls", "host_groups", "user_groups", "ssh_keys", "user_keys"} { if err := tx.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %s;", tableName)).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } } for _, host := range config.Hosts { if err := tx.Create(&host).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } } for _, user := range config.Users { if err := tx.Create(&user).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } } for _, acl := range config.ACLs { if err := tx.Create(&acl).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } } for _, hostGroup := range config.HostGroups { if err := tx.Create(&hostGroup).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } } for _, userGroup := range config.UserGroups { if err := tx.Create(&userGroup).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } } for _, sshKey := range config.SSHKeys { if err := tx.Create(&sshKey).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } } for _, userKey := range config.UserKeys { if err := tx.Create(&userKey).Error; err != nil { tx.Rollback() return err } } if err := tx.Commit().Error; err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "Import done.\n") return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "host", Usage: "Manages hosts", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "create", Usage: "Creates a new host", ArgsUsage: "[:]@[:]", Description: "$> host create\n $> host create", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Usage: "Assigns a name to the host"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "password", Usage: "If present, sshportal will use password-based authentication"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "fingerprint", Usage: "SSH host key fingerprint"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "comment"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "key", Usage: "ID or name of the key to use for authentication"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "group", Usage: "Name or ID of the host group", Value: "default"}, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() != 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } host, err := NewHostFromURL(c.Args().First()) if err != nil { return err } if c.String("password") != "" { host.Password = c.String("password") } host.Fingerprint = c.String("fingerprint") host.Name = strings.Split(host.Hostname(), ".")[0] if c.String("name") != "" { host.Name = c.String("name") } if !isNameValid(host.Name) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid name %q", host.Name) } // FIXME: check if name already exists host.Comment = c.String("comment") inputKey := c.String("key") if inputKey == "" && host.Password == "" { inputKey = "default" } if inputKey != "" { key, err := FindKeyByIdOrName(db, inputKey) if err != nil { return err } host.SSHKeyID = key.ID } // host group hostGroup, err := FindHostGroupByIdOrName(db, c.String("group")) if err != nil { return err } host.Groups = []HostGroup{*hostGroup} if err := db.Create(&host).Error; err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", host.ID) return nil }, }, { Name: "inspect", Usage: "Shows detailed information on one or more hosts", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } hosts, err := FindHostsByIdOrName(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } enc := json.NewEncoder(s) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(hosts) }, }, { Name: "ls", Usage: "Lists hosts", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { var hosts []Host if err := db.Preload("Groups").Find(&hosts).Error; err != nil { return err } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(s) table.SetHeader([]string{"ID", "Name", "URL", "Key", "Pass", "Groups", "Comment"}) table.SetBorder(false) table.SetCaption(true, fmt.Sprintf("Total: %d hosts.", len(hosts))) for _, host := range hosts { authKey, authPass := "", "" if host.Password != "" { authPass = "X" } if host.SSHKeyID > 0 { var key SSHKey db.Model(&host).Related(&key) authKey = key.Name } table.Append([]string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d", host.ID), host.Name, host.URL(), authKey, authPass, fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(host.Groups)), host.Comment, //FIXME: add some stats about last access time etc //FIXME: add creation date }) } table.Render() return nil }, }, { Name: "rm", Usage: "Removes one or more hosts", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } hosts, err := FindHostsByIdOrName(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } for _, host := range hosts { db.Where("id = ?", host.ID).Delete(&Host{}) fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", host.ID) } return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "hostgroup", Usage: "Manages host groups", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "create", Usage: "Creates a new host group", Description: "$> hostgroup create --name=prod", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Usage: "Assigns a name to the host group"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "comment"}, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { hostGroup := HostGroup{ Name: c.String("name"), } if hostGroup.Name == "" { hostGroup.Name = namesgenerator.GetRandomName(0) } if !isNameValid(hostGroup.Name) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid name %q", hostGroup.Name) } // FIXME: check if name already exists hostGroup.Comment = c.String("comment") if err := db.Create(&hostGroup).Error; err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", hostGroup.ID) return nil }, }, { Name: "inspect", Usage: "Shows detailed information on one or more host groups", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } hostGroups, err := FindHostGroupsByIdOrName(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } enc := json.NewEncoder(s) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(hostGroups) }, }, { Name: "ls", Usage: "Lists host groups", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { var hostGroups []HostGroup if err := db.Preload("ACLs").Preload("Hosts").Find(&hostGroups).Error; err != nil { return err } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(s) table.SetHeader([]string{"ID", "Name", "Hosts", "ACLs", "Comment"}) table.SetBorder(false) table.SetCaption(true, fmt.Sprintf("Total: %d host groups.", len(hostGroups))) for _, hostGroup := range hostGroups { // FIXME: add more stats (amount of hosts, linked usergroups, ...) table.Append([]string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d", hostGroup.ID), hostGroup.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(hostGroup.Hosts)), fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(hostGroup.ACLs)), hostGroup.Comment, }) } table.Render() return nil }, }, { Name: "rm", Usage: "Removes one or more host groups", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } hostGroups, err := FindHostGroupsByIdOrName(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } for _, hostGroup := range hostGroups { db.Where("id = ?", hostGroup.ID).Delete(&HostGroup{}) fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", hostGroup.ID) } return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "info", Usage: "Shows system-wide information", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Fprintf(s, "Debug mode (server): %v\n", globalContext.Bool("debug")) hostname, _ := os.Hostname() fmt.Fprintf(s, "Hostname: %s\n", hostname) fmt.Fprintf(s, "CPUs: %d\n", runtime.NumCPU()) fmt.Fprintf(s, "Demo mode: %v\n", globalContext.Bool("demo")) fmt.Fprintf(s, "DB Driver: %s\n", globalContext.String("db-driver")) fmt.Fprintf(s, "DB Conn: %s\n", globalContext.String("db-conn")) fmt.Fprintf(s, "Bind Address: %s\n", globalContext.String("bind-address")) fmt.Fprintf(s, "System Time: %v\n", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano)) fmt.Fprintf(s, "OS Type: %s\n", runtime.GOOS) fmt.Fprintf(s, "OS Architecture: %s\n", runtime.GOARCH) fmt.Fprintf(s, "Go routines: %d\n", runtime.NumGoroutine()) fmt.Fprintf(s, "Go version (build): %v\n", runtime.Version()) fmt.Fprintf(s, "Uptime: %v\n", time.Since(startTime)) myself := s.Context().Value(userContextKey).(User) fmt.Fprintf(s, "User email: %v\n", myself.ID) fmt.Fprintf(s, "User email: %s\n", myself.Email) fmt.Fprintf(s, "Version: %s\n", VERSION) fmt.Fprintf(s, "GIT SHA: %s\n", GIT_SHA) fmt.Fprintf(s, "GIT Branch: %s\n", GIT_BRANCH) fmt.Fprintf(s, "GIT Tag: %s\n", GIT_TAG) // FIXME: add info about current server (network, cpu, ram, OS) // FIXME: add info about current user // FIXME: add active connections // FIXME: stats return nil }, }, { Name: "key", Usage: "Manages keys", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "create", Usage: "Creates a new key", Description: "$> key create\n $> key create --name=mykey", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Usage: "Assigns a name to the key"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "type", Value: "rsa"}, cli.UintFlag{Name: "length", Value: 2048}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "comment"}, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { name := namesgenerator.GetRandomName(0) if c.String("name") != "" { name = c.String("name") } if name == "" || !isNameValid(name) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid name %q", name) } // FIXME: check if name already exists key, err := NewSSHKey(c.String("type"), c.Uint("length")) if err != nil { return err } key.Name = name key.Comment = c.String("comment") // save the key in database if err := db.Create(&key).Error; err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", key.ID) return nil }, }, { Name: "inspect", Usage: "Shows detailed information on one or more keys", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } keys, err := FindKeysByIdOrName(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } enc := json.NewEncoder(s) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(keys) }, }, { Name: "ls", Usage: "Lists keys", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { var keys []SSHKey if err := db.Preload("Hosts").Find(&keys).Error; err != nil { return err } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(s) table.SetHeader([]string{"ID", "Name", "Type", "Length", "Hosts", "Comment"}) table.SetBorder(false) table.SetCaption(true, fmt.Sprintf("Total: %d keys.", len(keys))) for _, key := range keys { table.Append([]string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d", key.ID), key.Name, key.Type, fmt.Sprintf("%d", key.Length), //key.Fingerprint, fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(key.Hosts)), key.Comment, //FIXME: add some stats //FIXME: add creation date }) } table.Render() return nil }, }, { Name: "rm", Usage: "Removes one or more keys", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } keys, err := FindKeysByIdOrName(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } for _, key := range keys { db.Where("id = ?", key.ID).Delete(&SSHKey{}) fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", key.ID) } return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "user", Usage: "Manages users", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "inspect", Usage: "Shows detailed information on one or more users", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } users, err := FindUsersByIdOrEmail(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } enc := json.NewEncoder(s) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(users) }, }, { Name: "invite", ArgsUsage: "", Usage: "Invites a new user", Description: "$> user invite\n $> user invite --name=Robert", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Usage: "Assigns a name to the user"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "comment"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "group", Usage: "Name or ID of the user group", Value: "default"}, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() != 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } // FIXME: validate email email := c.Args().First() name := strings.Split(email, "@")[0] if c.String("name") != "" { name = c.String("name") } user := User{ Name: name, Email: email, Comment: c.String("comment"), InviteToken: RandStringBytes(16), } // user group userGroup, err := FindUserGroupByIdOrName(db, c.String("group")) if err != nil { return err } user.Groups = []UserGroup{*userGroup} // save the user in database if err := db.Create(&user).Error; err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "User %d created.\nTo associate this account with a key, use the following SSH user: 'invite-%s'.\n", user.ID, user.InviteToken) return nil }, }, { Name: "ls", Usage: "Lists users", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { var users []User if err := db.Preload("Groups").Preload("Keys").Find(&users).Error; err != nil { return err } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(s) table.SetHeader([]string{"ID", "Name", "Email", "Keys", "Groups", "Comment"}) table.SetBorder(false) table.SetCaption(true, fmt.Sprintf("Total: %d users.", len(users))) for _, user := range users { table.Append([]string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d", user.ID), user.Name, user.Email, fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(user.Keys)), fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(user.Groups)), user.Comment, //FIXME: add some stats about last access time etc //FIXME: add creation date }) } table.Render() return nil }, }, { Name: "rm", Usage: "Removes one or more users", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } users, err := FindUsersByIdOrEmail(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } for _, user := range users { db.Where("id = ?", user.ID).Delete(&User{}) fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", user.ID) } return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "usergroup", Usage: "Manages user groups", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "create", Usage: "Creates a new user group", Description: "$> usergroup create --name=prod", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "name", Usage: "Assigns a name to the user group"}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "comment"}, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { userGroup := UserGroup{ Name: c.String("name"), } if userGroup.Name == "" { userGroup.Name = namesgenerator.GetRandomName(0) } if !isNameValid(userGroup.Name) { return fmt.Errorf("invalid name %q", userGroup.Name) } // FIXME: check if name already exists userGroup.Comment = c.String("comment") // add myself to the new group myself := s.Context().Value(userContextKey).(User) // FIXME: use foreign key with ID to avoid updating the user with the context userGroup.Users = []User{myself} if err := db.Create(&userGroup).Error; err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", userGroup.ID) return nil }, }, { Name: "inspect", Usage: "Shows detailed information on one or more user groups", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } userGroups, err := FindUserGroupsByIdOrName(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } enc := json.NewEncoder(s) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(userGroups) }, }, { Name: "ls", Usage: "Lists user groups", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { var userGroups []UserGroup if err := db.Preload("ACLs").Preload("Users").Find(&userGroups).Error; err != nil { return err } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(s) table.SetHeader([]string{"ID", "Name", "Users", "ACLs", "Comment"}) table.SetBorder(false) table.SetCaption(true, fmt.Sprintf("Total: %d user groups.", len(userGroups))) for _, userGroup := range userGroups { // FIXME: add more stats (amount of users, linked usergroups, ...) table.Append([]string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d", userGroup.ID), userGroup.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(userGroup.Users)), fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(userGroup.ACLs)), userGroup.Comment, }) } table.Render() return nil }, }, { Name: "rm", Usage: "Removes one or more user groups", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } userGroups, err := FindUserGroupsByIdOrName(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } for _, userGroup := range userGroups { db.Where("id = ?", userGroup.ID).Delete(&UserGroup{}) fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", userGroup.ID) } return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "userkey", Usage: "Manages userkeys", Subcommands: []cli.Command{ { Name: "create", ArgsUsage: "", Usage: "Creates a new userkey", Description: "$> userkey create bob\n $> user create --name=mykey bob", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "comment"}, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() != 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } user, err := FindUserByIdOrEmail(db, c.Args().First()) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "Enter key:\n") reader := bufio.NewReader(s) text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n') key, comment, _, _, err := ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey([]byte(text)) if err != nil { return err } userkey := UserKey{ UserID: user.ID, Key: key.Marshal(), Comment: comment, } if c.String("comment") != "" { userkey.Comment = c.String("comment") } // save the userkey in database if err := db.Create(&userkey).Error; err != nil { return err } fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", userkey.ID) return nil }, }, { Name: "inspect", Usage: "Shows detailed information on one or more userkeys", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } userkeys, err := FindUserkeysById(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } enc := json.NewEncoder(s) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(userkeys) }, }, { Name: "ls", Usage: "Lists userkeys", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { var userkeys []UserKey if err := db.Preload("User").Find(&userkeys).Error; err != nil { return err } table := tablewriter.NewWriter(s) table.SetHeader([]string{"ID", "User", "Comment"}) table.SetBorder(false) table.SetCaption(true, fmt.Sprintf("Total: %d userkeys.", len(userkeys))) for _, userkey := range userkeys { table.Append([]string{ fmt.Sprintf("%d", userkey.ID), userkey.User.Email, // FIXME: add fingerprint userkey.Comment, }) } table.Render() return nil }, }, { Name: "rm", Usage: "Removes one or more userkeys", ArgsUsage: " [ [...]]", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { if c.NArg() < 1 { return cli.ShowSubcommandHelp(c) } userkeys, err := FindUserkeysById(db, c.Args()) if err != nil { return nil } for _, userkey := range userkeys { db.Where("id = ?", userkey.ID).Delete(&UserKey{}) fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d\n", userkey.ID) } return nil }, }, }, }, { Name: "version", Usage: "Shows the SSHPortal version information", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { fmt.Fprintf(s, "%s\n", VERSION) return nil }, }, { Name: "exit", Usage: "Exit", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { return cli.NewExitError("", 0) }, }, } if len(sshCommand) == 0 { // interactive mode term := terminal.NewTerminal(s, "config> ") for { line, err := term.ReadLine() if err != nil { return err } words, err := shlex.Split(line, true) if err != nil { io.WriteString(s, "syntax error.\n") continue } if len(words) == 1 && strings.ToLower(words[0]) == "exit" { s.Exit(0) return nil } if err := app.Run(append([]string{"config"}, words...)); err != nil { if cliErr, ok := err.(*cli.ExitError); ok { if cliErr.ExitCode() != 0 { io.WriteString(s, fmt.Sprintf("error: %v\n", err)) } //s.Exit(cliErr.ExitCode()) } else { io.WriteString(s, fmt.Sprintf("error: %v\n", err)) } } } } else { // oneshot mode if err := app.Run(append([]string{"config"}, sshCommand...)); err != nil { if errMsg := err.Error(); errMsg != "" { io.WriteString(s, fmt.Sprintf("error: %s\n", errMsg)) } if cliErr, ok := err.(*cli.ExitError); ok { s.Exit(cliErr.ExitCode()) } else { s.Exit(1) } } } return nil }