# NPBackup config file for npbackup v2.2+ # (C) 2022-2023 NetInvent backup: compression: auto exclude_caches: true exclude_files: - excludes/generic_excluded_extensions - excludes/generic_excludes #- excludes/windows_excludes - excludes/linux_excludes exclude_case_ignore: false # Exclusions will always have case ignored on Windows systems regarless of this setting one_file_system: true ## Paths can contain multiple values, one per line, without quotation marks paths: path_to_directory source_type: folder_list # folder_list|files_from|files_from_verbatim|files_from_raw use_fs_snapshot: false # Use VSS snapshot on Windows (needs administrator rights), will fallback to non VSS on failure ignore_cloud_files: false # Don't complain when pointers to files in cloud (onedrive, nextcloud...) cannot be backed up pre_exec_command: '' pre_exec_timeout: 3600 pre_exec_failure_is_fatal: false post_exec_command: '' post_exec_timeout: 3600 post_exec_failure_is_fatal: false tags: additional_parameters: '' priority: low repo: repository: password: password_command: # Backup age, in minutes, which is the minimum time between two backups minimum_backup_age: 1440 upload_speed: 0 # in KiB, use 0 for unlimited upload speed download_speed: 0 # in KiB, use 0 for unlimited download speed backend_connections: 0 # Fine tune simultaneous connections to backend, use 0 for standard configuration identity: # ${HOSTNAME} is a variable containing the hostname as exposed by platform.node() # ${RANDOM}[n] is a variable containing 'n' random alphanumeric char machine_id: ${HOSTNAME}-${RANDOM}[4] machine_group: prometheus: ## Supervision metrics: true # Available variables: ${HOSTNAME}, ${RANDOM}[n], ${MACHINE_ID}, ${MACHINE_GROUP}, ${BACKUP_JOB} # Since you probably want the backup_job to be the job posted to pushgateway, name it without non URL encoded characters backup_job: ${MACHINE_ID} # Prometheus metrics destination can be a http / https server with optional basic authentication (pushgateway), or a file path for node textfile collector to pickup # example: https://push.monitoring.example.tld/metrics/job/${BACKUP_JOB} where ${BACKUP_JOB} is defined in backup_job above # example: /var/lib/prometheus/collector/mytextfile destination: no_cert_verify: False # prometheus instance, becomes exported_instance when using a push gateway instance: ${MACHINE_ID} # prometheus metrics upload password http_username: http_password: # Arbitrary group to filter later backups on group: ${MACHINE_GROUP} # Additional prometheus labels additional_labels: env: variables: # - SOME_ENV=Value options: auto_upgrade: true auto_upgrade_server_url: auto_upgrade_server_username: auto_upgrade_server_password: # every 10 NPBackup runs, we'll try an autoupgrade. Never set this lower than 2 since failed upgrades will prevent backups from succeeding auto_upgrade_interval: 10 # Available variables: ${HOSTNAME}, ${RANDOM}[n], ${MACHINE_ID}, ${MACHINE_GROUP}, ${BACKUP_JOB} auto_upgrade_host_identity: ${MACHINE_ID} auto_upgrade_group: ${MACHINE_GROUP} backup_admin_password: