It will update all containers and all apps if the backup is successful.<br /><br />
Since the mastercontainer gets updated, it will restart the container which will make it unavailable for a moment. (<a href="/api/docker/logs?id=nextcloud-aio-watchtower">Logs</a>)<br /><br />
The whole process should not take more than a few minutes.<br /><br />
The whole process can take a while because your containers get updated.<br /><br />
<span class="status running"></span> Mastercontainer update currently running. It will restart the mastercontainer soon which will make it unavailable for a moment. Please wait until that's done. (<a href="/api/docker/logs?id=nextcloud-aio-watchtower">Logs</a>)<br /><br />
⚠ A mastercontainer update is available. Please click on the button below to update it. Afterwards, you will be able to proceed with the setup.<br><br>
Nextcloud AIO stands for Nextcloud All In One and provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance.<br><br>
Make sure that this server is reachable on Port 443 and you've correctly set up the DNS config for the domain that you enter. <br><br>
If you have a dynamic IP-address, you can use e.g. <a href="">DDclient</a> with a compatible domain provider for DNS updates. <br /><br/>
Please adjust the path and/or password in order to make it work! After changing and submitting the values, click on 'Test path and password' button at the bottom of this page to verify and test the new settings!<br><br>
The backup archive seems to be corrupt. Please try to use a different intact backup archive or try to fix it by following <a href=""><b>this documentation</b></a>
<span class="status success"></span> Last {{borg_backup_mode}} successful! (<a href="/api/docker/logs?id=nextcloud-aio-borgbackup">Logs</a>)<br /><br />
Feel free to check the integrity of the backup archive below before starting the restore process in order to make double-sure that the restore will work. This can take a long time though depending on the size of the backup archive and is thus not required.<br><br>
Choose the backup that you want to restore and click on the button below to restore the selected backup. This will restore the whole AIO instance from backup. Please not that the current AIO password will be kept and the AIO password not restored from backup!<br><br>
The folder path that you enter may start with <b>/mnt/</b>, <b>/media/</b> or <b>/host_mnt/</b> or may be equal to <b>/var/backups</b>.<br><br>So e.g. <b>/mnt/backup</b> on Linux and macOS or <b>/host_mnt/c/backup/directory</b> on Windows. (This Windows example would be equivalent to 'C:\backup\directory' on the Windows host. So you need to translate the path that you want to use into the correct format.)<br><br>
⚠ Note that the backup archive must be located in a subfolder of the folder that you enter here and the subfolder which contains the archive must be named 'borg'. Otherwise will the backup container not find the backup archive!<br><br>
It seems like at least one container is currently restarting which means it is not able to start correctly.<br><br>
To break out this endless loop, you can stop the containers below and investigate the issue by having a look at the container logs before starting them again.<br><br>
⚠ Container updates are available. Click on 'Stop Containers' and 'Start Containers' to update them. You should consider creating a backup first.<br><br>
⚠ A mastercontainer update is available. Please click on the button below to stop your containers in order to be able to update the mastercontainer.<br /><br />
Restore or Backup currently running and container update available. Cannot start the containers until that's done.<br /><br />
Clicking on the button below will download all docker containers and start them. This can take a lot of time depending on your internect connection. Since the overall size is a few GB, this will take around 5-10 min or more. So be aware and patient!<br><br>
<input class="button " type="submit" value="Start and update containers" onclick="return confirm('Start and update containers? You should consider creating a backup first.')" />
The folder path that you enter must start with <b>/mnt/</b>, <b>/media/</b> or <b>/host_mnt/</b> or be equal to <b>/var/backups</b>.<br><br>So e.g. <b>/mnt/backup</b> on Linux and macOS or <b>/host_mnt/c/backup/directory</b> on Windows. (This Windows example would be equivalent to 'C:\backup\directory' on the Windows host. So you need to translate the path that you want to use into the correct format.)
Please save it at a safe place since you won't be able to restore from backup if you loose this password! <br /><br/>
Backed up will get all important data of your Nextcloud AIO instance like the database, your files and configuration files of the mastercontainer and else. <br /><br/>
The backup itself will use a tool that is called <a href=""><b>BorgBackup</b><a/> which is a well-known server backup tool that efficiently backs up your files and encrypts them on the fly. <br /><br/>
Backups get created in the following directory on the host: <b>{{borg_backup_host_location}}/borg</b> <br /><br/>
<input class="button" type="submit" value="Create backup" onclick="return confirm('Create backup? Are you sure that you want to create a backup? This will stop all running containers and create the backup.')" />
Click on the button below to perform a backup integrity check. This is an option that verifies that your backup is intact but it should't be needed in most situtations.<br><br/>
<input class="button" type="submit" value="Check backup integrity" onclick="return confirm('Check backup integrity? Are you sure that you want to check the backup? This can take a long time depending on the size of your backup.')" /><br/>
Choose the backup that you want to restore and click on the button below to restore the selected backup. This will overwrite all your files with the state of the backup so you should consider creating a backup first. It also makes sense to run an integrity check before restoring your files but is not mandatory since it shouldn't be needed in most situations.<br><br>
<input class="button" type="submit" value="Restore selected backup" onclick="return confirm('Restore the selected backup? Are you sure that you want to restore the selected backup? This will stop all running containers and restore the selected backup. It is recommended to create a backup first. You might also want to check the backup integrity.')" />
By entering a time below, you can enable daily backups. It will create them at the entered time in 24h format. E.g. <b>04:00</b> will create backups at 4 am CT and <b>16:00</b> at 4 pm CT.<br><br/>
This option will also automatically update your containers and apps and will send a notification about the result of the backup.<br><br/>
Daily backups will be created at <b>{{daily_backup_time}} CT</b> which includes a notification about the result of the backup and automatic updates of your containers and apps. You can disable this option again by clicking on the button below.<br><br/>
The new password needs to be at least 24 characters long. Allowed characters are the <a href=""><b>latin characters</b></a> <b>a-z</b>, <b>A-Z</b>, <b>0-9</b> and <b>spaces</b>.
<input type="checkbox" id="talk" name="talk" checked="checked"><label for="talk">Nextcloud Talk (needs ports 3478/TCP and 3478/UDP open in your firewall/router)</label><br><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="talk" name="talk"><label for="talk">Nextcloud Talk (needs ports 3478/TCP and 3478/UDP open in your firewall/router)</label><br><br>