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# Docker rootless
You can run AIO with docker rootless by following the steps below.
0. If docker is already installed, you should consider disabling it first: (`sudo systemctl disable --now docker.service docker.socket`)
1. Install docker rootless by following the official documentation: The easiest way is installing it **Without packages** (`curl -fsSL | sh`). Further limitations, distribution specific hints, etc. are discussed on the same site. Also do not forget to enable the systemd service, which may not be enabled always by default. See (`systemctl --user enable docker`)
1. If you need ipv6 support, you should enable it by following
1. Do not forget to set the mentioned environmental variables and in best case add them to your `~/.bashrc` file as shown!
1. Also do not forget to run `loginctl enable-linger USERNAME` (and substitute USERNAME with the correct one) in order to make sure that user services are automatically started after every reboot.
1. Expose the privileged ports by following (`sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=ep $(which rootlesskit); systemctl --user restart docker`)
1. Use the official AIO startup command but use `--volume $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro` instead of `--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro` and also add `--env WATCHTOWER_DOCKER_SOCKET_PATH=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/docker.sock` to the initial container startup (which is needed for mastercontainer updates to work correctly).
1. Now everything should work like without docker rootless. You can consider using docker-compose for this or running it behind a reverse proxy. Basically the only thing that needs to be adjusted always in the startup command or docker-compose file (after installing docker rootles) are things that are mentioned in point 3.
**Please note:** All files outside the containers get created, written to and accessed as the user that is running the docker daemon or a subuid of it. So for the built-in backup to work you need to allow this user to write to the target directory. E.g. with `sudo chown -R USERNAME:GROUPNAME /mnt/backup`. The same applies when changing Nextcloud's datadir. E.g. `sudo chown -R USERNAME:GROUPNAME /mnt/ncdata`. When you want to use the NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT option for local external storage, you need to adjust the permissions of the chosen folders to be accessible/writeable by the userid `100032:100032` (if running `grep ^$(whoami): /etc/subuid` as the user that is running the docker daemon returns 100000 as first value).
⚠️ **Additional note:** Almost all commands in this project's documentation use `sudo docker ...`. Since `sudo` is not needed in case of docker rootless, you simply remove `sudo` from the commands and they should work.