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## Reverse Proxy Documentation
**Please note:** Publishing the AIO interface with a valid certificate to the public internet is **NOT** the goal of this documentation! Instead, the main goal is to publish Nextcloud with a valid certificate to the public internet which is **NOT** running inside the mastercontainer but in a different container! If you need a valid certificate for the AIO interface, see [point 3](#3-optional-get-a-valid-certificate-for-the-aio-interface).
In order to run Nextcloud behind a reverse proxy, you need to specify the port that the Apache container shall use, add a specific config to your reverse proxy and modify the startup command a bit. All examples below will use port `11000` as example Apache port. Modify it to your needings.
**Attention** The process to run Nextcloud behind a reverse proxy consists of at least these 2 steps:
1. **Configure the reverse proxy! See [point 1](#1-add-this-to-your-reverse-proxy-config)**
1. **Use the in this document provided startup command! See [point 2](#2-use-this-startup-command)**
- Optional: get a valid certificate for the AIO interface! See [point 3](#3-optional-get-a-valid-certificate-for-the-aio-interface)
- How to debug things? See [point 4](#4-how-to-debug-things)
### 1. Add this to your reverse proxy config
**Please note:** Since the Apache container gets spawned by the mastercontainer, there is **NO** way to provide custom docker labels for the Apache container. So please do not attempt to do this because you will fail!
#### Caddy
<summary>click here to expand</summary>
Add this to your Caddyfile:
https://<your-nc-domain>:443 {
header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000;
reverse_proxy <>:11000
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. Also you need to modify `<>` to the private ip-address of the host that is running the docker daemon. **Advice:** the `nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer` is **NOT** running the docker daemon. The host itself is running the docker daemon.
#### Nginx
<summary>click here to expand</summary>
**Disclaimer:** the config below is not working 100% correctly, yet. See e.g., and Improvements to it are very welcome!
Add this to you nginx config:
location / {
proxy_pass http://<>:11000;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
# Websocket
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
Of course SSL needs to be set up as well e.g. by using certbot and your domain must be also added inside the nginx config. You will also need to modify `<>` to the private ip-address of the host that is running the docker daemon. **Advice:** the `nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer` is **NOT** running the docker daemon. The host itself is running the docker daemon.
#### Traefik 2
<summary>click here to expand</summary>
**Disclaimer:** It might be possible that the config below is not working 100% correctly, yet. Improvements to it are very welcome!
Add a `nc.toml` to the Treafik rules folder with the following content:
entryPoints = ["https"]
rule = "Host(<your-nc-domain>)"
service = "nc-svc"
middlewares = ["chain-no-auth"]
certresolver = "le"
passHostHeader = true
url = "http://<>:11000"
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. You will also need to modify `<>` to the private ip-address of the host that is running the docker daemon. **Advice:** the `nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer` is **NOT** running the docker daemon. The host itself is running the docker daemon.
### 2. Use this startup command
After adjusting your reverse proxy config, use the following command to start AIO:
# For x64 CPUs:
sudo docker run -it \
--name nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer \
--restart always \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e APACHE_PORT=11000 \
--volume nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer:/mnt/docker-aio-config \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
<summary>Command for arm64 CPUs like the Raspberry Pi 4</summary>
# For arm64 CPUs:
sudo docker run -it \
--name nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer \
--restart always \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e APACHE_PORT=11000 \
--volume nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer:/mnt/docker-aio-config \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
On macOS see
<summary>Command for Windows</summary>
docker run -it ^
--name nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer ^
--restart always ^
-p 8080:8080 ^
-e APACHE_PORT=11000 ^
--volume nextcloud_aio_mastercontainer:/mnt/docker-aio-config ^
--volume //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro ^
<summary>Inspiration for a docker-compose file</summary>
Simply translate the docker run command into a docker-compose file. You can have a look at [this file]( for some inspiration but you will need to modify it either way.
#### How to continue?
After using the above command, you should be able to access the AIO Interface via ``. Enter your domain that you've entered in the reverse proxy config and you should be done. Please do not forget to open port `3478/TCP` and `3478/UDP` in your firewall/router for the Talk container!
### 3. Optional: get a valid certificate for the AIO interface
If you want to also access your AIO interface publicly with a valid certificate, you can add e.g. the following config to your Caddyfile:
https://<your-nc-domain>:8443 {
reverse_proxy https://<>:8080 {
transport http {
Of course, you also need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain that you want to use. You will also need to modify `<>` to the private ip-address of the host that is running the docker daemon. **Advice:** the `nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer` is **NOT** running the docker daemon. The host itself is running the docker daemon.
Afterwards should the AIO interface be accessible via `https://<your-nc-domain>:8443`. You can alternatively change the domain to a different subdomain by using `https://<your-alternative-domain>:443` in the Caddyfile and use that to access the AIO interface.
### 4. How to debug things?
If something does not work, follow the steps below:
1. Make sure to exactly follow the whole reverse proxy documentation step-for-step from top to bottom!
1. Find out if you can ping the private ip-address of the host that is running the docker daemon from inside the reverse proxy container (if runing the reverse proxy in a container). **Advice:** the `nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer` is **NOT** running the docker daemon. The host itself is running the docker daemon.
1. Try to configure everything from scratch if it still does not work!
<!-- - If not, you need to make that possible. In worst case, you need to use the `--network host` option when starting the reverse proxy container (if the reverse proxy is running inside a container) -->