- This container needs imaginary in order to analyze modern file format images. Make sure to enable imaginary in the AIO interface before adding this container.
- Facerecognition is by default disabled for all users, if you want to enable facerecognition for all users, you can run the following before adding this container:
- If facerecognition shall analyze shared files & folders (`sudo docker exec --user www-data -it nextcloud-aio-nextcloud php occ config:app:set facerecognition handle_shared_files --value true`), groupfolders (`sudo docker exec --user www-data -it nextcloud-aio-nextcloud php occ config:app:set facerecognition handle_group_files --value true`) and/or external storages (`sudo docker exec --user www-data -it nextcloud-aio-nextcloud php occ config:app:set facerecognition handle_external_files --value true`) in Nextcloud, you need to enable support for it manually first by running the mentioned commands before adding this container. See https://github.com/matiasdelellis/facerecognition/wiki/Settings#hidden-settings for further notes on each of these settings.