diff --git a/Containers/nextcloud/start.sh b/Containers/nextcloud/start.sh
index 625462cd..96b82c7e 100644
--- a/Containers/nextcloud/start.sh
+++ b/Containers/nextcloud/start.sh
@@ -131,18 +131,20 @@ if ! sudo -E -u www-data bash /entrypoint.sh; then
     exit 1
-while [ -z "$(dig nextcloud-aio-apache A +short +search)" ]; do
-    echo "Waiting for nextcloud-aio-apache to start..."
-    sleep 5
+# The below was disabled again because it fails on some deployment methods, e.g. on kubernetes
+# There is apparently no way to make this work reliably automatically
+# while [ -z "$(dig nextcloud-aio-apache A +short +search)" ]; do
+#     echo "Waiting for nextcloud-aio-apache to start..."
+#     sleep 5
+# done
 # set -x
 # if [ "$APACHE_PORT" = 443 ] || [ "$APACHE_IP_BINDING" = "" ] || [ "$APACHE_IP_BINDING" = "::1" ]; then
 #     IPv4_ADDRESS_APACHE="$(dig nextcloud-aio-apache A +short +search | grep '^[0-9.]\+$' | sort | head -n1)"
 #     IPv6_ADDRESS_APACHE="$(dig nextcloud-aio-apache AAAA +short +search | grep '^[0-9a-f:]\+$' | sort | head -n1)"
 #     IPv4_ADDRESS_MASTERCONTAINER="$(dig nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer A +short +search | grep '^[0-9.]\+$' | sort | head -n1)"
 #     IPv6_ADDRESS_MASTERCONTAINER="$(dig nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer AAAA +short +search | grep '^[0-9a-f:]\+$' | sort | head -n1)"
 #     sed -i "s|^;listen.allowed_clients|listen.allowed_clients|" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
 #     sed -i "s|listen.allowed_clients.*|listen.allowed_clients =,::1,$IPv4_ADDRESS_APACHE,$IPv6_ADDRESS_APACHE,$IPv4_ADDRESS_MASTERCONTAINER,$IPv6_ADDRESS_MASTERCONTAINER|" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
 #     sed -i "/^listen.allowed_clients/s/,,/,/g" /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf