allow to adjust the upload limit

Signed-off-by: szaimen <>
This commit is contained in:
szaimen 2022-08-17 18:34:02 +02:00
parent 7ba83089ec
commit e152185fe9
8 changed files with 25 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -104,6 +104,14 @@ if [ -n "$NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR" ] && [ -n "$NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT" ]; then
exit 1
if [ -n "$NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT" ]; then
if ! echo "$NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT" | grep -q '^[0-9]\+G$'; then
echo "You've set NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT but not to an allowed value.
The string must start with a number and end with 'G'.
exit 1
if [ -n "$APACHE_PORT" ]; then
if ! check_if_number "$APACHE_PORT"; then
echo "You provided an Apache port but did not only use numbers.

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ services:
# - NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT=/mnt/ # Allows the Nextcloud container to access the chosen directory on the host. See
# - DOCKER_SOCKET_PATH=/var/run/docker.sock # Needs to be specified if the docker socket on the host is not located in the default '/var/run/docker.sock'. Otherwise mastercontainer updates will fail.
# - DISABLE_BACKUP_SECTION=true # Setting this to true allows to hide the backup section in the AIO interface.
# - NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT=10G # Can be adjusted if you need more. See
# # Optional: Caddy reverse proxy. See
# # You can find further examples here:

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@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ sed -i 's|COLLABORA_ENABLED=no|COLLABORA_ENABLED=yes|' sample.conf
sed -i 's|COLLABORA_DICTIONARIES=|COLLABORA_DICTIONARIES=de_DE en_GB en_US es_ES fr_FR it nl pt_BR pt_PT ru # You can change this in order to enable other dictionaries for collabora|' sample.conf
sed -i 's|NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=|NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_data # You can change this to e.g. "/mnt/ncdata" to map it to a location on your host. It needs to be adjusted before the first startup and never afterwards!|' sample.conf
sed -i 's|NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT=|NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT=/mnt/ # This allows the Nextcloud container to access directories on the host. It must never be equal to the value of NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR!|' sample.conf
sed -i 's|NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT=|NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT=10G # This allows to change the upload limit of the Nextcloud container|' sample.conf
sed -i 's|UPDATE_NEXTCLOUD_APPS=|UPDATE_NEXTCLOUD_APPS=no # When setting to yes, it will automatically update all installed Nextcloud apps upon container startup on saturdays.|' sample.conf
sed -i 's|APACHE_PORT=|APACHE_PORT=443 # Changing this to a different value than 443 will allow you to run it behind a reverse proxy.|' sample.conf
sed -i 's|TALK_PORT=|TALK_PORT=3478 # This allows to adjust the port that the talk container is using.|' sample.conf

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@ -143,7 +143,8 @@
"maxShutdownTime": 10,
"restartPolicy": "unless-stopped"

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@ -502,6 +502,13 @@ class ConfigurationManager
return $this->GetEnvironmentalVariableOrConfig($envVariableName, $configName, $defaultValue);
public function GetNextcloudUploadLimit() : string {
$envVariableName = 'NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT';
$configName = 'nextcloud_upload_limit';
$defaultValue = '10G';
return $this->GetEnvironmentalVariableOrConfig($envVariableName, $configName, $defaultValue);
public function GetDockerSocketPath() : string {
$envVariableName = 'DOCKER_SOCKET_PATH';
$configName = 'docker_socket_path';

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@ -304,6 +304,8 @@ class DockerActionManager
} else {
$replacements[1] = '';
} elseif ($out[1] === 'NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT') {
$replacements[1] = $this->configurationManager->GetNextcloudUploadLimit();
} else {
$replacements[1] = $this->configurationManager->GetSecret($out[1]);

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@ -425,6 +425,9 @@ Be aware though that these locations will not be covered by the built-in backup
### How to adjust the Talk port?
By default will the talk container use port `3478/UDP` and `3478/TCP` for connections. You can adjust the port by adding e.g. `-e TALK_PORT=3478` to the initial docker run command and adjusting the port to your desired value.
### How to adjust the upload limit for Nextcloud?
By default are uploads to Nextcloud limited to a max of 10G. You can adjust the upload limit by providing `-e NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT=10G` to the docker run command of the mastercontainer and customize the value to your fitting. It must start with a number and end with `G` e.g. `10G`.
### What can I do to fix the internal or reserved ip-address error?
If you get an error during the domain validation which states that your ip-address is an internal or reserved ip-address, you can fix this by first making sure that your domain indeed has the correct public ip-address that points to the server and then adding `--add-host<public-ip-address>` to the initial docker run command which will allow the domain validation to work correctly. And so that you know: even if the `A` record of your domain should change over time, this is no problem since the mastercontainer will not make any attempt to access the chosen domain after the initial domain validation.

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
- [ ] When starting the mastercontainer with `-e SKIP_DOMAIN_VALIDATION=true` on a clean instance, it should skip the domain verification. So it should accept any domain that you type in then.
- [ ] When starting the mastercontainer with `-e NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR="/mnt/testdata"` it should map that location from `/mnt/testdata` to `/mnt/ncdata` inside the Nextcloud container. Not having adjusted the permissions correctly before starting the Nextcloud container the first time will not allow the Nextcloud container to start correctly. See for allowed values.
- [ ] When starting the mastercontainer with `-e NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT="/mnt/"` it should map `/mnt/` to `/mnt/` inside the Nextcloud container. See for allowed values.
- [ ] When starting the mastercontainer with `-e NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_LIMIT=11G` it should change Nextclouds upload limit to 11G. See for allowed values.
- [ ] When starting the mastercontainer with `-e DOCKER_SOCKET_PATH="/var/run/docker.sock.raw"` it should map `/var/run/docker.sock.raw` to `/var/run/docker.sock` inside the watchtower container which allow to update the mastercontainer on macos and with docker rootless.
- [ ] When starting the mastercontainer with `-e DISABLE_BACKUP_SECTION=true` it should hide the backup section that gets shown after AIO is set up (everything of [020-backup-and-restore](./ and simply show that the backup section is disabled.