#!/bin/bash jq -c . ./php/containers.json > /tmp/containers.json sed -i 's|","location":"|:|g' /tmp/containers.json sed -i 's|","writeable":false|:ro"|g' /tmp/containers.json sed -i 's|","writeable":true|:rw"|g' /tmp/containers.json OUTPUT="$(cat /tmp/containers.json)" OUTPUT="$(echo "$OUTPUT" | jq 'del(.production[].internalPorts)')" OUTPUT="$(echo "$OUTPUT" | jq 'del(.production[].secrets)')" OUTPUT="$(echo "$OUTPUT" | jq 'del(.production[] | select(.identifier == "nextcloud-aio-watchtower"))')" OUTPUT="$(echo "$OUTPUT" | jq 'del(.production[] | select(.identifier == "nextcloud-aio-domaincheck"))')" OUTPUT="$(echo "$OUTPUT" | jq 'del(.production[] | select(.identifier == "nextcloud-aio-borgbackup"))')" snap install yq mkdir -p ./manual-install echo "$OUTPUT" | yq -P > ./manual-install/containers.yml cd manual-install || exit sed -i "s|'||g" containers.yml sed -i 's|production:|services:|' containers.yml sed -i 's|- identifier:| container_name:|' containers.yml sed -i 's|restartPolicy:|restart:|' containers.yml sed -i 's|environmentVariables:|environment:|' containers.yml sed -i '/displayName:/d' containers.yml sed -i 's|maxShutdownTime:|stop_grace_period:|' containers.yml sed -i '/stop_grace_period:/s/$/s/' containers.yml sed -i 's|containerName:|image:|' containers.yml sed -i '/: \[\]/d' containers.yml sed -i 's|dependsOn:|depends_on:|' containers.yml sed -i 's|- name: |- |' containers.yml TCP="$(grep -oP '[%A-Z0-9_]+/tcp' containers.yml | sort -u)" mapfile -t TCP <<< "$TCP" for port in "${TCP[@]}" do solve_port="${port%%/tcp}" sed -i "s|$port|$solve_port:$solve_port/tcp|" containers.yml done UDP="$(grep -oP '[%A-Z0-9_]+/udp' containers.yml | sort -u)" mapfile -t UDP <<< "$UDP" for port in "${UDP[@]}" do solve_port="${port%%/udp}" sed -i "s|$port|$solve_port:$solve_port/udp|" containers.yml done rm -f sample.conf VARIABLES="$(grep -oP '%[A-Z_a-z0-6]+%' containers.yml | sort -u)" mapfile -t VARIABLES <<< "$VARIABLES" for variable in "${VARIABLES[@]}" do # shellcheck disable=SC2001 sole_variable="$(echo "$variable" | sed 's|%||g')" echo "$sole_variable=" >> sample.conf sed -i "s|$variable|\${$sole_variable}|g" containers.yml done sed -i 's|_ENABLED=|_ENABLED=no # Setting this to "yes" enables the option in Nextcloud automatically.|' sample.conf sed -i 's|TALK_ENABLED=no|TALK_ENABLED=yes|' sample.conf sed -i 's|COLLABORA_ENABLED=no|COLLABORA_ENABLED=yes|' sample.conf sed -i 's|COLLABORA_DICTIONARIES=|COLLABORA_DICTIONARIES=de_DE en_GB en_US es_ES fr_FR it nl pt_BR pt_PT ru # You can change this in order to enable other dictionaries for collabora|' sample.conf sed -i 's|NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=|NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_data # You can change this to e.g. "/mnt/ncdata" to map it to a location on your host. It needs to be adjusted before the first startup and never afterwards!|' sample.conf sed -i 's|NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT=|NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT=/mnt/ # This allows the Nextcloud container to access directories on the host. It must never be equal to the value of NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR!|' sample.conf sed -i 's|DAILY_BACKUP_RUNNING=|DAILY_BACKUP_RUNNING=no # When setting to yes, it will automatically update all installed Nextcloud apps upon container startup on saturdays.|' sample.conf sed -i 's|APACHE_PORT=|APACHE_PORT=443 # Changing this to a different value than 443 will allow you to run it behind a reverse proxy.|' sample.conf sed -i 's|TALK_PORT=|TALK_PORT=3478 # This allows to adjust the port that the talk container is using.|' sample.conf sed -i 's|AIO_TOKEN=|AIO_TOKEN=123456 # Has no function but needs to be set!|' sample.conf sed -i 's|AIO_URL=|AIO_URL=localhost # Has no function but needs to be set!|' sample.conf sed -i 's|NC_DOMAIN=|NC_DOMAIN=yourdomain.com # TODO! Needs to be changed to the domain that you want to use for Nextcloud.|' sample.conf sed -i 's|NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD=|NEXTCLOUD_PASSWORD= # TODO! This is the password of the initially created Nextcloud admin with username "admin".|' sample.conf sed -i 's|TIMEZONE=|TIMEZONE=Europe/Berlin # TODO! This is the timezone that your containers will use.|' sample.conf sed -i 's|=$|= # TODO! This needs to be a unique and good password!|' sample.conf cat sample.conf OUTPUT="$(cat containers.yml)" NAMES="$(grep -oP "container_name:.*" containers.yml | grep -oP 'nextcloud-aio.*')" mapfile -t NAMES <<< "$NAMES" for name in "${NAMES[@]}" do OUTPUT="$(echo "$OUTPUT" | sed "/container_name.*$name/i\ \ $name:")" if [ "$name" != "nextcloud-aio-apache" ]; then OUTPUT="$(echo "$OUTPUT" | sed "/ $name:/i\ ")" fi done OUTPUT="$(echo "$OUTPUT" | sed "/restart: /a\ \ \ \ networks:\n\ \ \ \ \ \ - nextcloud-aio")" echo 'version: "3.8"' > containers.yml echo "" >> containers.yml echo "$OUTPUT" >> containers.yml VOLUMES="$(grep -oP 'nextcloud_aio_[a-z_]+' containers.yml | sort -u)" mapfile -t VOLUMES <<< "$VOLUMES" echo "" >> containers.yml echo "volumes:" >> containers.yml for volume in "${VOLUMES[@]}" "nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_data" do cat << VOLUMES >> containers.yml $volume: name: $volume VOLUMES done cat << NETWORK >> containers.yml networks: nextcloud-aio: NETWORK cat containers.yml > latest.yml sed -i '/image:/s/$/:latest/' latest.yml cat containers.yml > latest-arm64.yml sed -i '/image:/s/$/:latest-arm64/' latest-arm64.yml sed -i '/ nextcloud-aio-clamav:/,/^$/d' latest-arm64.yml sed -i '/nextcloud[-_]aio[-_]clamav/d' latest-arm64.yml sed -i '/CLAMAV_ENABLED/d' latest-arm64.yml sed -i '/ nextcloud-aio-onlyoffice:/,/^$/d' latest-arm64.yml sed -i '/nextcloud[-_]aio[-_]onlyoffice/d' latest-arm64.yml sed -i '/ONLYOFFICE_ENABLED/d' latest-arm64.yml sed -i '/ONLYOFFICE_SECRET/d' latest-arm64.yml rm containers.yml