#!/bin/bash DOCKER_TAG="$1" # The logic needs the files in ./helm-chart mv ./nextcloud-aio-helm-chart ./helm-chart # Clean rm -f ./helm-chart/values.yaml rm -rf ./helm-chart/templates # Install kompose curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose/releases/latest/download/kompose-linux-amd64 -o kompose chmod +x kompose sudo mv ./kompose /usr/local/bin/kompose # Install yq snap install yq set -ex # Conversion of docker-compose cd manual-install cp latest.yml latest.yml.backup cp sample.conf /tmp/ sed -i 's|^|export |' /tmp/sample.conf # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /tmp/sample.conf rm /tmp/sample.conf sed -i "s|:latest$|:$DOCKER_TAG-latest|" latest.yml sed -i "s|\${APACHE_IP_BINDING}:||" latest.yml sed -i '/APACHE_IP_BINDING/d' latest.yml sed -i "s|\${APACHE_PORT}:\${APACHE_PORT}/|$APACHE_PORT:$APACHE_PORT/|" latest.yml sed -i "s|\${TALK_PORT}:\${TALK_PORT}/|$TALK_PORT:$TALK_PORT/|g" latest.yml sed -i "s|- \${APACHE_PORT}|- $APACHE_PORT|" latest.yml sed -i "s|- \${TALK_PORT}|- $TALK_PORT|" latest.yml sed -i "s|\${NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR}|$NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR|" latest.yml sed -i "/name: nextcloud-aio/,$ d" latest.yml sed -i "/NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR/d" latest.yml sed -i "/\${NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT}/d" latest.yml sed -i "/^volumes:/a\ \ nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_trusted_cacerts:\n \ \ \ \ name: nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_trusted_cacerts" latest.yml sed -i "s|\${NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_CACERTS_DIR}:|nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_trusted_cacerts:|g#" latest.yml sed -i 's|\${|{{ .Values.|g' latest.yml sed -i 's|}| }}|g' latest.yml yq -i 'del(.services.[].profiles)' latest.yml # Delete read_only and tmpfs setting while https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/48912 is not fixed yq -i 'del(.services.[].read_only)' latest.yml yq -i 'del(.services.[].tmpfs)' latest.yml cat latest.yml kompose convert -c -f latest.yml --namespace nextcloud-aio-namespace cd latest if [ -f ./templates/manual-install-nextcloud-aio-networkpolicy.yaml ]; then mv ./templates/manual-install-nextcloud-aio-networkpolicy.yaml ./templates/nextcloud-aio-networkpolicy.yaml fi # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*networkpolicy.yaml' -exec sed -i "s|manual-install-nextcloud-aio|nextcloud-aio|" \{} \; cat << EOL > /tmp/initcontainers initContainers: - name: init-volumes image: alpine command: - chmod - "777" volumeMountsInitContainer: EOL cat << EOL > /tmp/initcontainers.database initContainers: - name: init-subpath image: alpine command: - mkdir - "-p" - /nextcloud-aio-database/data volumeMountsInitContainer: - name: init-volumes image: alpine command: - chown - 999:999 - "-R" volumeMountsInitContainer: EOL cat << EOL > /tmp/initcontainers.clamav initContainers: - name: init-subpath image: alpine command: - mkdir - "-p" - /nextcloud-aio-clamav/data volumeMountsInitContainer: - name: init-volumes image: alpine command: - chown - 100:100 - "-R" volumeMountsInitContainer: EOL cat << EOL > /tmp/initcontainers.nextcloud initContainers: - name: delete lost+found image: alpine command: - rm - "-rf" - /nextcloud-aio-nextcloud/lost+found volumeMountsInitRmLostFound: - name: init-volumes image: alpine command: - chmod - "777" volumeMountsInitContainer: EOL # shellcheck disable=SC1083 DEPLOYMENTS="$(find ./ -name '*deployment.yaml')" mapfile -t DEPLOYMENTS <<< "$DEPLOYMENTS" for variable in "${DEPLOYMENTS[@]}"; do if grep -q volumeMounts "$variable"; then if echo "$variable" | grep -q database; then sed -i "/^ spec:/r /tmp/initcontainers.database" "$variable" elif echo "$variable" | grep -q clamav; then sed -i "/^ spec:/r /tmp/initcontainers.clamav" "$variable" elif echo "$variable" | grep -q "nextcloud-deployment.yaml"; then sed -i "/^ spec:/r /tmp/initcontainers.nextcloud" "$variable" else sed -i "/^ spec:/r /tmp/initcontainers" "$variable" fi volumeNames="$(grep -A1 mountPath "$variable" | grep -v mountPath | sed 's|.*name: ||' | sed '/^--$/d')" mapfile -t volumeNames <<< "$volumeNames" for volumeName in "${volumeNames[@]}"; do # The Nextcloud container runs as root user and sets the correct permissions automatically for the data-dir if the www-data user cannot write to it if [ "$volumeName" != "nextcloud-aio-nextcloud-data" ]; then sed -i "/^.*volumeMountsInitContainer:/i\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - /$volumeName" "$variable" sed -i "/volumeMountsInitContainer:/a\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - name: $volumeName\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ mountPath: /$volumeName" "$variable" sed -i "/volumeMountsInitRmLostFound:/a\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - name: $volumeName\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ mountPath: /$volumeName" "$variable" # Workaround for the database volume if [ "$volumeName" = nextcloud-aio-database ]; then sed -i "/mountPath: \/var\/lib\/postgresql\/data/a\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ subPath: data" "$variable" elif [ "$volumeName" = nextcloud-aio-clamav ]; then sed -i "/mountPath: \/var\/lib\/clamav/a\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ subPath: data" "$variable" fi fi done sed -i "s|volumeMountsInitContainer:|volumeMounts:|" "$variable" sed -i "s|volumeMountsInitRmLostFound:|volumeMounts:|" "$variable" if grep -q claimName "$variable"; then claimNames="$(grep claimName "$variable")" mapfile -t claimNames <<< "$claimNames" for claimName in "${claimNames[@]}"; do if grep -A1 "^$claimName$" "$variable" | grep -q "readOnly: true"; then sed -i "/^$claimName$/{n;d}" "$variable" fi done fi fi done # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*.yaml' -exec sed -i "s|nextcloud-aio-namespace|\{\{ .Values.NAMESPACE \}\}|" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*service.yaml' -exec sed -i "/^status:/,$ d" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*deployment.yaml' -exec sed -i "s|manual-install-nextcloud-aio|nextcloud-aio|" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*deployment.yaml' -exec sed -i "/medium: Memory/d" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*deployment.yaml' -exec sed -i "s|emptyDir:|emptyDir: \{\}|" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*deployment.yaml' -exec sed -i "/hostPort:/d" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*persistentvolumeclaim.yaml' -exec sed -i "s|ReadOnlyMany|ReadWriteOnce|" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name 'nextcloud-aio-nextcloud-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml' -exec sed -i "s|ReadWriteOnce|ReadWriteMany|" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*persistentvolumeclaim.yaml' -exec sed -i "/accessModes:/i\ \ {{- if .Values.STORAGE_CLASS }}" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*persistentvolumeclaim.yaml' -exec sed -i "/accessModes:/i\ \ storageClassName: {{ .Values.STORAGE_CLASS }}" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*persistentvolumeclaim.yaml' -exec sed -i "/accessModes:/i\ \ {{- end }}" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*deployment.yaml' -exec sed -i "/restartPolicy:/d" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*apache*' -exec sed -i "s|$APACHE_PORT|{{ .Values.APACHE_PORT }}|" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*talk*' -exec sed -i "s|$TALK_PORT|{{ .Values.TALK_PORT }}|" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*apache-service.yaml' -exec sed -i "/^spec:/a\ \ type: LoadBalancer" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*talk-service.yaml' -exec sed -i "/^spec:/a\ \ type: LoadBalancer" \{} \; echo '---' > /tmp/talk-service.copy # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*talk-service.yaml' -exec cat \{} \; >> /tmp/talk-service.copy sed -i 's|name: nextcloud-aio-talk|name: nextcloud-aio-talk-public|' /tmp/talk-service.copy # shellcheck disable=SC1083 INTERNAL_TALK_PORTS="$(find ./ -name '*talk-deployment.yaml' -exec grep -oP 'containerPort: [0-9]+' \{} \;)" mapfile -t INTERNAL_TALK_PORTS <<< "$INTERNAL_TALK_PORTS" for port in "${INTERNAL_TALK_PORTS[@]}"; do port="$(echo "$port" | grep -oP '[0-9]+')" sed -i "/$port/d" /tmp/talk-service.copy done echo '---' >> /tmp/talk-service.copy # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*talk-service.yaml' -exec grep -v '{{ .Values.TALK.*}}\|protocol: UDP\|type: LoadBalancer' \{} \; >> /tmp/talk-service.copy # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*talk-service.yaml' -exec mv /tmp/talk-service.copy \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*service.yaml' -exec sed -i "/type: LoadBalancer/a\ \ externalTrafficPolicy: Local" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*service.yaml' -exec sed -i "/^spec:/a\ \ ipFamilyPolicy: PreferDualStack" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*.yaml' -exec sed -i "s|'{{|\"{{|g;s|}}'|}}\"|g" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*.yaml' -exec sed -i "/type: Recreate/d" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*.yaml' -exec sed -i "/strategy:/d" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ \( -not -name '*service.yaml' -name '*.yaml' \) -exec sed -i "/^status:/d" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ \( -not -name '*persistentvolumeclaim.yaml' -name '*.yaml' \) -exec sed -i "/resources:/d" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*.yaml' -exec sed -i "/creationTimestamp: null/d" \{} \; VOLUMES="$(find ./ -name '*persistentvolumeclaim.yaml' | sed 's|-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml||g;s|.*nextcloud-aio-||g' | sort)" mapfile -t VOLUMES <<< "$VOLUMES" for variable in "${VOLUMES[@]}"; do name="$(echo "$variable" | sed 's|-|_|g' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')_STORAGE_SIZE" VOLUME_VARIABLE+=("$name") # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name "*nextcloud-aio-$variable-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml" -exec sed -i "s|storage: 100Mi|storage: {{ .Values.$name }}|" \{} \; done # Additional config cat << EOL > /tmp/additional.config - name: SMTP_HOST value: "{{ .Values.SMTP_HOST }}" - name: SMTP_SECURE value: "{{ .Values.SMTP_SECURE }}" - name: SMTP_PORT value: "{{ .Values.SMTP_PORT }}" - name: SMTP_AUTHTYPE value: "{{ .Values.SMTP_AUTHTYPE }}" - name: SMTP_NAME value: "{{ .Values.SMTP_NAME }}" - name: SMTP_PASSWORD value: "{{ .Values.SMTP_PASSWORD }}" - name: MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS value: "{{ .Values.MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS }}" - name: MAIL_DOMAIN value: "{{ .Values.MAIL_DOMAIN }}" - name: SUBSCRIPTION_KEY value: "{{ .Values.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY }}" - name: APPS_ALLOWLIST value: "{{ .Values.APPS_ALLOWLIST }}" - name: ADDITIONAL_TRUSTED_PROXY value: "{{ .Values.ADDITIONAL_TRUSTED_PROXY }}" EOL # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name '*nextcloud-deployment.yaml' -exec sed -i "/^.*\- env:/r /tmp/additional.config" \{} \; cd ../ mkdir -p ../helm-chart/ rm latest/Chart.yaml rm latest/README.md mv latest/* ../helm-chart/ rm -r latest rm latest.yml mv latest.yml.backup latest.yml # Get version of AIO AIO_VERSION="$(grep 'Nextcloud AIO ' ../php/templates/containers.twig | grep -oP '[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+')" sed -i "s|^version:.*|version: $AIO_VERSION|" ../helm-chart/Chart.yaml # Conversion of sample.conf cp sample.conf /tmp/ sed -i 's|"||g' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i 's|=|: |' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i 's|= |: |' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i '/^NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR/d' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i '/^APACHE_IP_BINDING/d' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i '/^NEXTCLOUD_MOUNT/d' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i '/^IPV6_NETWORK/d' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i '/_ENABLED.*/s/ yes / "yes" /' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i '/_ENABLED.*/s/ no / "no" /' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i 's|^NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_CACERTS_DIR: .*|NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_CACERTS_DIR: # Setting this to any value allows to automatically import root certificates into the Nextcloud container|' /tmp/sample.conf sed -i 's|10737418240|"10737418240"|' /tmp/sample.conf # shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo "" >> /tmp/sample.conf # shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo 'STORAGE_CLASS: # By setting this, you can adjust the storage class for your volumes' >> /tmp/sample.conf for variable in "${VOLUME_VARIABLE[@]}"; do echo "$variable: 1Gi # You can change the size of the $(echo "$variable" | sed 's|_STORAGE_SIZE||;s|_|-|g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') volume that default to 1Gi with this value" >> /tmp/sample.conf done sed -i "s|NEXTCLOUD_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi|NEXTCLOUD_STORAGE_SIZE: 5Gi|" /tmp/sample.conf sed -i "s|NEXTCLOUD_DATA_STORAGE_SIZE: 1Gi|NEXTCLOUD_DATA_STORAGE_SIZE: 5Gi|" /tmp/sample.conf # Additional config cat << ADDITIONAL_CONFIG >> /tmp/sample.conf NAMESPACE: default # By changing this, you can adjust the namespace of the installation which allows to install multiple instances on one kubernetes cluster SUBSCRIPTION_KEY: # This allows to set the Nextcloud Enterprise key via ENV APPS_ALLOWLIST: # This allows to configure allowed apps that will be shown in Nextcloud's Appstore. You need to enter the app-IDs of the apps here and separate them with spaces. E.g. 'files richdocuments' ADDITIONAL_TRUSTED_PROXY: # Allows to add one additional ip-address to Nextcloud's trusted proxies and to the Office WOPI-allowlist automatically. Set it e.g. like this: 'your.public.ip-address'. You can also use an ip-range here. SMTP_HOST: # (empty by default): The hostname of the SMTP server. SMTP_SECURE: # (empty by default): Set to 'ssl' to use SSL, or 'tls' to use STARTTLS. SMTP_PORT: # (default: '465' for SSL and '25' for non-secure connections): Optional port for the SMTP connection. Use '587' for an alternative port for STARTTLS. SMTP_AUTHTYPE: # (default: 'LOGIN'): The method used for authentication. Use 'PLAIN' if no authentication or STARTLS is required. SMTP_NAME: # (empty by default): The username for the authentication. SMTP_PASSWORD: # (empty by default): The password for the authentication. MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: # (not set by default): Set the local-part for the 'from' field in the emails sent by Nextcloud. MAIL_DOMAIN: # (not set by default): Set a different domain for the emails than the domain where Nextcloud is installed. ADDITIONAL_CONFIG mv /tmp/sample.conf ../helm-chart/values.yaml ENABLED_VARIABLES="$(grep -oP '^[A-Z_]+_ENABLED' ../helm-chart/values.yaml)" mapfile -t ENABLED_VARIABLES <<< "$ENABLED_VARIABLES" cd ../helm-chart/ for variable in "${ENABLED_VARIABLES[@]}"; do name="$(echo "$variable" | sed 's|_ENABLED||g;s|_|-|g' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name "*nextcloud-aio-$name-deployment.yaml" -exec sed -i "1i\\{{- if eq .Values.$variable \"yes\" }}" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name "*nextcloud-aio-$name-deployment.yaml" -exec sed -i "$ a {{- end }}" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name "*nextcloud-aio-$name-service.yaml" -exec sed -i "1i\\{{- if eq .Values.$variable \"yes\" }}" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name "*nextcloud-aio-$name-service.yaml" -exec sed -i "$ a {{- end }}" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name "*nextcloud-aio-$name-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml" -exec sed -i "1i\\{{- if eq .Values.$variable \"yes\" }}" \{} \; # shellcheck disable=SC1083 find ./ -name "*nextcloud-aio-$name-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml" -exec sed -i "$ a {{- end }}" \{} \; done chmod 777 -R ./ # Seems like the dir needs to match the name of the chart cd ../ rm -rf ./nextcloud-aio-helm-chart mv ./helm-chart ./nextcloud-aio-helm-chart set +ex