#!/bin/bash # Variables if [ -z "$NC_DOMAIN" ]; then echo "You need to provide the NC_DOMAIN." exit 1 elif [ -z "$TALK_PORT" ]; then echo "You need to provide the TALK_PORT." exit 1 elif [ -z "$TURN_SECRET" ]; then echo "You need to provide the TURN_SECRET." exit 1 elif [ -z "$SIGNALING_SECRET" ]; then echo "You need to provide the SIGNALING_SECRET." exit 1 elif [ -z "$INTERNAL_SECRET" ]; then echo "You need to provide the INTERNAL_SECRET." exit 1 fi set -x IPv4_ADDRESS_TALK="$(dig nextcloud-aio-talk A +short | grep -E "^[0-9.]+$" | sort | head -n1)" IPv6_ADDRESS_TALK="$(dig nextcloud-aio-talk AAAA +short | grep -E "^[0-9a-f:]+$" | sort | head -n1)" IPv4_ADDRESS_NC="$(dig "$NC_DOMAIN" A +short +https +tls-ca=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt @ | grep "^[0-9.]\+$" | sort | head -n1)" IPv6_ADDRESS_NC="$(dig "$NC_DOMAIN" AAAA +short +https +tls-ca=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt @ | grep "^[0-9a-f:]\+$" | sort | head -n1)" #if [ -z "$IPv4_ADDRESS_NC" ] && [ -z "$IPv6_ADDRESS_NC" ]; then # export STUN_SERVICE="stun.nextcloud.com 443" #fi set +x # Turn cat << TURN_CONF > "/opt/eturnal/etc/eturnal.yml" eturnal: listen: - ip: "::" port: $TALK_PORT transport: udp - ip: "::" port: $TALK_PORT transport: tcp log_dir: stdout log_level: warning secret: "$TURN_SECRET" relay_ipv4_addr: "$IPv4_ADDRESS_NC" relay_ipv6_addr: "$IPv6_ADDRESS_NC" blacklist: - recommended whitelist: - - ::1 - "$IPv4_ADDRESS_TALK" - "$IPv6_ADDRESS_TALK" TURN_CONF # Remove empty lines so that the config is not invalid sed -i '/""/d' /opt/eturnal/etc/eturnal.yml # Signling cat << SIGNALING_CONF > "/conf/signaling.conf" [http] listen = [app] debug = false [sessions] hashkey = $(openssl rand -hex 16) blockkey = $(openssl rand -hex 16) [clients] internalsecret = ${INTERNAL_SECRET} [backend] backends = backend-1 allowall = false timeout = 10 connectionsperhost = 8 [backend-1] url = https://${NC_DOMAIN} secret = ${SIGNALING_SECRET} [nats] url = nats:// [mcu] type = janus url = ws:// SIGNALING_CONF exec "$@"