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211 lines
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(function() {
'use strict';
/* global _ */
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ngPasswordMeter.directive:ngPassworMeter
* @description
* Simple and elegant password strength meter from the Lifekees
* Password Manager
angular.module('ngPasswordMeter', [])
.directive('ngPasswordMeter', function() {
return {
template: '<div class="pass-meter {{masterClass}}"><div class="{{colClass}} pass-meter-col {{first}}"><div class="indicator"></div></div><div class="{{colClass}} pass-meter-col {{second}}"><div class="indicator"></div></div><div class="{{colClass}} pass-meter-col {{third}}"><div class="indicator"></div></div><div class="{{colClass}} pass-meter-col {{fourth}}"><div class="indicator"></div></div><div class="pass-meter-message">{{message}}</div></div>',
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
password: '=',
strength: '=?',
link: function(scope) {
var measureStrength = function(p) {
var stringReverse = function(str) {
for (var i = str.length - 1, out = ''; i >= 0; out += str[i--]) {}
return out;
matches = {
pos: {},
neg: {}
counts = {
pos: {},
neg: {
seqLetter: 0,
seqNumber: 0,
seqSymbol: 0
strength = 0,
letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
numbers = '01234567890',
symbols = '\\!@#$%&/()=?¿',
if (p) {
// Benefits
matches.pos.lower = p.match(/[a-z]/g);
matches.pos.upper = p.match(/[A-Z]/g);
matches.pos.numbers = p.match(/\d/g);
matches.pos.symbols = p.match(/[$-/:-?{-~!^_`\[\]]/g);
matches.pos.middleNumber = p.slice(1, -1).match(/\d/g);
matches.pos.middleSymbol = p.slice(1, -1).match(/[$-/:-?{-~!^_`\[\]]/g);
counts.pos.lower = matches.pos.lower ? matches.pos.lower.length : 0;
counts.pos.upper = matches.pos.upper ? matches.pos.upper.length : 0;
counts.pos.numbers = matches.pos.numbers ? matches.pos.numbers.length : 0;
counts.pos.symbols = matches.pos.symbols ? matches.pos.symbols.length : 0;
tmp = Object.keys(counts.pos).reduce(
function(previous, key) {
return previous + Math.min(1, counts.pos[key]);
counts.pos.numChars = p.length;
tmp += (counts.pos.numChars >= 8) ? 1 : 0;
counts.pos.requirements = (tmp >= 3) ? tmp : 0;
counts.pos.middleNumber = matches.pos.middleNumber ? matches.pos.middleNumber.length : 0;
counts.pos.middleSymbol = matches.pos.middleSymbol ? matches.pos.middleSymbol.length : 0;
// Deductions
matches.neg.consecLower = p.match(/(?=([a-z]{2}))/g);
matches.neg.consecUpper = p.match(/(?=([A-Z]{2}))/g);
matches.neg.consecNumbers = p.match(/(?=(\d{2}))/g);
matches.neg.onlyNumbers = p.match(/^[0-9]*$/g);
matches.neg.onlyLetters = p.match(/^([a-z]|[A-Z])*$/g);
counts.neg.consecLower = matches.neg.consecLower ? matches.neg.consecLower.length : 0;
counts.neg.consecUpper = matches.neg.consecUpper ? matches.neg.consecUpper.length : 0;
counts.neg.consecNumbers = matches.neg.consecNumbers ? matches.neg.consecNumbers.length : 0;
// sequential letters (back and forth)
for (i = 0; i < letters.length - 2; i++) {
var p2 = p.toLowerCase();
forth = letters.substring(i, parseInt(i + 3));
back = stringReverse(forth);
if (p2.indexOf(forth) !== -1 || p2.indexOf(back) !== -1) {
// sequential numbers (back and forth)
for (i = 0; i < numbers.length - 2; i++) {
forth = numbers.substring(i, parseInt(i + 3));
back = stringReverse(forth);
if (p.indexOf(forth) !== -1 || p.toLowerCase().indexOf(back) !== -1) {
// sequential symbols (back and forth)
for (i = 0; i < symbols.length - 2; i++) {
forth = symbols.substring(i, parseInt(i + 3));
back = stringReverse(forth);
if (p.indexOf(forth) !== -1 || p.toLowerCase().indexOf(back) !== -1) {
// repeated chars
var repeats = {};
var _p = p.toLowerCase();
var arr = _p.split('');
counts.neg.repeated = 0;
for(i = 0; i< arr.length; i++) {
var cnt = 0, idx = 0;
while (1) {
var idx = _p.indexOf(arr[i], idx);
if (idx == -1) break;
if (cnt > 1 && !repeats[_p[i]]) {
repeats[_p[i]] = cnt;
counts.neg.repeated += cnt;
// Calculations
strength += counts.pos.numChars * 4;
if (counts.pos.upper) {
strength += (counts.pos.numChars - counts.pos.upper) * 2;
if (counts.pos.lower) {
strength += (counts.pos.numChars - counts.pos.lower) * 2;
if (counts.pos.upper || counts.pos.lower) {
strength += counts.pos.numbers * 4;
strength += counts.pos.symbols * 6;
strength += (counts.pos.middleSymbol + counts.pos.middleNumber) * 2;
strength += counts.pos.requirements * 2;
strength -= counts.neg.consecLower * 2;
strength -= counts.neg.consecUpper * 2;
strength -= counts.neg.consecNumbers * 2;
strength -= counts.neg.seqNumber * 3;
strength -= counts.neg.seqLetter * 3;
strength -= counts.neg.seqSymbol * 3;
if (matches.neg.onlyNumbers) {
strength -= counts.pos.numChars;
if (matches.neg.onlyLetters) {
strength -= counts.pos.numChars;
if (counts.neg.repeated) {
strength -= (counts.neg.repeated / counts.pos.numChars) * 10;
return Math.max(0, Math.min(100, Math.round(strength)));
scope.colClass = '';
scope.masterClass = '';
scope.$watch('password', function() {
scope.first = '';
scope.second = '';
scope.third = '';
scope.fourth = '';
scope.message = '';
if (!scope.password) {
scope.masterClass = 'hidden';
scope.strength = measureStrength(scope.password);
scope.masterClass = '';
if (scope.strength < 25) {
scope.first = 'poor';
scope.message = 'Poor';
} else if (scope.strength < 50) {
scope.first = 'weak';
scope.second = 'weak';
scope.message = 'weak';
} else if (scope.strength < 75) {
scope.first = 'good';
scope.second = 'good';
scope.third = 'good';
scope.message = 'good';
} else if (scope.strength <= 100) {
scope.first = 'strong';
scope.second = 'strong';
scope.third = 'strong';
scope.fourth = 'strong';
scope.message = 'strong';