[tx-robot] updated from transifex

This commit is contained in:
Nextcloud bot 2019-01-15 01:34:39 +00:00
parent 5821f95a2c
commit bdb46ef200
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 130DAB86D3FB356C
4 changed files with 218 additions and 106 deletions

View file

@ -2,20 +2,28 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Passwords" : "Contrasinais",
"Generating sharing keys ( %s / 2)" : "Xerando chaves de compartición ( %s / 2)",
"Incorrect vault password!" : "Contrasinal da bóveda incorrecta!",
"Passwords do not match" : "Os contrasinais non coinciden",
"General" : "Xeral",
"Custom Fields" : "Campos personalizados",
"Please fill in a label." : "Encha unha etiqueta.",
"Please fill in a value." : "Encha un valor.",
"Error loading file" : "Produciuse un erro ao cargar o ficheiro",
"An error occurred during decryption" : "Produciuse un erro durante o descifrado",
"Credential created!" : "Creouse a credencial!",
"Credential deleted" : "Credencial eliminada",
"Credential updated" : "Credencial actualizada",
"Credential recovered" : "Credencial recuperada",
"Credential destroyed" : "Credencial destruída",
"Error downloading file, you probably have insufficient permissions" : "Produciuse un erro ao descargar o ficheiro, probabelmente non teña permisos abondo",
"Invalid QR code" : "Código QR incorrecto",
"Starting export" : "Iniciando a exportación",
"Decrypting credentials" : "Descifrando credenciais",
"Done" : "Feito",
"File read." : "Ficheiro lido",
"Proceed with the following steps to import your file" : "Proceda cos seguintes pasos para importar o seu ficheiro",
"Skipping unlabeled credential" : "Omitindo as credenciais non etiquetadas",
"Adding {{credential}}" : "Engadindo {{credential}}",
"Added {{credential}}" : "{{credential}} foi engadida",
"Skipping credential, missing label on line {{line}}" : "Omitindo credenciais, falta unha etiqueta na liña {{line}}",
@ -27,16 +35,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip first row" : "Omitir a primeira fila",
"You need to assign the label field before you can start the import." : "Ten que asignar o campo de etiqueta antes de comezar a importación.",
"Assign the proper fields to each column." : "Asignar os campos axeitados para cada columna.",
"Example of imported credential" : "Exemplo de credencial importada",
"Missing an importer? Try it with the generic CSV importer." : "Non atopa unha ferramenta para importar? Probe coa ferramenta xenérica para importar CSV.",
"Go back to importers." : "Volver aos importadores.",
"Revision deleted" : "Revisión eliminada",
"Revision restored" : "Revisión restaurada",
"Save in Passman" : "Gardar no Passman",
"Settings saved" : "Axustes gardados",
"General settings" : "Axustes xerais",
"Password audit" : "Auditoría de contrasinais",
"Password settings" : "Axuste de contrasinal",
"Import credentials" : "Importar credenciais",
"Export credentials" : "Exportar credenciais",
"Sharing" : "Compartindo",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will destroy all your credentials" : "Confirma que quere saír? Isto destruirá todas as súas credenciais",
"Old password field incorrect!" : "O campo de contrasinal antigo é incorrecto!",
"New password does not match!" : "O novo contrasinal non coincide!",
"Please log in with your new vault password" : "Acceda co seu novo contrasinal da bóveda",
"Share with users and groups" : "Compartir con outros usuarios e grupos",
"Share link" : "Compartir ligazón",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will corrupt this credential" : "Confirma que quere saír? Isto estragará esta credencial",
@ -56,6 +71,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Complete" : "Completo",
"Username" : "Nome de usuario",
"Repeat password" : "Repita o contrasinal",
"Add tag" : "Engadir unha etiqueta",
"Pick an icon" : "Escolla unha icona",
"Search icons" : "Buscar iconas",
"Upload a custom icon:" : "Enviar unha icona personalizada:",
"Use this icon" : "Usar esta icona",
"Selected icon" : "Icona seleccionada",
"Field label" : "Campo etiqueta",
"Field value" : "Campo valor",
"Choose a file" : "Escolla un ficheiro",
@ -73,6 +94,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Current OTP settings" : "Axustes OTP actuais",
"Issuer" : "Emisor",
"Secret" : "Secreto",
"Expiration date" : "Data de caducidade",
"No expiration date set" : "Non se definiu a data de caducidade",
"Renew interval" : "Intervalo de renovación",
"Disabled" : "Desactivado",
"Day(s)" : "Día(s)",
@ -97,6 +120,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Change vault key" : "Cambiar a chave da bóveda",
"Old vault password" : "Anterior contrasinal da bóveda",
"New vault password" : "Novo contrasinal da bóveda",
"Repeat new vault password" : "Repita o novo contrasinal da bóveda",
"Please wait your vault is being updated, do not leave this page." : "Agarde mentres se actualiza a súa bóveda, non saia desta páxina.",
"Processing" : "Procesando",
"Total progress" : "Progreso total",
@ -104,11 +128,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Version" : "Versión",
"Donate to support development" : "Doar para axudar ao dsenvolvemento",
"Bookmarklet" : "Marcadores",
"Save your passwords with one click." : "Garde os seus contrasinais cun só clic.",
"Drag below button to your bookmark toolbar." : "Arrastre o botón inferior cara a barra de ferramentas de marcadores.",
"Delete vault" : "Eliminar a bóveda",
"Vault password" : "Contrasinal da bóveda",
"This process is irreversible" : "Este proceso é irreversíbel",
"Delete my precious passwords" : "Eliminar os meus valiosos contrasinais",
"Deleting {{password}}…" : "Eliminando {{password}}…",
"Yes, delete my precious passwords" : "Si, eliminar os meus valiosos contrasinais",
"Import type" : "Importar o tipo",
"Import" : "Importar",
@ -120,17 +146,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Save keys" : "Gardar as chaves",
"Generate sharing keys" : "Xerar chaves de compartición",
"Generating sharing keys" : "Xerando chaves de compartición",
"The password tool scans your password, calculates average cracking time, listing those below the threshold" : "A ferramenta de contrasinais analizará o seu contrasinal, calculará o tempo medio para rachalo e enumerará aquelas que estean por baixo do limiar",
"Minimum password stength" : "Fortaleza mínima do contrasinal",
"Start scan" : "Iniciar a analise",
"Result" : "Resultado",
"A total of {{scan_result}} weak credentials were found." : "Atopouse un tota del {{scan_result}} credenciais débiles.",
"Score" : "Puntuación",
"Action" : "Acción",
"Search users…" : "Buscar usuarios…",
"Missing users? Only users that have vaults are shown." : "Faltan usuarios? Só se amosan os usuarios que teñan bóvedas",
"Cyphering" : "Cifrado",
"Uploading" : "Enviando...",
"User" : "Usuario",
"Crypto time" : "Tempo de cifrado",
"Total time spent encrypting" : "Tempo total usado no cifrado",
"Read" : "Ler",
"Write" : "Escribir",
"Files" : "Ficheiros",
@ -139,6 +168,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable link sharing" : "Activar a compartición de ligazóns",
"Share until date" : "Compartir ata a data",
"Expire after views" : "Caduca despois de vistas",
"Click \\\"Share\\\" first" : "Primeiro prema en «Compartir»",
"Show files" : "Amosar os ficheiros",
"Details" : "Detalles",
"Hide details" : "Agochar os detalles",
@ -178,13 +208,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share credential {{credential}}" : "Compartir credenciais {{credential}}",
"Unshare" : "Deixar de compartir",
"Showing deleted since" : "Amosando eliminados desde",
"Beginning" : "Comezando",
"Showing {{number_filtered}} of {{credential_number}} credentials" : "Amosando {{number_filtered}} de {{credential_number}} credenciais",
"Search for credential…" : "Buscar credenciais…",
"Account" : "Conta",
"Password" : "Contrasinal",
"OTP" : "OTP",
"E-mail" : "Correo-e",
"URL" : "URL",
"Notes" : "Notas",
"Expiry time" : "Tempo de caducidade",
"Changed" : "Cambiado",
"Created" : "Creado",
"Edit" : "Editar",
@ -194,6 +227,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Destroy" : "Destruír",
"Use regex" : "Usar expresións regulares",
"You have incoming share requests." : "Vostede recibiu solicitudes para compartir. ",
"If you want to put the credential in another vault," : "Se vostede quere poñer as credenciais noutra bóveda,",
"log out of this vault and log into the vault you want the shared credential in." : "saia desta bóveda e inicie sesión na bóveda na que quere ter as credenciais compartidas.",
"Permissions" : "Permisos",
"Received from" : "Recibido de",
"Date" : "Data",
@ -201,24 +236,42 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Decline" : "Declinar",
"You have {{session_time}} left before logout." : "Dispón de {{session_time}} antes de que a súa sesión se peche.",
"Your vault has been locked for {{time}} because of {{tries}} failed attempts!" : "A súa bóveda atopase bloqueada durante {{time}} por mor dos {{tries}} intentos fallados!",
"Hello there!" : "Ola a todos!",
"It does not seem that you have any passwords. Do you want to add one?" : "Semella que non ten ningún contrasinal. Quere engadir un?",
"You don't have good credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais boas",
"You don't have medium credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais medianas",
"You don't have bad credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais malas",
"You don't have expired credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais caducadas",
"You don't have deleted credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais eliminadas",
"There are no credentials with your selected tags" : "Non hai credenciais coas etiquetas seleccionadas",
"There are no credentials matching" : "Non hai credenciais coincidentes",
"Last accessed" : "Último o acceso",
"Never" : "Nunca",
"No vaults found, why not create one?" : "Non se atoparon bóvedas. Por que non crear unha?",
"Password strength must be at least: {{strength}}" : "A fortaleza do contrasinal debe ser candoo menos: {{strength}}",
"Please give your new vault a name." : "Póñalle un nome á súa bóveda",
"Repeat vault password" : "Repita o contrasinal da bóveda",
"Your sharing keys will have a strength of 1024 bit, which you can change in \\\"Settings\\\" later ." : "A súa chave de compartir terá unha forza de 1024 bits, que pode cambiar máis adiante en «Axustes».",
"Create vault" : "Crear unha bóveda",
"Go back to vaults" : "Volver ás bóvedas",
"Please input the password for" : "Introduza o contrasinal para",
"Set this vault as the default." : "Estabelecer esta bóveda como predeterminada",
"Log into this vault automatically." : "Acceder a esta bóveda automaticamente",
"Log out of this vault automatically after: " : "Saír desta bóveda automaticamente após:",
"Decrypt vault" : "Descifrar a bóveda",
"Seems you lost the vault password and you're unable to log in." : "Semella que perdeu o contrasinal da bóveda e que non é quen de iniciar sesión.",
"If you want this vault to be removed you can request that here." : "Se quere que esta bóveda sexa eliminada, pode solicitalo aquí.",
"An admin then accepts or declines the request" : "Un administrador aceptará ou declinará a solicitude.",
"After an admin destroys this vault, all credentials in it will be lost" : "Após que un administrador destrúa esta bóveda, todas as credenciais incluídas nela perderanse",
"Reason for requesting deletion (optional):" : "Razón para solicitar a eliminación (opcional):",
"Request vault destruction" : "Solicitar a destrución da bóveda",
"Yes, request an admin to destroy this vault" : "Si, solicito que un administrador destrúa esta bóveda",
"Cancel destruction request" : "Cancelar a solicitude de destrución",
"Vault destruction requested" : "Solicitada a destrución da bóveda",
"Request removed" : "Solicitude retirada",
"Destruction request pending" : "Solicitude de destrución pendente",
"Warning! Adding credentials over HTTP is insecure!" : "Aviso! Engadir credenciais sobre HTTP non é seguro!",
"Logged into {{vault_name}}" : "Sesión iniciada en {{vault_name}}",
"Change vault" : "Cambiar da bóveda",
"Deleted credentials" : "Credenciais eliminadas",
"Logout" : "Saír",
@ -275,9 +328,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Request ID" : "ID da solicitude",
"Requested by" : "Solicitado por",
"Reason" : "Razón",
"Click here to request\n\t\t\t\t\tit" : "Prema aquí para\n\t\t\t\tsolicitalo",
"Connection to server lost" : "Perdida a conexión co servidor",
"Problem loading page, reloading in 5 seconds" : "Produciuse un problema ao cargar a páxina, volverá cargar en 5 segundos",
"Saving..." : "Gardando...",
"Saving..." : "Gardando",
"Dismiss" : "Desbotar",
"seconds ago" : "segundos atrás"

View file

@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
{ "translations": {
"Passwords" : "Contrasinais",
"Generating sharing keys ( %s / 2)" : "Xerando chaves de compartición ( %s / 2)",
"Incorrect vault password!" : "Contrasinal da bóveda incorrecta!",
"Passwords do not match" : "Os contrasinais non coinciden",
"General" : "Xeral",
"Custom Fields" : "Campos personalizados",
"Please fill in a label." : "Encha unha etiqueta.",
"Please fill in a value." : "Encha un valor.",
"Error loading file" : "Produciuse un erro ao cargar o ficheiro",
"An error occurred during decryption" : "Produciuse un erro durante o descifrado",
"Credential created!" : "Creouse a credencial!",
"Credential deleted" : "Credencial eliminada",
"Credential updated" : "Credencial actualizada",
"Credential recovered" : "Credencial recuperada",
"Credential destroyed" : "Credencial destruída",
"Error downloading file, you probably have insufficient permissions" : "Produciuse un erro ao descargar o ficheiro, probabelmente non teña permisos abondo",
"Invalid QR code" : "Código QR incorrecto",
"Starting export" : "Iniciando a exportación",
"Decrypting credentials" : "Descifrando credenciais",
"Done" : "Feito",
"File read." : "Ficheiro lido",
"Proceed with the following steps to import your file" : "Proceda cos seguintes pasos para importar o seu ficheiro",
"Skipping unlabeled credential" : "Omitindo as credenciais non etiquetadas",
"Adding {{credential}}" : "Engadindo {{credential}}",
"Added {{credential}}" : "{{credential}} foi engadida",
"Skipping credential, missing label on line {{line}}" : "Omitindo credenciais, falta unha etiqueta na liña {{line}}",
@ -25,16 +33,23 @@
"Skip first row" : "Omitir a primeira fila",
"You need to assign the label field before you can start the import." : "Ten que asignar o campo de etiqueta antes de comezar a importación.",
"Assign the proper fields to each column." : "Asignar os campos axeitados para cada columna.",
"Example of imported credential" : "Exemplo de credencial importada",
"Missing an importer? Try it with the generic CSV importer." : "Non atopa unha ferramenta para importar? Probe coa ferramenta xenérica para importar CSV.",
"Go back to importers." : "Volver aos importadores.",
"Revision deleted" : "Revisión eliminada",
"Revision restored" : "Revisión restaurada",
"Save in Passman" : "Gardar no Passman",
"Settings saved" : "Axustes gardados",
"General settings" : "Axustes xerais",
"Password audit" : "Auditoría de contrasinais",
"Password settings" : "Axuste de contrasinal",
"Import credentials" : "Importar credenciais",
"Export credentials" : "Exportar credenciais",
"Sharing" : "Compartindo",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will destroy all your credentials" : "Confirma que quere saír? Isto destruirá todas as súas credenciais",
"Old password field incorrect!" : "O campo de contrasinal antigo é incorrecto!",
"New password does not match!" : "O novo contrasinal non coincide!",
"Please log in with your new vault password" : "Acceda co seu novo contrasinal da bóveda",
"Share with users and groups" : "Compartir con outros usuarios e grupos",
"Share link" : "Compartir ligazón",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will corrupt this credential" : "Confirma que quere saír? Isto estragará esta credencial",
@ -54,6 +69,12 @@
"Complete" : "Completo",
"Username" : "Nome de usuario",
"Repeat password" : "Repita o contrasinal",
"Add tag" : "Engadir unha etiqueta",
"Pick an icon" : "Escolla unha icona",
"Search icons" : "Buscar iconas",
"Upload a custom icon:" : "Enviar unha icona personalizada:",
"Use this icon" : "Usar esta icona",
"Selected icon" : "Icona seleccionada",
"Field label" : "Campo etiqueta",
"Field value" : "Campo valor",
"Choose a file" : "Escolla un ficheiro",
@ -71,6 +92,8 @@
"Current OTP settings" : "Axustes OTP actuais",
"Issuer" : "Emisor",
"Secret" : "Secreto",
"Expiration date" : "Data de caducidade",
"No expiration date set" : "Non se definiu a data de caducidade",
"Renew interval" : "Intervalo de renovación",
"Disabled" : "Desactivado",
"Day(s)" : "Día(s)",
@ -95,6 +118,7 @@
"Change vault key" : "Cambiar a chave da bóveda",
"Old vault password" : "Anterior contrasinal da bóveda",
"New vault password" : "Novo contrasinal da bóveda",
"Repeat new vault password" : "Repita o novo contrasinal da bóveda",
"Please wait your vault is being updated, do not leave this page." : "Agarde mentres se actualiza a súa bóveda, non saia desta páxina.",
"Processing" : "Procesando",
"Total progress" : "Progreso total",
@ -102,11 +126,13 @@
"Version" : "Versión",
"Donate to support development" : "Doar para axudar ao dsenvolvemento",
"Bookmarklet" : "Marcadores",
"Save your passwords with one click." : "Garde os seus contrasinais cun só clic.",
"Drag below button to your bookmark toolbar." : "Arrastre o botón inferior cara a barra de ferramentas de marcadores.",
"Delete vault" : "Eliminar a bóveda",
"Vault password" : "Contrasinal da bóveda",
"This process is irreversible" : "Este proceso é irreversíbel",
"Delete my precious passwords" : "Eliminar os meus valiosos contrasinais",
"Deleting {{password}}…" : "Eliminando {{password}}…",
"Yes, delete my precious passwords" : "Si, eliminar os meus valiosos contrasinais",
"Import type" : "Importar o tipo",
"Import" : "Importar",
@ -118,17 +144,20 @@
"Save keys" : "Gardar as chaves",
"Generate sharing keys" : "Xerar chaves de compartición",
"Generating sharing keys" : "Xerando chaves de compartición",
"The password tool scans your password, calculates average cracking time, listing those below the threshold" : "A ferramenta de contrasinais analizará o seu contrasinal, calculará o tempo medio para rachalo e enumerará aquelas que estean por baixo do limiar",
"Minimum password stength" : "Fortaleza mínima do contrasinal",
"Start scan" : "Iniciar a analise",
"Result" : "Resultado",
"A total of {{scan_result}} weak credentials were found." : "Atopouse un tota del {{scan_result}} credenciais débiles.",
"Score" : "Puntuación",
"Action" : "Acción",
"Search users…" : "Buscar usuarios…",
"Missing users? Only users that have vaults are shown." : "Faltan usuarios? Só se amosan os usuarios que teñan bóvedas",
"Cyphering" : "Cifrado",
"Uploading" : "Enviando...",
"User" : "Usuario",
"Crypto time" : "Tempo de cifrado",
"Total time spent encrypting" : "Tempo total usado no cifrado",
"Read" : "Ler",
"Write" : "Escribir",
"Files" : "Ficheiros",
@ -137,6 +166,7 @@
"Enable link sharing" : "Activar a compartición de ligazóns",
"Share until date" : "Compartir ata a data",
"Expire after views" : "Caduca despois de vistas",
"Click \\\"Share\\\" first" : "Primeiro prema en «Compartir»",
"Show files" : "Amosar os ficheiros",
"Details" : "Detalles",
"Hide details" : "Agochar os detalles",
@ -176,13 +206,16 @@
"Share credential {{credential}}" : "Compartir credenciais {{credential}}",
"Unshare" : "Deixar de compartir",
"Showing deleted since" : "Amosando eliminados desde",
"Beginning" : "Comezando",
"Showing {{number_filtered}} of {{credential_number}} credentials" : "Amosando {{number_filtered}} de {{credential_number}} credenciais",
"Search for credential…" : "Buscar credenciais…",
"Account" : "Conta",
"Password" : "Contrasinal",
"OTP" : "OTP",
"E-mail" : "Correo-e",
"URL" : "URL",
"Notes" : "Notas",
"Expiry time" : "Tempo de caducidade",
"Changed" : "Cambiado",
"Created" : "Creado",
"Edit" : "Editar",
@ -192,6 +225,8 @@
"Destroy" : "Destruír",
"Use regex" : "Usar expresións regulares",
"You have incoming share requests." : "Vostede recibiu solicitudes para compartir. ",
"If you want to put the credential in another vault," : "Se vostede quere poñer as credenciais noutra bóveda,",
"log out of this vault and log into the vault you want the shared credential in." : "saia desta bóveda e inicie sesión na bóveda na que quere ter as credenciais compartidas.",
"Permissions" : "Permisos",
"Received from" : "Recibido de",
"Date" : "Data",
@ -199,24 +234,42 @@
"Decline" : "Declinar",
"You have {{session_time}} left before logout." : "Dispón de {{session_time}} antes de que a súa sesión se peche.",
"Your vault has been locked for {{time}} because of {{tries}} failed attempts!" : "A súa bóveda atopase bloqueada durante {{time}} por mor dos {{tries}} intentos fallados!",
"Hello there!" : "Ola a todos!",
"It does not seem that you have any passwords. Do you want to add one?" : "Semella que non ten ningún contrasinal. Quere engadir un?",
"You don't have good credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais boas",
"You don't have medium credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais medianas",
"You don't have bad credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais malas",
"You don't have expired credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais caducadas",
"You don't have deleted credentials" : "Vostede non ten credenciais eliminadas",
"There are no credentials with your selected tags" : "Non hai credenciais coas etiquetas seleccionadas",
"There are no credentials matching" : "Non hai credenciais coincidentes",
"Last accessed" : "Último o acceso",
"Never" : "Nunca",
"No vaults found, why not create one?" : "Non se atoparon bóvedas. Por que non crear unha?",
"Password strength must be at least: {{strength}}" : "A fortaleza do contrasinal debe ser candoo menos: {{strength}}",
"Please give your new vault a name." : "Póñalle un nome á súa bóveda",
"Repeat vault password" : "Repita o contrasinal da bóveda",
"Your sharing keys will have a strength of 1024 bit, which you can change in \\\"Settings\\\" later ." : "A súa chave de compartir terá unha forza de 1024 bits, que pode cambiar máis adiante en «Axustes».",
"Create vault" : "Crear unha bóveda",
"Go back to vaults" : "Volver ás bóvedas",
"Please input the password for" : "Introduza o contrasinal para",
"Set this vault as the default." : "Estabelecer esta bóveda como predeterminada",
"Log into this vault automatically." : "Acceder a esta bóveda automaticamente",
"Log out of this vault automatically after: " : "Saír desta bóveda automaticamente após:",
"Decrypt vault" : "Descifrar a bóveda",
"Seems you lost the vault password and you're unable to log in." : "Semella que perdeu o contrasinal da bóveda e que non é quen de iniciar sesión.",
"If you want this vault to be removed you can request that here." : "Se quere que esta bóveda sexa eliminada, pode solicitalo aquí.",
"An admin then accepts or declines the request" : "Un administrador aceptará ou declinará a solicitude.",
"After an admin destroys this vault, all credentials in it will be lost" : "Após que un administrador destrúa esta bóveda, todas as credenciais incluídas nela perderanse",
"Reason for requesting deletion (optional):" : "Razón para solicitar a eliminación (opcional):",
"Request vault destruction" : "Solicitar a destrución da bóveda",
"Yes, request an admin to destroy this vault" : "Si, solicito que un administrador destrúa esta bóveda",
"Cancel destruction request" : "Cancelar a solicitude de destrución",
"Vault destruction requested" : "Solicitada a destrución da bóveda",
"Request removed" : "Solicitude retirada",
"Destruction request pending" : "Solicitude de destrución pendente",
"Warning! Adding credentials over HTTP is insecure!" : "Aviso! Engadir credenciais sobre HTTP non é seguro!",
"Logged into {{vault_name}}" : "Sesión iniciada en {{vault_name}}",
"Change vault" : "Cambiar da bóveda",
"Deleted credentials" : "Credenciais eliminadas",
"Logout" : "Saír",
@ -273,9 +326,10 @@
"Request ID" : "ID da solicitude",
"Requested by" : "Solicitado por",
"Reason" : "Razón",
"Click here to request\n\t\t\t\t\tit" : "Prema aquí para\n\t\t\t\tsolicitalo",
"Connection to server lost" : "Perdida a conexión co servidor",
"Problem loading page, reloading in 5 seconds" : "Produciuse un problema ao cargar a páxina, volverá cargar en 5 segundos",
"Saving..." : "Gardando...",
"Saving..." : "Gardando",
"Dismiss" : "Desbotar",
"seconds ago" : "segundos atrás"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Passwords" : "密码",
"Generating sharing keys ( %s / 2)" : "生成共享秘钥(%s / 2",
"Incorrect vault password!" : "错误的密码!",
"Incorrect vault password!" : "错误的保险箱密码!",
"Passwords do not match" : "密码不匹配",
"General" : "一般",
"Custom Fields" : "自定义字段",
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Credential updated" : "凭证更新",
"Credential recovered" : "凭证回收",
"Credential destroyed" : "凭证销毁",
"Error downloading file, you probably have insufficient permissions" : "下载文件时发生错误,可能没有足够的权限",
"Error downloading file, you probably have insufficient permissions" : "下载文件时发生错误,可能没有足够的权限",
"Invalid QR code" : "无效的 QR 代码",
"Starting export" : "正在开始导出",
"Decrypting credentials" : "凭证解密",
"Done" : "完成",
"File read." : "文件读取。",
"Proceed with the following steps to import your file" : "按以下步骤处理以导入的文件",
"Proceed with the following steps to import your file" : "按以下步骤处理以导入的文件",
"Skipping unlabeled credential" : "跳过无标签的凭据",
"Adding {{credential}}" : "添加 {{credential}}",
"Added {{credential}}" : "已添加 {{credential}}",
@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Import credentials" : "导入凭据",
"Export credentials" : "导出凭据",
"Sharing" : "正在共享",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will destroy all your credentials" : "是否要离开?这将销毁所有的凭证",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will destroy all your credentials" : "是否要离开?这将销毁所有的凭证",
"Old password field incorrect!" : "旧密码错误!",
"New password does not match!" : "新密码不匹配!",
"Please log in with your new vault password" : "请使用的新保险箱密码登录",
"Please log in with your new vault password" : "请使用的新保险箱密码登录",
"Share with users and groups" : "与用户和组共享",
"Share link" : "共享链接",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will corrupt this credential" : "您确认要离开吗?这将销毁这个凭证",
@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Repeat password" : "重复密码",
"Add tag" : "添加标签",
"Pick an icon" : "选择一个图标",
"Search icons" : "搜索图标",
"Upload a custom icon:" : "上传自定义图标:",
"Use this icon" : "使用这个图标",
"Selected icon" : "选定的图标",
"Field label" : "字段标签",
@ -90,17 +92,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Upload date" : "上传日期",
"Size" : "大小",
"Upload or enter your OTP secret" : "上传或输入 OTP 密钥",
"Current OTP settings" : "目前OTP设置 ",
"Current OTP settings" : "目前 OTP 设置 ",
"Issuer" : "发行者 ",
"Secret" : "密钥",
"Expiration date" : "有效期",
"No expiration date set" : "未设置有效期",
"Renew interval" : "更新间隔",
"Disabled" : "禁用",
"Day(s)" : "天(s)",
"Week(s)" : "周(s)",
"Month(s)" : "月(s)",
"Year(s)" : "年(s)",
"Day(s)" : "天",
"Week(s)" : "周",
"Month(s)" : "月",
"Year(s)" : "年",
"Password generation settings" : "生成密码设置",
"Password length" : "密码长度",
"Minimum amount of digits" : "最小数字位数",
@ -112,14 +114,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Require every character type" : "要求所用字符类型",
"Export type" : "导出类型",
"Export" : "导出",
"Enter vault password to confirm export." : "输入保险密码以确认导出。",
"Rename vault" : "重命名文件库",
"New vault name" : "新文件库名称",
"Enter vault password to confirm export." : "输入保险密码以确认导出。",
"Rename vault" : "重命名保险箱",
"New vault name" : "新保险箱名称",
"Change" : "变更",
"Change vault key" : "更高保险箱密钥",
"Old vault password" : "旧的保险箱密码",
"New vault password" : "新的保险箱密码",
"Repeat new vault password" : "重复新的保管库密码",
"Repeat new vault password" : "重复新的保险箱密码",
"Please wait your vault is being updated, do not leave this page." : "请耐心等待,您的保险箱正在更新,请不要离开此页面。",
"Processing" : "正在处理",
"Total progress" : "全部进度",
@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Score" : "评分",
"Action" : "操作",
"Search users…" : "搜索用户...",
"Missing users? Only users that have vaults are shown." : "缺少用户? 只显示具有保管库的用户。",
"Missing users? Only users that have vaults are shown." : "缺少用户? 只显示具有保险箱的用户。",
"Cyphering" : "计算中",
"Uploading" : "正在上传...",
"User" : "用户",
@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Account" : "账户",
"Password" : "密码",
"OTP" : "OTP",
"E-mail" : "E-mail",
"E-mail" : "电子邮件",
"URL" : "URL",
"Notes" : "说明",
"Expiry time" : "过期时间",
@ -226,38 +228,38 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Destroy" : " 销毁",
"Use regex" : "使用正则表达式",
"You have incoming share requests." : "您接收到共享请求。",
"If you want to put the credential in another vault," : "如果你想将证书放在另一个保险库中,",
"log out of this vault and log into the vault you want the shared credential in." : "退出此保管库并登录到您要共享证书的保管库。",
"If you want to put the credential in another vault," : "如果您想将证书放在另一个保险箱中,",
"log out of this vault and log into the vault you want the shared credential in." : "退出此保险箱并登录到您要共享证书的保险箱。",
"Permissions" : "权限",
"Received from" : "接受自",
"Date" : "日期",
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "拒绝",
"You have {{session_time}} left before logout." : "在注销前还剩 {{session_time}} 。",
"Your vault has been locked for {{time}} because of {{tries}} failed attempts!" : "由于{{试图}}尝试已失败,您的保管库已锁定{{time}}",
"You have {{session_time}} left before logout." : "在注销前还剩 {{session_time}} 。",
"Your vault has been locked for {{time}} because of {{tries}} failed attempts!" : "由于{{试图}}尝试已失败,您的保险箱已锁定{{time}}",
"Last accessed" : "上次访问",
"Never" : "从不",
"No vaults found, why not create one?" : "没有找到保险,为什么不创建一个?",
"No vaults found, why not create one?" : "没有找到保险,为什么不创建一个?",
"Password strength must be at least: {{strength}}" : "密码强度必须至少为{{strength}}",
"Please give your new vault a name." : "请给你的新保险库一个名字。",
"Repeat vault password" : "重复保管库密码",
"Your sharing keys will have a strength of 1024 bit, which you can change in \\\"Settings\\\" later ." : "您的共享密钥将具有1024位的强度您可以稍后在“设置”中进行更改。 ",
"Please give your new vault a name." : "请给您的新保险箱一个名字。",
"Repeat vault password" : "重复保险箱密码",
"Your sharing keys will have a strength of 1024 bit, which you can change in \\\"Settings\\\" later ." : "您的共享密钥将具有 1024 位的强度,您可以稍后在“设置”中进行更改。 ",
"Create vault" : "创建保险箱",
"Go back to vaults" : "回到保管库",
"Go back to vaults" : "回到保险箱",
"Please input the password for" : "请输入密码为",
"Set this vault as the default." : "将此保管库设置为默认值。",
"Set this vault as the default." : "将此保险箱设置为默认值。",
"Log into this vault automatically." : "自动登入保险箱",
"Log out of this vault automatically after: " : "之后自动退出此保管库",
"Log out of this vault automatically after: " : "之后自动退出此保险箱",
"Decrypt vault" : "加密保险箱",
"Seems you lost the vault password and you're unable to log in." : "似乎丢失了保管库密码,您无法登录。",
"If you want this vault to be removed you can request that here." : "如果你想要这个保管库被删除,你可以在这里要求。",
"Seems you lost the vault password and you're unable to log in." : "似乎丢失了保险箱密码,您无法登录。",
"If you want this vault to be removed you can request that here." : "如果您想删除这个保险箱,您可以在这里请求。",
"An admin then accepts or declines the request" : "然后,管理员接受或拒绝该请求",
"After an admin destroys this vault, all credentials in it will be lost" : "管理员销毁此保管库后,其中的所有凭据将丢失",
"After an admin destroys this vault, all credentials in it will be lost" : "管理员销毁此保险箱后,其中的所有凭据将丢失",
"Reason for requesting deletion (optional):" : "请求删除的原因(可选):",
"Request vault destruction" : "请求保险库销毁",
"Yes, request an admin to destroy this vault" : "是的,请求管理员销毁此保管库",
"Request vault destruction" : "请求销毁保险箱",
"Yes, request an admin to destroy this vault" : "是的,请求管理员销毁此保险箱",
"Cancel destruction request" : "取消销毁请求",
"Vault destruction requested" : "要求保管库销毁",
"Vault destruction requested" : "要求销毁保险箱",
"Request removed" : "请求已移除",
"Destruction request pending" : "销毁请求待处理",
"Warning! Adding credentials over HTTP is insecure!" : "警告! 通过HTTP添加凭证是不安全的",
@ -268,15 +270,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Donate" : "捐助",
"Tags" : "标签",
"Expired" : "已过期",
"Someone has shared a credential with you." : "有人与你共享了一个证书。",
"Someone has shared a credential with you." : "有人向您共享了一个证书。",
"Click here to request it" : "点击这里请求",
"Loading…" : "加载中",
"Awwhh… credential not found. Maybe it expired" : "Awwhh ...没有找到证书。 也许它过期了",
"Loading…" : "加载中...",
"Awwhh… credential not found. Maybe it expired" : "哎呀... 没有找到证书。也许它过期了",
"Error while saving field" : "保存域错误",
"A Passman item has been created, modified or deleted" : "Passman项目已创建,修改或已删除",
"A Passman item has expired" : "Passman项目已过期",
"A Passman item has been shared" : "Passman项目已被共享",
"A Passman item has been renamed" : "Passman项目已重命名",
"A Passman item has been created, modified or deleted" : "Passman 项目已创建,修改或已删除",
"A Passman item has expired" : "Passman 项目已过期",
"A Passman item has been shared" : "Passman 项目已被共享",
"A Passman item has been renamed" : "Passman 项目已重命名",
"%1$s has been created by %2$s" : "%1$s 已经被创建通过 %2$s",
"You created %1$s" : "已创建 %1$s",
"%1$s has been updated by %2$s" : "%1$s已更新%2$s",
@ -285,12 +287,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You reverted %1$s back to the revision of %3$s" : "您将%1$s还原到%3$s的修订版本",
"%3$s has renamed %1$s to %2$s" : "%3$s 已重命名 %1$s 为 %2$s",
"You renamed %1$s to %2$s" : "已重命名 %1$s 为 %2$s",
"%1$s has been deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被删除由 %2$s",
"%1$s has been deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被 %2$s 删除",
"You deleted %1$s" : "已删除 %1$s",
"%1$s has been recovered by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被恢复由 %2$s",
"%1$s has been recovered by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被%2$s 恢复",
"You recovered %1$s" : "已恢复 %1$s",
"%1$s has been permanently deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被永久删除由 %2$s",
"You permanently deleted %1$s" : "将永久删除 %1$s",
"%1$s has been permanently deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被 %2$s 永久删除",
"You permanently deleted %1$s" : "将永久删除 %1$s",
"The password of %1$s has expired, renew it now." : "密码 %1$s 已过期,请续订。",
"%1$s has been shared with %2$s" : "%1$s 已经共享被 %2$s",
"You received a share request for %1$s from %2$s" : "您收到 %2$s 的共享 %1$s 请求 ",
@ -298,33 +300,33 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your credential \"%s\" expired, click here to update the credential." : "您的凭据%s已过期请点击此处更新凭证。",
"Remind me later" : "以后提醒我 ",
"Ignore" : "忽略",
"%s shared \"%s\" with you. Click here to accept" : "%s已共享\"%s\"给你。点击这里接受",
"%s has declined your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s已拒绝您的共享请求\"%s\"",
"%s has accepted your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s已接受您的共享请求\"%s\"",
"%s shared \"%s\" with you. Click here to accept" : "%s 已共享\"%s\"给您。点击这里接受",
"%s has declined your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s 已拒绝您的共享请求\"%s\"",
"%s has accepted your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s 已接受您的共享请求\"%s\"",
"Passman" : "Passman",
"Passman is a full featured password manager." : "Passman 是一个全能的密码管理器。",
"Unable to get version info" : "无法获取版本信息 ",
"Passman Settings" : "Passman 设置",
"GitHub version:" : "GitHub版本",
"GitHub version:" : "GitHub 版本",
"A newer version of Passman is available" : "较新版本的Passman可用",
"Password sharing" : "密码共享中",
"Credential mover" : "凭证移动者",
"Vault destruction requests" : "存储库销毁请求",
"Vault destruction requests" : "保险箱销毁请求",
"Check for new versions" : "检查新版本",
"Enable HTTPS check" : "启用HTTPS检查",
"Disable context menu" : "禁用上下文菜单 ",
"Disable JavaScript debugger" : "禁用JavaScript调试器",
"Disable JavaScript debugger" : "禁用 JavaScript 调试器",
"Allow users on this server to share passwords with a link" : "允许此服务器上的用户通过链接共享密码 ",
"Allow users on this server to share passwords with other users" : "允许此服务器上的用户与其他用户共享密码 ",
"Move credentials from one account to another" : "将凭据从一个帐户移动到另一个",
"Source account" : "资源账户",
"Destination account" : "终点账户",
"Credentials moved!" : "证书已移动了!",
"Requests to destroy vault" : "要求销毁存储库",
"Requests to destroy vault" : "要求销毁保险箱",
"Request ID" : "请求 ID",
"Requested by" : "被要求",
"Reason" : "原因",
"Click here to request\n\t\t\t\t\tit" : "点击这里请求\n\t\t\t\t\t",
"Click here to request\n\t\t\t\t\tit" : "点击这里请求\n\t\t\t\t\t",
"Loading…" : "加载中…",
"Connection to server lost" : "与服务器的连接断开",
"Problem loading page, reloading in 5 seconds" : "加载页面出现问题,在 5 秒内重新加载",

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Passwords" : "密码",
"Generating sharing keys ( %s / 2)" : "生成共享秘钥(%s / 2",
"Incorrect vault password!" : "错误的密码!",
"Incorrect vault password!" : "错误的保险箱密码!",
"Passwords do not match" : "密码不匹配",
"General" : "一般",
"Custom Fields" : "自定义字段",
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
"Credential updated" : "凭证更新",
"Credential recovered" : "凭证回收",
"Credential destroyed" : "凭证销毁",
"Error downloading file, you probably have insufficient permissions" : "下载文件时发生错误,可能没有足够的权限",
"Error downloading file, you probably have insufficient permissions" : "下载文件时发生错误,可能没有足够的权限",
"Invalid QR code" : "无效的 QR 代码",
"Starting export" : "正在开始导出",
"Decrypting credentials" : "凭证解密",
"Done" : "完成",
"File read." : "文件读取。",
"Proceed with the following steps to import your file" : "按以下步骤处理以导入的文件",
"Proceed with the following steps to import your file" : "按以下步骤处理以导入的文件",
"Skipping unlabeled credential" : "跳过无标签的凭据",
"Adding {{credential}}" : "添加 {{credential}}",
"Added {{credential}}" : "已添加 {{credential}}",
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
"Import credentials" : "导入凭据",
"Export credentials" : "导出凭据",
"Sharing" : "正在共享",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will destroy all your credentials" : "是否要离开?这将销毁所有的凭证",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will destroy all your credentials" : "是否要离开?这将销毁所有的凭证",
"Old password field incorrect!" : "旧密码错误!",
"New password does not match!" : "新密码不匹配!",
"Please log in with your new vault password" : "请使用的新保险箱密码登录",
"Please log in with your new vault password" : "请使用的新保险箱密码登录",
"Share with users and groups" : "与用户和组共享",
"Share link" : "共享链接",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will corrupt this credential" : "您确认要离开吗?这将销毁这个凭证",
@ -72,6 +72,8 @@
"Repeat password" : "重复密码",
"Add tag" : "添加标签",
"Pick an icon" : "选择一个图标",
"Search icons" : "搜索图标",
"Upload a custom icon:" : "上传自定义图标:",
"Use this icon" : "使用这个图标",
"Selected icon" : "选定的图标",
"Field label" : "字段标签",
@ -88,17 +90,17 @@
"Upload date" : "上传日期",
"Size" : "大小",
"Upload or enter your OTP secret" : "上传或输入 OTP 密钥",
"Current OTP settings" : "目前OTP设置 ",
"Current OTP settings" : "目前 OTP 设置 ",
"Issuer" : "发行者 ",
"Secret" : "密钥",
"Expiration date" : "有效期",
"No expiration date set" : "未设置有效期",
"Renew interval" : "更新间隔",
"Disabled" : "禁用",
"Day(s)" : "天(s)",
"Week(s)" : "周(s)",
"Month(s)" : "月(s)",
"Year(s)" : "年(s)",
"Day(s)" : "天",
"Week(s)" : "周",
"Month(s)" : "月",
"Year(s)" : "年",
"Password generation settings" : "生成密码设置",
"Password length" : "密码长度",
"Minimum amount of digits" : "最小数字位数",
@ -110,14 +112,14 @@
"Require every character type" : "要求所用字符类型",
"Export type" : "导出类型",
"Export" : "导出",
"Enter vault password to confirm export." : "输入保险密码以确认导出。",
"Rename vault" : "重命名文件库",
"New vault name" : "新文件库名称",
"Enter vault password to confirm export." : "输入保险密码以确认导出。",
"Rename vault" : "重命名保险箱",
"New vault name" : "新保险箱名称",
"Change" : "变更",
"Change vault key" : "更高保险箱密钥",
"Old vault password" : "旧的保险箱密码",
"New vault password" : "新的保险箱密码",
"Repeat new vault password" : "重复新的保管库密码",
"Repeat new vault password" : "重复新的保险箱密码",
"Please wait your vault is being updated, do not leave this page." : "请耐心等待,您的保险箱正在更新,请不要离开此页面。",
"Processing" : "正在处理",
"Total progress" : "全部进度",
@ -151,7 +153,7 @@
"Score" : "评分",
"Action" : "操作",
"Search users…" : "搜索用户...",
"Missing users? Only users that have vaults are shown." : "缺少用户? 只显示具有保管库的用户。",
"Missing users? Only users that have vaults are shown." : "缺少用户? 只显示具有保险箱的用户。",
"Cyphering" : "计算中",
"Uploading" : "正在上传...",
"User" : "用户",
@ -211,7 +213,7 @@
"Account" : "账户",
"Password" : "密码",
"OTP" : "OTP",
"E-mail" : "E-mail",
"E-mail" : "电子邮件",
"URL" : "URL",
"Notes" : "说明",
"Expiry time" : "过期时间",
@ -224,38 +226,38 @@
"Destroy" : " 销毁",
"Use regex" : "使用正则表达式",
"You have incoming share requests." : "您接收到共享请求。",
"If you want to put the credential in another vault," : "如果你想将证书放在另一个保险库中,",
"log out of this vault and log into the vault you want the shared credential in." : "退出此保管库并登录到您要共享证书的保管库。",
"If you want to put the credential in another vault," : "如果您想将证书放在另一个保险箱中,",
"log out of this vault and log into the vault you want the shared credential in." : "退出此保险箱并登录到您要共享证书的保险箱。",
"Permissions" : "权限",
"Received from" : "接受自",
"Date" : "日期",
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "拒绝",
"You have {{session_time}} left before logout." : "在注销前还剩 {{session_time}} 。",
"Your vault has been locked for {{time}} because of {{tries}} failed attempts!" : "由于{{试图}}尝试已失败,您的保管库已锁定{{time}}",
"You have {{session_time}} left before logout." : "在注销前还剩 {{session_time}} 。",
"Your vault has been locked for {{time}} because of {{tries}} failed attempts!" : "由于{{试图}}尝试已失败,您的保险箱已锁定{{time}}",
"Last accessed" : "上次访问",
"Never" : "从不",
"No vaults found, why not create one?" : "没有找到保险,为什么不创建一个?",
"No vaults found, why not create one?" : "没有找到保险,为什么不创建一个?",
"Password strength must be at least: {{strength}}" : "密码强度必须至少为{{strength}}",
"Please give your new vault a name." : "请给你的新保险库一个名字。",
"Repeat vault password" : "重复保管库密码",
"Your sharing keys will have a strength of 1024 bit, which you can change in \\\"Settings\\\" later ." : "您的共享密钥将具有1024位的强度您可以稍后在“设置”中进行更改。 ",
"Please give your new vault a name." : "请给您的新保险箱一个名字。",
"Repeat vault password" : "重复保险箱密码",
"Your sharing keys will have a strength of 1024 bit, which you can change in \\\"Settings\\\" later ." : "您的共享密钥将具有 1024 位的强度,您可以稍后在“设置”中进行更改。 ",
"Create vault" : "创建保险箱",
"Go back to vaults" : "回到保管库",
"Go back to vaults" : "回到保险箱",
"Please input the password for" : "请输入密码为",
"Set this vault as the default." : "将此保管库设置为默认值。",
"Set this vault as the default." : "将此保险箱设置为默认值。",
"Log into this vault automatically." : "自动登入保险箱",
"Log out of this vault automatically after: " : "之后自动退出此保管库",
"Log out of this vault automatically after: " : "之后自动退出此保险箱",
"Decrypt vault" : "加密保险箱",
"Seems you lost the vault password and you're unable to log in." : "似乎丢失了保管库密码,您无法登录。",
"If you want this vault to be removed you can request that here." : "如果你想要这个保管库被删除,你可以在这里要求。",
"Seems you lost the vault password and you're unable to log in." : "似乎丢失了保险箱密码,您无法登录。",
"If you want this vault to be removed you can request that here." : "如果您想删除这个保险箱,您可以在这里请求。",
"An admin then accepts or declines the request" : "然后,管理员接受或拒绝该请求",
"After an admin destroys this vault, all credentials in it will be lost" : "管理员销毁此保管库后,其中的所有凭据将丢失",
"After an admin destroys this vault, all credentials in it will be lost" : "管理员销毁此保险箱后,其中的所有凭据将丢失",
"Reason for requesting deletion (optional):" : "请求删除的原因(可选):",
"Request vault destruction" : "请求保险库销毁",
"Yes, request an admin to destroy this vault" : "是的,请求管理员销毁此保管库",
"Request vault destruction" : "请求销毁保险箱",
"Yes, request an admin to destroy this vault" : "是的,请求管理员销毁此保险箱",
"Cancel destruction request" : "取消销毁请求",
"Vault destruction requested" : "要求保管库销毁",
"Vault destruction requested" : "要求销毁保险箱",
"Request removed" : "请求已移除",
"Destruction request pending" : "销毁请求待处理",
"Warning! Adding credentials over HTTP is insecure!" : "警告! 通过HTTP添加凭证是不安全的",
@ -266,15 +268,15 @@
"Donate" : "捐助",
"Tags" : "标签",
"Expired" : "已过期",
"Someone has shared a credential with you." : "有人与你共享了一个证书。",
"Someone has shared a credential with you." : "有人向您共享了一个证书。",
"Click here to request it" : "点击这里请求",
"Loading…" : "加载中",
"Awwhh… credential not found. Maybe it expired" : "Awwhh ...没有找到证书。 也许它过期了",
"Loading…" : "加载中...",
"Awwhh… credential not found. Maybe it expired" : "哎呀... 没有找到证书。也许它过期了",
"Error while saving field" : "保存域错误",
"A Passman item has been created, modified or deleted" : "Passman项目已创建,修改或已删除",
"A Passman item has expired" : "Passman项目已过期",
"A Passman item has been shared" : "Passman项目已被共享",
"A Passman item has been renamed" : "Passman项目已重命名",
"A Passman item has been created, modified or deleted" : "Passman 项目已创建,修改或已删除",
"A Passman item has expired" : "Passman 项目已过期",
"A Passman item has been shared" : "Passman 项目已被共享",
"A Passman item has been renamed" : "Passman 项目已重命名",
"%1$s has been created by %2$s" : "%1$s 已经被创建通过 %2$s",
"You created %1$s" : "已创建 %1$s",
"%1$s has been updated by %2$s" : "%1$s已更新%2$s",
@ -283,12 +285,12 @@
"You reverted %1$s back to the revision of %3$s" : "您将%1$s还原到%3$s的修订版本",
"%3$s has renamed %1$s to %2$s" : "%3$s 已重命名 %1$s 为 %2$s",
"You renamed %1$s to %2$s" : "已重命名 %1$s 为 %2$s",
"%1$s has been deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被删除由 %2$s",
"%1$s has been deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被 %2$s 删除",
"You deleted %1$s" : "已删除 %1$s",
"%1$s has been recovered by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被恢复由 %2$s",
"%1$s has been recovered by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被%2$s 恢复",
"You recovered %1$s" : "已恢复 %1$s",
"%1$s has been permanently deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被永久删除由 %2$s",
"You permanently deleted %1$s" : "将永久删除 %1$s",
"%1$s has been permanently deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被 %2$s 永久删除",
"You permanently deleted %1$s" : "将永久删除 %1$s",
"The password of %1$s has expired, renew it now." : "密码 %1$s 已过期,请续订。",
"%1$s has been shared with %2$s" : "%1$s 已经共享被 %2$s",
"You received a share request for %1$s from %2$s" : "您收到 %2$s 的共享 %1$s 请求 ",
@ -296,33 +298,33 @@
"Your credential \"%s\" expired, click here to update the credential." : "您的凭据%s已过期请点击此处更新凭证。",
"Remind me later" : "以后提醒我 ",
"Ignore" : "忽略",
"%s shared \"%s\" with you. Click here to accept" : "%s已共享\"%s\"给你。点击这里接受",
"%s has declined your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s已拒绝您的共享请求\"%s\"",
"%s has accepted your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s已接受您的共享请求\"%s\"",
"%s shared \"%s\" with you. Click here to accept" : "%s 已共享\"%s\"给您。点击这里接受",
"%s has declined your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s 已拒绝您的共享请求\"%s\"",
"%s has accepted your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s 已接受您的共享请求\"%s\"",
"Passman" : "Passman",
"Passman is a full featured password manager." : "Passman 是一个全能的密码管理器。",
"Unable to get version info" : "无法获取版本信息 ",
"Passman Settings" : "Passman 设置",
"GitHub version:" : "GitHub版本",
"GitHub version:" : "GitHub 版本",
"A newer version of Passman is available" : "较新版本的Passman可用",
"Password sharing" : "密码共享中",
"Credential mover" : "凭证移动者",
"Vault destruction requests" : "存储库销毁请求",
"Vault destruction requests" : "保险箱销毁请求",
"Check for new versions" : "检查新版本",
"Enable HTTPS check" : "启用HTTPS检查",
"Disable context menu" : "禁用上下文菜单 ",
"Disable JavaScript debugger" : "禁用JavaScript调试器",
"Disable JavaScript debugger" : "禁用 JavaScript 调试器",
"Allow users on this server to share passwords with a link" : "允许此服务器上的用户通过链接共享密码 ",
"Allow users on this server to share passwords with other users" : "允许此服务器上的用户与其他用户共享密码 ",
"Move credentials from one account to another" : "将凭据从一个帐户移动到另一个",
"Source account" : "资源账户",
"Destination account" : "终点账户",
"Credentials moved!" : "证书已移动了!",
"Requests to destroy vault" : "要求销毁存储库",
"Requests to destroy vault" : "要求销毁保险箱",
"Request ID" : "请求 ID",
"Requested by" : "被要求",
"Reason" : "原因",
"Click here to request\n\t\t\t\t\tit" : "点击这里请求\n\t\t\t\t\t",
"Click here to request\n\t\t\t\t\tit" : "点击这里请求\n\t\t\t\t\t",
"Loading…" : "加载中…",
"Connection to server lost" : "与服务器的连接断开",
"Problem loading page, reloading in 5 seconds" : "加载页面出现问题,在 5 秒内重新加载",