(function () { 'use strict'; /* global _ */ /** * @ngdoc directive * @name ngPasswordMeter.directive:ngPassworMeter * @description * Simple and elegant password strength meter from the Lifekees * Password Manager */ angular.module('ngPasswordMeter', []) .directive('ngPasswordMeter', ['$window', function ($window) { return { templateUrl: 'views/partials/password-meter.html', restrict: 'E', scope: { password: '=', strength: '=?', score: '=?', }, link: function (scope) { scope.scoreShown = false; scope.matchBreakdown = false; scope.toggleScore = function () { scope.scoreShown = !scope.scoreShown; }; jQuery('.match-sequence').hide(); scope.toggleMatchBreakdown = function () { scope.matchBreakdown = true; var width = ($window.innerWidth > 420) ? $window.innerWidth * 0.85 : $window.innerWidth * 0.8; var ms_elem = jQuery('.match-sequence:eq(0)'); ms_elem.dialog({ title: 'Password breakdown', width: width, open: function () { var _totalWidth = 0; ms_elem.find('.sequence').each(function (key, el) { _totalWidth += jQuery(el).width() + 20; }); if (_totalWidth < $window.innerWidth * 0.85) { ms_elem.width(_totalWidth); ms_elem.dialog("option", "width", _totalWidth); jQuery('.ui-dialog').position({ my: "center", at: "center", of: window, collision: "fit", // Ensure the titlebar is always visible using: function (pos) { var topOffset = $(this).css(pos).offset().top; if (topOffset < 0) { $(this).css("top", pos.top - topOffset); } } }); } jQuery('.match-sequence').find('.sequence_container').width(_totalWidth); }, close: function () { $('.ui-dialog').remove(); } }) }; var measureStrength = function (p) { if (p) { var _score = zxcvbn(p) } return _score; }; scope.colClass = ''; scope.masterClass = ''; scope.$watch('password', function () { scope.first = ''; scope.second = ''; scope.third = ''; scope.fourth = ''; scope.message = ''; if (!scope.password) { scope.masterClass = 'hidden'; return; } var _score = measureStrength(scope.password); scope.score = _score; scope.strength = _score.score; scope.masterClass = ''; if (scope.strength <= 1) { scope.first = 'poor'; scope.message = 'poor'; } else if (scope.strength == 2) { scope.first = 'weak'; scope.second = 'weak'; scope.message = 'weak'; } else if (scope.strength == 3) { scope.first = 'good'; scope.second = 'good'; scope.third = 'good'; scope.message = 'good'; } else if (scope.strength == 4) { scope.first = 'strong'; scope.second = 'strong'; scope.third = 'strong'; scope.fourth = 'strong'; scope.message = 'strong'; } }); }, }; }]); })();