'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc function * @name passmanApp.controller:MainCtrl * @description * # MainCtrl * Controller of the passmanApp * This file is part of passman, licensed under AGPLv3 */ angular.module('passmanApp') .controller('ShareCtrl', ['$scope', 'VaultService', 'CredentialService', 'SettingsService', '$location', '$routeParams', 'ShareService', function ($scope, VaultService, CredentialService, SettingsService, $location, $routeParams, ShareService) { $scope.active_vault = VaultService.getActiveVault(); $scope.tabs = [{ title: 'Share with users and groups', url: 'views/partials/forms/share_credential/basics.html', }, { title: 'Share link', url: 'views/partials/forms/share_credential/expire_settings.html', color: 'green' }]; $scope.currentTab = { title: 'General', url: 'views/partials/forms/share_credential/basics.html' }; $scope.onClickTab = function (tab) { $scope.currentTab = tab; }; $scope.isActiveTab = function (tab) { return tab.url == $scope.currentTab.url; }; if (!SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVault') || !SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVaultPass')) { if (!$scope.active_vault) { $location.path('/') } } else { if (SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVault') && SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVaultPass')) { var _vault = angular.copy(SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVault')); _vault.vaultKey = angular.copy(SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVaultPass')); VaultService.setActiveVault(_vault); $scope.active_vault = _vault; } } var storedCredential = SettingsService.getSetting('share_credential'); if (!storedCredential) { $location.path('/vault/' + $routeParams.vault_id); } else { $scope.storedCredential = CredentialService.decryptCredential(angular.copy(storedCredential)); } if ($scope.active_vault) { $scope.$parent.selectedVault = true; } $scope.cancel = function(){ SettingsService.setSetting('share_credential', null); $location.path('/vault/' + $scope.storedCredential.vault_id); }; console.log($location); $scope.share_link = $location.$$protocol + '://'+ $location.$$host + OC.generateUrl('apps/passman/share/public#') + $scope.storedCredential.guid; $scope.share_settings = { linkSharing:{ enabled: false, settings:{ type: 'null', // can be date or view_amount or null (for no expire) amount: null } }, credentialSharedWithUserAndGroup:[ ], cypher_progress:{ done:0, total:0 } }; $scope.accessLevels = [ { label: 'Can edit', value: '3' }, { label: 'Can view', value: '1' } ]; $scope.inputSharedWith = []; $scope.selectedAccessLevel = '1'; $scope.searchUsers = function($query){ return ShareService.search($query) }; $scope.shareWith = function(shareWith, selectedAccessLevel){ //@TODO Improve this so we can add, edit and remove users and permissions. $scope.inputSharedWith = []; if(shareWith.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < shareWith.length; i++) { // Avoid adding twice the same user. var obj = { userId: shareWith[i].uid, displayName: shareWith[i].text, type: shareWith[i].type, accessLevel: selectedAccessLevel }; if($scope.share_settings.credentialSharedWithUserAndGroup.indexOf(obj) === -1){ $scope.share_settings.credentialSharedWithUserAndGroup.push(obj) } } } }; $scope.applyShare = function(){ $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.percent = 0; $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.done = 0; $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.total = 0; $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.times = []; $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.times_total = []; ShareService.generateSharedKey(20).then(function(key){ console.log(key); var encryptedSharedCredential = ShareService.encryptSharedCredential($scope.storedCredential, key); CredentialService.updateCredential(encryptedSharedCredential, true); var list = $scope.share_settings.credentialSharedWithUserAndGroup; console.log(list); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++){ var iterator = i; // Keeps it available inside the promises callback if (list[i].type == "user") { ShareService.getVaultsByUser(list[i].userId).then(function (data) { $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.total += data.length; list[iterator].vaults = data; console.log(data); var start = new Date().getTime() / 1000; ShareService.cypherRSAStringWithPublicKeyBulkAsync(list[iterator].vaults, key) .progress(function (data) { $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.done ++; $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.percent = $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.done / $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.total * 100; $scope.$digest(); }) .then(function (result) { console.log(result); console.log("Took: " + ((new Date().getTime() / 1000) - start) + "s to cypher the string for user [" + data[0].user_id + "]"); $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.times.push({ time: ((new Date().getTime() / 1000) - start), user: data[0].user_id }); list[iterator].vaults = result; $scope.uploadChanges(list[iterator]); $scope.$digest(); }); }); } } }) }; $scope.uploadChanges = function(user) { ShareService.shareWithUser(storedCredential, user); //@TODO Encrypt the credential once all users have the sharing keys. }; $scope.calculate_total_time = function(){ $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.times = $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.times || []; var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.times.length; i++){ total += $scope.share_settings.cypher_progress.times[i].time; } return total; } }]);