#Passman Passman is a full featured password manager. Features: - Vaults - Import from different password managers - Credentials are stored with 256 bit AES - Ability to add custom fields to credentials - Build in One Time password generator - Password analyzer - Share passwords ##Screenshots ![Logged in to vault](http://i.imgur.com/ciShQZg.png) ![Credential selected](http://i.imgur.com/3tENldT.png) ![Edit credential](http://i.imgur.com/Iwm3hUe.png) ![Password tool](http://i.imgur.com/ZYkN70r.png) For more screenshots: [Click here](http://imgur.com/a/giKVt) ## Development Passman uses a single `.js` file for the templates. `templates.js` is build width `grunt`. To watch for changes use `grunt watch` ## Main developers - Brantje - Animalillo ## Contributors Add yours when creating a pull request! - None