/** * Nextcloud - passman * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Sander Brand (brantje@gmail.com) * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Marcos Zuriaga Miguel (wolfi@wolfi.es) * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ (function () { 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc function * @name passmanApp.controller:MainCtrl * @description * # MainCtrl * Controller of the passmanApp */ angular.module('passmanApp') .controller('VaultCtrl', ['$scope', 'VaultService', 'SettingsService', 'CredentialService', '$location', 'ShareService', 'EncryptService', '$translate', function ($scope, VaultService, SettingsService, CredentialService, $location, ShareService, EncryptService, $translate) { VaultService.getVaults().then(function (vaults) { $scope.vaults = vaults; if (SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVault') != null) { var default_vault = SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVault'); /** * Using a native for loop for preformance reasons. * More info see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13843972/angular-js-break-foreach */ for (var i = 0; i < vaults.length; i++) { var vault = vaults[i]; if (vault.guid === default_vault.guid) { $scope.default_vault = true; $scope.list_selected_vault = vault; SettingsService.setSetting('defaultVault', vault); if (SettingsService.getSetting('defaultVaultPass')) { $location.path('/vault/' + vault.guid); } break; } } } }); $scope.default_vault = false; $scope.remember_vault_password = false; $scope.list_selected_vault = false; $scope.toggleDefaultVault = function () { $scope.default_vault = !$scope.default_vault; if ($scope.default_vault === true) { SettingsService.setSetting('defaultVault', $scope.list_selected_vault); } else { SettingsService.setSetting('defaultVault', null); } }; $scope.toggleRememberPassword = function () { $scope.remember_vault_password = !$scope.remember_vault_password; if ($scope.remember_vault_password) { SettingsService.setSetting('defaultVault', $scope.list_selected_vault); $scope.default_vault = true; } if ($scope.remember_vault_password !== true) { SettingsService.setSetting('defaultVault', null); } }; $scope.clearState = function () { $scope.list_selected_vault = false; $scope.creating_vault = false; $scope.error = false; }; $scope.selectVault = function (vault) { $scope.list_selected_vault = vault; }; $scope.sharing_keys = {}; $scope.newVault = function () { $scope.creating_vault = true; var key_size = 1024; ShareService.generateRSAKeys(key_size).progress(function (progress) { var p = progress > 0 ? 2 : 1; var msg = $translate.instant('generating.sharing.keys'); msg = msg.replace('%step', p); $scope.creating_keys = msg; $scope.$digest(); }).then(function (kp) { var pem = ShareService.rsaKeyPairToPEM(kp); $scope.creating_keys = false; $scope.sharing_keys.private_sharing_key = pem.privateKey; $scope.sharing_keys.public_sharing_key = pem.publicKey; $scope.$digest(); }); }; var _loginToVault = function (vault, vault_key) { var _vault = angular.copy(vault); _vault.vaultKey = angular.copy(vault_key); delete _vault.credentials; VaultService.setActiveVault(_vault); $location.path('/vault/' + vault.guid); }; $scope.vaultDecryptionKey = ''; $scope.loginToVault = function (vault, vault_key) { $scope.error = false; var _vault = angular.copy(vault); _vault.vaultKey = angular.copy(vault_key); VaultService.setActiveVault(_vault); try { EncryptService.decryptString(vault.challenge_password); if ($scope.remember_vault_password) { SettingsService.setSetting('defaultVaultPass', vault_key); } _loginToVault(vault, vault_key); } catch (e) { $scope.error = $translate.instant('invalid.vault.key'); } }; $scope.createVault = function (vault_name, vault_key, vault_key2) { if (vault_key !== vault_key2) { $scope.error = $translate.instant('password.do.not.match'); return; } VaultService.createVault(vault_name).then(function (vault) { $scope.vaults.push(vault); var _vault = angular.copy(vault); _vault.vaultKey = angular.copy(vault_key); VaultService.setActiveVault(_vault); SettingsService.setSetting('defaultVaultPass', null); SettingsService.setSetting('defaultVault', null); var test_credential = CredentialService.newCredential(); test_credential.label = 'Test key for vault ' + vault_name; test_credential.hidden = true; test_credential.vault_id = vault.vault_id; test_credential.password = 'lorum ipsum'; CredentialService.createCredential(test_credential).then(function () { _vault.public_sharing_key = angular.copy($scope.sharing_keys.public_sharing_key); _vault.private_sharing_key = EncryptService.encryptString(angular.copy($scope.sharing_keys.private_sharing_key)); VaultService.updateSharingKeys(_vault).then(function () { _loginToVault(vault, vault_key); }); }); }); }; }]); }());