// Importers should always start with this if (!window['PassmanImporter']) { var PassmanImporter = {} } // Define the importer PassmanImporter.passmanJson = { info: { name: 'Passman JSON', id: 'passmanJson', description: 'Export the item in passman as passman json, with all fields enabled' } }; PassmanImporter.passmanJson.readFile = function (file_data) { var parsed_json = PassmanImporter.readJson(file_data); var credential_list = []; for (var i = 0; i < parsed_json.length; i++) { var item = parsed_json[i]; var _credential = PassmanImporter.newCredential(); _credential.label = item.label; _credential.username = item.account; _credential.password = item.password; _credential.email = item.email; _credential.url = item.url; _credential.tags = item.tags; //Check for custom fields if (item.hasOwnProperty('customFields')) { //Check for otp if (item.customFields.length > 0) { for (var cf = 0; cf < item.customFields.length; cf++) { _credential.custom_fields.push( { 'label': item.customFields[cf].label, 'value': item.customFields[cf].value, 'secret': (item.customFields[cf].clicktoshow == '1') } ) } } } if (item.hasOwnProperty('otpsecret')) { if (item.otpsecret) { _credential.otp = { 'issuer': item.otpsecret.issuer, 'label': item.otpsecret.label, 'qr_uri': { 'image': item.otpsecret.qrCode, 'qrData': '' }, 'secret': item.otpsecret.secret, 'type': item.otpsecret.type } } } if(_credential.label){ credential_list.push(_credential); } } return credential_list; };