2021-02-27 03:02:21 +00:00

368 lines
21 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"Generating sharing keys ( %s / 2)" : "生成共享秘鑰(%s / 2",
"Incorrect vault password!" : "錯誤的保險箱密碼!",
"Passwords do not match" : "密碼不匹配",
"General" : "一般",
"Custom Fields" : "自定義字段",
"Please fill in a label." : "請填寫一個標籤。",
"Please fill in a value." : "請填寫一個值",
"Error loading file" : "加載文件錯誤 ",
"An error occurred during decryption" : "解密時發生錯誤",
"Credential created!" : "身份驗證已建立",
"Credential deleted" : "身份驗證已刪除",
"Credential updated" : "身份驗證更新",
"Credential recovered" : "身份驗證回收",
"Credential destroyed" : "身份驗證銷毀",
"Error downloading file, you probably have insufficient permissions" : "下載文件時發生錯誤,您可能沒有足夠的權限",
"Invalid QR code" : "無效的QR代碼",
"Starting export" : "正在開始導出",
"Decrypting credentials" : "身份驗證解密中",
"Done" : "完成",
"File read." : "檔案已被讀取。",
"Proceed with the following steps to import your file" : "按以下步驟處理以匯入您的檔案",
"Skipping unlabeled credential" : "跳過無標籤的身份驗證",
"Adding {{credential}}" : "添加 {{credential}}",
"Added {{credential}}" : "已添加 {{credential}}",
"Skipping credential, missing label on line {{line}}" : "跳過身份驗證,{{line}}行缺少標籤",
"Parsed {{num}} credentials, starting to import" : "解析 {{num}} 個身份驗證,開始匯入",
"Importing" : "正在匯入",
"Start import" : "開始匯入",
"Select CSV file" : "選擇 CSV 文件",
"Parsed {{rows}} lines from CSV file" : "從 CSV 文件解析了 {{rows}} 行",
"Skip first row" : "跳轉到第一行",
"You need to assign the label field before you can start the import." : "開始匯入之前需要先關聯標籤字段。",
"The first 5 lines of the CSV are shown." : "顯示 CSV 的前 5 行。",
"Assign the proper fields to each column." : "為每一列關聯恰當的字段。",
"Example of imported credential" : "匯入的身份驗證示例",
"Missing an importer? Try it with the generic CSV importer." : "沒有導入器?嘗試使用通用的 CSV 導入器。",
"Go back to importers." : "返回導入器。",
"Revision deleted" : "修訂已刪除",
"Revision restored" : "修訂已恢復",
"Save in Passman" : "保存到 Passman",
"Settings saved" : "設置已保存",
"General settings" : "常規設置",
"Password audit" : "密碼審計",
"Password settings" : "密碼設置",
"Import credentials" : "匯入身份驗證",
"Export credentials" : "導出身份驗證",
"Sharing" : "正在共享",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will destroy all your credentials" : "是否要離開?這將銷毀您所有的憑證",
"Old password field incorrect!" : "舊密碼錯誤!",
"New password does not match!" : "新密碼不匹配!",
"Please log in with your new vault password" : "請使用您的新保險箱密碼登錄",
"Share with users and groups" : "與用戶和組共享",
"Share link" : "分享連結",
"Are you sure you want to leave? This will corrupt this credential" : "您確認要離開嗎?這將銷毀這個憑證",
"Credential unshared" : "憑證未共享",
"Credential shared" : "憑證已共享",
"Saved!" : "已保存",
"Poor" : "差 ",
"Weak" : "弱",
"Good" : "好 ",
"Strong" : "強 ",
"Toggle visibility" : "切換可見性",
"Copy to clipboard" : "複製到剪貼板",
"Copied to clipboard!" : "複製到剪貼板!",
"Generate password" : "生成的密碼",
"Copy password to clipboard" : "將密碼複製到剪貼板",
"Password copied to clipboard!" : "密碼複製到剪貼板! ",
"Complete" : "完成",
"Username" : "用戶名",
"Repeat password" : "重複密碼",
"Add tag" : "添加標籤",
"Pick an icon" : "選擇一個圖標",
"Search icons" : "搜索圖標",
"Upload a custom icon:" : "上傳自定義圖標:",
"Use this icon" : "使用這個圖標",
"Delete current icon" : "刪除當前圖標",
"Get icon from page" : "從頁面獲取圖標",
"This may take a few seconds…" : "此操作可能需要花費幾秒鐘 ...",
"There was an error fetching the icon!" : "獲取圖標出錯",
"Selected icon" : "選定的圖標",
"Field label" : "字段標籤",
"Field value" : "字段值",
"Choose a file" : "選擇一個文件",
"Text" : "文本 ",
"File" : "檔案",
"Add" : "增加",
"Value" : "值",
"Type" : "類型",
"Actions" : "操作",
"Empty" : "空",
"Filename" : "檔案名稱",
"Upload date" : "上傳日期",
"Size" : "大小",
"Upload or enter your OTP secret" : "上傳或輸入 OTP 密鑰",
"Current OTP settings" : "目前 OTP 設置 ",
"Issuer" : "發行者 ",
"Secret" : "密鑰",
"Expiration date" : "有效期",
"No expiration date set" : "未設置有效期",
"Renew interval" : "更新間隔",
"Disabled" : "禁用",
"Day(s)" : "天",
"Week(s)" : "星期",
"Month(s)" : "月",
"Year(s)" : "年",
"Password generation settings" : "生成密碼設置",
"Password length" : "密碼長度",
"Minimum amount of digits" : "最小數字位數",
"Use uppercase letters" : "使用大寫字母 ",
"Use lowercase letters" : "使用小寫字母",
"Use numbers" : "使用數字",
"Use special characters" : "使用特殊字符",
"Avoid ambiguous characters" : "避免模糊字符",
"Require every character type" : "要求所用字符類型",
"Export type" : "導出類型",
"Export" : "導出",
"Enter vault password to confirm export." : "輸入保險箱密碼以確認導出。",
"Rename vault" : "重命名保險箱",
"New vault name" : "新保險箱名稱",
"Change" : "變更",
"Change vault key" : "更高保險箱密鑰",
"Old vault password" : "舊的保險箱密碼",
"New vault password" : "新的保險箱密碼",
"Repeat new vault password" : "重複新的保險箱密碼",
"Please wait your vault is being updated, do not leave this page." : "請耐心等待,您的保險箱正在更新,請不要離開此頁面。",
"Processing" : "正在處理",
"Total progress" : "全部進度",
"About Passman" : "關於 Passman",
"Version" : "版本",
"Donate to support development" : "捐贈支持開發",
"Bookmarklet" : "書籤小工具",
"Save your passwords with one click." : "一鍵保存密碼",
"Drag below button to your bookmark toolbar." : "將下面的按鈕拖拽到您的書籤工具欄。",
"Delete vault" : "刪除保險箱",
"Vault password" : "保險箱密碼",
"This process is irreversible" : "操作不可逆",
"Delete my precious passwords" : "刪除我的寶貴密碼",
"Deleting {{password}}…" : "正在刪除 {{password}}…",
"Yes, delete my precious passwords" : "是的,刪除我的寶貴密碼 ",
"Import type" : "導入類型",
"Import" : "導入",
"Read progress" : "讀取進度",
"Upload progress" : "上傳進度 ",
"Private Key" : "私鑰",
"Public key" : "公鑰",
"Key size" : "密鑰尺寸",
"Save keys" : "保存密碼",
"Generate sharing keys" : "生成共享密碼",
"Generating sharing keys" : "生成共享密碼中",
"The password tool scans your password, calculates average cracking time, listing those below the threshold" : "密碼工具會掃描您的密碼,計算平均破解時間,列出低於閾值的密碼",
"Minimum password stength" : "最小密碼長度",
"Start scan" : "開始掃描",
"Result" : "結果",
"A total of {{scan_result}} weak credentials were found." : "共發現{{scan_result}}弱憑證。",
"Score" : "評分",
"Action" : "操作",
"Search users…" : "搜索用戶...",
"Missing users? Only users that have vaults are shown." : "缺少用戶? 只顯示具有保險箱的用戶。",
"Cyphering" : "計算中",
"Uploading" : "正在上傳...",
"User" : "用戶",
"Crypto time" : "加密時間",
"Total time spent encrypting" : "加密總耗時",
"Read" : "讀取",
"Write" : "寫入",
"Files" : "文件",
"Revisions" : "修訂",
"Pending" : "等待",
"Enable link sharing" : "啟用連結分享",
"Share until date" : "共享截止日期",
"Expire after views" : "過期瀏覽次數",
"Click \\\"Share\\\" first" : "先點擊\\\"共享\\\"",
"Show files" : "顯示文件",
"Details" : "詳細信息",
"Hide details" : "隱藏詳細信息",
"Password score" : "密碼得分",
"Cracking times" : "破解時間",
"100 / hour" : "100 / 小時",
"Throttled online attack" : "限制在線攻擊",
"10 / second" : "10 / 秒",
"Unthrottled online attack" : "不限制在線攻擊",
"10k / second" : "10k / 秒",
"Offline attack, slow hash, many cores" : "離線攻擊,慢速哈希,多核心",
"10B / second" : "10B / 秒",
"Offline attack, fast hash, many cores" : "離線攻擊,快速哈希,多核心",
"Match sequence" : "匹配序列",
"See match sequence" : "查看匹配序列",
"Pattern" : "圖案",
"Matched word" : "匹配的詞",
"Dictionary name" : "字典名",
"Rank" : "評級",
"Reversed" : "反向",
"Guesses" : "猜測",
"Base guesses" : "基本猜測",
"Uppercase variations" : "大寫變體",
"l33t-variations" : "l33t變體",
"Showing revisions of" : "顯示歷史版本",
"Revision of" : "歷史版本",
"by" : "由",
"No revisions found." : "未找到修訂版本。",
"Label" : "標籤",
"Restore revision" : "恢復修訂版本",
"Delete revision" : "刪除修訂版本",
"Edit credential" : "編輯憑據",
"Create new credential" : "新建憑據",
"Save" : "保存",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"Settings" : "設置",
"Share credential {{credential}}" : "共享憑證 {{credential}}",
"Unshare" : "取消共享",
"Showing deleted since" : "顯示自從刪除以來",
"Beginning" : "開始",
"Showing {{number_filtered}} of {{credential_number}} credentials" : "顯示{{credential_number}}憑據的{{number_filtered}}",
"Search for credential…" : "搜索憑證...",
"Account" : "帳戶",
"Password" : "密碼",
"OTP" : "OTP",
"E-mail" : "電子郵件",
"URL" : "URL",
"Notes" : "說明",
"Expiry time" : "過期時間",
"Changed" : "已更改",
"Created" : "已創建",
"Edit" : "編輯",
"Delete" : "刪除",
"Share" : "共享",
"Recover" : "恢復",
"Destroy" : " 銷毀",
"Use regex" : "使用正則表達式",
"You have incoming share requests." : "您接收到共享請求。",
"If you want to put the credential in another vault," : "如果您想將證書放在另一個保險箱中,",
"log out of this vault and log into the vault you want the shared credential in." : "登出此保險箱並登錄到您要共享證書的保險箱。",
"Permissions" : "權限",
"Received from" : "接受自",
"Date" : "日期",
"Accept" : "接受",
"Decline" : "拒絕",
"You have {{session_time}} left before logout." : "登出前還剩 {{session_time}} 。",
"Your vault has been locked for {{time}} because of {{tries}} failed attempts!" : "由於{{試圖}}嘗試已失敗,您的保險箱已鎖定{{time}}",
"Hello there!" : "嘿,您好!",
"It does not seem that you have any passwords. Do you want to add one?" : "您似乎沒有任何密碼。需要添加一個嗎?",
"You don't have good credentials" : "您沒有高強度憑證",
"You don't have medium credentials" : "您沒有中強度憑證",
"You don't have bad credentials" : "您沒有弱強度憑證",
"You don't have expired credentials" : "您沒有已過期的憑證",
"You don't have deleted credentials" : "您沒有已刪除的憑據",
"There are no credentials with your selected tags" : "沒有找到帶有您所選的標籤的憑據",
"There are no credentials matching" : "沒有匹配的憑據",
"Last accessed" : "上次訪問",
"Never" : "從不",
"No vaults found, why not create one?" : "沒有找到保險箱,為什麼不創建一個?",
"Password strength must be at least: {{strength}}" : "密碼強度必須至少為{{strength}}",
"Please give your new vault a name." : "請給您的新保險箱一個名字。",
"Repeat vault password" : "重複保險箱密碼",
"Your sharing keys will have a strength of 1024 bit, which you can change in \\\"Settings\\\" later ." : "您的共享密鑰將具有 1024 位的強度,您可以稍後在“設置”中進行更改。 ",
"Create vault" : "創建保險箱",
"Go back to vaults" : "回到保險箱",
"Please input the password for" : "請輸入密碼為",
"Set this vault as the default." : "將此保險箱設置為默認值。",
"Log into this vault automatically." : "自動登入保險箱",
"Log out of this vault automatically after: " : "在以下情況下自動登出此保險庫:",
"Decrypt vault" : "加密保險箱",
"Seems you lost the vault password and you're unable to log in." : "似乎丟失了保險箱密碼,您無法登錄。",
"If you want this vault to be removed you can request that here." : "如果您想刪除這個保險箱,您可以在這裡請求。",
"An admin then accepts or declines the request" : "然後,管理員接受或拒絕該請求",
"After an admin destroys this vault, all credentials in it will be lost" : "管理員銷毀此保險箱後,其中的所有憑據將丟失",
"Reason for requesting deletion (optional):" : "請求刪除的原因(可選):",
"Request vault destruction" : "請求銷毀保險箱",
"Yes, request an admin to destroy this vault" : "是的,請求管理員銷毀此保險箱",
"Cancel destruction request" : "取消銷毀請求",
"Vault destruction requested" : "已要求銷毀保險箱",
"Request removed" : "請求已移除",
"Destruction request pending" : "銷毀請求待處理",
"Warning! Adding credentials over HTTP is insecure!" : "警告! 通過HTTP添加憑證是不安全的",
"Logged into {{vault_name}}" : "計入日誌到 {{vault_name}} ",
"Change vault" : "更改保險箱",
"Deleted credentials" : "刪除的憑證",
"Logout" : "登出",
"Donate" : "捐助",
"Show All" : "顯示所有",
"Tags" : "標籤",
"Search Tags" : "搜索標籤",
"Good Strength" : "高強度",
"Medium Strength" : "中等強度",
"Bad Strength" : "低強度",
"Expired" : "已過期",
"Filter Tags" : "過濾標籤",
"Simple Navigation" : "簡單導航",
"Someone has shared a credential with you." : "有人向您共享了一個證書。",
"Click here to request it" : "點擊這裡請求",
"Loading…" : "正在加載…",
"Awwhh… credential not found. Maybe it expired" : "哎呀... 沒有找到證書。也許它過期了",
"Mark as Compromised" : "標記為已洩露",
"Compromised!" : "已被洩露!",
"This password is compromised. You can only remove this warning by changing the password." : "此密碼已被洩露。您只能通過修改密碼來移除此警告。",
"email" : "電子郵件",
"Description" : "描述",
"Custom Search:" : "自定義搜索:",
"Revert to defaults" : "恢復默認值",
"Error while saving field" : "保存域錯誤",
"A Passman item has been created, modified or deleted" : "Passman 項目已創建,修改或已刪除",
"A Passman item has expired" : "Passman 項目已過期",
"A Passman item has been shared" : "Passman 項目已被共享",
"A Passman item has been renamed" : "Passman 項目已重命名",
"%1$s has been created by %2$s" : "%1$s 已經被創建通過 %2$s",
"You created %1$s" : "已創建 %1$s",
"%1$s has been updated by %2$s" : "%1$s已更新%2$s",
"You updated %1$s" : "已更新 %1$s",
"%2$s has revised %1$s to the revision of %3$s" : "%2$s 已修訂 %1$s 到版本 %3$s",
"You reverted %1$s back to the revision of %3$s" : "您將%1$s還原到%3$s的修訂版本",
"%3$s has renamed %1$s to %2$s" : "%3$s 已重命名 %1$s 為 %2$s",
"You renamed %1$s to %2$s" : "已重命名 %1$s 為 %2$s",
"%1$s has been deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被 %2$s 刪除",
"You deleted %1$s" : "你刪除了 %1$s",
"%1$s has been recovered by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被%2$s 還原",
"You recovered %1$s" : "你還原了 %1$s",
"%1$s has been permanently deleted by %2$s" : "%1$s 已被 %2$s 永久刪除",
"You permanently deleted %1$s" : "您將永久刪除 %1$s",
"The password of %1$s has expired, renew it now." : "密碼 %1$s 已過期,請續訂。",
"%1$s has been shared with %2$s" : "%1$s 已經共享被 %2$s",
"You received a share request for %1$s from %2$s" : "您收到 %2$s 的共享 %1$s 請求 ",
"%s has been shared with a link" : "%s 已通過連結鏈接分享",
"Passwords" : "密碼",
"Your credential \"%s\" expired, click here to update the credential." : "您的憑據%s已過期請點擊此處更新憑證。",
"Remind me later" : "以後提醒我 ",
"Ignore" : "忽略",
"%s shared \"%s\" with you. Click here to accept" : "%s 已共享\"%s\"給您。點擊這裡接受",
"%s has declined your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s 已拒絕您的共享請求\"%s\"。",
"%s has accepted your share request for \"%s\"." : "%s 已接受您的共享請求\"%s\"。",
"Passman" : "Passman",
"Passman is a full featured password manager." : "Passman 是一個全能的密碼管理器。",
"Passman is a full featured password manager.\nFeatures:\n- Vaults\n- Vault key is never sent to the server\n- Browser extension for easy access to passwords\n- Android app for on the road access\n- Credentials are client side encrypted with 256bit AES\n- Credentials are server side encrypted with 256bit AES\n- Ability to add custom fields to credentials\n- Built-in OTP (One Time Password) generator\n- Password analyzer\n- Share passwords internally and via link in a secure manner.\n- Import from various password managers (KeePass, LastPass, DashLane, ZOHO, )\nFor an demo of this app visit [](" : "Passman 是一個全功能的密碼管理器。\n功能一覽:\n- 保險庫\n- 保險庫密秘鑰決不會發給服務器\n- 瀏覽器擴展,方便使用密碼\n- 安卓應用,便於隨時使用\n- 客戶端證書為256位AES加密\n- 服務器端證書為256位AES加密\n- 可向證書添加自定義字段\n- 內置 OTP (一次性密碼)生成器\n- 密碼分析器\n- 通過安全連結內部共享密碼\n- 從多種密碼管理器中導入 (KeePass, LastPass, DashLane, ZOHO, )\n應用的演示版可訪問 [](",
"Unable to get version info" : "無法獲取版本信息 ",
"Passman Settings" : "Passman 設置",
"GitHub version:" : "GitHub 版本:",
"A newer version of Passman is available" : "有較新版本的 Passman 可用",
"Password sharing" : "密碼共享中",
"Credential mover" : "憑證移動者",
"Vault destruction requests" : "保險箱銷毀請求",
"Check for new versions" : "檢查新版本",
"Enable HTTPS check" : "啟用HTTPS檢查",
"Disable context menu" : "禁用上下文菜單 ",
"Disable JavaScript debugger" : "禁用 JavaScript 調試器",
"Allow users on this server to share passwords with a link" : "允許此服務器上的用戶通過連結分享密碼 ",
"Allow users on this server to share passwords with other users" : "允許此服務器上的用戶與其他用戶共享密碼 ",
"Move credentials from one account to another" : "將憑據從一個賬號移動到另一個",
"Source account" : "來源賬號",
"Destination account" : "目標賬號",
"Credentials moved!" : "證書已移動了!",
"Requests to destroy vault" : "要求銷毀保險箱",
"Request ID" : "請求 ID",
"Requested by" : "被要求",
"Reason" : "原因",
"Click here to request\n\t\t\t\t\tit" : "點擊這裡請求\n\t\t\t\t\t它",
"Loading…" : "正在加載...",
"Awwhh… could not find the credential. Maybe it expired?" : "哎呀... 沒有找到證書。也許它過期了?",
"Expires:" : "過期:",
"Connection to server lost" : "與服務器的連接斷開",
"Problem loading page, reloading in 5 seconds" : "加載頁面出現問題,在 5 秒內重新加載",
"Saving …" : "正在保存…",
"Dismiss" : "忽略",
"seconds ago" : "幾秒前"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");