2016-10-12 20:16:37 +02:00

47 lines
1.2 KiB

(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc directive
* @name passmanApp.directive:passwordGen
* @description
* # passwordGen
.directive('useTheme', [function () {
function invertColor (hexTripletColor) {
var color = hexTripletColor;
color = color.substring(1); // remove #
color = parseInt(color, 16); // convert to integer
color = 0xFFFFFF ^ color; // invert three bytes
color = color.toString(16); // convert to hex
color = ("000000" + color).slice(-6); // pad with leading zeros
color = "#" + color; // prepend #
return color;
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
type: '=type',
color: '=',
negative: '='
link: function (scope, el) {
var _color = jQuery('#header').css('background-color');
var _bg = _color;
if (scope.negative) {
_bg = invertColor(_bg);
if (!scope.type) {
jQuery(el).css('background-color', _bg);
} else {
jQuery(el).css(scope.type, _bg);
if (scope.color) {
jQuery(el).css('color', invertColor(_color));