2019-07-13 02:42:24 +00:00

75 lines
2.5 KiB

{ "translations": {
"Passwords" : "密碼",
"General" : "一般",
"Custom Fields" : "自定義欄位",
"Error loading file" : "載入檔案錯誤",
"An error occurred during decryption" : "解密時發生錯誤",
"Invalid QR code" : "無效的QR code",
"Starting export" : "開始輸出",
"Decrypting credentials" : "帳號密碼加密中",
"Done" : "已完成",
"Importing" : "匯入中",
"Start import" : "開始匯入",
"Select CSV file" : "請選擇一個CSV檔案",
"General settings" : "一般設定",
"Password settings" : "密碼設定",
"Sharing" : "分享",
"New password does not match!" : "密碼不相符",
"Share link" : "分享連結",
"Saved!" : "已儲存",
"Copy to clipboard" : "複製到剪貼簿",
"Generate password" : "產生密碼",
"Complete" : "完成",
"Repeat password" : "再輸入一次密碼",
"Text" : "文字",
"File" : "檔案",
"Add" : "新增",
"Type" : "類型",
"Empty" : "空的",
"Filename" : "檔名",
"Upload date" : "上傳日期",
"Size" : "大小",
"Current OTP settings" : "目前OTP設定",
"Week(s)" : "週",
"Month(s)" : "月",
"Year(s)" : "年",
"Password generation settings" : "密碼產生設定",
"Password length" : "密碼長度",
"Use uppercase letters" : "使用大寫字母",
"Use lowercase letters" : "使用小寫字母",
"Use numbers" : "使用數字",
"Use special characters" : "使用特殊符號",
"Avoid ambiguous characters" : "避免含糊符號",
"Require every character type" : "需要全部符號類型",
"Export type" : "匯出類型",
"Export" : "匯出",
"Repeat new vault password" : "再輸入一次新密碼",
"Version" : "版本",
"Import" : "匯入",
"Private Key" : "私鑰",
"Public key" : "公鑰",
"Key size" : "金鑰尺寸",
"Save keys" : "儲存金鑰",
"Start scan" : "開始掃描",
"Result" : "結果",
"Score" : "分數",
"User" : "使用者",
"Read" : "讀取",
"Write" : "寫入",
"Files" : "檔案",
"Show files" : "顯示檔案",
"Details" : "詳細資料",
"Rank" : "排名",
"Save" : "儲存",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Settings" : "設定",
"Unshare" : "取消分享",
"E-mail" : "E-mail",
"URL" : "URL",
"Created" : "已新增",
"Decline" : "拒絕",
"Remind me later" : "稍後提醒我",
"Ignore" : "忽略",
"Connection to server lost" : "伺服器斷線了"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"