2023-01-09 17:57:15 +08:00
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const analyzer = {
htmlStripAnalyzer: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'standard',
filter: ['lowercase'],
char_filter: ['html_strip']
filenameSearch: {
tokenizer: 'filename',
filter: ['lowercase']
filenameIndex: {
tokenizer: 'filename',
filter: ['lowercase', 'edgeNgram']
const tokenizer = {
filename: {
pattern: '[^\\p{L}\\d]+',
type: 'pattern'
const filter = {
edgeNgram: {
side: 'front',
max_gram: 20,
min_gram: 1,
type: 'edge_ngram'
const mappings = {
// user ID / ObjectId
user: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 24
// mailbox folder ID / ObjectId
mailbox: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 24
// Thread ID / ObjectId
thread: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 24
// Folder UID
uid: {
type: 'long'
answered: {
type: 'boolean'
2023-06-22 17:37:20 +08:00
// has attachments
ha: {
type: 'boolean'
2023-01-09 17:57:15 +08:00
attachments: {
type: 'nested',
properties: {
2023-03-10 17:13:12 +08:00
cid: {
2023-01-09 17:57:15 +08:00
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 128
contentType: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 128
2023-03-10 17:13:12 +08:00
size: {
2023-01-09 17:57:15 +08:00
type: 'long'
filename: {
type: 'text',
analyzer: 'filenameIndex',
search_analyzer: 'filenameSearch'
id: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 128
2023-03-10 17:13:12 +08:00
disposition: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 128
2023-01-09 17:57:15 +08:00
bcc: {
properties: {
address: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 256
name: {
type: 'text'
cc: {
properties: {
address: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 256
name: {
type: 'text'
// Time when stored
created: {
type: 'date'
// Internal Date
idate: {
type: 'date'
// Header Date
hdate: {
type: 'date'
draft: {
type: 'boolean'
flagged: {
type: 'boolean'
flags: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 128
from: {
properties: {
address: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 256
name: {
type: 'text'
headers: {
type: 'nested',
properties: {
key: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 256
value: {
type: 'text'
inReplyTo: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 998
2023-03-10 17:13:12 +08:00
msgid: {
2023-01-09 17:57:15 +08:00
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 998
replyTo: {
properties: {
address: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 256
name: {
type: 'text'
size: {
type: 'long'
subject: {
type: 'text'
to: {
properties: {
name: {
type: 'text'
address: {
type: 'keyword',
ignore_above: 256
unseen: {
type: 'boolean'
html: {
type: 'text',
analyzer: 'htmlStripAnalyzer'
2023-03-10 17:13:12 +08:00
text: {
2023-01-09 17:57:15 +08:00
type: 'text'
type: {
type: 'constant_keyword',
value: 'email'
2023-03-10 17:13:12 +08:00
modseq: {
type: 'long'
2023-01-09 17:57:15 +08:00
* Function to either create or update an index to match the definition
* @param {Object} client ElasticSearch client object
* @param {String} index Index name
const ensureIndex = async (client, index, opts) => {
const { mappings, analyzer, tokenizer, filter, aliases } = opts;
let indexExistsRes = await client.indices.exists({ index });
let indexExists = indexExistsRes && indexExistsRes.body;
if (!indexExists || !indexExists) {
// create new
let indexOpts = {
mappings: { properties: mappings }
if (analyzer || tokenizer || filter) {
indexOpts.settings = {
analysis: {
if (aliases) {
indexOpts.aliases = aliases;
let createResultRes = await client.indices.create({ index, body: indexOpts });
let createResult = createResultRes && createResultRes.body;
assert(createResult && createResult.acknowledged);
return { created: true };
} else {
let indexDataRes = await client.indices.get({ index });
let indexData = indexDataRes && indexDataRes.body;
if (!indexData || !indexData[index]) {
throw new Error('Missing index data');
let changes = {};
if (analyzer || tokenizer || filter) {
// compare settings and update if needed
let analysisData = (indexData[index].settings && indexData[index].settings.index && indexData[index].settings.index.analysis) || {};
let missingAnalyzers = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(analyzer || {})) {
if (!analysisData.analyzer || !analysisData.analyzer[key]) {
missingAnalyzers[key] = analyzer[key];
// found missing analyzers, update settings
if (Object.keys(missingAnalyzers).length) {
// index needs to be closed when changing analyser settings
let closeResultRes = await client.indices.close({ index });
let closeResult = closeResultRes && closeResultRes.body;
assert(closeResult && closeResult.acknowledged);
try {
let updateResultRes = await client.indices.putSettings({
body: {
settings: {
analysis: {
let updateResult = updateResultRes && updateResultRes.body;
assert(updateResult && updateResult.acknowledged);
changes.analyzers = true;
} finally {
// try to open even if update failed
let openResultRes = await client.indices.open({ index });
let openResult = openResultRes && openResultRes.body;
assert(openResult && openResult.acknowledged);
// Compare mappings and add missing
let storedMappings = (indexData[index].mappings && indexData[index].mappings.properties) || {};
let missingMappings = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(mappings)) {
if (!storedMappings[key]) {
missingMappings[key] = mappings[key];
// Add missing mappings if needed
if (Object.keys(missingMappings).length) {
try {
const updateResponseRes = await client.indices.putMapping({
body: { properties: missingMappings }
const updateResponse = updateResponseRes && updateResponseRes.body;
assert(updateResponse && updateResponse.acknowledged);
changes.mappings = true;
} catch (err) {
// other than that update everything succeeded, so ignore for now
if (!Object.keys(changes).length) {
return { exists: true };
} else {
return { updated: true, changes };
module.exports = {
ensureIndex: async (client, index) => await ensureIndex(client, index, { mappings, analyzer, tokenizer, filter })